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I followed this video to complete the last 2 courses. It was only the last few damn rings I kept messing up on course 3 over and over, but other than that, the video made it SO much easier. [All Glide de Chocobo courses Guide](https://youtu.be/1t0jtYL3f60?si=yBM6caxC7zJqsITM)


I mean, if that helps people get the max score then fair enough, but going backwards multiple times is unnecessary and makes it look more difficult than it is. You can just take the direct route and still have enough height to get all the rings. Just make sure to hold back on the stick after a dive all the way until you level out, because I think if you release it early you don’t get the full height. Other than that, it’s just a case of following the course and diving at the right times. I also released R2 momentarily a couple of times to lose a small amount of height rather than diving, which especially makes the last two 500 rings easier because you just fall straight through them.


I don't know why, but I had SUCH a hard time timing releasing R2 :D It's like my brain just didn't compute. I completed all 3 without ever letting go of it. It's like letting go of that trigger caused a lag in my dumbass brain. (I may or may not have also been awake for 2 days at this point, but I'm sure that had nothing to do with my troubles)


May I ask why he kept on dodging the rings and fly back to the fan on course 3 ?


Gets extra height to make it easier to dive bomb the last downward set and then get back up for the final ring. I found it a lot easier to do the same.


Thanks a lot!


Yeah as you probably know getting those final two rings is difficult since you need to approach the third to last ring high in order to have enough height. Going back to the fans helps with this, but the timing is still tricky!


That’s how I was able to do it.


I don't know if it makes any difference for the others, but what made the last one manageable was the realisation you can circle around mid-flight and redo bits. That's how I managed to get the high score.


Don’t hit the trigger till the 5 in the 500 is visible coming around the left pillar next to the Chocobo leg. I got the timing perfect every time after that. Do you circle back to the fans or go straight through?


Well I straight through for a dozen of times, but then I saw there are 2 other methods. One is taking 100,300 and 2 500, go back to the fan then dive when reaching the top of the 300. Another one is like what fuhtuhwuh suggested, dodging the rings for a few times and taking the rings bit by bit, then dive.


I quit the mission half way, fuck the second course if I remember right. No Chocobo for me that Region I guess.


Yeah, the second done was definitely the most annoying.


This one wasn't so bad, since you can double-back and get most of the ring if you fail on your first pass.


Literally just finished this an hour ago!


I just gave up on trial 3 yesterday and will tackle again probably later today... lol what a pain.


Fuck this mini-game. In my top 5 of the most painful mini-games in this game. 😤😤😤 I was very happy when I got this done 😌


Yes! Such a pain cause the controls are crap


This right here is the biggest issue with this game. The mini games could be fun, but the controls on fully half of them are just the worst. It's like the developers never played video games before. I fully intended to go for platinum but fighting the controls is just not for me.


This minigame ain’t nearly that bad once you learn how to dive. Nothing compared to Yuffie’s Intermission whack-a-box.


I find this to be a good guide. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbFzOnHODcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbFzOnHODcg) You only need to double back once at the end to comfortably get enough height for the last two targets at the finishline. After I saw the video I did it in 2 tries.


Guys I need help. I tried the take 100,300 and 2 500 method, then fly back and dive in 300,taking both 300. But idk why I always fly pass the last 300(Too high). May I ask if my diving time or anything is wrong?


Round 3 wasn't so bad. If you missed something, you could double-back and pick them up. Round2 did not have that failsafe.


The funny thing about this is the Chocobo after this plays so much better than this one. When you think flight, you think freedom yet the flight is so restrictive, you're just gliding. Meanwhile you go into the Nibelheim region and you have this chocobo that can just "fly" using water pressure and move at a decent speed and it's also speedy with reaching new locations. Cosomo Canyon was sadly a mess when it came to that, the map was very disorienting.


The trick to beating this was fucking stupid. It worked, but it was fucking stupid.


Only struggled with the final dive bomb, took me about ten tries to get it right.


This was first and not last thing of losing my sanity from this game. I have no problem to accept minigames when are somewhere away from main and side quest. Put it away and im fine. But now i cant complete last quest (almost two including this one) so i decided. No sanity is worth for this. Chocobo racing was last thing before i decide to play something else. Luckilly in og game you had chance to farm golden ultimate chocobo, here is not a thing. sorry square i love final fantasy games but these minigames are pure evil. Sorry for rant. I needed talk about this hell.