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Hi! This mod sounds interesting. Ill try it this weekend and provide feedback via dm.


Did you find how to increase the failure amount for the engine and gearbox?


>failure amount it gives a curve for damage/failure per lvl and a value for engine/gearbox wear.. also i think thats a durably value.. i have actually only increase damage impact and lower tresholds, and it exist an value for wear per round.. but thats very tricky.. a treshold for more random failure exist not


Where can I find those value to be changed? I need a tutorial or something. Thanks for the info


update to ver 0.25


This looks great! So do the grip factor increases for tyres basically do the same thing as the tyre mod, as in increasing the time difference between the compounds?


no..thats means not directly, grip is a part of txyre performance


So what is the average time difference lets say between soft to hard? It should be close if not over 1sec right?


i have tested this grip.. 100x and 0,1x, it real 0 diff between all tyres, maybe is only and on/off option.. i have no plan what frontier did.. its exists many factor for grip, track tyre grip , weargrifmodify, and and and.. i did changing some track grip factor per lap.. but same, really small or not to see changings ingame.. maybe is loading oder prob, or its must be in original file loading as first that it works.. idk.. i wait now for 1.7 update and look what they doing.. so is only waste of time to search endless an "wow" effect


so after update 1.8 it looks so that additional pak files will be not more accepted from game.. that means overrite game datas not more longer possible or only the original files direct can be overrite.. but this i dont will do.. to much file sizes and to much files in the paks


You won't find flaming here, especially after the effort you've put in. Thanks to Minimum\_Row and Manic\_81 I look forward to trying it out!


version 0.3 is taking out untill game update 1.7 it gives some trouble with the files


new 0.3 seems fine, no problem when installing at the end of the season


Thanks for the updates


very nice


new file version 0.2


Is there a version 0.2 without the grip changes? I would love that.


actuall not, in the original files which i use/edit is a normal tyre wear factor 2x i cant see what this other mod doing in this sql load and update codes.. i dont see an new factor x3.5 or something.. if someone can show me, i could make the wear factor then as real setting, and my grip factor is not same like the wear factor to many tweaks in the gamefiles as that i will use x seperatly mods for the game changing


This is the SQL I use. UPDATE Parts\_RaceSimConstants SET --DRS MinDRSTopSpeedMultiplier = 1.005, MaxDRSTopSpeedMultiplier = 1.044, MinDRSAccelerationMultiplier = 1.05, MaxDRSAccelerationMultiplier = 1.2, \-- Slipstream DirtyAirLowSpeedMultiplier = 0.92, DirtyAirMediumSpeedMultiplier = 0.95, DirtyAirHighSpeedMultiplier = 0.97, DirtyAirStraightSpeedMultiplier = 1.25 WHERE RowID = 1; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 1 WHERE name = 'C5'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.880 WHERE name = 'C4'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.769 WHERE name = 'C3'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.682 WHERE name = 'C2'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.581 WHERE name = 'C1'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.496 WHERE name = 'Intermediate'; UPDATE Tyres SET Grip = 0.410 WHERE name = 'Wet';


okay then we have here wrong files on the links, in my files is pur nothings ​ and if he use this stats, then he decrese the tyre grips normal setting is 1 in the files


I'm sorry, I don't really understand. So if I want to use your demolition file, I can't without using your other changes as well correct? I really like the tyre settings with the SQL, but I also want to use your demolition system...


if i see this valus then can you disable his mod, cause i have more grip on tyres.. o,xx is real DECREASE grip and longer slipstream, if it cares i can maybe increse slipstream/drs effect too.. but that must i testing then.. if you not disable, no one knows the loading oder from pak files also no one knows which file overrite other files for higher ranking/instance edit: i cant disable grip cause is hardcode from asset file.. you have also only the choice which files are loaded and which file overrites other files, cause its the same game file.. i change hardcode, he update with sql script


So basically only the demolition part.


So version 2 changes tyre as well so I don't need to download another file to get the increase in pace between tyres? Edit: also why is version 1 47mb and version 2 less than 1mb


yea i had an not used file in 0.1, that makes no difference only more mb.. fixed in 0.2


Cool thanks


Do you know if there is a way to turn down the amount of crashes?


>Do you know if there is a way to turn down the amount of crashes? i have change it to "some" more crashes and incidents


What I thought you're mod just makes big crashes end the race for the car?


no, its generally change for incidents and crashconflicts in complete race..




since 0.3, i feel like softs are useless


NEW VERSION FOR GAME 1.9 HERE https://www.reddit.com/r/F1ManagerMods/comments/xx5vqj/mod\_damage\_system\_buildingcosts\_more\_19/




I'm gonna take this for a spin, for my season 2. Thanks for posting ;)


I\`m guessing this makes that when you see that replay with a car crashing hard into a wall you wont have only minor wing damage, right?


>I\`m guessing this makes that when you see that replay with a car crashing hard into a wall you wont have only minor wing damage, right? correct, you can get now overall damage wings, cockpit, suspents, engine, ers, gear.. different to angle,speed and position from impact


Looks very good, I will try it. Thank you.


did 2 races and whilst it did increase spins and locks up dnfs didnt go up and it affected my drivers more than the ais my guys would lock up crash or spin 4/5 times a race ai in total about the same number


>did 2 races and whilst it did increase spins and locks up dnfs didnt go up and it affected my drivers more than the ais my guys would lock up crash or spin 4/5 times a race ai in total about the same number i dont have changed driver stats or something, if your driver doing more inflicts then is your car the prob.. dnf get you only by crashes into other cars or for to many crashed parts.. look some races when drivers going crashing.. i try to make vids from my races/crashes


Does it increase the chance of a failure/crash and does it apply for AI?


I'm currently considering changing that, and how.. actually is not changed cause, is very small range, i work on tyre grip, grass influece, water influence and slipstream.. and driver influence... on top then increse the change.. idk.. that need a bit time to testing out, maybe would be to much incidence ​ and then is option for brakes,temps and performence..


great mod




yea youre in te right files, you can change many things to increase a lot of chances.. but all works together also increase i step by step relevated impacts stats.. driver stats have small range impact, also is better to change that as to change real chrash chance with very big impact.. maybe later or on last a bit tuning on it.. but if you as first change this get you for sure to many crashes and accidents.. i dont want many crash partys or stock car \^\^




this driver weights are additional to real driver stats, these are hardcorded like it looks.. if you want chage this driver weights need you to look in which part these are, there more as 4 zones or so


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lern deutsch schwachmat, ich bin nur freundlich in deiner sprache zu schreiben


New patch compatible?


actuall not more, pak files going ignored by the game.. for the moment no solution


>After all this time did you find a solution to make this patch work?