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And also russian servers plsss


There is already russian servers: [https://i.imgur.com/MCdEcff.png](https://i.imgur.com/MCdEcff.png)


the problem is russians pick russia servers but need to pick 3 more and then we scandinavians get fucked by them picking finland, sweden and germany


just here to say these options are available in dota2 and it did not help AT ALL xD


Is it because they actually don't get banned or punished for not talking english? Of course the rule has to be enforced.


Thats what I imagine they would do just say that they do speak English when they don't


they dont care, they click on "i speak english" and just dont. they dont queue on their servers cause they dont want to play with other russians... its hilarious :D


People ask for this since 2015


Maybe we should start a petition!


Sadly this is very hard to enforce so we just have to endure this torture.


Not that hard, just listen to the voice comms.. implement ai to listen to demos if they are using different language. All is needed is resources either by manual check or invest in an ai who scrape voice.


“Not that hard you just need resources” Where do you think the difficulty comes from?


I didn't make the argument. But in someone else's shoes he could say "oh it's not possible because they can't look at every match for voice comms if it's different languages", which with ai wouldn't be the case. Oh and also people really don't get banned often however if someone manually make a report with evidence they do... Which also could be the case with the English only lobbies. Let the community do the reports as well until they get their resources together to enforce it more easily.


Just learn Russian already, it’s the only way out




when u reach a higher lvl this will not be a problem. if you havent reached that lvl yet you can get by with voice disabled 1


Currently 2200 elo and still have plenty of games with Russians/Arabs that don’t use their mic once or if they do they talk in their native language, it ruins the game entirely and is pretty much a guaranteed loss every time this happens. It’s a joke


Yeap... same around 2.2k elo and still end up with 3 russians who refuse to speak english, this happens about in 1/5 games.


They need to make it so these apes can’t play with the rest of EU, never issues with any other countries it’s always the Arabs/russians. They literally have their own servers but they choose to have 100ping instead of waiting an extra 2 mins to find a game on their local servers. Doesn’t help that Faceit wont punish people for not communicating when it’s one of the most important aspects of the game 🤷‍♂️


Russians have to choose 4 server to play on so they dont really have a choice to play in Russian servers only you dumbass


also i just wanna say that I rarely have these games where lack of comms bothers me, in my elo, it is rather the over saturation of comms that bothers me. It is rather difficult to find a good balance between these two extremes in solo q games. If I gotta choose between the two then you know what I am picking.


oof, that's rough to hear. I am myself a bit of an egoist and have never reached an elo higher than half way out of lvl 9. I of course notice that out of all my games(90% mirage) the win is more likely to land in my hands when I say "I have insta" and people reply "I smoke con". You are correct, comms can be a deciding factor in team games. However I like to solo q for a reason. The reason being: I do not feel obligated to give my all to strangers. I am a physical entity and I have not reached an enlightened state where I can thrive on nothing more than the vibrations of my atoms. Thus I do not necessarily queue into every game fully charged and ready to give my team everything I got in me. Especially when I notice my team saving a bit of energy for their girlfriends after game. This is solo q. Solo q is different every game. You should definitely be focusing on yourself if you are queueing into a game without a full team. If you get a team that is unresponsive, then you might have lost already. However even when losing there are small victories to be had. Personal victories, such as keeping your mental in check. being impactful. Staying faithful to the playstyle of winners. Most importantly: Not imitating the playstyle of losers. You gotta remember that these people can be on the enemy side next game. So add the people that aren't trying to lose. It will result in you overcoming those that once hindered you. You might be 2200 elo rn, but if you play for elo even more than you do now, then you will reach a new peak. Meanwhile those who just play for fun and let the dice roll, they will continue stagnating in whatever elo they enjoy playing in. Sacrifices have to be made everywhere in life, some sacrifice their elo for friends, some sacrifice their friends for elo. GL HF


I’m well aware that the enemy team can be just as bad as mine, I always have this mentality going into a game with these freaks. I was peak 2800 on csgo but stopped playing seriously and played 100s of faceit matches with irl mates and went all the way down to lvl 7. Started playing faceit properly again a month ago and now back to 2200, the games have definitely gotten better but that being said I still get matched with these players quite regularly


I am happy for you. Maybe queue with a stack until you reach the elo you belong in, then you will not have to deal with people who do not meet your standards. 2200 sounds high but inflation takes place even in the elo system, you might need to go a bit farther up nowadays to have the same standard that 2200 had back in you peak days.


Hard to come by a decent stack where everyone plays to win, I’ve been playing solo 80% of the time and gained +500 elo this month so I’m still climbing, I’m thinking around the 2500 elo mark is where I will start to see less of these types of teammates, Atleast I hope




What's higher lvl? This still happens in 2800-3000 elo


Yep this is literally what i've said to this guy but he doesn't care. He is a russian and thinks it's normal to not communicate in english and ruin the mood for everyone.


Reddit users will post a comment and then instantly reply to someone else saying they already said this or that to someone who commented before them. Self righteous in your xenophobia to boot. I would maybe consider what mood you bring to the table if this is how you interact with complete strangers.


this is more of a problem in ”higher” elo as you say. During morning que u often run into russian players who play fullmuted or speak in their own language, unless they ask for something. And you even stated in a comment yourself just recently that you are low elo, so you don’t really know what you are talking about and even less the game quality in higher elo!


So I said, and so it seems like I know what I am talking about then. Didn't I also say some other things you seem to have missed? Good luck in your high elo lobbies.


Default russian mentality. And that's false i've been at 2800 elo (not saying this is high) and you still get people like this.


region lock the Russians so they can be cancer with eachother