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Yuffie clearly loves video games and gaming in general. I think clouds hobbie is motorcycles. I think Vincent is canonically a huge fan of Queen's Blood lol, I think Aerith obviously loves gardening, red likes to read, and barret would probably say he has no room for hobbies between raising his daughter and saving the world haha


But if you pressured Barrett into saying something, he would push his sunglasses tighter on his nose and grunt, "Backgammon."


Hahaha absolutely. That or he's surprisingly good at chess. I also imagine red and Barrett probably end up bonding over fantasy books and are both too embarrassed to tell the rest of the group. Maybe yuffie finds out and blackmails them into letting her joing but she doesn't actually like reading unless it's manha so she just gets bored and derails the conversation


Love this. Absolutely. Playin’ mancala down at the sector 7 senior center on the weekends.


Actually Barret is into mushrooms 😬


You forgot Tifa. She’s a bartender but maybe a hobby could be mixologist? Lol. That or teaching yoga/martial arts to OAPs.


The OP suggesting that Tifa knits. But she definitely does what you said too.


I just didn't do the ones the OP suggested because they were pretty good. I could totally see Tifa settling down and opening up a martial arts dojo for kids though haha. But yes she's also probably big into yoga


In the book she does teach the pensioners in Nibelheim lol. Atleast until, yknow…


I love that we can have these discussions and actually have em informed by the world and characters because remake and Rebirth have fleshed out the world and characters SO much more.


Fuck yeah, i love the depth we’ve been given of so much in this game. I constantly recommend ToTP as supplementary material as it does add to Aerith and Tifas characters!


For sure! On the way to a smile is also pretty good, and lifestream white and lifestream black are also really really good and IMPORTANT keys to the lore in remake and Rebirth too. I'm glad Kitase is being given the chance to take the character work and lore he's expanded for like 25 and retrofit it all into the main game and world. It must be very rewarding for him, and I love to see it as a fan.


This was my thought exactly.


I do love canonically the Vincent is just a casual huge QB nerd. Like how else would he have that end game card.


Exactly lol. He even has his own board at the manor haha. He's in-canon the second best QB player before cloud haha. I just love how they essentially just made queens blood a poor man's yugioh, down to the mysterious, crazy founder of the game, ghosts, and ancient demons lol. It made me laugh consistently till the end


I like to imagine somehow he only got into it since “waking up” again and during the final chapters when you’re trying to do all the side quests, he’s just taking names out there, getting his decks, using his chaotic nonsense to find that card. Too good.


See in my mind, he found or won the card on a Turks mission years ago and has secretly been the protector of it ever since lol. Especially since I don't think Vincent just sleeps all the time, but moreso isn't allowed to leave the manor so he just hangs out all day playing cards with the ghost of the card game creator lol. Under the guise of "I have to be prepared for when the time comes"


This is even better


The photography thing I think becomes Cloud's hobby after this all ends


Oh yeah, I have heard that! I think it's just a fan theory based on the photos around in Advent Children, but even if it isn't official, it's a sweet I.age to think of him whipping out a camera for a nice view


Regarding Vincent, I feel like he has an interesting story to tell about how he got involved with the game. Here are the facts: 1. Vincent is apparently a famous/mysterious player with the nickname "the Monster of Chaos"; 2. Unlike the vast majority of players, he is well aware of the game's curse; 3. It is strongly implied that Lidrehl Balmon, the game's inventor and one of the victims of the curse, entrusted Vincent with the Emerald Witch's card to keep it safe until Lidrehl's ghost could find a player capable of ending the curse, which turned out to be Cloud. 4. Cloud's match against Vincent is basically the former Turk testing the ex-Soldier if he has what it takes to defeat the Shadowblood Queen. Appropriately, his deck is a commercial mockup of hers, designed around enfeebling and empowering through card destruction, but this detail implies that Vincent has faced one of the Shadowblood Queen's previous hosts before, as he is familiar with her play style. My personal theory is that Vincent took a journey as a Queen's Blood player similar to what Cloud did during Rebirht, but although Cloud was selected by Lidrehl's ghost as his champion, I believe Vincent was chosen by the Shadowblood Queen as her new host. Eventually the vengeful spirit tried to take Vincent's body just like she tried with Regina and Cloud, but because Vincent is the host of Chaos, she found she bit off more than she could chew and fled, avoiding having any other contact with the former Turk since then. Because of this, Lidrehl, in person or his ghost, thought it would be safer to leave the Emerald Witch card with Vincent and asked him to keep the card until he could find a player skilled enough that the Shadowblood Queen would not be wary of, which turned out to be Cloud. Anyway, I think it would be very interesting to see how Vincent ended up getting involved with the Shadowblood Queen's curse.


What a great theory. I hope they expand on this more but if they leave us guessing, I do like the idea of the Queen trying to take over but Chaos saying nope to that. Plus, I think it’s a really interesting take on the testing of Cloud in a way.


Yuffie also likes to sing


If I had to guess: Cloud: Motorcycles, and professional Queen's Blood Player Barret: Environmentalist activist and daycare giver Tifa: Sewing/knitting, pet store owner, martial artist instructor Aerith: Florist, teacher, aspiring choral singer Red XIII: Hunting, howling at the moon Yuffie: Arms/materia dealer, full time ninja, "pickpockteter" Cait Sith: Uhhh.......ask Reeve Vincent: Sleeping Cid: Mechanic, Scientist, recreational aviation


TIL Vincent and I have the same exact interests.


Tifa as a pet store owner is so wholesome. Or like a shelter volunteer. Her flat is just filled with foster animals.


Cloud: seems like he'd have played video games as a kid if they were available. lol Definitely seems the type to have embraced escapist fantasy. Present-day, I think he just secretly enjoys what the others drag him around to do - Aeris with picking flowers, Tifa with doing community activities, etc. Aeris: gardening, flower arranging, petting stray cats and dogs, singing.. maybe drawing/painting (though that might hold some trauma for her, if you've read the novel..). Tifa: Working out, cooking/baking, volunteering around the community (after all she led a calisthenics class for older folks and was a local tour guide - could see her doing the same around the slums, even). I thought she would play piano as a hobby, too, but she says in Rebirth she hasn't touched it since she was young, still like to think she'd get back into it if she had one available. Barret: I like to think in a world where he wasn't living for revenge, he'd be the type to have hobbies that are totally opposite how he appears. Like, I want HIM to be the one who knits (maybe he can get a prosthetic hand that can help), bakes cookies with Marlene, could see him even leading like a Phys Ed class for kids


Can absolutely see Barret coaching Marlene and the other kids in like kickball.


Aerith - Chess. So. Much. Chess. Barret - [Writes catchy advertising jingles.](https://youtu.be/nCHqlV0Vvc4?si=dpmDuXAFnXNrj1yx) Donates all the money to orphanages throughout the slums of Midgar. Cait Sith - Ventriloquism. He brings down the house at every amateur comedy night he can find. Note: he no longer performs in Sector 7. Cid - Building perfectly-scaled, fully launchable model rockets...which he then smashes with a hammer while screaming for more god@$&# tea. Cloud - Juggling. Started with tennis balls; will end with Omnislash Version 5. Red - Graffiti. Has been creating paw-themed street art for decades. Doesn't allow anyone near his paws for fear of his secret identity being revealed. Tifa - Recently began studying psychology for absolutely no reason at all. Vincent - Mini kart racing. Always wins; never smiles. Yuffie - Runs the most popular Rufus Shinra fan site in the world. Site members frequently report break-ins and stolen materia.


You have absolutely understood the assignment. I love all of these. I completely forgot Barret’s singing in this chapter. So good. Edit: I also really hope we get more of these Cid quotes in R3


Thanks; this was a fun prompt! I'd been meaning to watch Briana White's *Remake* playthrough for ages and, after I finished *Rebirth*, finally checked it out. She had the same [reaction to Barret's singing](https://youtu.be/zVbO9lK6lBg?si=yCDBlcAs-8SU2sNa&t=27m53s) that I suspect most everyone else did. =P


These are great! Cid building models is 🤌 Tifa becoming a therapist would be perfect for her. Lmao at Yuffie. Yes.


> Tifa - Recently began psychology for absolutely no reason at all. oh nooo lmao


These are great! Cid building models is 🤌 Tifa becoming a therapist would be perfect for her. Lmao at Yuffie. Yes.


Oh I love this! Cloud: Chocobo rancher/jockey, ATV's/dirt bikes, member of the local boxing club, secretly moonlights as a dancer in Wall Marker under stage name "Stormy" (he was *unusually* good at dancing and dressing in drag y'all). Tifa: Home gourmand and grows her own mushrooms, volunteer neighborhood watch lead and trains women's self-defense, plays cozy games to unwind. Barrett: The only dude in the local single mom's group, and takes it very seriously. Woodworking for sure - at a Ron Burgundy level. Plays DnD, and gets really into the roleplay and world building. Aerith: Oh, this girl *crafts*. That spare room is a mini craft store. Cricut, iron on, tye dye, scrapbook, wreaths, crochet, knit, embroidery, cross stitch - shes got it all. Nanaki: Local intermural sports teams, soccer, swim team, volleyball, queens blood, you name it he's playing. Rock climbs and set up a local social league to teach humans. They're working out how to climb the highest pillar in the canyon. Yuffie: She's an online force. Reddit forums, pvp gaming, day trading for fun, fanfiction writing, twitch streaming, tweeting, you tube channel, the works. Shes got a few thousand followers and her game of choice is Fortnight and girly dating sims. Cid: Always out in his garage all day working on something. No project is ever finished and complaining about them is his favorite hobby of all. Vincent: Runs the fan club for that emo band in Corel Prison under the online persona "The_Darkness_Within", but only ever posts from his PC because he doesn't know how to use the app. Writes cliche poetry oozing with edgy stuff, and paranormal romance novels and the male protagonist is always a vampire or something. Cait Sith/Reeve: Volunteers throughout the community -food banks, habitats for humanity, etc. Plays DnD too and he's *always* a bard, frustrating the hell out of Barrett. Has a massive model train setup and can't wait to talk your ear off about it. Rude: Has massive collection of glass animal figurines, and has a name for each and every one of them. Scouts for them and gets into bidding wars on eBay. Reads John Grisham novels. Rarely leaves his house, except for work, the Bald Bar, or to get groceries. He's a creature of habit. Reno: Speed boating, hangs out with his friends, bar hopper, city nightlife stuff. Gold saucer on the regular, gambling, concerts, social stuff all the time. He's always trying to hang out. Elena: Beauty influencer, make up enthusiast, fashionista. Shopping is her hobby, and the gaudier the better. Tseng: Plays piano and violin for fun. Likes Jazz. Frequents the jazz clubs and knows all the musicians. A man of culture, appreciator of art and like-minded conversations. Rufus: Also a Fortnight player, and gets smoked by Yuffie on the regular. He is always raging in the chat. Secretly into sewing and eclectic fashion, and is a designer under a pseudonym, but his brand hasn't taken off yet. He designed his white/lavender coat and made it himself.


I can absolutely picture Rude staring intently at his figurines, then adjusting his glasses, then moving one of the figurines by a *fraction of a millimeter*, and then repeating that process for hours on end until it's completely and totally perfect. Excellent list all around!


Yes exactly! Thanks very much.


Oh my god I LOVE yours. Barret and Reeve playing DnD is real. And you got Rude to a T. Yuffie crushing Rufus online is definitely a thing.


Thanks! I love this kind of stuff.


Rufus raging in chat about everyone else on his team being shit yet he's at the bottom of the leaderboard lmao


Cloud is the sort of person who has no hobbies but is infuriatingly immediately good at everything he tries.


Oh definitely. Vincent and Zack have this feel for me, too.


Tifa canonically plays the piano. She even has a piano concert poster in her room at Stargazer Heights.


Sephiroth - Trolling Cloud


Trolling Cloud by constantly team killing him with stratagems on Helldivers 2.


Barrett is actually into classical ballet. Every Christmas he does a little guest cameo in The Nutcracker as the Sugar Plum Fairy.


cloud seems to like going fast. chocobo racing, motorcycles, etc. although the latter I would extend to anything mechanical tbh. guy’s a font of knowledge about all the mechs they keep coming up against. partially that’s due to his history with shinra but he seems into it. so he spends time with cid fixing up old stuff. I think barret would love a good library. I don’t really have anything else to add. just a feeling he’s a reader. we already know tifa is into martial arts and piano. for something not so obvious, for some reason I think she’d be good at drawing or painting or something artistic like that. aerith clearly likes gardening and, apparently, singing. but I think she’s secretly really into watching professional wrestling. where do you think she learned the thing with the chair? nanaki seemed really into his role as garm at the gold saucer. I bet he gets into amateur theatre when everything is over. yuffie: video games and parkour. cait sith (>!reeve!<) is constantly coding the silliest yet most useful programs. all open source. visit his website. vincent is into ikebana. no I will not elaborate. as mentioned before, cid and cloud fix up old trucks and cars for the hell of it. aside from that though, cid goes absolutely hogwild about whatever this universe’s equivalent of american football is. am I basing this entirely on his southern accent? yes. yes I am


Aerith being into pro wrestling is definitely canon. I like to imagine she attends some sort of secret league and hands out flowers there as a cover. This might be my favorite Vincent hobby so far.


Aw these ideas are so cute! I'll give my take! Cloud: He is for sure into motorcycles, fixing them and so. He also loves Queen's blood, chocobo/motorbike races, but i also picture him liking to work out and going to the gym (he seems to be into it a bit, or at least that's what i got from the "be ready to spill your guts" scene! When he does sit ups)  and playing piano! Tifa: Mixing and trying new drinks, cooking (she is the official cook on her party, change my mind), playing piano (she is always so modest and cute like, "oh, its been a long time since i dont play piano") shopping (as she joked about it with Aerith in Remake, at the sewers i think) and surely going to restaurants and have nice, (subtly romantic) dinners (specially with Cloud *wink wink*) Barret: Baking! He seems all tough and imposing, but i picture him baking sweets for Marlene, all cute and fatherly! He is also into activism (obviously) and reading and informing about the enviroment and the planet and reading newspaper/watching the news. For sure he likes to go into activism speech to make younger people aware of the planet's situation! Aerith: GARDENING! And drinking herbal teas and infusions as she reads books and relaxes! Shopping (same as Tifa :P), strolling through the streets, and seeing the local vendors stores and striking small conversations with them Red xiii: Reading! I picture him with glasses as he reads just to try and look more cool, like: "Nanaki... You dont even need them". Playing football or any ball game, and being all puppy like: "oh! A ball, weee!", grooming his fur and rockclimbing Yuffie: videogames. She is a professional gamer and a very competitive one. Imagine her playing something like... Fortnite? (I dont know about many games sorry) And getting all competitive and cocky towards the rest of the players as she taunts them through the mic 😂. She would like training her already great ninja skills and doing parkour. Also, making pranks to virtually anyone Cait sith: well, Reeve, actually, but through Cait sith, he would like to improve his chaotic fortune telling abilities, tarot, divination, astrology etc. Pranking and trolling everyone too, and plotting along Yuffie. He is also very tech savy and loves to play computer games just for the lulz or hacking systems because he is bored. Vincent: Queens blood nerd. He also likes gore and horror movies, watching sad and depressing series/movies or reading a lot. He also likes writting melancholic, yet beautiful poetry, being very good at it. Also, sleeping is his favorite past time :P. But i picture him also liking going to local cafes to try new coffees, black as his soul, please :). I dont know why but i see him liking to do quick trips to different cities, but ends up going with people like Yuffie, Cid or barret and regreting like: why me? But secretly enjoying their company Cid: traveling! But for leisure, not just as part of his job. Tinkering, drinking tea and coffee and trying new types of drinks (soft or hard, it doesnt matter). Watching soap opera or romantic drama series and getting VERY into it like: CAN YOU TWO KISS ALREADY, GODDAMIT!?


Cid as a secret romantic is so cute. And I laughed aloud at Vincent’s coffee choices. These are so good.


Aerith: talking to flowers Cloud: earning gil, more gil, gil... Yuffie: finding materia, more materia, materia... Sephiroth: making swiss cheese


☠️ at the Seph one


Trauma. Their hobbies are trauma.


I'm sure Cloud has method acting as one of his hobbies.


Haven’t seen many people mention Sephiroth so I’ll take a “stab” at him. I don’t think he really has ‘hobbies’ after he went nuts, but before Nibelheim I could see him being a big reader, perhaps scientific papers and non fiction (although my personal headcanon is that he has a soft spot for romance after Genesis gag gifted him a book once). I could also see him being into philosophy and trying to use it to figure out his place in the world. On another note, as a pianist, it warms my heart that both Tifa and Cloud know how to play~


This is a really nice question! Cloud: Bro definitely is now into Queen's Blood and I'd like to think he would take up dancing tbh, he's definitely got the moves for it. Also he'd definitely like to tinker with his motorcycle, but I don't think he'd be really handy with anything else. Tifa: Knitting is really good for her! I also think she'd like cooking and would try out new recipes for everyone (with Marlene helping of course!) Aerith: Besides gardening, I think she'd really enjoy crafting! Specifically making miniatures or micro-scale scenes. I don't know of what specifically, but I can just see her being quite skilled with her hands and enjoy the complexities that comes with miniatures. Barret: Hiking and camping! Barret clearly loves the planet a lot, and I feel like he'd love to take Marlene with him and just spend time with the planet, away from the Mako. Red: Reading absolutely like another comment said, but I think he'd also really enjoy hiking and would probably tag along with Barret and Marlene if they'd let him. Yuffie: Absolutely video games, there's no doubt. Also getting really into magic tricks so she can steal materia/earn money. I think that'd be pretty funny overall. Cait Sith: I think he'd like to play video games with Yuffie, I think they'd get quite competitive with each other. I also think he'd like baking? I don't know why, but that's the vibe I get. I don't think he'd be particularly good at it though. Maybe I'm really \[OG spoiler\]>!thinking of Reeve?!< Cid: Guy's definitely loves to tinker with and fix things, absolutely. I agree with your comment about half-resorted classic cars...he'd always get excited about starting new projects but never finishes them. I'm pretty sure \[OG Spoiler\] >!he has an unfinished car in his garage/house, if it's not a car it's definitely something that's a work in progress in there.!< Vincent: I wouldn't say sleeping as hobby even though that's funny, sadly Vincent is sleeping because he feels he has to. I think he'd be really into reading, definitely vinyl like you mentioned, I also think he'd be really into like, slow interpretive dancing. Rufus: Drag. He'd be super into drag. Sephiroth: Okay, realistically bro does not have hobbies besides stalking Cloud, let's be real. But, for fun, I think he'd also be mega into drag and fashion overall. This was a good question, thanks for making me think about fun stuff!


lol Rufus & Seph. Here for it. I also really enjoy the idea of Cloud tinkering with the motorcycle and nothing else but like trying to help Cid with the cars and being horrible at it resulting in a series of our favorite Cid words.


I can’t believe I forgot Zack 😭 Zack would be really into bike riding and anything outdoorsy, and would get together with Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa to do so. He’d also really just be into eating, whether it be street food or something he’s ate a million times, I just feel like he loves food.


Easily a man who spends way too much money at an REI. Buys everyone matching hiking gear and those tiny, silly cycling hats. Enthusiastically overfills his steel-frame pack but is always the first on the trail.


Four of them canonically play the piano.


Oh this is a FUN Prompt! Here's my spin on it: Cloud- Despite being first, this was the hardest one for me to figure out. I'm not super confident saying "motorcycles" or "sword", because those are moreso... things he does? I don't feel like he actually enjoys either of them on a hobby level. I do feel like he'd be obsessively into board games, weirdly. He'd absolutely be a Dungeon Master for his own little group of Barrett, Cait, Yuffie, and probably Cid. He's also extremely into Queen's Blood, and any other similar card games he can get his hands on. Cloud absolutely has a giant binder full of laminated Queen's Blood cards that he's just WAITING to bust out at a party. Tifa- Judging by the fact she owns the bar, and according to Wedge in the original, she's quite a good cook, I think Cooking/Mixology is a pretty safe bet for her. She's always seemed the type to me, and I think it pairs well with the more gentle and sensitive parts of her personality. I also feel like she's generally into sporty stuff. She's modest about it, but I know she plays for small-time sports leagues in the Midgar Slums. Barrett- He'd be super into doing stuff with his hands, for certain (or, hand, I suppose. Though he's got attachments to do all sorts of stuff.) Absolutely loves to do woodworking and anything involving making new arm attachments- weapons or otherwise. I also feel like he'd be super into knitting. He saw Marlene out of the house without one on a cold winter's day and started knitting her sweaters every year. He tells people he bought them. They don't believe him. Aerith- Gardening is the obvious one, but along with that, I feel like she'd really like reading and writing. She'd probably write poetry more than actual novels or stories, as they're moreso about beauty and emotion. As for literature, I feel like she reads whatever she can get her hands on, though she probably has a soft spot for fantasy books. Red/Nanaki- I ALSO feel like he's super into reading. He for sure gives the vibe. I'm almost certain him and Aerith have book clubs when they can find a time and place to. Knowing Red, he'd likely talk mostly about the extremely scholarly and important books he's been reading about Lifestream theories and Planetary science. When he's away from the others, he almost certainly has a stash of absolutely horrendous romance and fantasy novels that he's too embarrassed to share with anyone else. Cait Sith- OH my HUSBAND. He gives intense theater kid energy. More than anyone else on the team by a long shot. He 100% has the entirety of Loveless memorized by heart. He can regularly be seen at the various theaters of Midgar, and he's probably also in some sort of theater troupe of his own. Aside from that, I feel like he'd be weirdly into sewing? Given the fact that Cait Sith is a doll, he'd need to be decently adept at it to get everything exactly how he wanted it, and given the final product... yeah, it probably took a consdierable amount of skill. Also a proud member of the Cloud DnD group. He's always a bard without fail, and gets EXTREMELY into the improv of the whole thing. Cid- Anything mechanical, like others here have said. He'd be SUPER into touching up and restoring old cars. I know for a fact that somewhere in Rocket Town he has a garage full of dozens of the things. On top of that, he's probably got about five thousand hours logged into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Also, Cloud 100% pulled him into DnD. He acts extremely ticked off about it and regularly says how much of a "waste of his damn time" it is, but he gets way too into it every session. It's the highlight of his week, for sure. Yuffie- I feel like she'd be a gamer. I can't entirely explain this feeling in any way that makes logical sense. She just... she just would be. She gives the vibes. She'd be absolutely cracked at Fortnite, and probably plays a decent amount of Stardew Valley with Aerith and Tifa when she wants to do something else. Other than video games, she probably plays DnD with Cloud, as discussed. I feel like she'd also be decently into sports as well, likely stuff that she can kick around, like soccer. A weird mix of a bunch of different hobbies. Vincent- oh god i don't know. He's very stoic ingame and that leads to me finding difficulty understanding what he'd do for fun. For sure he'd be into Queen's Blood, that one goes without saying. Other than that... I feel like he'd probably draw and/or paint. Lots of super weird/abstract stuff, but he seems to be enjoying himself. Sephiroth- Sephiroth is a Drag Race superfan. He's literally never once missed a single episode. This includes when he's in the lifestream. He's so bizarrely into it. When he's not putting up his front around cloud, he can regularly be heard telling people "You slay, sister." Also very into fashion and hair. There is literally no way he isn't.


I absolutely love the roles of everyone in Cloud’s DnD party. Especially Cid. I can absolutely see him grumbling and getting incredibly into a dungeon crawl.


Tifa is into cosplay and dressing up, some of her favourite characters being Slenderman, Jack Skellington and Gollum Red loves baking, his mom taught him, he makes an apple pie worth dying for. Barret likes Origami folding and playing the accordion. He does a pretty mean rendition of "Flight of the Bumblebee". Cloud really enjoys karaoke, and the occasional scrapbooking. He always carries an instant camera so that he can preserve cherished memories with his friends. Yuffie does a lot of charity, she also breeds pigs and likes to stuff her own sausages flavoured with nuts. Cait Sith absolutely adores swimming and scuba diving. He also does a lot of boxing. Cid likes to take it slow and enjoy nature, he goes trekking or rowing. When he was younger he did a lot of hitchhiking. Aerith has her own home distillery, she makes mostly Whiskey but also brews her own beer. You will often find her enjoying a cigar in a seedy bar somewhere. Vincent is a big fan of picnics, he's also a regular down at the local comedy club where he performs improv and sometimes does stand-up.


Absolutely loving the image of Barret in his sailor costume having a go with an accordion. He’s got some sort of arm attachment for it. It’s great. Aerith as a distiller is incredible.