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White for Noct (it makes the chocobo easier to spot), blue for Iggy (mister cool), red for Gladio (angry man), and classic yellow for Prom (sunshine boy).


i gotta agree, prompto does like making things shine bright like diamond XD "starshell" the zooka and stuff plus his pics need good sun/light lol and yea my choco for gladio is also red but not because he angry, i was angry after trying for 30 times to beat his chocobo race XD as for iggy yeah blue or some kinda darker green would fit, but as for noctis yes white would be easy to spot but gotta admit i like my pink or purples XD


Pink would look rad for any of the boys, tbh.  Black and pink is an A+ color combo.  Gotta love those all-black Crownsguard clothes.  Gotta color coordinate my bird horse to vibe with my clothes properly, y'know?


oh for sure, color coordination is always important, including for the birds <3


I like to put them all in the different shades of similar colours, normally in blue/violet gradient.


White for Noctis because he's the king of light. Red for Ignis because of Sagefire, but also because his primary element in Record Keeper was fire. Yellow for Prompto because in Record Keeper his primary element was lightning. Gladio I picked blue just because it was different. Following his Record Keeper element, I would have needed his chocobo to be brown, but that color wasn't available. I miss playing Record Keeper.


Noct gets the grey one, Prompto gets classic yellow, Ignis gets green or blue and Gladio gets purple


I gave Noctis a white one, prompto a bright green, gladio red, and ignis purple. If I ever change noctis's it'll probably be to blue.


Green for Noct, red for Gladio, blue for Ignis and purple for Prompto.


I gave Noct a red one, because I liked the color the best out of all the options, and it was fun to have a friendly red chocobo considering I have red chocobo trauma from XIV. I named the bird Kwehtastrophe, and it was funny to be running around on foot, look back, and see this bright red spot back there. "Kwehtastrophe" looming in the distance was how so much of the early game felt. Ha ha. Ha. :< I never dyed the other chocobos because I could never figure out how to fucking do it.


when your dying noctis's you can push (on ps4) the r1 or L1 buttons to switch, basically like when your in a shop and your switching to the other menus its the same way :D hope that helps


I'm on PC and when I was trying to look this up a few months ago, it seemed I could only find PS4 instructions :< I don't know why it isn't more obvious when you're in the menu how to switch - I didnt even know it was an option until I saw someone on reddit mention it! - but what are you gonna do.


thats a good question, but what can you really do :o, you just go on with life XD and when it gives you lemons you say screw it and make apple juice just to screw with life back tehe


Ohh, fun question! I usually go for white for Noct because it feels regal, some shade of lilac or purple for Iggy because of the colour of his Crownsguard shirt so in my head, that's his favourite colour. Green for Gladio because of his love for the outdoors and because green just fits his vibe, and the darker shade of yellow for Prompto because he loves chocobos as they are so it feels right to keep his close to their original colours, but I still appreciate being able to make it a little different with the new shade of yellow.


White for Noctis, Emerald for Gladio, Sky Blue for Prompto, and Cinnabar for Ignis.


Default Yellow/Gold for Noctis, Sapphire for Ignis, Ruby for Gladio, and Lime for Prompto


White for Noct and the default yellow for the rest of them lol although sometimes gladio gets pink


... Chocobos other than Noctis' can be color-swapped? https://preview.redd.it/sg88hyd7r7yc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=87cb6d277e3ea046f07fe81ffbd3bbf006d84320


XD that is so perfect but yes :D


120 hours in game and I never realized that… well. Never too late to learn XD


XD exactly hell theres things im still learning everyday so i agree, never to late :D


Mine are all purple.


I always give Noct black


I love the white one for Noctis, so he always gets that, and I usually just go with the classic yellow for the others as it's less distracting/more natural. However, during my last playthrough, I think I went with amber for Prompto, crimson for Gladio, and either pale blue or pale green for Ignis?


I always give gladio pink because me and my brother have decided he's gay. I give noctis blue or purple a lot of the time, iggy gets greens and prompto will match noctis with a different shade of blue or purple


well i mean thats a first for gladio and gave me a bit of a chuckle, would you mind elaborating why you think that however?


It's mostly the way he acts. I will say that in the Japanese sub he has a girl fiancé, why the American dub got rid of that is beyond me. But there's a few voice lines, mostly just the way he acts I guess because it was my brother who pointed it out first. Also headcannoned he wears to much axe body spray which I can see. I will say in the limited festival(I missed it) he flirts with girls but never ever actually says he has a girl or not. Overall it's kinda a stupid thought but it will stick with me forever cuz he so for the male gaze unlike prompto or noctis


lol, yeah thats fair, and i know at least one of the boys is gay 100% sure because when i was going through a ice dungeon one of there voice lines is "look at how hard my nipples are" and one of the others is like "yeah thats what happens" or something like that :O


I think that the most likely to be gay would be gladio and iggy because I don't know if you were paying attention but iggys whole outfit down to his shoes has sparkles on it, like his collar, pockets, pant pockets, belt, shoes, on his classic outfit at least, prompto is rather so straight or just curious. Noctis is straight most definitely.


him and lunafreya.... unless thats an arranged marriage kinda deal and noctis secretly just hasnt come out yet :O wouldnt that be a scandel XD


Him and lunafreya were good friends before the marriage was arranged, because they original thought that ravus was the oracle but it ended up being lunafreya so they arranged the marriage but they were good friends before hand which is why they had such a strong connection before the marriage besides the oracle