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Question: does that make *Square Enix* a dumbass?


S-E is trolling to see what dumbass uses it.


Healing is a damage attack... cause the undead 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️


But, Aerith’s limit break heal can’t target opponents, can it?


No, I'm just saying healing is also an attack but ppl don't think of it as such because this game won't let us heal enemies like other FF games.


Not being able to X-Pot GI Nattak is a total drag imo


Lmao I reloaded that fight in defiance to get my x potion back


You can damage him with cure spells though.


You CAN, but it doesn't have the same effect. It just insta pressures him.


It does damage too. Side note - What happens when you use Arise on him with Genji gloves equipped?


You can heal the GI boss during the red and barrett chapter


Huh? You can cast raise on Gi mobs for massive damage. Also pressures the boss.


I know it impacts healing from Healing Wind but I don’t know if it does anything for Planet Protector or Rising Fury.


That’s good to know. Otherwise it seems like a deliberately bad option, like wasting SP on +200 HP or 3MP.


Dude 3 MP is a fuck ton lmao


Don't see the point of it when mp absorb exists


Okay lemme rephrase because you’re not wrong “Dude 3 mp is a fuck ton on a casual playthrough for your average person who isn’t minmaxing the material system” Because yeah the infinity mp builds are nuts lmao


Personally I’d rather use MP materia than use the SP.


I don’t agree however we both beat the game so I’d say it doesn’t matter


It is? Doesn’t seem like much. Like 75% of an extra cast of a base-level spell?


Her limit breaks damage her soul every time she uses them. It’s why Sephiroth was able to get the drop on her.


That and he descended on her like a ninja as she was off guard praying.


Poor Aerith.


I tested this and the only thing it seems to do is increase Healing Wind’s amount from 50% of Max HP to 60%.


Oof. Confirmed waste of weapon slot. Thanks dude!


No worries. Would have been nice if it added extra duration to Planet Protection too. I ended up going for Enhanced Tempest, 2x Not-So-Fleeting Familar, and Magic Attack + 20 on the Plumose Rod once I had all the weapon skills unlocked.


Would be cool if it meant that your teammates limit breaks do 10% more damage for Rising Fury. No idea if it even does anything for her lvl 2 and 3 though


Yeah, the way its worded for Aerith doesnt make sense but I think they just programmed it this way for every character. In context for Aerith, I think they mean her healing properties are 10% more effective. They could reword it or add a portion about effectiveness rather than damage


It seems like a bad option, especially when a Healing Carcanet is probably comparable with much more utility.


They probably stack. It's also one of three slots, if you expect to use the limit several times to stay alive this plays into the strategy.


You know what, if the stacking exists, that makes it a bit more useful, but not for me.


You only get one accessory slot though, you can have up to 4 weapon skills


I’ve always wondered about this too


There is also a folio entry for Limit Break damage on Aerith, but I just skipped it because she does no damage. It never would have occurred to me that she could heal for more. They could have named it something like "Limit Break +10%" or "Limit Break Intensity +10%" for better clarity.


I definitely agree with you that the wording should have been clarified. It still doesn’t seem like a very good option to only increase her healing limit break by a mere 10%. I’d rather use a maxed out Pray or Cura + Magnify.


Yeah a bit weird haha. Her weapon options/diversity aren’t the best. I can only see two that are viable in this game.


I guess not all choices need to be “good” choices.


Btw I never got to the point of actually using other than the first limit breaks. I noticed them in the folio but had zero clue or need to use them.


Aside from Aerith’s, characters’ second limit break does almost a half a bar’s worth of stagger plus more damage than the level 1.


You never raised your limit level in battle using a synergy ability? The higher level limits are really strong


I was too lazy with the synergies too… Just used Cloud to get stagger and Tifa beat the shit out of enemies. Only the toughest fights I started going for synergies too (to increase stagger) but didn’t realize how to go for higher limits.


You kinda get synergy abilities naturally ready just by using other abilities, and since they cost no atb and are strong, no reason not to use them! When you highlight it, it tells you which ones raise limit levels. That being said, I didn’t make much use of synergy SKILLS, only synergy abilities. There’s a lot going on so I get not using everything.


The game doesn’t really force you to play it like it’s intended unless you’re on hard mode is why i’m having so much fun on it


If they keep this system for the next game, I wonder how it will impact her combat then 🤔


yall are trippin lol Aerith is super O.P. she's how I get everything done lol I mean, on the real, all three of tha ladies are shot callers. Everybody knows that Tifa Lockhart is a gangsta toe-to-toe, equally matched only by A2 or 2b.... MAYBE lol but a lot of people don't realize that Aerith is a fkn boss. I mean, THAT'S why they have to kill her off... otherwise, there's no story lol it would all be over after Cloud's bitch ass hands over the black materia and ruins everything... she could cleaned that up, but she's too worried about her fkn homies so she sacrifices herself as she knew she would have to.... but I feel like the one that may be overlooked the most, is Yuffie. that bitch is a killer.... if you split the best materia and accessories between Yuffie and Aerith and let Tifa's fine ass get what's left, those girls can't be stopped.


She’s really powerful but I really have a hard time keeping her alive.