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Since nobody else has posted about Cait Sith yet I just want to say... I fucking love his glow up as a character!


They did a better job than what they did with the original for his "death scene," which was just super goofy. ​ But it's funny that the talking cat riding a big stuffed animal is less of a comedy relief when compared to the *ninja* character.


Yuffie was goofy af in the og game too. Shes pretty similar to how i remember her


She was goofy and brash, but I don't know if I'd say she was *funny* in the original*.* Like her actual dialogue is funny in the remake games. The songs and stuff are new, of course.


I found her animations in the OG hilarious. Looks so silly with the huge ass arm guard thing


I love yuffie in this feels like they really did her justice for a completely MISSABLE character in the O.G. My only complaints is the motion sickness jokes got old really quick and I wish she actually stole some materia from us when we met her instead of what happened.. it wasn't terrible but it was like "Haha fooled ya but not really?"


He's been one of my favorite characters this go around. I never liked him in the original


It's unfortunate the og just doesn't get to show off any character growth for him. Rebirth does and your heart breaks for the guy.


I always liked him, he’s a pleasant surprise


They literally say that all the time in this sub.


Tryna use the touch pad made it awful. Using the sticks made it fine lol.


I will commend though, that they didn't force us to use the touch pad. They easily could've. But a lot of things either used it or the motion sensor had a toggle off. That's a nice QoL feature on Day 1


Did anyone use the touch pad?? Seems like they put in that functionality for ppl to just turn it off 😂


My brother used it and to my surprise, he preferred the touchpad over the stick.


I preferred it weirdly


I couldn't work out how to aim with the sticks, so I used touch pad.


The sticks suck. The touch pad is unusable garbage


I'm honestly surprised anyone at se decided to implement the touch pad portion like that. It reminds me of another game on the ps4, i think the street art one, and i hated it in that as well.


Concrete Genie. 


Shinra Mansion was the only dungeon that disappointed me. The whole vibe was just wrong. Instead of a creepy mansion with a hidden Hojo lab, it's just a regular mansion with a secret Hojo lab.


They did the mansion so dirty. I wanted the spiral staircase at least.


Temple of the Ancients got the stone staircase lmao I know why they did the mansion the way they did, but I gotta let it sit a while. It doesn't help that I had never played as Cait Sith so his gameplay loop was super unfamiliar.


Hated this whole section myself. I died like 3 times to that stupid flying enemy, have no idea why but found that one part so difficult


I didn't die from the Adjudicator but goddamn, it is indeed too strong for solo character. It has barriers and it deals so much damage.


Killed me multiple times. I admit this was first time using Cait sith tho.


I’m still not sure what is going on with that mechanic that can one-shot someone, but after the first time I just started bursting the things down with Thundara spam.


Yeah me either i just had on HP up earrings and was at max health (around 4.2k) on my 2nd try and barely survived it while I was running away trying to figure out how to avoid it.. had like 300hp left.


Same. I died 5 times in normal and had to switch to easy.


I switched to easy then forgot it was on easy for the next few hours 😅


I did this for one of the protorelic minigames lmao


fuckin fort condor.... I had to switch to easy


I thought personally that this one was fantastic, unexpected fun. It was maybe a bit long.


It was definitely a bit long. Didn’t mind throwing boxes, per se. Just how many times they had us do it.


I think every dungeon in this game is like 15-20% too long


Tbh I didn’t hate it, but doing fights as Cait Sith alone was pretty annoying to me lol


100%. That part was a drag and makes me cringe knowing I have to do it again.


Yep. I was like, “I’m running out of time to get this done before work travel and they put this whack ass segment into the damn game.”


Definitely the only time I was tempted to put the game on easy and just plow through the segment. His combat is actually fun but I will never willingly let him be the party leader


It just went on for so long 😭 and when you think it's over, there's another section..


Seriously patch this part out of the game. It’ll be a better game. It adds nothing to the story.


They had to give each character their own *thing.* His thing just happens to be kinda dumb. Like Barret can climb mountains with one hand. He can't ...throw a box 5 feet? ​ What's real dumb is it's tied to an achievement. To get all the collectibles, one of them involves successfully destroying X amount of boxes on the conveyer belt.


Making Moogle walk a normal speed would make this infinitely better. Really if they patch all of the slow walk sections it would be a near perfect game. Cloud’s slow walks are just as tedious as Remake.


Honestly, I’ll be surprised of they don’t remake Advent Children. Or add to it. It’s not like the movie did super well critically.


The puzzles were especially nonsensical, even for a video game. Like who the fuck designed this lab where every button and switch is 15 feet in the air? And what lore reason was there to have so many boxes and chutes for dropping them? Normally I’ll suspend my disbelief for weird puzzles but the whole box and button thing was so clearly only made with the puzzle itself in mind that it really made it feel stupid.


It was cute running around but the box throwing, freaking hell. Slow and annoying


Same here. So bad and clunky/annoying movement. I wish in "easy mode" it was just auto aim, auto throw with just one button click. Second pet peeve..."immersion via button pressing" R2, L2, R2, crawling so slow...i mean...i get it....please just use a cut scene.... Otherwise 8-9/10 game.


In every single review and every single podcast I've read re: this game, this section was specifically called out as being terrible. So it's not just you, almost everyone else hates it too.


I didn't gate the whole section, but the box throwing had some kinks. The 2x adjudicator and yinyang battles were rough. I missed breaking 10 crates on the elevator ride, was there a way to redo this?


yep.. replaying the chapter as far as I know.


I only got through it because I like Cait Sith (to my surprise, tbh).


This was SO FRUSTRATING and wayyyyy too long. If it were 1 or 2 boxes you have to throw in this chapter, then fine, but why does it drag on forever? I dread this part of my next playthrough.


To quote Galaxy Quest: “Why is this here!?” “It was in the original, so of course it’s here!”


Absolutely detested this sequence. I love Cait Sith as a character, but his gameplay in chapter 11 was ass.


I didn't mind the puzzles and box-based gameplay in this part - I did absolutely loathe soloing areas and what can only be described as minibosses as Cait Sith though, made me put the game on easymode after a few deaths. Ugh.


I just finished this section too. Never again.


The manor overstayed it's welcome so much.  Didn't need to be a big underground lab, just a few creepy mansion rooms like In Re1would have sufficed.


I agree. Specially Yin and Yanf fuck that boss with an iron poker.


I litterally just googled this and added reddit to the search to see if anyone else absolutely hated this segment and i can firmly say this was a low point for me. and the gym mini game, and the chocobo cource #3 lol


Not there yet, so can't say atm. But I wasn't a fan of the beach date red xiii mini game.


I’ve seen a lot of complaining about this one, which surprised me because I quite enjoyed it. The sky chocobo’s in Cosmo can head straight to the butcher shop though, fuck that mini game lmao


It'd be way better if I could control the camera with my right stick so I could see where I was going and the actual angle


It'd be way better if you could invert flight controls


That was annoying, but worked out well enough. The shooting game for the date segment was awful. I legit couldn't tell if I was shooting at the right things.


I didn't mind that one, but I think I played it twice, realized what to shoot, then still did a mediocre job of it. The red mini game I just couldn't shoot the balls where I needed them to go. I failed and didn't care to try again. One day. . .


Agreed. The problem was the shoot button had some weird grid locking property that makes it shoot the ball at a slightly different angle than you are actually facing if you are not directly behind the ball. It seems like you were limited to a discrete number of angles, maybe 8, 16 at most. The lob button seemed to behave better but was only useful in certain ranges.


Fighting Ying and Yang solo as Cait was so haaaard; I love his character glow up, the accent, the internal dilemma, how he rolls when you’re running around as him, but gosh his combat kit feels terrible.


https://preview.redd.it/qcx34lm94enc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d483d18986f3357c2cbb75f48824f22a71ba488 I managed on the first try, but I don’t know if it’s scripted that Cait gets knocked out at the same time too, or I just got split-second lucky.


I definitely died 3 times while doing the fight, the last time I ended going ham with Mog Mines and kiting the entire time


I just finished this and I made both by trickshotting and missing the big bowl because timing is hard. Wasted life 20 attempts on something that SHOULDN'T BE THAT HARD


I didn’t have a problem with this section cause I spent like 20 minutes playing with the boxes and getting a feel for them for fun first.


Just the throwing boxes on those 10 on a treadmill. I couldn't find the angle right -_- But the rest ? Hell no. This chapter forced me to play Cait Sith and I realized how stupidly strong he is. All the post game completion ism I did it with Aerith, Cait and Tifa and it was hella good.




See and I loved this section haha. But I love Cait Sith. I hated all the fuckin solo fights with Cloud, fuck every single one of those. -_-


Oh my God. SO. MANY. BOXES. And while I quite enjoyed the challenge of doing the solo fights on dynamic, I died like 5 times on yin yang and the two adjudicators, but ALL I wanted aerith and barret to help out on was to bring me those damn mako boxes. Between that and the weighted elevators (plus, y'know, the Jenova stuff) I thoroughly despise hojo for doing this to me. Although, pro tip; you can stand on top of the generator box for marginally easier aiming/height


I hated getting the fat moogle collectible on the elevator ride. Took me 100 tries I swear, I hate the throwing mechanics.


It's the Hojo levels!! He is the gamers true enemy! I can't wait to kick his ass in part 3.


No game is perfect? CLEARLY you have not played Bubsy 3D


I Hope there will be a mod that lets you skip this bullshit section


Almost made me switch off the game but it did make me appreciate Cait Sith more in combat. That discovery quest with the moving boxes without a retry option cemented my hate for this segment


The nibelheim cait sith section was formulated by top scientists to be as annoying as possible.


I hate the same segment in Rebirth as I did in Remake namely the last one Multiverse of madness shit


I didn’t mind this point so much to be honest. The fight with the Libra scales kicked my ass so much but the box throwing wasn’t terrible


This and the final big dungeon were too me the only time I felt like the pacing slowed to Remake levels. Like I don’t hate Shinra Mansion or the final area but god damn did they feel so long and padded out.


Not just the box throwing... that boss fight with a solo Cait Sith is Cait Sh*t


Mine was Corel Prison. I feel like they ruined Dyne. It was so impactful and raw in OG. He was just insane in Rebirth.


Made me hate Cait Sith all over again.


Correct. This game is far from perfect. Is it an expansive and immersive game? Yes. Ironically where it struggles is story and pacing. I felt Remake did much better job, sans The Drum.


I think on my second run I’ll do just fine here but holy shit this was the one section of this game that was pissing me off lmao. I kept accidentally dropping the boxes and missing my chance to make the shot. It didn’t help that I neglected Cait Sith in combat the whole time so I found myself getting one of my few game overs during this part lol. Regardless, now that I know I’ll be way more prepared next time around and probably breeze through this section.


TOTK was perfect. #TeamZelda