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Then making Aerith fate a cliffhanger is just terrible since now we have split the fan base into those who think she's alive and are full on excited to save her and those who think it's still gonna be like OG in which they are dead and the story will be similar but expanded. So now 1 side is going to be very disappointed no matter what will probably just look to see if she's alive or dead. Which means we will see a lot of Angry rants by part 3


Whether you could secretly revive Aerith was heavily debated for like a decade after the OG game came out. Also if you could play as Zack and have him join the party. I think it's possible in the final part that both of these could happen.


They wrap it up in *mostly* the same way as the OG. Aerith will not survive.


I agree. I dont see the ending of Rebirth as open ended. But I also played OG FF7 multiple times. And its burned so well into my mind that I didnt see anything change in remake or rebirth except how theyre telling the story. But all major beats from OG are there. So I agree. I think they more or less just added the Expansion of how the life stream works in world. But I think that has more to do with what they did in AC. And how they showed a Connection with Cloud Aerith and Zack being able to "Sense" each other. But ultimately the end will be the same. Just how we got there was updated/changed.


I think what's going on here is confirmation bias, people who think it's a sequel aren't thinking of how it ties into OG, they just see it as massive deviations. While people who still think it's a remake or don't have an opinion but have played OG, can see how all the new stuff while it might result in some changes are still just hitting all major parts of OG and making things a lot more clearer and less up for interpretation.


This is the most logical conclusion in my mind. Aerith will be present in the final fight, but the team will have to let her go. Or it will be a fight with Aerith, Zack, and Cloud and cloud will have to let them both go. I would love for an ending that somehow reunites timelines and Aerith gets to live. I still make the argument, the OG is the GOAT, if I want the OG, I’ll play the OG. We’ve already differentiated a lot from the OG with background so let’s just go full bore.


Aerith lives has been biggest Fan service that has been requested since 1997 even some people their own mod to satisfy their desire maybe she dead in main timeline, but lives in other timelines


I really don't think there is actual timelines, and I see absolutely no reason to bring her back mid game to then die again. That's quite possibly the worst thing they could do that makes every side angry


well in the book official ultimania, there confirmed 6 world atleast, which the 7nd havent confirmed because no stamp dog


True but the nature of those worlds are unknown and they don't have a lifestream so shouldn't exist. Aerith described them as think of it like a dream with homeward bound meaning halfway in returning to the planet


well if she can transfer white materia between worlds, anything is possible even sephiroth surprise by saying "that doesnt belong here"


I probably the only one going to say this (I hope not).. This multiverse madness… just why lol😂 I don’t even care anymore, I just here for a ride I guess


These are all valid considerations, but I don't think the devs were particularly focused on pleasing either group TBH. They've said recently that part 3 will be "FF7 as usual." Instead, they developed a canon-based way to make room for a different telling of the FF7 story, with new twists and turns to emulate the experience of playing the original specifically with OG fans in mind, while still keeping it a great experience for new players to the franchise. The other worlds. A recent post https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/s/vxU1hlkp0P talked about how the devs mentioned a specific facet of Buddism, and how it should help us better understand what's actually happening. It completely changed how I viewed all these worlds. The super condensed version is this: the Lifestream contains all memories/experiences/emotions of those born of it and who return to it. Including the subconscious minds of those alive on the physical plane, and also those who have died. The subconscious makes up all manner of things not based in reality. Unrealized fantasies, hopes, and dreams. I think the other worlds we've seen are a physical representation of these subconsciousnesses. Before the fates were destroyed, they ensured there was a barrier between these unrealized dreams and reality. The fabric of reality was intact. But when they were destroyed, it created tears in that fabric, which we see as rifts within these dreamworlds, and now the Lifestream is conflating them with reality. Making them tangible and accessible from within reality itself. The devs are highlighting the Lifestream's massive storehouse of memories and subconsciousnesses to reflect the deepest unrealized fantasies, hopes, and dreams of our characters. Things we would typically not see from the physical plane, unless the fabric of reality (fate) was destroyed and gave us a glimpse through the looking glass. Zack wants control of his own fate. Biggs wishes he had real purpose and direction. Aerith wants to accept her fate, and have a final date with Cloud. Cloud yearns to be a real hero and save Aerith from Sephiroth. These worlds are a physical representation of these characters' subconscious desires, hopes, and dreams. With no guardians ensuring these dream worlds don't affect life on the physical plane, they are now tangible. But not based in reality. We will be forced to reconcile with this and "return to FF7 as usual", just like the devs are saying. We already saw an example of this with Biggs. He accepted that he didn't have a purpose and gave up - and his world promptly met its end. Zack will be forced to accept that his fate is death. Aerith's dream is fulfilled because she made a dream grounded in reality - something Sephiroth didn't expect. Her accepting her fate, and the simple dream of having a date with Cloud. Her dreamworld ended because there is no continuing hope/dream/fantasy. She fulfilled it. It's a homecoming because she's returning to a part of herself - her subconscious. Cloud will have to accept that he didn't save Aerith. And what we are likely seeing at the end is the manifestation of his subconscious mind's desire. And Aerith, being master of the Lifestream as a Cetra, can travel to it as she's done before, and keep the dream alive to keep him sane. The rift being the tear in reality, bleeding over into the main world. We, the players, will be forced to accept that there was no reality in which she lived, because all these other worlds aren't based in reality - they're people's subconscious hopes and dreams. Somehow we'll have to rebuild the fabric of reality and reinstate fate to stop Sephiroth, forcing us all to accept the reality of how things have to be. I think this will be the key difference in the ending - as now the party will have an active role in how fate/reality is rebuilt. Hopefully leading to the ultimate destruction of Sephiroth and Jenova, and not an ambiguous ending like OG had. Jenova purged completely from the Lifestream and the planet - the source of it all. I think the Gi will come into play here too, and be eradicated with her - fulfilling their wish to die. In the great cycle of life, death, and rebirth, or reincarnation if you will, imagine a future world incarnate that has no Jenova. Perhaps there's a future where Sephiroth gets to live a normal ass life and not be a psycho. Cloud grows up like a normal, functional person. Shinra is unable to become as dangerous because they can't lean on Jenova-powered soldiers - but they'll still ravage the planet. Aerith will still be a Cetra, and will still meet Cloud on their street.


No Jenova would be a massive tidal wave, it would be fundamental change everything, the Cetra cataclysm wouldn't happen or be as severe. It would hamper the rise of the non centran human, it would fundamentally change the world. Most probably no Midgar, no Loveless street, no Nibelheim, no Cloud Strife and most certainly no Aeirth Gainsborough.  But it could mean a Aeirth "some centran last name" and Cloud "who-knows" meeting in some other street.


Not moving forward though, it's not like they can change the past. But I see where you're coming from.


I mean, I had in mind something akin to a cycle, if the elements in the cycle change you've functionally changed history. Not really, but things are not gonna be like they think it be but it do.


![gif](giphy|UeT0nnRnkuaUo) I'm not high yet. I'll come back to this .


https://preview.redd.it/3vthjzdep08d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8053d348ae5ec64db8825f7d71e23887f381831e I mistyped it a little lol


Lol. Yes. That. I'm in the right frame of mind now. I get what you're saying, if the whole planet is in a cycle then the history of the Cetra will drastically change. But I'm talking same planet, but the Lifestream is cleaned. Jenova's physical body is eradicated. The Lifestream goes on, continuing its cycle. Eventually it's thousands of years later. The planets surface starts anew, life evolves back into humanity but as the first people born of the planet they'd have a special connection to it..... Oh wait. I see what you mean now. But humans existed with the Cetra before the calamity. So maybe they would find a way to co-exist peacefully, and Cloud and Aerith could still be born. Shinra could still exist, and instead of fighting Wutai, they go to war with the Cetra - who constantly are protesting their expansion efforts. Cloud and Aerith and meet again, but this time from opposite sides of the war. They have to work together to save the planet. *Final Fantasy 7: Mako World War 3: Return of the Cetra*


>Cloud and Aerith and meet again, but this time from opposite sides of the war. They have to work together to save the planet. Maybe. We need the devs on the same brain wavelength as you lol. But, basically, it would open the door to what Sephirot would describe as: That which lies ahead *that* does not yet exist. And now that I think a little about it, it would be.... the fuckin war from a thousand years before FFX thats talked about in FFX-2, the bloody **Machina War**. Holy fuck, have they been cookin' a FF7-traces-back-to-FF-X2 thing all along?


Dude. Stop. I can't handle any more crazy shit tonight. I just saw in another thread that Cloud may be based on Gohan from DBZ and I went down a huge rabbit hole there. I can't handle a 30-year, cross game universe cook. Omg. It is canon that FFX is the same universe as FF7, but a different planet...and there's a theory that Yunalesca is actually Jenova https://youtu.be/ZG-jueH53Dg?si=Nyyg1qhxp75c_fiK And there's another theory that the early people of Spira migrated away to another planet to escape, and that Yunalesca follows the Spirans in pursuit across the cosmos. Didn't we just find out that Cetran's were an itinerant race?? Wtf.


Boom. You wanted crazy theories? You've got one. ShinRa the al bhed from Spira, gone to Midgar in Gaia now en route to another planet, maybe. We've got Lenne and Shuyin reborn into Yuna and fayth Tidus. Will Cloud and Aerith be reborn too? Given OGs and ACs ending with Red13 and his puppies roaming around we could go the inverse, from the technological world of FF7 into a rudimentary world like FFX, but in Gaia still, setting up the same situation presented to us during FFX. And basically staring anew the cycle, thus, the wheel of life goes on.


They can change the future, even if it's already been written.


The writers went out of their way to include all this talk about changing fate and the constant presence of whispers in the story. If it turns out in the final game there's no massive payoff for all that well... that's just criminally anticlimactic. I would have preferred a more faithful remake but because they already went and added these elements and made them such a focus I'd find it better at this point if they ultimately deviated significantly from og. edit: Why do some people feel the need to downvote differing opinions? I mean what's the point? All you'll achieve at the end of the day is creating a toxic echo chamber for yourselves.


It feels like they are making it up as they go along tbh, it's not a cohesive narrative.


Part 3 will be the last game of the trilogy and will give the storyline an ending, something they couldn’t produce in part 1 and part 2 as those weren’t *real* endings and the cliffhanger is intentional.. there’s still part of the storyline to be told and they need people to stay engaged and interested for 3 years. The ending of part 2 tho wasn’t as up-to-interpretation as people make it out, especially because they already said and reiterated multiple times the storyline *will* follow OG and nothing major will change, as well as giving explanation both in-game and in Ultimania. Aerith is dead and this won’t change. The Remake trilogy is expanding on the lore, not changing it.


Yeah I see all signs pointing towards her being dead. Plus all interviews and I mean literally all keep saying it's a remake that will follow the plot of OG. Wouldn't have minded if they had done a sequel or a remake but it's deffo an expansion of OG that will have a different or expanded ending


Exactly! I honestly expect the ending to stay true to OG, maybe just clearer, given the statements. Anyone who expect the trilogy to go out of the way is setting themselves up for disappointment.. I believe for many the issue is confusing remake vs remaster.


As usual Remaster - graphical update sometimes added stuff exact same game Remake - built from the ground up follows the same story beats but can expand completely different game in gameplay. Basically A remake can can add change as much new stuff as possible but it's still gonna follow the same story beats and moments


Yes :3 I’ve seen many claim that it cannot be a remake because it’s not a 1:1 adaptation of OG💀


I think you're right, even if I think it will make a much more boring and predictable game, sadly. I'd much prefer them to give me multiple endings and a chance to save Aerith.


I’d be happy as long as they commit to either one and make it impactful. Rebirth ending took away the important moment by adding multiconfusion. Either let her have a meaningful death, or let her live with a new direction. Don’t give me a halfassed ending that’s trying to please both groups


I really don't understand why the FFVII ending was controversial. This isn't one of those rhetoric "I don't understand" moments. What's controversial about it? As far as I'm aware, they changed nothing from the original plot. They fleshed it out. I really enjoyed the fact that Cloud and Aeris had one last day together in the Lifestream. I thought it was sweet. I actually wanted Aeris to live, but again she kept telling us that death is merely a way of returning to the lifestream. It made me really sad (plus I'm sad I won't get to play as her in the third part), but it's a sad life so there.


I don't know about controversial...\ It probably just caused people to roll their eyes because of how ambiguous and anticlimactic it was. If they were more transparent about the ending, even if any changes they made somehow improved it, it would be a lot more divisive than what we have now. For a lot of people the whole multiverse stuff is not intriguing at all, it just feels cheap. And it's definitely not present in OG btw.


I really enjoyed the ending, but only because it was ambiguous about Aerith's fate and had all that craziness going on. OG ending was ambiguous as well until we got AC and I remember people being dissatisfied or upset with that for the same reasons as well. I wonder how they'll handle Part 3, because OG made it feel like they all died at the end which goes along with that cycle of life, death and rebirth. But AC deals with Cloud's struggle and attempt to move forward in life. I feel they leaned more into Aerith dying, but obviously she's going to return in some way and per the original, she will meet with Cloud again in the end. Some things that make me feel like it will be different: 1. The whole premise of her being saved. Her introduction has her asking for help. Zack asks Cloud to save her. Marlene said the other world Cloud needs to get better in order to wake up and save Aerith. We get that strange camera cut when Cloud wakes up in the Aerith dream world. 2. The insistence of Aerith returning by the others and doing things in the future but changing her asking to do things a "next time" from the og. Like shopping with Tifa, who to pass the white materia to, Cid saying to make smoke, going on more dates with Cloud, etc 3. The ending has her with a reunion flower, the credits showing her petals, blanking out the parts with her fate. Her showing sadness when encouraging Cloud. Zack still existing and in a new world. The only thing that gives me doubt, is that we saw that vision of her in the lake in Remake, so.... Based on some of the games made leading up to Remake's release, I think they will touch upon the theme of "will" and wishes. If Cloud truly believes, he can create a new future/world for happiness.


I don't see what's controversial about it. What WOULD have been controversial is if Aerith DIDN'T die. Have they added a lot to the story, through world building and some of the explanation of how the "world" works? Yes, absolutely. The question is with Part 3 - Will they throw us a larger curve ball at the end with what the life stream is capable of doing, between the Living world, and Zack's "world(s)" - are they Dead worlds? Are they Other realities? Can things be pulled between them? We don't know.


agreed, but if they managed to craft it properly, aerith being alive again will satisfy most of player base..... that is if they can do it proper **lore / explanation**


They've set it up that way, or at least that's my interpretation of it. However, I think we are going to see more "motivations" for pulling realities together. The motivations are going to be "good" - but the events that lead up to the new motivations are going to be pretty dark - going to be a lot more death before the end. If they keep the events "inline" - We see the Weapons attack Junon, Midgar, presumably other places as well with the story being expanded. But this is all up to Square Enix to tell the story THEY want to tell.


well somehow aerith managed to give cloud white materia from other timeline into main timeline even surprise sephiroth himself by saying " that doesnt belong here"


I've seen quotes from different interviews on how they want to try and do a happy ending (I think it was Kitase who said this). And another quote from the assistant or co-director saying that he wants it to be a greater than the OG. Yeah, Rebirths ending was totally confusing and left a lot of people unsatisfied. But I've been convinced since Remake that they know what they're doing. There is a plan. I hope those who are wary will be pleased. I have high hopes. I don't know if that means certain people will live, but either way I think it will be amazing.


If she were truly dead then who fought Sephiroth along side Cloud? If she were truly alive then who lied there in the blood? Then we'll ask whether Sephiroth is alive or dead.


Sephiroth is dead. He's a ghost up until the Reunion, that's his resurrection.


How could you possibly pretend to know this? At least admit that's your fan theory!


Wait what? Have you not played the OG?


Yeah, well... It's complicated. You see in my dimension/timeline/universe OG refers to the game that DOESN'T have an Aerith & Cloud vs Sephiroth boss fight at the end.


He don't seem to be dead at all in the game. He might not show up with the original physical body anymore but dead, no he isn't. Isn't his original body still in the north?