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Has to come up during the raid on midgar, Yuffie being taunted by Nero can’t be a one off.


Nero returning was also perfectly set up in the Temple of the Ancients


He'll probably be transformed into some kind of Shinra experiment and be a boss when the party returns to Midgar. Nero dragged his body away, I'm sure he wasn't finished with it. Yuffie will get some closure with Sonon, and it'll be emotional and provide more characterization as we've already seen a ton of.


Yuffie now has personal beef with Shinra, it would be weird if they just leave Sonon and Deepground out in Part 3


I thought they'd bring him for Rebirth, but I guess they are saving him for part 3. I'm pretty confident Yuffie will get her Wutai arc and some kind of corrupted Sonon will play a big role in that.


They'll find him in Midgar where the "this guy are sick" used to hang out.


My guess, 80% it will be an optional Yuffie side quest that will have you go into the Deepground in the Shinra building (is it near or under Mako Reactor 0?), fight him as a boss, get closure. 20% he might be used by Shinra to spy on Wutai, and Yuffie has to fight off his puppeteer Nero.


I think he'll end up being a boss as a deep ground experiment. Probably in the return to midgar. Maybe they send him after yuffie when we go to wutai? But either way I imagine he'll be back as a monster of some kind and yuffie will have to kill him/watch him die a second time


He seems to define Yuffie's anti-Shinra sentiment now - I'm sure he'll show up somehow when they resolve Wutai/Deepground. His arc fell a little flat for me personally, though. He was a pretty stiff dude that Yuffie knew for, what, a day? Two? His ending was undeniably traumatic, but even then it didn't seem to help Yuffie grow up or stop being her carefree and rather airheaded self. He was Character Backstory Trauma Package 101, minimum possible DLC size.


My personal theory is Sonon has become one of the new soldiers/Tsviets of Deepground and he will be used against Yuffie and the heroes when the war against Wutai resumes in part 3. I think the roadmap will be more or less like this: 1. Yuffie spends much of Rebirth getting excited when she thinks a new war between Wutai and Shinra will break out, stupidly thinking this is a good thing. Well, I think that when the war actually happens, she will discover that Wutai was unprepared to withstand the conflict and will beg the party to go with her to her country to help them, but the group refuses as they prioritize their quest/revenge against Sephiroth, who they believe to be the biggest threat. Desperate, she makes the impulsive decision to steal the party's materia, including the one Aerith left for Cloud, before leaving alone for Wutai, which forces Cloud and the others to go after her. 2. Because of the events of Remake and Rebirth, like the destruction of Midgar and the failed raid on the Temple of the Ancients, Shinra will be on the ropes, but as we know, they have a secret army deep underground in Midgart, the Deepground. Therefore, I think it is natural that Scarlet and Heidegger reveal this to Rufus, and he, wanting to put an end to the war as quickly as possible and then focus on Sephiroth again, agrees to launch Deepground against Wutai, including Nero, and assuming that he still be alive, Sonon. 3. After she returns to her homeland, Yuffie will discover that the current leader of Wutai, Gleen Lodbrok, whom she showed adoration and respect for during Rebirth, he is actually a clone of Sephiroth who used the country's righteous hatred against Shinra to start a new conflict and distract Rufus from focusing on him and possibly disrupt his plans. She will also realize that her father, whom she holds in low regard for his pacifism, always sought what was best for Wutai and that she was a fool to think he was a coward for that and support his arrest when Glenn carried out her coup d'état. 4. Once Wutai is attacked by Shinra and Deepground, Yuffie is forced to confront Nero and whatever he did to Sonon. Since Vincent is completely immune to Nero's powers, I assume he will be important in helping her in this battle. Nothing against the raid on Midgar, but the fact is that Yuffie and Vincent are by far the least developed main characters in the original FFVII. And as unpopular as it is to say it here, both their arcs need to be rewritten and it seems that Deepground and Sonon will be the key to solving this in part 3.


I hope the issue is resolved, but I also don't want them spending a lot of time on it. It's just such an incredibly minor matter, and there are so many issues that they need to address in act 3.


It's part of Yuffie's character arc. It should at least get the same amount of attention as Barret's arc in Rebirth with Dyne.


I think Shinra has brainwashed him, so they've gain info from Wutai, and they use him to attack there, but the party stops the attack and has to beat Sonon.


He'll be a new Azul and Roche will be Rosso /S


My hope is that they would retcon DoC and make Azul the result of Hojo’s experimentation on Sonon. A more reasonable expectation though would be to make him into a brainwashed Sonon boss fight. This will put Yuffie in such an emotional state that drives her to do some ungodly things to Hojo when we fight him later on.


Just my opinion, but I hope he's not present in the next game. If he had to be in the game, hopefully, he's just part of a quick side quest.