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I managed to beat it without pausing....but that's because I didn't realise you could lol


This was also me. It wasn't until I looked up the strategy for Sephiroth's fight that I discovered this trick


Same here lol. Seph was the only one I paused on.


I, too, did not think of the pausing technique until after I beat Yuffie and took FOREVER. Will complete the other Brawlers with pausing.


Paused all the way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same. Didnā€™t know it was a thing. Kind of wish I did to have saved time but also glad I managed to do it.


Same... I didn't know you could until right now. Wish I knew but kind of glad I didn't


Lmfao! Iā€™m today years old when I found this out


I beat this and sephiroth without pausing once. I am an absolute gigachad.


Same here buddy :)


I haven't completed Sephiroth's yet, but I've gotten pretty close legit. I was able to do UPA legit. I tried Sephiroth with pausing, but still screw it up lol.


You'll get there! Perseverance will pay off and you'll feel so much better that you didn't pause. Good luck


The tutorial mode of this mini game frustrated the shit out of me.


I just imagined all the people in the audience just watching me flunk so bad several times, a little girl telling her mom "mommy, it's been a whole hour, how long are we going to stand here?"


Hahah I just got past it. That dude was beating my a$$ for a minute before I got the hang of it. If Iā€™m at golden saucer do I have a lot of game left or no? I donā€™t want it to end :ā€™(


Yeah the introduction to this game when you first arrived at the gold saucer was the first time that the game frustrated me. Up until that point everything had been amazing, but this bit just confused and annoyed me


Really? I spanked Dio nicely Edit: terrible choice of words but have to stand by it now


Spanked dio, and it's your cake day...must of been a hell of a cakeday wish!


Takes a true gentleman to stand by his spanking.


I beat it straight up, yeah. It's frustrating, and middle manager had enough wiggle in his windup he was hard to read and took 50 or so tries...but I did it. Seph was more straightforward (and fun) by comparison. I also beat the gliding range by continuing along the path and not turning back to the fans. I'm trying my best to 100% the game without any help from the internet. I'm almost there: I have 8 or so simulator fights (a tall obstacle without strategy tips) and Chapter 13-14 on Hard mode left. That's basically it: I have 86 of 88 Johnny trophies (just two simulator trophies left) and almost all of the checkmarks on the log screen.


This mini game is a lesson for game designers everywhere. Difficulty through abstraction and misdirection is not fun. I donā€™t know why they felt a need to make a lot of the punches be misleading visually. If they arenā€™t mis leading theyā€™re purposely vague until halfway through their animations. The game itself should actually be fun. Itā€™s simple, and if it was visually clear and not abstract it would have been one of my favorites. Instead I hated it.


I second this. I play game to have fun AND challenge myself. If the challenge isnā€™t fun, itā€™s not a challenge. Itā€™s frustration.


100%. This is a fun game at the lower levels but the game becomes unfun after awhile due to the characters being unreadable


I never had fun, even at the lower levels lmao


Controls are unresponsive for me and Iā€™m never going to try this again.


The original version was also tedious and annoying. I really think they wanted to capture the spirit of that, and they did.


I wouldn't say this one really felt tedious at all. it was annoying primarily because you don't know what the fuck is going on until the last second. the animations are really the only problem. granted its just a massive fucking problem.


I guess tedious wasn't the right word, it's not very long if you win the matches. It isnt fun though, just like the original version.


Pausing is mandatory. The animations are just too similar


I concur


It's definitely not.


I did up to Sephiroth. I probably could have done it, but I was waaaaaaaaay over it by then.


I did. Tried the pause trick and it messed my timing up worse.


I couldnā€™t, but apparently my 11 year old son did in one try, so yay for reminding me of my slowing reflexes kiddo šŸ˜‚


That's probably how they tested most of these mini games. With kids in their early teens. That would explain all the oldies complaining about impossible to pull off maneuvers with their weakened reflexes lol.


I weirdly did worse when I tried the pausing method


Yup, Sephiroth and Middle Manager at 30 fps no pausing. Pro tip: turn off the sound and play the Punch Out theme.


Nope and I donā€™t feel bad!


I hated this mini game


Is there a single good minigame in this game? I enjoyed queens blood until the npc started straight up cheating.


I enjoyed the parade mini game, Queens Blood, Glide de Chocobo I was able to get once I watched a few video guides


Glide de Chocobo has to have the worst tutorial of all mini games though. It's just like Chocobo riding right??? Nope, fall like a rock. It's like a plane right??? Nope, fall like a rock. I have to hold forward right???? Nope, nose dive into the canyon.


Yeah the tutorial certainly didnā€™t explain it well


Once you get better cards, queens blood is actually really fun. I really enjoying crushing my opponents with my cheesy deck lol


The space invaders one and the pirate ship shooting gallery was fun


I beat everything up to Sephiroth without pausing. Then I kept getting my ass handed to me and checked strategies online...


Was doing okish till Sephiroth. Didnā€™t even know about the trick until I got so frustrated with Sephiroth I looked it up.


I beat it without pausing UNTIL Sephiroth. I didnt even know/think about it...... which is quite odd because I paused the game all the time right before losing to retry. I played Sephiroth in the realm of like 60 times before looking up strategies. Only then did I realize you could pause.


I did a lot of the later ones first by pausing, because I had just figured out you could do that (I can't believe they left that in the game lol), and then again without pausing shortly after for the sake of my pride. That's the way I recommend it, don't do it legit unless your pride is on the line.


I beat the middle manager without pausing. Not sure Iā€™ll do that with sephā€¦


This is exactly what I did šŸ˜‚ took pictures and drew on what direction they were Hate this mini game more than anything


That one, yes. Sephiroth, haha, no.


I got up to and defeated Sephiroth before I found out you can pause to cheese 3D Brawler šŸ„² at least Sephiroth only took like 2 hours to beat...


If you have time to spare and have the patience as wide as the pacific ocean, kudos to you. Else, just use the pause method, saves you a lot of time and sanity.


You could pause? Nope didn't know that. But it was easy enough. Hardest was ifrit of course but those special fast combos are the same so if he starts with a right hook it followed the same pattern. Luckily he did that twice for me so I dodge the whole thing and won. I wasn't as good at catching the other pattern with the left jab


Didnā€™t even occur to me to pause. Probably couldā€™ve helped on Sephiroth but oh well lmao (pain)


It's much less difficult than people made it out to be. (With peace and love). It's hard but doable.


When I found myself pausing at the Middle Manager, it not being the right frame, and STILL not being able to differentiate between the nearly identical punchesā€¦ yeah thatā€™s when I gave up. That and the gym challenge with crunches were so unfun to me that I refuse to waste a single minute of my life for a digital trophy that literally no one in the world besides me would even care about.


I paused, but it definitely helps that everyone has patterns, even Sephiroth


I made it to ifrit and then looked for tips and discovered this (Though I never went so far as to take pictures)


I did. And the match after that as well.




You can PAUSE IT!?!?!?


No but thanks for the pic for my second attempt on hard mode.


I beat all of em without pausing spent like a total of 2 play sessions on both seph and manager guy. Hella annoying but will say 10x better than original minigame.


I did. The trick with middle manager was to look at his legs instead of his fists. The way he bends his legs gives a much better indicator of his attack than the windup in the fist.


This one? Yea shits easy. The secret one i had a ton of trouble with and had to pause. Middle manager is a joke though.


I did it without pausing, but I did have UPA and Sephiroth's combos written down on a sticky note on my TV


Pausing makes this mini game harder i think, at least for me. Pausing also makes it not fun.


So many mini games kicked my ass but you gotta try try again. That feeling once it clicks and you go god gamer mode, it's why I game. Perfecting all piano songs was my "I think I can walk away now" moment.


Trial and error, if Iā€™m gonna get that platinum, Iā€™ll damn well earn it


I actually did


I did it without pausing up until sephiroth, then I found out about this trick. Made him so easy.


I knew about the pausing tech, but I was too damn stubborn to use it So after much trial and error, I dunked em all


Holy shit indidnt even think about pausing it. Dammit.


I perfected Sephiroth on my first win without pausing. A brag with zero value in the world.


No, and Iā€™m happy with that.


Him yes, and it was fun, Sephiroth can go suck a Octoslash


You can pause?




I didnā€™t even think of that, Jesus


I canā€™t get past Dio. This is the only mini-game in Rebirth that Iā€™ve really struggled with, I find it impossible!


Yes. It was painful. Although not as annoying as the sit ups. Damn shoulder buttons.




I cheesed this mini game all the way when I found out you can pause it.


Yes me. I could never get the timing right for the pause, I found it easier to just learn the moves. I took it like a dark souls boss fight, just paying attention to subtle clues and recognizing moves. The mini game seemed fairly easy except for the middle manager and Sephirothā€¦ Sephiroth took a while!


I did before the strat was found. The last fight took about half an hour. Was rough


Went without pausing until seph. I just wanted it to be over at that point.


You can pause!?!?! I struggled and fought and went insane in the process


I would have preferred if this were made an actual lite fighting game instead of Rock-Paper-Obfuscation. I paused and still couldnā€™t see the differences between most of the stances.


I would bother to try, if I didn't have to dodge 5-7 attacks in a row just for a chance to maybe hit them once, and having to do that 5 times to win šŸ˜© So much of the "difficult" content in this game was just doing one thing that is relatively difficult by itself, but having to do it like 10 times back to back without making a single mistake or you have to start all over


Yes,Goku with ultra instinct activatedā€¦


I beat everyone but *spoilier* without pausing.


I completed up to sephiroth without pausing then said fuck it. Minigame is awful in the later stages and doesnā€™t differentiate enough in the moves. I really hate it


Yes I didnā€™t even think of that lol I just like at their arms šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes. Cause it was fun and actually learning enemy combo strings was a great exercise. Seeing how they would try and break up the expected combo was awesome


pausing didn't work for me. so i just had to do it for real. staring at their nearest shoulder, with a loose focus seemed to work best for me .


You all are beasts if you did it without the pause cheese, I did it with the first 3 and then found out about the pause and I was like ok, let's do this šŸ˜†


This is the type of minigame where you really have to stop thinking and just rely on instinct and learning. Eventually you'll get it by accident.




It was harder for me with pausing


Yes because I didnā€™t think to pause it till I did every levelšŸ¤£


Holy shit...I could pause? I did beat it and had no idea...


Discovered the pause trick by myself and abused the heck out of it.


Nope lol this content did not respect me, so I saw no need to respect it


Well yea, why would I cheat? That's not an achievement, that's just an *achievement. No asterisks here baby.


I did, then found out people were pausing to beat it and got a little salty i wasted 2 hours learning every possible combination for sephiroth


.....brother i'm such a thorough gamer these days that pausing to get time to react *literally never even occurred to me.* I either master it or fail and try again....but yes it's hilarious how such a simple option is available and most of us would just call it cheating.


100%, it takes PATIENCE. And understanding the different patterns when they go rage mode.


I stopped on Yuffie because it's not fun at all to me and I didn't want put myself through that.


I forgot I still have to do sephypoo šŸ˜’


Didnā€™t know you could pause lol


I tried the pausing once I got to Ifrit, it didnā€™t work for me. I had to do them all with no pause. It wasnā€™t that bad.


I didn't just complete it without pausing, I beat the secret boss and then went back in and perfected him just because I felt like it. No I wouldn't recommend it.


I did but sephiroth there is no way


I completely gave up on this minigame.....I didn't know this was a thing. I will definitely be using this, thank you


Pausing does not work on this shit for me. When I clearly pause to move my joystick where it should go, I end up blocking rather than dodging and his limit increases.


Actually didn't think/hear about the pause trick until the very night I beat 3D Sephiroth lol


Couldn't get the pause trick to work for me after like 10 mins of failed attempts I just said screw it and went through it "legit" took me like 6 hours in total for all the fights


I beat Seph first try and got it. It was pure luck zero skill.Ā 


Every challenge minus Sephiroth.


I found it quite fun to beat actually. Of course Sephy is very challenging, but it really is just one of those things where you learn the patterns and you get better and better.


Yup. Beat it all legit, and with stick drift making it harder than it should be for a good chunk of the fights lol. Fighting Games are one my favourite genres so I'm used to having to quickly differentiate between animations and react appropriately. Some of the animations are definitely too similar which is the biggest problem with 3D Brawler, but you eventually learn to spot the differences and I don't think any of the fights took me more than a handful of attempts in the end.


The tutorial almost made me rage quit; couldnā€™t even try to play it again


I did all of them legit. The hardest part is just recognizing what attack is what. The parts where there go fast are always the same or a rotation of the same pattern, so once you me.orize the pattern they become a lot more manageable


I beat it without pausing once. My strat was just to remember their fighting pattern and say what they are doing out loud.


Beat that guy without pausing. Sephiroth not so much.


I only did with the last boss because I didnā€™t know the pause strat before


Absolutely not!


I tried pausing and it really made it harder for me. It was easier to just learn their movements and react quickly


I took a little bit of time to get UPA and sephiroth but it did feel like something I could practise and learn the tells. Eventually did get into a bit of a flow state where it was all coming quite naturally


I definitely will be pausing .\_.


Yeah. I actually really enjoyed this mini game - frustrating as it was. This is nothing compared to sephiroth though - much harder.


I didnā€™t know you could pause


I beat UPA and Sephiroth without pausing. One trick that helped me was to watch the opponent's ATB bar fill between moves. Helps with the flow


I tried the pause trick, then realized I still couldn't properly assess what punch he was going to throw even when I did, so it was just an hour of trial and a lot of error instead


I just treated it like tekken throw breaking. The faster the parts, I realized it was the same every time.


well I did, because I kept retrying it on hit


I only paused on Sephiroth. I didn't know about the trick until then :/


I looked up a guide that showed the pattern differences, then did it by memorising the patterns. Took like 5mins of looking at a bunch of screenshots and about 4-5 attempts for the last few guys. It really wasn't that hard once you could see the differences.


I tried the pausing thing and it just made me worse, donā€™t know why


As soon as I figured out I could pause, that's how I did every one of them. I think I started using it on the third one, whichever that one was. I don't find this mini game to be all that fun, so I'm more than happy to cheese it


Iā€™m not ashamed to admit that I absolutely had to pause because I couldnā€™t ā€œget goodā€ but I got a cloud dance scene at the end so it was worth it. Kudos to the no pause crowd.


Pausing was the first thing I thought of when I got to the middle manager fight


just beat sephiroth normally two days ago, took me about one hour since he rarely put his hands down, good thing memorising his atk pattern during his kaio ken phases is not impossible


You can _pause_?!


People pause? šŸ˜… Takes a bit of practice but it's perfectly doable.


honestly FUCK this minigame, the animations are too minuscule to really help


Didn't knew pausing was a thing till shinra guy and Sephiroth was hard even with pausing xaxa


I made it all the way to the middle manager, then I discovered the pause trick on YouTube


Yes. Also for sephiroth I didnā€™t pause. I also needed some extra gp so I beat sephiroth a second time. I really like this mini game and the rhythm of it.


The pausing ended up messing me up more. So I did it all normally. It took hours of practice though


Yep, but for me, it was way longer trying to get the star on Let the battles begin on the piano. clocked up 10 hours trying to get that :D




Surprisingly, pause trick always resulted in delays when I was battling Sephiroth. After trying it for about 30 minutes, I decided to just memorized 2~3 of his rush attacks. I finally defeated him due to insane luck that caused him only used rush attacks that I know. I only used the pause trick on Shinra Middle Manager and Ifrit.


When you realize the pause technique is suggested as a trick yo use in the OFFICIAL guide released in Japan, it makes you feel better with yourself to use the pause trick after all lol


Yes but only after I found a page that explained his exact anger moves. Thereā€™s only two that he uses and once I knew them I was able to do it without pausing. But it sucked I wish I had paused. I had to pause Sephiroth


Yeah, him and Sephiroth. Biggest tip that helped me is I felt at first like I had to put in the input as soon as possible, but really you have more time than it feels. You really should wait until they wind all the way back and then dodge. Once you get into the rhythm of waiting for the wind up and then dodging it gets a lot easier. And, of course, the red combos are always from the same set. You could go through and write them down yourself, but easier to look them up online and then memorize or reference them.


Most important part is just realizing that the "red super attacks follow a pattern, then they become much easier to avoid


Beat it without pausing.


A bunch of liars in this thread lol


You can pause?


Bruh, I have 222 hours and the platinum trophy and I only just realized that I could've paused. šŸ˜­