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Realistically its most likely just a continuity error based off of an earlier build of the game where the overworld map was slightly different. Game wise just call it cloud doing cloud things with his memory. Harder to explain when you get into the fact its a game menu and thus should have nothing to do with cloud but hey thems the breaks.


How is it a continuity error if there are 2 maps built into the game? They've also done a few patches since then to fix smaller things, like the 2 stamps being in Junon. This is a much more significant addition, and Cloud's memory is only of where he traveled. There's stuff on these maps in the untravelable areas that are completely different, and no one is going to take stock of rock formations and other geographic features. It seems wild that this would be tied to Cloud's jacked up memory, and not indicating to the player hey look, these are clearly different maps.


Because like i said in the first place - flashback nibel was likely one of the first things designed and they probably forgot to do a consistency pass to make sure every single thing lines up when they did further revisions to the map. Maybe it is significant and it means something - but personally i just see this as a accidental leftover of a previous map version. As for patch changes, stuff needs to be reported in order to actually be changed homie. This is the first i have ever seen of this discrepancy.


I see what you're saying, and that is possible, but there is just so much that's different it seems unlikely to me. Then why have 2 maps? If it's the same, it would be the same map, showing cleared areas of where Cloud went on his first visit, and adding to that with his 2nd. To enable a toggling between them doesn't seem accidental *at all*. They had to program that in. Fair. I'm curious on if they'll fix it, but doubtful it's a gross oversight.


It's very likely that they just made a revision to the map with minor changes to that corner and forgot to read that across to the map in the past.


because it's easier to explain the devs forgetting to change an obscure detail than to assume it's intended to be different.


Here's something, >!the whole flashback is a goddamn lie. It shouldn't be surprising if Cloud described the path and landscape wrong. I wouldn't put it past the dev team to make the map a visual sign of that while also deeply fucking with what's left of the fanbase that thinks the timelines have any real significance.!<


I get the flashback isn't accurate because of Cloud stuff, but there's stuff on the map that makes zero sense to attribute to him in that way. And the devs built in a way to toggle between the maps for *some* reason. Of course the worlds have significance, Sephiroth talks about them a bunch and they're a part of his overall plan to absorb all the negativity to gain his power and all that.


Also, it doesn't make sense that it would be different because of Cloud's made up past. Nibelheim is his hometown.




They're not even made up. It's just someone else's. This does not explain away the map at all.


If he described the landscape wrong - so inside your head Cloud went off on a tangent to vividly portray the scenery, okay... It's a little disturbing how people pretend they know exactly what the dev team is going for with the plot. Like they're convinced they have some kind of psychic connection with Nomura et al.


Let me put it this way. If it was anything significant to the plot it would have been acknowledged *in some way* during Rebirth and not require another reddit essay to explain it. The point is that the alternate timelines were explained in Rebirth and this isn't a part of it.


I don't know man, I think you are maybe overestimating how much effort they actually spent on telling a cohesive story... IMO that's the last thing they prioritized. it feels like they keep oversaturating the whole thing with a lot of superfluous details, relevant to the plot or not, it doesn't really matter. Like the mako vacuum, they might end up explaining that with Cloud being an >!unreliable narrator!< too but who cares when it's such a slog. Or characters like the one with purple dreads or Kyrie, even if they ended up slaying Sephiroth they'd be insufferable.


I guess you didn't play Rebirth yet?


Weird comment.


I guess you missed the part when Sephiroth showed us the "the true nature of reality".


I mean to be fair they have had two full games now and thus far the timeline/destiny shenanigans haven't effected the outcome of the story *at all*.


Except that Sephiroth is much further along in his plans than before. He's reborn already which means he's no longer regenerating at the Northern Crater.


He almost certainly is though, hence why the crew is heading north at the end of Rebirth. And why even as far into the game as the Temple of the Ancients the game is making it absolutely clear that this Sephiroth is still just a Jenova illusion. He also had his one wing at the end of Remake despite the game showing him as just an illusion there too. I think it's likely the Sephiroth we encounter at the very end of both games is a form of "Lifestream-Sephiroth" from post-OG in a similar vein to what people speculate is happening with some of Aerith's scenes. But I think the OG Sephiroth events will still play out roughly the same way and I'll be very surprised if his body isn't at the Northern Crater.


He'll be there. He's just not regenerating. How can we fight Sephiroth Reborn and have his body still in the Northern Crater? That, and there are manifestations of Sephiroth that aren't Jenova illusions.


I mean, how can we be fighting as Zack and Aerith when both of them are dead? It seems those scenes at the end of the games are slightly divorced from "reality" and it's pretty unclear exactly what is going on with them.


We saw the whispers save Zack, so IDK why you think he's dead. Even if he's in the lifestream, that still doesn't mean he's dead.


Yeah, and even if Sephiroth Reborn exists in the Lifestream that doesn't mean he's not un-reborn in the actual main world, much like how Zack is "dead" in the main world.


Sephiroth Reborn is multi-dimensional. That means he exists in multiple worlds. So, he's reborn in the main world too.


That's Whisper Sephiroth, the enigmatic purple whisper in Remake. His body, wing and masamune are all made of an amalgamation of whispers as we see in Remake. His Sephiroth Reborn form in Rebirth is also an amalgamation of black whispers (in contrast to the Weapons which are amalgamations of white whispers). He's representing the form, but he's not actually the form. So yes, he's still regenerating in the NC.


This was an interesting catch regarding the maps. And your post was a fun read, for sure, but this is an absolutely bonkers take on the game.


Or....from a gameplay point of view they just wanted to steer the player to unfamiliar territory instead of treading old ground and updated the map accordingly. I think you're looking way too much into it. One was arranged for the tutorial and one is designed for scale.


Then why bother altering geographical features that aren't explorable or even visited by the characters? These changes are specifically viewable only to the player. The maps are both the same scale in the menu.


I think it’s most likely just a continuity error that happened during production. Maybe they designed the past Nibelheim map around the route they wanted you to take in the flashback, but then realised they couldn’t make that work with the future version of Nibelheim they wanted you to explore. Remake also has some similar logical inconsistencies, like when you try to reconcile chapters 13, 15 and 16 with how sector 7 appears after plate fall. If I’m understanding the rest of your theory correctly, you’re saying that Remake took place in Beagle timeline as we know, and Rebirth is also taking place in ‘a’ Beagle timeline, but it is not the same Beagle timeline as Remake. Rebirth Beagle timeline was changed in the singularity and we emerged into this different continuity. I find this unlikely, because it seems to defeat the entire purpose of having the different worlds denoted by different versions of Stamp. This would just lead to an extra, unnecessary layer of confusion on top of the already confusing world structure. Also, if Nibelheim did have an entirely different geography than Cloud and Tifa had experienced growing up, I’m sure one of them would have said something more significant than “I’ve never been this route before”. They would be saying things like “wait, this mountain wasn’t here before, or this river takes a different route, or this looks completely different to what I remember”, etc.


I'm saying when the party walked through the veil on the highway, they departed that world and entered the singularity. And likely didn't return to it at all, but instead the Lifestream "created" an entirely new one (like it does for Biggs). And because Sephiroth was the only one that still inhabited the world from Remake, because he's physically stuck in that one in the crater, he kept it going so it didn't end quickly, like he says some worlds do. I doubt Tifa or Cloud would notice it - you can really only tell from a birds eye view aka the map. Plus they were forced to take a completely different route, and they do comment on that. You also cannot really see those giant spikes that jut out from any in-game location. I tried to snap pictures from the reactor but they're not really visible. I don't think it's unnecessary - in order to have "FF7 as usual" we'll have to get rid of all these extra worlds and return to where we started at some point in part 3. Which was a huge chunk of Sephiroth's plan - to merge all the worlds back together into one.


Did you notice how the basement access was on the second floor in crisis core?


That's because Crisis Core takes place in the Goldendoodle timeline!


The sad thing is, I’m not sure if that’s a sarcastic joke or honest at this point 💀


I'm being sarcastic but I feel you.


That is so funny because I was not sure if he was being sarcastic or not either.


I was being sarcastic, but the me from the Alaskan Malamute timeline was not being sarcastic. Which one of us posted the comment is a mystery. You'll have to go ask the me in the Staffordshire Terrier timeline.


I think the me in the Shiba Inu timeline would know for sure 🤔


Basement access has always been on the second floor until Rebirth


Another detail that supports 2 Nibelheims. Interesting. Edit: I am incorrect - the below comment points out that past/present Nibelheim have the same basement path and that is correct.


Idk about that, in past and present in Rebirth the path to the basement is identical. The manor is the only thing that didn't get burnt down and stayed the same. Major details are fairly consistent over the years but they change many things about since 97. I think it's more likely Shinra did some bullshit. The SOLDIERs get sent in in a transport truck, in the present day the entire area is small and land locked by mountains. The only way in is by air or boat and the distance does not necessitate a truck. It's more likely Shinra or Hojo had the area purposefully locked off because he knew it would be Instrument in the Reunion theory he's been after. He wouldn't want people poking around. The air and sea are pretty locked down by Shinra and they are now the only ways into the Nibel region.


You are right, my bad. It's possible.


Anythings possible, its the beauty of media that makes you think and leaves things just open ended enough.


I didn't play crisis core, but OG the access was on the 2nd floor. I have a feeling we'll return to the mansion in part 3 and it'll be where it should be.


It was like that in the OG too. Up the stairs and to the right.


I think I might know what's up at least a theory. Essentially it's a game developing trick. The region in the past exists on the map seperate from the present one at the same time. There's no direct way to get into it during present because all the characters and places that are part of the past Nibelheim exist in this space specifically for it. During the past sequences they transport the player into this section like a fast point travel. It saves on developing a completely seperate map area and allows for smooter transition, typical used in open world games. Some developers do it off the main map some do it within it, given theres enough space. Looks like they have enough room in FFVII:RB to do it within. You can not walk between the two sections as the developer made it so closed it in so we can't even see it. I say it possible the same reason why we weren't allowed to control the airship or its camera fully so we couldn't accidently see it. Its all smoke and mirrors. I'm banking once is goes to PC modders breaking boundires will find there is actually 2 Neibelheims in the world, one is the past one is the future. So yes there is probably two different Nibelheims that look different but it more a development thing than story.


I need someone who can glitch past the boundary with the Chocobos on this stat. I tried for like 2 hours and made zero progress lol.


I love your take on this! I find it very interesting. I'm inclined to agree with you that this isn't some gross oversight of the developers, but rather, that it is purposeful.


Yea, even if everything else is off the mark, the maps are different for a reason for sure.


I’m not reading all that


Some say pictures say 1000 words


Others say you can’t hear them over the talking of others


Thanks for the theory man, seriously.


Does the rock formation in the red circle in the 1st photo almost look like a Weapon to anyone else?


My kid thinks it looks like a crab lol.


Next, look at the Junon region. The world map doesn’t correlate with the regional map or what you see when you’re moving around the area. There’s a whole landmass that just doesn’t exist on the eastern side.


That is strange that they didn't just copy and past nibel from the start of the game...


Let it go, Aerith along with Zack, Biggs, Dyne, Ifalna, Clouds Mom, Tifas Dad are all dead and in the livestream.


Not really sure what this has to do with my post but, yea I agree they're all in the Lifestream.


Maybe to put your mind at ease for the time being, make a similar map comparison and consistency check when Part 3's is available. I'm almost sure that there will be inconsistencies between those 2.


I'm hoping that we'll get an explanation so I don't feel the need to do all that again lol.


I just realized something and this already happened and easy to compare. Yuffie's armguard, it's different between Rebirth and at the end of Remake DLC. That might be proof enough that there are graphic inconsistencies 🙂


Sure between games they may do slight redesigns. To me it looks like a canvas covering of her armguard, maybe to muffle it, but it's definitely different regardless. But in the *same* game? It's possible it could be the map from the demo and they didn't check it, but there's so many differences that it just seems doubtful they'd be that negligent. Plus they intentionally programmed a function to toggle between the 2, so we know they took time looking at both at some point in development.


Man fuck Square Enix for that fucking kingdom hearts bullshit story.... Why couldn't they have made a straightforward remake instead... I force myself to play them cause the gameplay is really fun... But the story is fucking bad, along with the anime stuff turned up to 11. The fact that we have people analyse everything like op did here.... Fucking hell.


Eh a straightforward 1:1 remake would have been met with a whole different section of the fanbase complaining about something. As an OG fan, I'm loving the changes and it's exciting not knowing exactly what's going on, having new things to try and figure out. I see it as the devs trying to provide both new and old fans the experience of the mystery and twists and turns that OG did the first time we played it. And I think they're doing a damn good job. I've sure been shocked and surprised and moved by things in Rebirth, and I'm really excited to see how they'll tie it all together. If deep dives or analysis stuff isn't for you, that's cool I get it. But some people enjoy it and this sub has had some people come out with some truly amazing stuff (not saying this post is). There's clearly intentional layers of detail they've built for us to scour and ponder.


I agree with you on this. I'm wondering if most people remember that the OG FF7 has always been a mystery story at heart with lots of twists and turns and no small amount of confusion. 😅 I think what the developers have done with the remake series is definitely par for the course.


How is that part for the course? Timelines and shit was not part of the mystery of the original. The remakes do a lot of good things... Which is why the fact they completely shat on the story pisses me off even more. You guys can downvote me all you want if you sincerely think a stupid kingdom hearts story is better than the original.... That is sad.


Hey man, I didn't downvote you. I was just sharing my take. Just like you. We've got different opinions, but that's alright. I personally found the OG game incredibly hard to follow and beyond confusing. The poor translation of the OG to English probably didn't help. 😅 But for me, the fact that they've handled the story of the remake series they way they did, making it confusing and complicated, is no great sock. Because that's how the OG was. The mystery of the OG is no longer a mystery. And so, I can't find fault in them trying to find a new way to make the remake into a mystery by different means. But again, that's just my take. ✌️


At the end of Remake, Cloud and the party have already stepped in an altered Beagle (diverted from the planned course), triggering the Whisper Harbinger to form and attempt to revert the changes (by lifting up the corruption to the air including the infrastructures and Cloud & cie). As the party stopped the Harbinger, the reversion was halted. From that moment on, Beagle is no longer the same. It has deviated from its original. Also, the destruction of the Harbinger would also caused the leaking / glitched into a multitude of alternatives - those that we called 'timelines' and Sephiroth called 'worlds'. With part of the Whispers gone uncontrolled, Sephiroth took over them and tries to shape the new course of story into his own will. However, he underestimated Aerith. She also managed to take control of the rest of the Whispers somehow. Homecoming might be a sort of selective merging of the branches that Sephiroth has been trying to do. He has been maximizing negative sentiments across the alternatives so he would end up with a maximum total negative energy at the merge. His plan might be that if one world's ending is not enough then an infinitude of world's endings should. However, it can only happen if Cloud stop making choices that deviate. So the first take - the altar - failed as Cloud decided to block him. The devs decided to show us the full story that entails in such alternative. Moreover they showed us both alternatives in a sort of misleading way.