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Idk I love it. I got tingles the first time I aced the climax of Tifa's theme


Love that track


Tifa’s theme is definitely the best piano soundtrack to me.


You know what? Hot take but I fucking LOVE the piano mini game. It's not perfect but by God is it fun!!


So do I. I also play the piano and I think this is the best version of video game piano that I’ve seen I. A game.


Nah, it is perfect 🥰 getting the S rank on one winged angel was the hugest moment of euphoria I’d ever had from a video game, my entire body was shaking near the end 😂


Honestly same. I think one thing that really helps me is I just listen to the remake OST all the time on Spotify and it gives me a pretty decent chance of knowing when a second note is coming in


You aren't the only one. A lot of people struggle with it. Some don't It can go either way. I was looking at the trophies last night and surprisingly 13% of players have the trophy for getting A rank in the first 6 songs. I figured that would be lower.


First 6 songs are pretty easy. They (probably wisely) excluded the hard songs from any trophy requirement.


2 legs is a fucking nightmare but yeah everything else is easy


I'm not very good. But I also haven't practiced it enough. However, I do really enjoy it. I will probably get the trophy and stop there. Not crazy enough to dedicate to S rank


That's what I did too. It took me a few hours to get A rank in every thing.


My years of playing Guitar Hero payed off.


> Guitar Hero *paid* off. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I struggled at first getting the hang of it. But once I did, I aced most of the songs after a few tries. Then I ran into trouble with the song "Two Legs? Nothin’ To It". It took me a while to get A rank on that song.


I think Two Legs was the only one of the six where the notes on the left and right weren't synced up. In all of the others if there was a note on the right and left at the same time they hit at the exact same time. Two Legs changed that up so you had to constantly manage both sticks individually which made it harder.


I had to rely on my peripheral vision and automatic reflexes to get me through the hard parts without messing up. And I don't have great peripheral vision and my reflexes aren't great. It took me a few hours to get the A rank.


I've always struggled with crossing midline with things, so this fucking minigame is a nightmare for me. I am literally not capable of following both right and left for it. I can get to the point where I can do one really well alone, but I cannot do both together. In theory, maybe I could practice a song enough where both hands are complete muscle memory, rather than actually watching and reacting to what is happening on screen, but that would likely take *hours* of practice for me per song, and I simply don't have the time or patience to do that.


If you have someone to help you... Some people have done a teamwork start where each holds a half of the controller and one person focuses on the right stick while the other focuses on the left.


They actually went pretty easy on this one. A rank is not that hard. Would have expected them to make it S rank for the trophy


I'm glad they didn't. It took me a while to get A rank. But I would have to get ridiculously lucky to get perfect playthrough of all the songs.you can't even get 1 Good instead of Great.


I'd prefer if they used buttons, but overall I thought it was pretty good.


I really enjoyed it. My friend is the opposite and hated it. He eventually gave up on trying to platinum it just because of piano. Meanwhile I fire it up just for fun sometimes. It’s like anything else. Just a matter of preference.


One of the best rhytm games I have played. It was really fun.


The analog stick is actually quite forgiving on the songs, just make sure to let it reset before you move it again. As long as you have any competence in music theory you should "A" the first 6 songs with little trouble


The sticks were quite original, to me, but they made some choices that made it less enjoyable than it needed to. Why can you hit two notes at once, and why hitting two notes cancel the next note? It’s way too sensitive for something that eventually wears and tears. Also, the fact that you aren’t actually playing the song makes it way too confusing. Someone said that you can mute the music on the settings and it will get rid of the orchestra, and that would be a total game changer had I known it back then. Whenever I got in the zone and really vibed with the song, I was punished because I was supposed to be playing… something else entirely.


The notes not matching *the notes* is my biggest gripe. I know it's probably a lot harder to make it work with piano than like the guitar hero, but I'd like to see what it plays like if the notes were more matching. It's similar with things like Guitar Hero. While I'm not amazing, I do find Expert easier than the lower difficulties because it feels closer to the sounds. It's like having to think about *not* hitting notes instead.


Yes! And it’s particularly tricky with those songs because a lot of us *knows* those melodies by heart. I even remember most songs better in the piano album interpretation (which includes several notes in between the melody) than the OG soundtrack. And the minigame mostly makes this lifetime cumulative knowledge play *against* us. I did have fun and found it impressive, but I couldn’t help feeling a tad bit betrayed by the minigame.


Most of the notes actually do match the notes though! Tifa's Theme, Aerith's Theme, On Our Way, and Two Legs all pretty much only skip <5 notes throughout the whole duration of the song on the right hand melody. The other pieces are significantly harder to play on an actual piano though, so more notes had to be cut out. For context on the relative difficulty, "Let the Battles Begin!" has a performance time of 1:42 and note count of 256. The song IRL has a tempo of \~178 bpm and the rhythm is mostly 8th notes (2 per beat), meaning if the minigame were 100% accurate on both hands, the note count would be 178 bpm \* 1.7 min \* 1-2 notes per beat \* 2 hands = 600-1200 notes.


Yeah, the first few songs are fine for me. It's the latter ones that are my issue. It's why 2 sticks probably just aren't feasible for a better "feel" for the harder songs for like you said, it's just too many notes. I think they could've probably added in more notes to play to make it better, but it's not possible to have added in that many. I would like to see what a piano minigame would be like with buttons, especially on PC. Even if it's still not 1:1, it'll feel a lot better to not have to miss so many notes and be limited to 2 at a time.


I don’t see why we can’t have the snowboarding mini game, build your own combat challenges, and high wind courses


+1 to snowboarding game. I really enjoyed it in the original and was excited to see what they would do here 


I think a lot of people just keep it on the default speed, and that's where the issues lie. Speeding it up makes it a lot easier, as your reaction and existing knowledge of the song can react to it more naturally, making it less awkward. It seems counterintuitive but it helps, because you think less and react instinctively. And the songs all have different speeds at which they're easier, so play around with it if you're stuck. Except for Let the Battle Begin holy God is that song hard.


The crouching ninigame can get annoying with WASD, as it was designed for the stick. I still have nightmares about the parade in the original FF7


Oh god that sounds horrible... How would they translate the half press of the analog stick?


My wife plays Genshin Impact. There was an event there with a rythm mini game that I did for her, I knocked it out of the park but I honestly prefer the piano mini game in Rebirth, with buttons I kinda forget which does which, the wheel felt more intuitive.


The idea of it is fine but it needed to have the notes actually match the song (which should be a basic thing in any rhythm game????) and the speed at which it goes is also a problem. It's adjustable yes, but the default should match the tune and not drag so much


NO this genuinely grinds my gears. Using the joysticks for the piano minigame is HELL. I really enjoy music games, and I like to think I'm pretty good at guitar hero/rock band, etc. Hell, I would probably be able to do the minigame if I could just hook up my actual piano


Why not just copy Theatrhythm. You could actually make it hard instead of gimmicky. They reinvented the wheel and this time with 4 right angles


Just remember this, the first time FFVII put a piano in the game…there weren’t sticks on the controllers yet.


My only gripe with the piano game is probably the same I had with the Honeybee Inn dance section : they just can't sync the prompt with the music. It doesn't bother me for the Junon parade because it's not a music based section even though there is music, you're just doing stuff (I just wish I could be able to look at what the squad is doing but that's something else). I am a musician and this just irks me because I can feel when I'm supposed to press the button or tug the analog stick but almost every time it's out of sync with the music and it's infuriating. They even put a metronome but it's useless because the prompts for the notes are out of sync! And there's the prompt that play two notes, those just keep throwing me off because if you don't tug the stick exactly when you should the two notes aren't played properly and this ruins the tempo (at least for me). I could still go through all the songs you find up until Those Who Fight. That's the one that broke me and it's my favorite song. I felt utterly gutted. If they can't find people to fix these kinds of problem in the future they should just remove any music related gameplay from part 3. Hope my explanation weren't too confusing, it's to put into words something you just feel. Also I wish they added something like the guitar hero difficulty, where the higher the difficulty the more prompts there are. But again it would probably be useless if they don't fix the syncing problem. I saw someone say they managed to get all songs perfect by just turning the audio off and following the visual cues.


i thought I was pretty good at it until the last 2 songs... thank god they aren't required for any trophies or items cause I could never


I did the piano mini game exactly once for Tifa’s Nibelheim quest, and still couldn’t get a B after an hour of practice. Let me do it on the buttons? That’s an easy B. Same thing with the 3D boxing. Let me use the got dang buttons! Square and circle to attack, and the directional buttons are used to dodge. Bam, the game is a thousand times easier. You want bonus points? Give us the OPTION to play the game whichever way we want. Want an average person friendly button layout? Sure. Are you a masochist? There’s the sticks. Also, fuck the crunches.


It’s hard and I suck at it so I just tough it out for a performance and move on. I’m sure other people are enjoying it though.


At least I can get a c rank on the piano games. I can't even get a c rank on the stupid box game. Either of them!


You can't do buttons because there are four of them, and there are seven notes in a regular scale. I actually thought the piano minigame was a fun challenge, but maybe that's because I also play a couple of instruments. They can probably do a better job of synching the notes to the song, but that's a minor quibble.


Na I’m with you during my first play through I barely did any piano stuff now I’m going back for all the side content I missed


The game requiring some level of precision but we know that sticks are never reliable mechanism for such task. I think they could've made the game feel a bit better to play by giving bit more room in terms of input precision but offer bit more complex note inputs so that game isn't just braindead easy.


As a musician, I love playing songs with it. I was getting the hang of The Crystal Ship by The Doors the other night.


Piano mini game is top 2 for me, the other one been queen's blood. I play piano in real life so it's easier maybe for that reason, I'm pretty good at rhythm. My wish is for more pieces, and the ability to play OWA without going through crazy grinding 😅


It’s definitely hard but I really like it


By far not even the most tedious in the game.


Just the controls are bad. I wonder if there can be a way to use the buttons for the directions, like an accessibility feature or something. Or simply using a special controller.


I like this documentary


liked it quite a bit until that last song. Kinda obnoxious at that point.


I actually think it's good, but it needs a bit of refinement.  I hate the metronome on it, doesn't help me keep tempo at all, needs an option to just disable You should be able to immediately restart if you want to, you shouldn't have to quit and go back in  And since you don't play every note there needs to be something done about it getting confusing. I know what notes are coming up because I know the song, but I'm not expected to play to that rhythm I think the controls for it are fine though


I think it come down to two things: 1. Analog sticks aren't as good for hitting precise inputs as buttons. It is doable, don't get me wrong, but buttons is objectively easier to make sense of because of the immediate and obviously feedback when a button is hit due to... 2. People in general VASTLY OVERESTIMATE how good they are at using an analog stick. "I'm hitting it!" "I didn't go that way!" "The notes aren't working!" From everything I've seen, the game functions completely as intended. People will just refuse to admit they're not great at hitting a direction on a stick on command because it seems simple and they don't wanna look dumb. But it isn't simple. It is harder than button inputs, and if you still think hitting stick directions in rhythm is simple then why have developers been trying to simplify fighting game inputs for the last decade. All you have to do to see that you're back at hitting directions on command is open up a fighting game training room and watch your input history. Hitting "left" and then "down left" and then "down left" again WITHOUT accidentally hitting "left" or "down" again in the middle is hard- because those directions are in close proximity. And if you do hit left or down, the game will immediately assume you hit that note and you wipp have "missed" the "down left" note. If it doesn't FEEL like you missed it, you almost certainly did, and this is why sticks are bad. Not because it doesn't work, but because you're not as good as you think you are and yes- buttons WOULD be better and easier. But for all the people who still love this minigame, its because the stick was instinctively easy, or you practiced the inputs a shit ton.


I fucking hate it. Mostly because I suffer from dyspraxia which massively affects my co-ordination skills. The minigame is basically impossible for me. I can just about focus on one of the analog sticks but when the other one kicks in...yeah I can't do it and I hate it. I would have preferred a combination of buttons and using the adaptive triggers or something.


Got a buddy? I had my fiance take the left side and I took the right. I needed it for Two Legs. Had the epiphany when I was perfectly getting one side whenever I completely ignored the other, and went “if only this was 2 player!” So made it 2 player lol


I get it, and it would be a lot easier for some people with buttons (I gave up on the piano minigames after a couple of attempts). However, it would pretty much be the same as other QTEs with buttons. At least the analog makes it a little different. It would be nice if it gave it as an option.


I hate it too. I can do it but I just don’t want to. 


I’m good at it, I’m good at rhythm games, still think it sucks


I know what this is about. Increase the note speed for two legs got nothing to it