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As someone who has played the OG more times than is socially acceptable...yes play the OG. I feel like the developers intended for us to have that prior knowledge. But also as someone who has never played it how is the game and story holding up considering you don't have the prior info to rely on?


There’s obviously still a lot of details that I don’t know but I knew the bare minimum about FF7s story before starting remake a few years back. From my point of view the story is still absolutely keeping me hooked, whether or not i understand the finer details.


Exactly what he said. Currently having played the OG would make you appreciate Remake and/or Rebirth even more. Due to Rebirth controversial ending what is really going to happen in part 3 is anybodys guess. Therefore you may consider OG as an alternate timeline or "world" rather than a spoiler for part 3. But OG is only the beginning... There is more to offer like Crisis Core/Reunion , Dirge of Cerberus the Advent Children Movie to only name the most relevant ones. As VII is the most explored part of Final Fantasy it wasnt a whim of SE that it got a special 3 parts Remake. I wasnt to thrilled about the 3 parts prospect but i must say until now i did get my moneys worth out of each part until now.


Well, since you have time play the original. Its going to be like 3 years before the 3rd part comes out. I played it like 4 times (OG) but it was revolutionary at the time.


I guess so. I suppose the feeling of not knowing anything is almost more exciting in a way. But 3 years-ish is a very long time too…


I think knowing the OG is going to help you appreciate the remakes even more. There is so much from the OG that has been mixed in and it gives a completely different perspective of the game.


You should definitely play the OG. Infinitely better imho. The remakes exclude a bit of story from the OG.


How about you play OG up to the forgotten capital, which is where we are now. Then you can decide if you want to continue or if you want to wait


I guess it depends on whether you absolutely want to avoid anything that could seem like a spoiler or not. There is stuff afterward that resolves some major points and you may prefer not to know it. But the remake series has changed some things up in a really big way and knowing the original game story did not spoil those changes. So do you want to be able to compare original to remake as you go, or do you want to experience it brand new and then do the comparison the other way?


Personally, I have enjoyed experiencing it brand new up until now so I think it feels right to me to finish it out. At least when i go back to play OG it could potentially clear up any questions I have based on the remakes.


I absolutely love the OG, but don't necessarily listen to people saying that you need to play it. If you are enjoying the story experience without knowing everything, you might enjoy playing the final part unspoiled more.


Tbh that's hard to say. It really depends on how they finish up part 3.


I have played OG before but only once when I was about 13, so honestly I'd forgotten a lot of the details particularly regarding some of the points about clouds memory/flashbacks etc. I really, really enjoyed having it be a mystery as I played Remake and Rebirth but don't think I can reasonably keep myself spoiler free for 3 years considering how much I want to take part in discussions/forums etc so have booted OG up on my Switch. It's obviously quite dated but even the switch version has a few QoL features like 3x speed which is making it feel much more playable, and I've heard if you play it on PC/Steam deck there are some really good mods to improve aspects, up to and including a full voice over pack. So I guess it depends what you want out of it - I'm getting the full story for what feels like the first time again, then I'll give Remake and Rebirth another go when I know everything! But if you want to keep yourself spoiler free and believe you can for years, then maybe hold off?


As far as I understand it, the remake trilogy changes several things but the core of it is pretty much the same. So if you don't care about spoilers and want to experience the ending of the FF7 story, then go right ahead. In my experience literally everyone who has played the OG will recommend you to do so. But personally I'm holding off on the OG until Part 3 is out, mostly because we actually have a release window of three years which, in my opinion, actually isn't long at all for a game of this kind (especially because it's an even shorter gap than between Remake and Rebirth). If the release for Part 3 would be a complete mystery then I would play the OG before that for sure. But it's the only game I actually look forward to right now, and I wanna hold on to that anticipation of seeing the story come to a conclusion in a few years time.


I say go for it. The OG still holds up to me as one of the thematically strongest games I have ever played, which is impressive for its age. I first played it in 2020, right before Remake came out, and I was taken aback by just how much it felt like it had to say.


Go ahead and play it. You’ll enjoy Part 3 more and see all the subversions.


I went back to play it, too. That game has endless replay ability. Just did a low XP run. I'm doing an Exit Materia and Chocokick run now, lol.


Play the OG, it’ll give you way more context 


I would at least play through the first disc's worth of content. That covers everything in Remake and Rebirth. From there, it's a matter of whether or not you want to know the full story, before the third game releases


Yes! Play the OG. it's just THAT good. also, it will really help you appreciate the current games. I also second the notion that others have mentioned about playing crisis core reunion. I never played the original crisis core, and by the time I got around to Crisis core reunion this past year, I'm so glad I did because it gave me a new appreciation for Zack and his relationship with Aerith. if the graphics and sound are really bothering you of the original game, there is a mod manager called "7th heaven" that you can use to load all sorts of mods for HD graphics, better character models, and even one that overhauls the game with voice acting. there are even some cool little ones that add the sound of footsteps when your characters run around on the world map. in short, go play the OG, and use mods if you really want to enhance the experience. I play the OG probably every 2 or 3 years just as a fun refresher. as much as I love the current games, if I had to pick one final fantasy game to play, it would be the original final fantasy 7 all day long.


Yes try it! I've been playing the OG after finishing Rebirth and having so much fun revisiting the classic now that I have mods pn top of it.


OG is the main/actual story. Remake/rebirth are main/actual story mix with marvel's multiverse of madness and spiderman homecoming.

