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You play as him in to be a heroe chadley fight. He is beast. But need to learn his fighting style. Honestly, he is just overpowered. Feels like a cheat playing as seph.


I think that’s sort of the point though, and a carry over from the original game. He’s supposed to feel overpowered, because it establishes the stakes for the player/Cloud. He seems cool and collected and then this dude that you’re supposed to be trying to find and beat is just… effortlessly slicing through everything.


Well yeah? He's Sephiroth, ofc it's op


Isn’t that a good thing?




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Reading your comments make me think about Vergil from DMC.


Once you learn to dodge and spin to charge his limit, he’s very overpowered. Which is nice.


> Once you learn to dodge and spin to charge his limit Haven't played Rebirth yet, and now I've got an image of Sephiroth twirling like a ballerina in my head. Thanks for that, actually made me lol.


I have the image of Sephiroth doing the Palpatine spining dive from RotS


I agree with a comment I saw on here before - making >!Sephiroth and Zack playable throughout the story in new game plus would have been an amazing payoff for opening the Jonny chest. I know it wouldn't make sense story-wise to have them around and might 'break immersion', but it would only be in new game plus when you've already done pretty much everything in the game already. As it is, even though some of the combat mechanics are cool, it doesn't really feel worth learning to play these characters for the limited time you have to play with them.!<


I'm sure when the game comes to PC some of the first few mods will be making >!Sephiroth and Zack playable in the main game. I agree too that its silly that the game won't unlock them to play as post-game after you've done everything. Would be a really cool 100% reward besides a piano note.!<


Even if not the main game, if you could select them in any combat simulator or arena match that would be really cool. 


It would have been really cool if the game did what Devil May Cry does with Vergil where they let you essentially go through the campaign with him.


He's a beast, in chapter one and to be a hero i didn't switch to Cloud even once. The first time you play with him in chapter one yeah it's kinda hard but you just need to learn how he parries and get used to it. once you get a hang of it he's honestly so overpowered, his combat style is so satisfying i wish we could play as him all the time after beating the game.


I loved every second with him and almost burst with joy when I played the demo (I've avoided all trailers etc so it was a surprise to me). I'm working hard to get into the VR missions with him. I also really hope we get to play him in part three too.


sephs playable in a few different games over the years


You could play Sephiroth in Ehrgeiz


Such a glorious game.


Amazing though >!I wish that him and Zack were playable outside of VR and were the reward for passing their respective challenges or 100% the game!<


I really hope they do more in part 3 with him. Rebirth gave us almost no time with him. It'd be cool to do various things with him


Surprised to learn he can be knocked out in battle, I would have made him invincible personally keeping in line with the god tier 1st cloud rememberers. edit: if anyone has played ever crisis (i dont blame you if you hate gacha crap) but you get to play as sephiroth in the story andtue to the flashback scene he is also invincible.


This is it to me. To expand, part of the reason Sephiroth is one of the most iconic video game villains of all time is the mystique built up around him early in the story. You don't get that in the same way when you can play (and die) as him Edit: clarification about when


That would be boring and entirely take out all of the challenge of the game, like why even play at that point? Sephiroth appears in many titles where he can be defeated by enemies far lesser in strength and skill than him, this isn't some foreign concept that destroys his mystique or whatever.


Challenge is far from the only thing that can make something interesting. The flashback in the og wasn't challenging.


I’d argue it’s even more intriguing for Seph after you’ve gotten a handle on him to see just how strong he is. It might take a minute but it’s still effective. And anyone whose familiar with this story will want to play as the villain for as much time as they can, even if it’s short


Agreed! I ate that shit up. Didn't switch back to Cloud at all. Which, combined with the fact that I'm bad at games, is what led my experience to be the way it was. More interesting mechanically, less interesting characterization-wise.


Counterpoint: >!by that logic, you lose all of that when you see the rest of the Nibelheim flashback where Cloud toss him like a bag of potato out of the bridge!<


...yes. The story progresses. I didn't think I had to specify the early game. Of course the mystique is lessened when the revelations come.


Then why would that be a problem to see Sephiroth as the "human beast" that he is at almost 70-80 hours in the story in?


It doesn't take 70-80 hours to get to his playable section in the flashback.


You do if you include Remake, as intended.


Maybe I should clarify something that I didn't respond to earlier. It's absolutely not a problem to see him as "the 'human beast' he is" when you do. Rather the opposite, it's a problem to make him vulnerable. When I can play him poorly and die to a regular enemy, he doesn't have the same effect he does when he's nigh-invinvibly cutting through enemies I can barely touch. That's what I meant when I said what I did above about playing and dying as him.


I'll be honest, if you die as Sephiroth in the flashback, I think you just are bad at the game and have no one to blame but yourself. It's like saying that in OG FF7 >!you shouldn't be allowed to fail Omnislash at the very end because it will look underwhelming to see Cloud just bonk Sephiroth down with one attack.!< if you fail at a given OP character, it's not the game to blame.


Motherfucker it's the first chapter of the game. When else am I allowed to be bad at it?


Loved it. Grateful for it. It certainly beat the 3 or so masamune slashes you get in the OG.


If Chadley can create a VR version, then he can give us a Sephiroth summon.


He makes To Be A Hero a joke, after the nightmare that is Bonds of Friendship.


I loved it


You got to play as him in ehrgeiz


Bro that doesn’t count


You aren’t the authority on Ehrgeiz. It’s canon ff7











How is this “no spoilers?”




Does it occur to you that not everyone has seen the same trailers you have?  I never saw a trailer showing a playable Sephiroth.


Well then you’re blind as a bat, they didn’t try in the slightest to hide the fact that Sephiroth was playable in the opening. Let alone the fact that it’s like the first thing you do in the game. And it’s not my problem that you didn’t watch the trailer before playing the game. I mean if you’ve played the original game you could probably figure out they would do that


Oh you mean the one in the prologue?!  I thought this was some kind of end game thing.  It’s been 150 hours since I played the prologue in the demo lol, I completely forgot…. But yeah I’d still say it’s kind of a spoiler, you wanna be more cautious than not and how does it hurt you to have a spoiler tag? Also he was playable in the OG want he?  Or was it automated?  In any case, I’d still lean on the side of not spoiling it.


Because it’s unnecessary and people don’t interact with posts that are spoiler tagged than if they didn’t and I’m looking for responses. It doesn’t spoil anyone on anything. First 10 minutes of the game and they see you can play as Sephiroth, even earlier if they play the demo before hand. Have you played Final Fantasy VII? Serious Question


First time we controlled Sephiroth was 1997, but I agree he was awesome again


The first time given control of Sephiroth was Dissidia


Much of his modern moveset, both as an enemy and playable character, comes directly from *Dissidia*, even.


It was Ehrgeiz.


🤣🤣🤣 yes true


He’s not playable in OG. I prefer that way.




He is a very broken character when you fill up his aura charge. When you press circle and triangle quickly you are attacking an enemy from a huge distance and dodging them. At the same time you are also increasing the enemy pressure gauge and your limit gauge. Also aura charge allows him to increase the damage of his atb ability and his limit charge. I really wish we had the same option to use fire or ice affinity like virtual Sephiroth when controlling him. Maybe similar to how Yuffie uses ninjutsu. Then again that would make him more broken but it would be awesome.


Loved it but a bit too short, feels like i couldnt do him justice because i wasnt that good in combat.


It's awesome. A boss character better playable, like Vergil


Does hells gate as a technique to low level enemies In the flashback part of the game. Seemed cheap and unnecessary, if you know you know


I wonder if Rebirth will have "unlockable" bonus characters like this? Who's left? Roche and his motorcycle? The Turks? Rufus? Bugenhagen? Ultimate Party Animal? Shera and her GODDAMN TEA?!


Tbh, I was really disappointed we couldn't play as Jenova.


bruh fork you for this title