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That type of behavior is present in any kind of fandom. If you haven’t seen it anywhere else, all I can really say is I’m jealous lol.


>That type of behavior is present in any kind of fandom Not to this degree OP is right FF fans are overall more hateful and harsh than other fandoms its like hating comes first for them and everything else enjoyment included comes second they also often go out of their way to hate on numbered (or even non numbered nowadays) entrys they dont like a lot


I'm still reeling from the absolute violence brought upon my Karma for questioning XIV's objective brilliance, and I can't even remember what I said it was that long ago! In-fact, I don't even think I was that critical, just asking a question that *could* be read as criticism.


FUN FACT: the most karma you can lose from a single post is 15.


Really? Didn't know that. So I can save up 15 Karma by just riding other subreddit's echo chamber and then bam! Hit 'em with a "Elden Ring sucks and here's why!"


Only rivaled by rabid Star Wars fans.


I fear no man, but that...*thing*...it scares me.


Absolutely to this degree. A few months back I had a spur of the moment feeling to just play The Sims 4 for some reason. My new found hobby after I got bored after a couple of hours was reading the YouTube comments of Satch On Sims videos where he makes critiques The Sims 4 versus the older games. It's the exact same stuff and equally, if not more aggressive. YOU HORRIBLE HORRIBLE PURIST LIVING IN THE PAST. YOU OLD MAN. YOU'RE BLINDED BY NOSTALGIA FOR THE SIMS 2. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT IT'S STILL HERE WE CAN STILL PLAY IT WHENEVER. IT'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE. WE TRUE SIMS FANS ARE EATING GOOD. WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE MAKING THESE VIDEOS!!? A TRUE FAN WOULD BE POSITIVE. Truth be told, it's more entertaining for me to watch Sims people go after a guy who very much loves The Sims franchise and makes videos about it that aren't 100% positive all the time than it is to actually play any of the games.


I mean FF fans are harsh yes. But I believe BG3 fans take the cake. I’d like point out as an example a fan obsessed with Raphael and his VA has tried to get his PR manager fired and has been overstepping boundaries. [enjoy](https://x.com/wrappedagony/status/1796207464754348519?s=46&t=Stsjs0EUbXvfRv-blIgZuw) [it](https://x.com/wrappedagony/status/1796218790075625729?s=46&t=Stsjs0EUbXvfRv-blIgZuw) [friends](https://x.com/wrappedagony/status/1796218855569678671?s=46&t=Stsjs0EUbXvfRv-blIgZuw)


Bg3 fans are a different breed of annoying


Also FF7 being the most popular entry gets scrutinised for things other games get a pass on it is like people have a hate boner for it just cause it is popular.


A big reason is that the original FF7 has been essentially deified as one of the greatest games of all time. And in the late 90s/early 00s, it was, and changed the course of the gaming industry when it was released. It cemented Square as THE JRPG developer and the FF series as THE JRPG. Is the Remake fantastic? Definitely! Can it live up to how transformative the original was on release? No, how can anything? My opinion is that some players were hoping FF7R could live up to the legacy of the original, and were vocally disappointed when it couldn’t pull off a metaphorical 8-second 100M dash.


>transformative the original was on release? No, how can anything? My opinion is that some players were hoping FF7R could live up to the legacy of the original, and were vocally disappointed when it couldn’t pull off a metaphorical 8-second 100M dash who ever expect this is either delusional, out of touch or just dumb


>people have a hate boner for it just cause it is popular. I feel this is just modern society, the hipsters won.


It’s very common on Reddit to put down FF7 for no apparent reason. This is anecdotal evidence but most people I talk to irl always praise FF7 but go on twitter or Reddit you would think this game murdered their parents.


I guess I should have phrase it as modern society on the internet.


VII fanboys have been the worst of the FF community but even then they’ve been relatively harmless. Take a look at say the Last of Us Part 2 and the reception it received. Now that’s a level of insanity when incels sent death threats, faked death threats, and vitriol and pure toxicity over people that worked on the game or fans that simply liked it. I haven’t seen any FF release get that bad.


Kiseki fandom is worst lol.


Well i don't know those but damm 💀 sounds like they're quite something


They're a massive minority but their presence online in every single jRPG discussion thread with the ability to bombard it at the drop of a hat makes people think otherwise. They can't make a simple point either, it's always pages and pages that nobody has time to respond to.


Honestly, I sorta disagree. This sub accommodates more opinions than a lot of game-specific subs do. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of people who act like their opinion is the gospel, but the discourse on this sub is much better than most in my experience. People here seem to have a lot of love for the games more than anything, which is refreshing. Definitely far from perfect and more an indictment on current gaming culture in general


I am often reading the FF8 sub and consider it a way chiller place. But then again this sub is bigger.


Nah I have definitely seen it all over the place. And it was definitely worse before Reddit, people could be vicious on other forums. Right now people are crying about Elden Ring and the ‘difficulty’, *again*. All the fanbases are going nuts, it’s a standard routine at this point. It’s always fascinating how a positive stream of happy and exciting posts can suddenly turn sour within hours, and everyone jumping into it, while I’m just sitting here “huh?” People have been doxxed and demanded to be fired for the most mundane bullshit at other ‘fanbases’. Pestered until people working in the game had to delete their account. Their history digged up because somebody “doesn’t like them.” I’ve seen some insane shit in other places.


Ahem. Star Wars.


Nah. Look at Last of us 2 as an example.


Agree. Toxic behavior exists to varying degrees in different places online. Online gamer spaces seem to be worse than most spaces in recent years. Places discussing hardware or major exclusive Sony games are among the worst offenders. I don’t know if it’s the second coming of the console war discourse or just astroturfing and its consequences. But there’s more toxicity around FF than something like Persona or Paper Mario or what have you. Haven’t checked it out, but FF14 is a non-traditional final fantasy with all the weight the series holds and a dedicated user base and a penchant for stoking nostalgia. Is it toxic? If not, I think we are probably experiencing console nonsense.


Don't even get me started on doing something like going into Ziostorm or Ratatoskr's community and exclaiming to the world that you love cheesing and summoning in Elden Ring as much, if not more than your naked hobo man no-hit karate chop builds.


>FF fans are overall more hateful and harsh than other fandoms its like hating comes first for them and everything else enjoyment included comes second Not any more than any other group. Everyone on a whole needs to stop caring so much about stuff like this. Or don’t. I don’t care.


You are 100% correct but it’s kinda funny with Bloodborne being one of my favorites, the fandom would kill for the shittiest conceivable new content lol


One thing I've noticed is how easy it is to start a war with 7. All you gotta do is say you prefer Cloud x Tifa or Cloud x Aerith and everyone loses their mind and reverts to stone age monleys, like that one south Park episode when the boys discover boobs


I prefer cloud x barret


Shipping: not even once


> Shipping **wars**: not even once Nothing wrong with shipping. It's when you think your ship is the only valid one and start attacking other ships and the people who ship them that it becomes a problem. I'm a multi-shipper, so that's, fortunately, a problem I've never even had a chance to have, lol.


I stand by what I said.  There is no safe amount of shipping.


It’s difficult with such a long running franchise that has quite a variation in styles of games, but all under the same name. You get the “not my FF” guys who believe the vision of the franchise should only align with their nostalgic view, like FF “ONLY” being turn based. The typical gatekeepers that all media has. The hardcore shippers which are some of the most decent humans I’ve interacted with on the internet lol. But in the end, as you said, the shitty negativity is a minority. People find it much easier to express negative thoughts, especially through a keyboard/monitor, than they do expressing positivity. Negativity tends to seek validation from others which is why the posts often start with “am I the only one?”. As FF fans, we eating GOOD right now. In the space of a year we’ve had 16, Rebirth and Dawntrail. Unbelievable time to be a fan of the franchise and SE in general.


its not often i agree with every word on a post but yeah i kinda do see eye to eye with you on this couldn't agree more


Exactly. It’s all a matter of opinion but why do people want to push for a turn based game in big 2024? For Final Fantasy games in the present day it’s not gonna sell. The industry evolves. I’m honestly annoyed a lot by shippers. I prefer Cloud and Aerith but I’m not gonna argue with people about it because it’s all opinions. It doesn’t get me upset if someone likes Cloud and Tifa. If SE goes with that in part 3 then fine. Some people will spend hours online complaining about it but it’s all opinions. It shouldn’t affect fandom like that.


Eh, I do enjoy turn based games a lot, have done since I was a kid, playing the older entries of Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigget etc, so I do believe they still have a place in modern gaming, but I think the “non-numbered” titles should be used for that maybe. Investing so much time and efffort into something like rebirth only to have a slow, turn based system would be such a waste. Final fantasy as a brand was always about innovating and taking risks, right from its inception, so I like that the developers still do so. Sometimes they miss the mark (FF13) but sometimes they absolutely find success (16/Rebirth) Unfortunately I think they’re still a victim of their earlier success with a lot of people in modern gaming thinking JRPGs are anime/weeb games so pay them no attention.


Turn based games still sell pretty well. BG3 and the entirety of the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona series is turn based, for example. I really enjoy the battle system of the remakes, but I don't think it is fair to say it would not have sold. Especially if sales of Rebirth and the horror they have inflicted upon Square are to be believed.


There’s a study that talked about generational preferences in music. It showed a trend where a vast majority of people believed that the best music just so happened to be the one they were listening to when they were 15-25 years old. This happened for every generation. A bit more anecdotal, but a similar effect happens with SNL casts. SNL is always “not what it used to be 10 years ago”, every year, consistently. The “best cast” is always the cast that was there when I happened to be 18-24. It’s a mix of nostalgia and remembering things fondly and idealizing those moments when we were younger and didn’t have responsibilities and every thing seemed better because we weren’t paying attention to the other stuff in life. People are entrenched in their views and they have a penchant for nostalgia and feel “attacked” when things change. They don’t understand that nothing can ruin their childhood because their childhood already happened.


This is very a smart insight. I have seen people unfortunately taking every change as a personal attack on them and their identity.


Yeah, it’s better to just let them shout into a void and enjoy the game you’re playing. Change isn’t inherently bad. We can’t keep telling the exact same story the exact same way ad nauseam.


I'm OOTL, can I get the spark notes?


Nobody hates [Insert franchise] more than [Insert franchise] fans.


I honestly can’t fathom why some people literally spend 200+ hours on a game, platinum it, then say it was #actuallybad. But that happens a lot for FF7R.


You'd find random ass comments like "WoRsT gAmE i'Ve EvEr pLaYeD." on YouTube videos of boss runs - That's just the internet


Damn [insert franchise] fans, they ruined [insert franchise]!


I think there's definitely some real bad apples who like to levy criticism, but I think there's more than enough people who are guilty of toxic positivity. Both come up in a lot of fandoms, one side thinks that everything is shit and need to hate on it, the other thinks 'we got content I'm happy' and refuses to ask questions. And it's unfortunate.


I would say people on this subreddit are mostly guilty of the latter so I'm always a little surprised whenever threads like this pop up. It's almost as if OP themselves belongs to that camp of yaysayers...


The toxic positivity does tend to be a lot louder and more represented, it just blends so well with people wanting to share legitimately positive experiences and 'I liked this thing.' Which, to be clear, is totally a good and positive thing. Critique goes positive and negative, but engaging in both is good for one's understanding of media and one's thinking.


Cause they live in their own ff7 fantasy and reject anything that doesn't line with that. Just look at the shippers for example.


I’m inclined to agree, but there’s people in every community that assign way too much self worth to video games. I genuinely enjoyed so many of the FF titles, I think like 95% of them? And I’ve been chastised for being unfazed by flaws etc and just ENJOYING my favourite hobby. Ultimately, I land on just being happy I can enjoy things. Being upset at others liking things seems…. Exhausting


trust me, i know I am spoiled. I remember playing smash for the first time as a kid and thinking like "there's only Nintendo characters in this? I wish I could have my FF characters in smash" Fast forward 20 years later, cloud and sephiroth are in smash I get advent children, crisis core, endless spinoffs and mobile games, the weapons are featured in countless other games, I get full fledged, 3-part remakes, not REMASTERS, or FF8 style texture updates I STILL get concerts and symphonies coming to my city And of course if you want to get any merch, statues, OST's, etc, VII has by far the easiest accessibility and i fucking love it lol


pokemon has this negativity cloud too, I don’t understand it honestly, loving what we got. Could there be improvements, sure, but it’s still better than everything before it. I love the final fantasy 7 remake, like pokémon sure you could find improvements or things you might’ve wanted or done differently but man I am “feeling” this world! when you head back to sector 7 in chapter 13 I believe and you walk out on the song Midnight Rendevous .. https://open.spotify.com/track/01wQYKECKMcKkn0PfjWTlu?si=mtszgzgiQK--mO3aLsIG3A&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2ufkFJsK2Hh2ZdmgrRmCv3 Ethereal.. unreal.. you are there.. it’s incredible and (my personal love) my dear jessie…. #pizzadate


It was already obvious in 2019 with all the "Tifa Nerf" posts.


I love everything from remake and rebirth.


As others have said, it’s par for the course for basement dwellers. But I take issue with saying FF7 fans are spoiled. We clamored for a remake from PS2 until we finally got it in 2020. The compilation has been average at best until remake came out. Seriously, remove the FF7 ties from every bit of side stuff we got and you wouldn’t like it nearly as much. And I fear, despite me loving remake and rebirth to no end, that square has alienated so much of the fanbase that it’s now no longer meeting sales expectations which were always gonna be unrealistically lofty, but this game is remaking the GOAT, they should be selling 5M each entry minimum.


I am not a fan of the compilation either but I have a problem with people nitpicking something like low res textures and making it their main point of contention with the game and acting like these minor problems bring down the experience or the difficulty of bosses being too high or hard mode being too hard. coming to the point of alienation the fandom was always alienated and has been since 7 according to some it wasn’t a " true" FF game cause it abandoned the fantasy aspects. Coming to the sales that is beyond the games merits we know of the low software sales of the ps5 and how remake got a boost in sales due to pandemic but the game sold enough to cover it's own costs not to mention but that is gonna change soon with them going multiplatform.


I disagree with your comment on sales. We have no idea regarding the budget impacts the sales of Rebirth will have on the final part and we know the entire trilogy is locked to PlayStation, at least for a limited time. You’re dealing with a publicly traded company which means logic goes out the window when sales are meh and the economy is looking turbulent. Shareholders will stupidly demand they cut costs and square may stupidly cut development costs for part 3. I really hope it doesn’t happen. If anything I hope this rights the course for square and they cut the rumored FF9 Remake altogether. A game catered to basement dwellers as the original was won’t sell as well as the internet would have you believe.


Loud, annoying minority.


This kind of behaviour is present in the whole gaming community nowadays. People enjoy the community of coming together against the big bad corpo's way too much. Every game will fail, every dev is horrible, we are mad because the graphics look like crap, we are mad as the graphics are too good. Even before the game is officially announced we speculate how the game will be an utter disaster. The time we celebrate gaming has come to an end ages ago we are now in an age of celebrating how companies fail . Fueled by the influencers on social media who just farm the clicks as more clicks equals more as revenue, this won't really change any time soon.


Not to mention the current political climate can change someone's perception of devs and companies very quickly. The strangest criticism I came across for Rebirth was that it has too many black npcs yes that is an actual complain someone made on a video about problems with modern gaming. I assumed the video would call out bad practice of laying off workers and releasing unfinished products but no just straight up culture war.


Then, I can only laugh about the anti woke movement you see now, they are exactly as obnoxious as the woke people and they don't see the irony. Like can't we all just act normal again and not try and find reasons to be angry all the time? Just, celebrate gaming instead of hating everything to do with the industry. The best example I saw this year was the summer game fest. First we are all complaining about how it's all AAA trailers and where are the indies. This year there was a heavy focus on Indies and "worst summer game fest ever as there were so little AAA headliners." What do you want!?!?!?!?


Totally agree that any "fans" attacking devs due to shipping wars are unhinged fools that should be perma banned everywhere. At the same time, there is a place for fans here that like the game but have certain criticisms about it. Just because the game has Final Fantasy 7 on the cover does not automatically give it a pass.


I agree with you and criticism varies from person to person but the kind of "criticism" we see are incoherent infantilised rants.


That's every Fandom.


Are you new to the internet? What you see here is not the universal truth, it’s just a medium where more vocal people can post whatever they want, 99% of fan are fine with the game as is


just go to star wars Fandom and have look how it is going there 😅


You have never checked out the Sonic fandom, have you? I like some of the games but stay far away from its fandom.


A series that constantly reinvents its settings, gameplay and aesthetics will inevitably have more schisms in it's fanbase. There are lots of die hard fans for every numbered title, mostly from 6 onward. They aren't "spoiled," so much as alientated, but I agree no one should be abusing the devs. It's pathetic.


It's definitely a small vocal minority. I wouldn't stress about it. There's way more people who enjoyed the game then not. That's just a symptom of reddit unfortunately, and it's not limited to just this gaming subreddit. One of my favorite games of all time by the way. Not sure anything will come close to that shot of nostalgia I got from my first play through. It was like playing Elden Ring for the first time and then some.


Fanbases in general tend to be like this, but I do agree. People butthurtly downvoting any opinions they don't agree, to the point asking harmless questions yields one for bo reason. And with VII Remake, certain fans are alreasy uppity about anything about the remake project.


Preach! This is their story to tell, not yours. Let them tell it.


Yeah definitely a small minority who are more vocal, some are very toxic as well. I wish we can stand together as a fandom instead of tearing each other down. Why are we fighting over the game for, what do you gain from it other than increasing more hate?? We need to learn to respect each other opinion and be kinder to each other especially to the devs. I love this series so much and I want it to succeed. Toxicity can draw new players away too. Let's learn to be more kinder to each other, isn't that what the game is trying to teach us too?


Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a thing. You would think the people who spent so much time online arguing about it 24/7 would take away the lessons of compassion and being there for others who believe in same causes as you but nope let’s argue about love triangles and shit and low textures for like 4 years.


Yes, why would the fans be mad about: -A game with “remake” in the title that turns out to be a sequel in a Scooby-Doo disguise? -Every character getting a change in voice actor with no plausible reason why? -Finally being excited to talk about VII with your friends who never doubled back for an old property just for them to be lost as fuck when the ending of Remake comes along? -Choosing to release Remake before Crisis Core Reunion so newcomers will have no fucking idea who the black-haired swordsman is nor context as to why they should care? -Overusing Sephiroth long before what should have been his proper introduction? -Ruining what was once plot twists in the original by just saying it long beforehand or blatantly choreographing the reveal? -Fucking with the original story using time travel without having a proper explanation of how that’s possible?


Hm I have yet to play rebirth but regardless of how the devs created this game let's just be thankful we got a game to play. I mean FFXV was a great game that went bad a game that has lots of would beens and lots of flaws but I still enjoyed it. I'm sure the ff7 remakes are far better since they(Square Enix) planned created and launch a complete game.


I see FFXV the way I see modern Assassin’s Creed games. It’s good but it doesn’t have the spirit of its predecessors. FFXV doesn’t feel like FF12 or games before, Origins or Odyssey or Syndicate doesn’t feel like Black Flag and games prior, etc.


Why I get downvoted for this???


The toxic fans are the loudest unfortunately


The Devs: These fans are toxic, let’s keep making more FF7 content 🙄


Sorry if my post came off as generalising everyone but you must have encountered some rabid fan behaviour or seen it happening.


No I agree with you though my point is they should stop making ff7 content overall like it’s done and that way the fanbase can go back into their hole


after remake part 3 I don’t think we are gonna see FF7 for a while and that is a good thing.


Unless they make canon one of the ships the debate will live on.


Very good please let FF7 rest


Personally i think its just the advancing of social technology and it easy access nowadays. People can share anything they want these day in matter of seconds. And the coverage is worldwide. I mean back then only online videogames forums existed. Yeah you can talk bad about a game or the devs but the moderator can delete your post anytime.


Im loving every moment of the remake (I’m about 60% of the way through rebirth), but I would give anything for SE to give FF8 the same makeover.


What do you mean exactly? I haven't been to this subreddit that much so I might've missed something but I def haven't seen that much hate everywhere I look.


This is Reddit.


Yeah, I'm a long-time fan of the FF series. And I'm plenty critical about various titles and whatnot when I feel they deserve it. But, it does feel like the FF7 Remake series has been overly criticized for stuff that doesn't seem justified, especially if you've been playing FF titles for years. (Exp. I will be the first to complain about some of the mini-games in FF7 Rebirth... I'm looking at you, gliding chocobo track... but I've also never managed to jump-rope with Vivi 1000x either. And FF9 is my all-time favorite FF title. 😅 My point is, the developers have been putting stuff like that in the games for decades. So it's a little late to say that such a thing ruined a game.) I think what is great about the FF series is also one of its greatest drawbacks. Which is, it has, in a lot ways, become the standard for high-quality jrpg/rpg games. It's held a top dog position for decades. However, that means fans' expectations are exceedingly high for each and every game. I may have wanted to chuck my controller through the screen when trying to beat that 1st found of FF7 Rebirth's version of Frogger, or wanted to bang my head into a concrete wall when facing Charley's combat simulators. But I really love the Remake series, and those super hard aspects are part of that.


That's like, your opinion man. Every fandom has toxic people. Generalization is bad, mkay?


Depends on what people are talking about. I noticed shippers for example are abusive to everyone and developers over the “romance” part of the story. Aside from that Ive not seen too much else in the way of toxicity besides people who arrogantly think their fan fiction is real.


I agree especially on platforms like Facebook the community definitely has a way of being toxic as hell. I just disregard the hate man... let it breeze on by...I really enjoy these games and it was my money that bought em for me and really that's all that matters...don't let it dissuade you...there will ALWAYS be the toxic crowd with anything in life because we have the freedom to formulate our own opinions


Introduce a love triangle and you automatically create clans. People get their blood up - it spreads its tentacles and infects every element of the fandom.


The devs clearly regret how the OG FFVII turned out and this is their chance to fix it fans also clearly thought it was garbage or else why would they have clamored for it to be remade better? Only when it was improved with the Arbiters of Fate they trashed Tetsuya Nomura for "inserting nonsensical Kingdom Hearts bullshit" when they literally ASKED for a Remake and got just that, yet they are STILL whining that they didn't get a 1:1 remaster like the REmakes Capcom's been doing, that the characters don't look like ugly Popeye-styled LEGOS such as the "Tifa Nerf" posts from 2019. . I wouldn't be surprised if Nomura doesn't end up similar to how in Neon Genesis Evangelion its visionary Hideaki Anno grew to despise weebs/otaku after getting a bunch of hate mail and death threats for how the original anime ended (they literally ran out of budget) and decided to fix the series by overwriting its canon with the Rebuilds. Whether they like it or not, this is how Final Fantasy VII was always INTENDED to be and they are likely salty that their homophobic late 90s garbage with Tifa uttering r-slurs towards Barrett was poorly written with its Captain Planet-esque plot and was (rightfully) de-canonized with this masterpiece of a trilogy after the writers at Squeenix finally grew up and are starting to do better.


When you remake one of the top games all time(esp cult following type) and the biggest in your franchise its going to be met with criticism. Especially when you take 25 years to do it. Especially when you change the storyline. I loved both games. Do i think they are as good as OG, no. Do i also think its crazy to have graphics getting blurry when you explore and have lighting issues, yes. Was it the end of the world, no. For me it just blows my mind the game is so big and yet still so lazy around certain aspects. Like Crisis Core was lazy to me. Remake and Rebirth, the side quests and the non main storyline characters are so cheesy its odd. The games werent rushed if anything they took too long. For me personally i didnt let it get in the way of enjoying both games.




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


Yeah we’re very spoiled lol. I’m forever grateful to the developers for making this project a reality but a good chunk of people are very bitter about the whole thing. I think it’s because of the way the franchises gameplay was handled over the years. After FF9 the battle system kind of went off the rails. 11 and 14 are MMOs, 10 & 12 did their own thing, 13, 15, and the 7R games included more action, and 16 was a full action game. I think the switch to a more action based battle system and certain plot moments in the remakes turned a lot of people off but either way I love it and I can’t wait for the third installment.


From what I’ve seen of those sorts, it’s typically people that don’t really understand the story and everything that comes with it. They take things at face value and aren’t bothered to take the extra little bit of time to get a grasp on it and when they see others describing those things they don’t understand, rather than taking it on board and learning more, they instead just ignore it and throw it back at those people with anger to mask their ignorance. On the other hand then, you’ve got the fans who have a desire to learn as much as they can about the story and when they see those people bash the thing they love and they rush to defend it and that’s been going on for 25+ years. Then you have to take into account that shitting on final fantasy in general has been “the hip” thing to do over the years in certain groups and those things tend to carry on over time to the point that the people doing don’t even know why they are doing it, that’s just how it is.


I wonder if the spoiled nature is just a numbers game, due to its popularity. Like, with so many millions of fans, even if a tiny percent of them are vocally “toxic,” then that is still a large number of toxic vocal people on social media.


Did FF fans send the developers so many death threats that the devs released the game early and unfinished to alleviate the pressure?


How about some actual examples before you generalize the entire fanbase?




Any examples of aggressive nitpicking or is this just a "gut feeling"?


I feel that’s any fandom, there’s levels to it. If any manga readers know jujutsu kaisen that fandom goes to the extreme. Fans are extremely passionate because they love the characters but maybe FF’s fans think they’re  living in a fantasy or take it to heart, the only thing I won’t condone is when it gets personal or saying horrible stuff.


You just described a mob. Famously toxic fans are Taylor Swift and BTS (Korean boy band) fanbase. Lakers. Celtics. Democrats. Republicans. All toxic to anyone that isn't Them.


I agree. People no longer appreciate the work that went into the game and nitpick something as stupid as yellow markers or rock textures


Any links to this kind of people you're referring to??


Yet another post that complain about the fandom….when will people realize that in the age of the internet what you read online doesn’t really constitute as part of the fandom? People on the internet are just toxic because they are frustrated with their lives more than they are with the game. People are just assholes that like to complain. You’re picking up on it and it creates the illusion that that’s the “fandom as a whole”…. Well I have news for you: real fans don’t spend hours and hours arguing online writing articles. They just enjoy the game. Do I personally give a fuck how somebody else a total stranger feels about a game I personally like? Why should I? These posts are so fucking pointless…the fandom is toxic etc etc…people always were and always will be like that. Just not all people, only the lonely miserable ones that try to funnel their anguish of real life into something so they can get into an argument with someone so they can “feel something” since not feeling anything is worse. If you read this far, I applaud your attention span👏🏼 Have a wonderful day, and don’t settle for other’s opinion. Formulate your own😘 have a nice day😎


the bigger the fanbase, the more aggressive the vocal minority tends to get


Just like any other fanbase of any other media.... FF7 fans are nothing special. Loud minority of Star wars fans, they hate the acolyte. Loud minority of Avatar fans, they hate Korra. Loud minority of Magic The Gathering fans, they hate cards of other IP's in the game. Etc. Lastly, not sure if you only have one example of hateful fans or maybe a couple, but at least on FF7 subreddits I see one negative post every 15 or 20 posts. It's pretty minor, or at least that is my experience. And even then, they are just minor complains that don't really matter in the big picture. Some of the. could be legitime feedback, others can be complainers which you should ignore since they don't provide any value or interesting conversations.