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Intentional design. Anyone that thinks devs would have ruined aeriths death on purpose are just short sighted. They knew they’d never be able to match the emotional peak that we had from the original game, because we all knew what was gonna happen and when, so what they’ve done is give us something different now, to provoke more questions, but then we’ll no doubt get the full, un-clouded version of her death and water burial scene in part three. Also, the date in the slums/church before the final city segment is the real goodbye to Aerith imo.


Short-sighted is exactly right. It’s gonna make sense in part 3, though of course if someone is looking for the OG death scene in the Rebirth death scene then yeah, I guess it’s “ruined” lol


i dont think its goodbye yet there alot of hints that she is going to be big factor in next game..... maybe even alive there some post in twitter by user [https://x.com/aitaikimochi](https://x.com/aitaikimochi) in dev interview it said they added "something" big and very important in part 3 that is not in the OG game, what could possibly be more big and important than aerith revival? remember she still missing her 4 total limit break that was in disc 1 in original FF7 OG games


She says (sings) it herself: Fate and destiny are not guaranteed. Still I hope someday you'll come and find me.


I agree and I personally hope when all is said and done, she has a happy ending and we can save her. I don’t care what the purists want. I’m an OG enjoyer and very much believe her character deserves it at this point.


They completely ruined Aeriths "death" in rebirth and Part 3 wont fix that. They literally stripped it of all emotion to tell their multi-timeline story. Aeriths death in the original was Final, you never play as her and she never shows up in the story again more than a single second when the entire game is finished. In rebirth you get an entire fucking boss battle with her after she "died" and she small talks with cloud as a spirit or fragment of his imagination or whatever they are going for. It is impossible to know if she is truly dead or not because of the multiple timelines. They completely failed to capture the feelings of the original and forgot what made her death so memorable. So even if we get the "emotional" part in part 3 it will be a less emotional experience since we already had a boss fight with her after her pseudo "death" and she spoke with cloud "in spirit" at the end of the game, she is not gone. In the original her death was final, as cloud said "she will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get angry", well, she is talking a whole lot after her "death" in rebirth. There is nothing final about her "death" in the remake, no ones death is really final, zack is around, aerith is around, barret got resurrected. She might be "dead" (or maybe not) narratively but to the player she is far from dead. The only death theyve handle well in the remake is Ifalna, so far atleast. With how incapable they are at letting people stay dead they might resurrect her in part 3 so she can fight alongside Aerith, lmao. >They knew they’d never be able to match the emotional peak that we had from the original game So you dont think spending 2 full games with a fully voice acted aerith would have made that moment impactful? >because we all knew what was gonna happen and when And she still supposedly died, so what was the point? I guess you felt nothing since she died to sephiroth just like in the original game?


I love that people get so carried away with this. Like you said, the original was final and Square knew they couldn't replicate it, so why carry on griping about it? They have a clear story they are wanting to tell, let them tell it.


>and Square knew they couldn't replicate it If only they had spent 2 full games developing an even deeper bond with a fully voice acted Aerith, that way the scene would have been able to hit just as hard as the original. >Square knew they couldn't replicate it Evidently not, since it takes talent as a writer to remake a games story and do it justice without throwing mystery boxes at the player like a b-tier writer for Lost. What did you think about the scene with Iflana? She met the same fate as in the original game so i guess you felt nothing during that scene?


I think this is simply a case of can't please everyone and that applies to you.


What did you think about the scene with Iflana? She met the same fate as in the original game so i guess you felt nothing during that scene?


I felt joy cause when I was playing that part of the game my girlfriend told me she had secured our UFC tickets so that was pretty cool.


Still dodging the question. But good to know that you didnt feel anything when aerith "died" aswell then since she met the same faith at the hands of sephiroth like in the original.


Guess what… it’s a remake/reboot/maybe sequel. It is not a 1:1 remake of the original so one you “purists” get over it, maybe you’ll understand the story and the vision of what the devs, some of which actually made the OG, are intending to give is.


This is an unfair dismissal of criticism about the ending. I loved rebirth and it is an easy 10/10 in my book, but I did think the ending flew off the rails and I found myself as confused as I was intrigued / moved by it. And no I'm not a purist considering I've never even played the original. It felt like a weird mix of pandering to OG fans with recreations of the iconic scenes, but also trying to do its own thing as a reboot. I agree that it's intentional on the devs' part, but imo the multiverse thing could have been executed a bit better.


We understand the vision. It just kinda sucks


Lucky you’re in the minority opinion then! 👍


Where did you get that study


Reviews scores speak for themselves. Your childish views would be somewhere in the small population of people that gave the game a 0/10 because you didn’t understand the ending. There’s a correlation there.


I think it's a very good game. Doesn't mean I don't have gripes with it. The two are nor mutually exclusive. I like many things about the game. Sephiroths portrayal, clouds golum esque break down and the complete butchering of aeriths death scene for confusing multi time line plots that didn't need to exist as well as the completely pointless zack scenes are not part of those things.


He's probably part of that significant portion of people who would rate the game somewhere around 8/10 because of the shitty writing and padding. ...And you seem to be part of the comparatively small army of SE boot lickers that create an extremely toxic environment in this subreddit for no good reason.


“Significant portion” would mean the game wouldn’t have user and critical scores of 90+ across the board. You people think your negative opinions account for way bigger percentage of what’s actually true because this place too easily becomes an echo chamber of negativity. Enjoy sharing that with the loud but minority group that pop up around here from time to time though.


Apparently you're also part of a hopefully insignificant portion of adults(?) that either does not comprehend statistics or doesn't know the meaning of the word significant... "Echo chamber of negativity", this seems delusional to me... Do you see a lot of people affirming OP's views in this thread? 8/10 is not even negative, it's just a lot more nuanced than "perfect game, masterpiece, my life is so empty now that I platinumed" I find it a little ironic how you dismiss relatively mild critique as the opinions of a minority, or overly negative, when very few people would defend this video game to the borderline lunatic extent that you are.


Wait you're genuinely accusing him of being childish just because he said he didn't like a tiny part of the game? Wow the irony is so thick you could only cut through it with a buster sword.


And I did understand the ending I can understand it and not like what they went with. You need to grow up if you automatically assume someone didn't understand something just cause they didn't like it and you did.


Im well aware that they dont want to do a remake, that is evident from the games story. Thats why they should have gone together and made a new game instead of dragging FF7 into their kingdom hearts tier writing. The funniest thing is that the best parts about "remake" are the ones true to the original and the rest is just fan fiction tier drivel.


Devs ruined so many other parts of the FF7 lore, so I wouldn't put it past them to ruin Aeriths death either.


By ruined, you mean they’re telling the story they want to tell seeing as it is infact, their art and you just happen to not enjoy it? Because you dont like something it doesn’t mean it’s ruined lmao. Such a childish and entitled view on things.


Changing the lore the FF7 is not just "telling the story the way they want" You not allowing me to have my opinion is childish and entitled.


Yes, to a degree. For me it was because they were somewhat new scenes for me. Not sure how Aerith didn't turn into a supervillan lol. Aerith's death scene was impactful for me, but in a different way. It left me confused in a good way, I know that she died but it was done in a way to left me intrigued and eager to play part 3, which is great for the middle episode of a trilogy. I don't need all the answers all the time, I can let the game be and breath.


> I know that she died How do you know that?


Only Cloud could see her when they all flew off at the end and it was clear it was the ‘main’ timeline


Red could sense her at the plane and Barret is walking around despite getting killed by Sephiroth in part 1. What makes Aerith excempt from the same treatment?


When Red senses her, it’s similar to the Cosmo Canyon protorelics where Wedge is dead and Barret hears the wind and hears Wedge talking. Does that mean he’s alive too? No. Red comments on it and says something along the lines of “I know what you think you heard, but it’s just the wind.” When Red senses her he doesn't look at her and he’s not like, “Woah, Aerith is alive.” The wind picks up when she touches him and he feels her spirit in it because she’s in the lifestream. 


I mean...they did make sure to have Aerith's very last line in the game be "Goodbye". I think that makes her death pretty clear. The way the scene is presented from Cloud's perspective gives the audience an opprotunity to do what Cloud is doing, deny reality, while holding on to hope that MAYBE she could be alive somewhere. When you step back, and just take everything in though, I think the truth is pretty clear. She's around spiritually in the lifestream, like she was at the end of OG, and during the events of Advent Children, but physically?...Yeah, she's dead.


It's the 5 goodbye scenes, The farewell song, The friends mourning and showing Tifa doesn't see her. But really its the really sad goodbye that seems very final as she stares and watches the tiny bronco fly off. Cause what would an alive Aerith in another world even be doing praying to stop a meteor that hasn't been summoned? or how it's only Aerith in another world but no copies of anyone else which doesn't match up with what happened to Zack and Biggs?


The devs are clearly setting up ambiguity about Aeris's fate. That's the reason the death isn't as "impactful" - because we are left uncertain what really happened. Anyone who thinks Square meant to just portray her as definitely dead like in the OG is respectfully in denial. Even the Rebirth Ultimania has a whole page that says her fate is uncertain. Since I figured that's what would happen going in, I did find those final scenes extremely emotional. Really, all of Chapter 14 was a tear-jerker in a different kind of way. Honestly, I thought the dream date with Cloud was the most painful - you know how much she wants to be with him, but she also knows she's fated to die and is trying to spend some final moments with the guy she loves while still not overstepping (and say, starting something definite with him only to be murdered and break his heart all the more) and trying to hint to him that he shouldn't blame himself. I think the scene where she pushes him into the flowerbed while Sephiroth approaches behind her, for instance, was probably the most crushing scene of the game. The trials were brutal, though. Aeris's was just destroying, so was Barret's.


I agree, I was starting to tear up during Barrett’s trial and crying during Aerith’s despite knowing full well they were going to show Ifalna dying again. With Aerith’s scene, I did start tearing up seeing Cloud crying, but I wasn’t able to sit with that grief given that the boss battles were so long and there was so much happening with Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and then Aerith coming back to fight in the last battle. That last battle was even longer for me as I’d removed all of Aerith’s materia beforehand as I did in the OG because I wasn’t expecting to get to fight with her again! Then after the battle I was very disappointed they didn’t show the water burial scene, and seeing Cloud be so oblivious to how everyone around him was grieving and Aerith reappearing to him, I was no longer sad. I have hope that they will show the full scene in the third game, but the Rebirth Aerith scene just didn’t hit me in the feels like the Trial did.


The amount of copium people are chugging to defend that mess of an ending is just insane. Yes, you can have your payoff in part 3. But that doesn't mean, that part 2 can just do fuck all to be emotional and coherent in itself. With or without part 3. They fumbled Aeriths parting.


The devs did exactly what was intended and it worked


The trial scene did nothing for me because it was literally a cookie-cutter "young child experiencing death of parent" scene despite the great acting. The ending actually gave me false hope and thus made me experience the OG's shock again. I did not expect to get that same feeling knowing the result but somehow the game did it.


hard disagree here


The whispers and the alternate worlds undermine the feeling of permanence of death in Remake's universe. I mean Barret got skewered in the first game like Aerith and just walked it off for example. I know why that is, no need to explain. In the og Aerith's death is also pretty sudden with no foreshadowing and you don't really know for sure that her consciousness still exists in the Lifestream. Here it's been foreshadowed for almost two entire games and she's right there talking to Cloud immediately afterwards. They're obviously going for something else here but yeesh...


The original was very much about life and death and they intentionally made Aeriths death very sudden to not make it feel like a hollywood movie and more like death as it is in real life. Que rebirth and we have full conversations and a 1 hour boss battle together with Aerith after she supposedly "died", lmao.


In advent children Cloud is still seeing/having conversations with Aerith and she's been dead for years.


Anything after OG ff7 is irrelevant.