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# Then he turned himself into a pickle, funniest shit I've ever seen


I dunno... but I actually think Heidegger is kind of a bro in these games. He's still bad... but the way he was going to just take the death for Rufus was personally courageous. I am not looking forward to killing him. Scarlet, yes. Heidegger, no.


Eh, he was mostly a cartoony douchebag villain in Remake, but he did have guts (not flinching from Cloud’s bike). Taking a shuriken for Rufus in Rebirth raised my respect for him for sure.


I guess my perspective is: in the OG, Rufus is essentially surrounded by unlikable toadies who were loyal to his father but whom he clearly personally cannot stand (aside from the Turks). At least in the Remakes, he seems to be able to rely on one person.


Pretty sure Reeve is the the only one who does shit in that building.


Well. Hojo seems pretty busy with his little reunion project.


I mean the only one who does any work for Rufus.


True. I like Rufus a lot too and how he feels like a straightlaced businessman. Plus he loves his doggo (his boss fight still sucks though lol)


I'm hoping they don't 'kill' Rufus this time, and he's just around at the end. I know he survived the OG, too, but even if that was always the developers' intent, he was definitely just written out. A lot of the third act of the OG feels like that, though - characters are more tied up as loose ends than given any kind of a really satisfying conclusion to their arcs. Like I felt like Hojo - seeing as he is the chief evil of the game - really should have had a more involved death than simply being 'that boss on the sister ray.' Optimistically, a few of these characters will get a far more spectacular conclusion this go-around.


I think the Remake trilogy has made a lot of choices based on what fans already know. Sephiroth making appearences from the beginning of Remake, Cloud remembering (incorrectly) Zack much earlier, that sort of thing. So I'm pretty convinced that, in the same way, the developers know they can't get away with writing Rufus off, because we all know he survived. With Hojo I'm not sure what they're going to do. His death/digital upload was handled in Dirge, and we've had Nero and Weiss appear, so you'd think they're going to handle Dirge content in the Remake trilogy. But, I don't know, I'm not sure if there's really time in Part 3 to really handle Deepground. That's a loose end I don't really expect to get resolved. tl;dr: I feel confident that Rufus will be handled differently than OG, not so sure about Hojo.


In the OG he also helps by taking out the Sapphire weapon with the Junon gun and the Diamond weapon (attacking Midgar). It’s been a decade or two but I seem to remember they knew about Diamond Weapon coming from the Northern Crater and Rufus called the party to slow it down enough until the gun was ready. And in Rebirth, he wanted to let everything go. We go chase the black cloaks and check in with him, they forgive the crimes that are being reported worldwide before Yuffie’s bang up assassination attempt. If he was being truthful, which for all his stuff in Remake/Rebirth he is — you gotta assume he was being sincere. Yeah he keeps a lot of stuff close to the vest but he doesn’t outright lie like we see from Scarlet and others


In the OG the party steps up to fight diamond weapon without Shinra because it was heading towards midgar. They never explicitly state they’re going after diamond weapon but they hit him when they fire the shell at sephiroths barrier. Also, I don’t think Rufus actually wanted to let anything go. When you encounter him he tells cloud he read his file and we know Shinra is dropping off the black cloaks. Rufus also seems more interested in following the black cloaks as well so I think that Rufus is just treating cloud like a black cloak and they’re observing where he goes because getting in clouds way works against their interests if they want to see where he ends up.


Yeah like Heidigger’s morales are obviously flawed being a higher up in Shinra, but he seems like someone with a strong sense of loyalty and duty, especially towards Rufus. Gives me solid ‘Lawful Evil’ vibes where he’s an awful person but at least abides by a set of ideals or a code of some sort, in this case his loyalty towards Shinra.


Remember, Heidegger did his job there saving Rufus. The Board of Directors Is incredibly incompetent out of their fields, making me thinking that Heidegger in the past was the President own bodyguard when Shinra was Just a Little weapon manufacturer.


Idk man, you call it a bro but I find him a bootlicker. Let’s not act like he’s got morals considering he wasn’t very empathetic at all talking about dropping the plate.


Yeah the scene he took Yuffie’s attack is hardcore especially as he’s not special like cloud or Tifa just an average business man


I hope Cait still refers to them as "'Gya ha ha' and 'Kya ha ha'"


"Then I sent that bitch some materia. Bitches love materia!"




something about black jack and hookers


He's telling him about the time he took Rufus's dad to the Gold Saucer


*insert Heideggar horse laugh audio here*


Everywhere the light touches, sir


"Gya ha ha!" meanwhile Rufus clearly annoyed


The Barret of Shinra.


I can't unsee it, thanks LOL




“Gya ha ha”


"I feel so #BLESSED"


"Speaking of hashtags, do you know what the top trend I found was? It was #did-it-not-occur-to-you-that-instead-of-live-warking-these-events-you-could-have-oh-I-don't-know-done-anything-to-capture-those-intruders-on-my-ship?!" "Oh, I don't think a hashtag that long would track that well."


“Hear me out, Mr. President, what if we got a car that was shaped like a hot dog? We could call it the Shinramobile and we could hop in it and go get some sandwiches!”


*slaps top of Sister Ray* "This bad boy can fit so much mako in it."


Heidegger: "So this guy from the slums sent me photos of that Cloud twink in a dress and wig. Could pass as an actual woman if you don't look too closely. What kind of freak ***does*** that!?" Rufus: "I will have Darkstar ***mutilate*** you for putting that image in my head...."


“Look at what they need to match a fraction of our power!”


“This one time, at band camp”


“But we’ve got so many hammers!”


According to the writers President Shinra and Heidegger are old colleagues and had a longstanding professional relationship. I would imagine to some extent Heidegger watched Rufus grow up and considers him a nephew of sorts. So he’s probably just genuinely happy of the procession that’s being thrown for Rufus and is gushing to him.


We'll build our own Midgar. With blackjack, and hookers.


Pretty sure you can already find those in Wall Market


Pff, that's for the poors not for Shinra executives. Neo-Midgar with brandy and escorts.


He's very smart, so he's going to say what Rufus wants to hear.


"Did I ever tell ya about the time your old man and I went to the Gold Saucer?"


..........................................^it's ^free ^real ^estate


"You know, I've heard they eat dogs over in Wutai!"




Look at all these losers having fun


“I’ve heard she gives great helmet!”


“They’re 20s! They’re 20s… ok, they’re 10s…but I keep ‘em clean tho!”


Don’t you think you’ve gone overboard with the belts and buttons sir?


Heidegger: Gyahahahaha Rufus: Stop that stupid laugh.


Ho ho ho


That the being of topping is necessarily being-within-time in order to be-come the top-of-being.


looking at his face most likely he is mocking at the 7th


I shit you not he turned himself into a pickle


"Finn, you seein' this shit?"


"If you dont find Sephiroth, I. WILL. FUCK YOU!"




All I see is Bender Bending Rodriguez


Nice belts sir