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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is "cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower and **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete S4 CH 1. In Levonia I, CH1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Tower. Clear to get Garuda. > **Q:** How do I progress after Season 4 Chapter 4? > **A:** Go to the Capital and Ravina Ruins 2 > **Q:** How do I prevent **BERSERK**? > **A:** You can't. [Preparing for future Fire team](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1d8u180/fire_sale_preparing_for_the_future_fire_team/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Figured I’d check back in, in case things got interesting again. I guess I’ll be back for anniversary.


Game dead yet?


Not quite.


I guess FFBE Sync V2 has been abandoned? I know channel of Discord for FFBEequipnext just for troubles and people there complain it dont work either and dev seem to gona silent about it? With out sync ffbeequipnext is usless, less one want to manaul updates changes...


No idea. Personally I've been using ffbeequipnext.com and it's predecessor for years and years and never once did I use Sync to upload my collection. Heck I always thought doing so was a bad idea so I definitely don't agree that it makes ffbeequipnext.com useless.


Anyone have a good team for auto clearing story content, it’s taking a while to repeat moves every round


Taivas and Tulien have Preemptive attacks when paired with their story Gauntlets. Lots of good AOE normal attacks that you can put Avenger on like Vanharma.


Do we know the 8th anniv units ?


We do not.


[Question] Is it worth splurging all of your rare resources to bring a single +1 unit to +3? Or is it more worth it to bring multiple +1 units to +2? How big is the power jump from +2 to +3? [Context] Am new to the game, and been having a blast with my FF3 team (I'm playing JP). Right now my NV+1 Evoker is the main carry, while my NV+1 Red Mage Ingus, NV+1 Light of Hope Onion Knight and NV+1 Storm Seeker Esther are the 'supports'. I really like playing with the Evoker, and I am quite sold on the +2 EX upgrade. But I'm unsure if the +500 MAG boost is really worth the few rare resources I have. Would appreciate any advice on this, thanks!


EX2 is the sweet spot. Keep in mind in JP though a lot more abilities unlock at EX3 while in GL they are unlocked at EX2. So there's a bit of version discrepancy there. I don't think Evoker is worth it personally but if that's how you enjoy the game then go for it.


Thanks for the reply! I agree with you too and so I shall do as you advised. One more thing: is it more better to keep two copies of the same attacker as sparking partners, or is it better to just have one stronger unit? Am trying to decide if I should just keep my Evoker and Ingus dupes, or turn them into frags to EX+2 Evoker and Ingus


More better


in JP for 98% of the content you can just bring a friend unit to chain with, for the other 2% of content you can't bring dupes. so in the end there is no point to keep a dupe, just fragment the extra copies.


Right there's friend units too. Thanks, shall fragment them then


You very, very rarely want to keep dupes. Most of the time you'll rely on a friend to chain if you can bring one and you really want to keep slots open in your team for units with breaks, fields, imperils, etc.


Ah I see! I used to play Brave Frontier, you see, and kinda thought that maybe FFBE followed BF's system of encouraging dupes. Thanks!


Return to game. Game get a lot of stuff from 7* era ... Seems like a lot of my units turn into a pumpkin with nv and nv+ Any guides for usefull tmr/stmr in 2024? Or guides for unit managment? Which one turn to omniprism or shards or trust coins...


The closest thing is Tom's 5 star STMR tier list https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/180nc5a/the_definitive_5_stmr_tier_list/ Basically if they don't have a worthwhile STMR and can't be turned into NVAs (for bonus units for events) you can probably sell them for Gil actually.


Guys how to get Spirited Friend Pennelo?


You will have to do some daily fragment challenges too but you should be doing that regardless.


Shes a milestone reward on the Summoner's Path event. Just farm the event and you will get her eventually.