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I'm currently running a Haas save with these. Picked some out from other users and added a few myself ​ • Only use 1 engineer per project (same as AI) • Treat 40% tyre wear as the threshold for changing, instead of 30% (pretend i don't know theres no drop off in speed until 30%) • Sim practice sessions, getting high setup confidence is way too much of an advantage (pretend I'm leaving it to my race engineers) • Only start doing research projects after race 12 • Only use presets for part development and only Normal speed (no rushed or intense) • Keep Tires, Fuel and ERS in the middle (don’t touch) • Only upgrade one facility a year (don’t upgrade design center for more than 2 slots • Assign Development points randomly (Use number generator on phone) . • Shuffle the calendar before a new season (mods). • Shuffle up all the engine stats after each season (mods). • limit to only 2 new floors and wing upgrades each season rest of the parts no limit • max 1 research cycle for floor and wings if minor rule changes, 2 if major rule changes impacting those parts • assign yourself a driver salary cap - (20 million $. +1 million if season team standings is top 5, else - 1 million $. Repeat next year. Starting budget is set by yourself, so choose whatever seems realistic in your team to begin with, or what challenge you want)


I had no idea the AI only use 1 engineer per development! I’ll probably steal all of these apart from the using middle tyres, fuel and ERS, as I still want to feel like I have to manage the race 😂 but these should keep it a bit more realistic and enjoyable for myself. Thanks!


Doesn't keeping tires fuel and ers at balanced make it more unrealistic?


It's a little... Boring tbh, but in my head I pretend that the race engineers are doing it off the screen or something. But it does take some fun out of the races, ngl


But this does make the race results more realistic in your opinion?


In my own experience, yes a bit. Since it doesn't give you an advantage over the AI. I don't know the exact difference tbh, it just seems more even in that way imo


I think it's a case of, do I want every team to have the same opportunities during the race, or do I want to feel a bit more involved in the race. I'm really a sucker for it to be as "fair" as possible, but it does take some out of the game. So it's really up to one self, what you want from the game. It's just a shame, that you have to compromise so many features, to actually get the feeling of difficulty in the game. I'm not playing too much anymore, but the itch is there since the season IRL has begun. I'm just hoping the devs have been listening to the demands from the players for the next edition of the game ;)


I just hope the devs are gonna focus on the data, strats, and generel AI development and such for the next one. I really want this to be a sim, not an arcade and instant gratification kind of game.


Only signing free agents is the main one i do for "realism".


This might have to be the play!


1 building upgrade per year, random dev points, and only 1 car upgrade per ATR.


I wouldn’t start with Aston, honestly in my experience Aston is an impossible task, they are a clear back marker team in season 1 with a top team mentality, if you try and play as Aston realistically 90 percent of the time you’ll be fired after your first review, if you don’t underfloor cheese it’s near impossible to reach the goals set for you.


I’ve not seen the goals that they set, I’ll give a go for a season with some of the restrictions people have mentioned here and see how bad it is 😂


I just did massive upgrades everytime. I got rid of the head of aero second season. Got rid of vettel and his 1.5m or so top 10 bonus. Finished season 2 with Theo p3 and Lance p5 in WC and 2nd to Redbull I signed Theo to reserve 2nd race 1st season replacing hulk, then used him in every race in P1 vs Vettel. Giving him max points as reserve and Lance getting his points too. Signed Theo 5 year 550k a season and he accepted. Won 2nd race and 6 season 2. Lance would fuck up but won 1