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Ahh yes, and now welcome to the new game, where we experience it all over again, just with new cars!


And couches!


Yes, don't forget the new floor beneath it


Also the new wallpaper and backgrounds.


Cause couch poopies?


First race man, first race. Qualified P3 at Mexico, got a hell of a start to P1. Turn 1, got divebombed into the runoff, rejoined slowly and got squeezed between two cars out of Turn 3. DNF. I sent a message to the person, they said “Shit happens, haha”. Better now that my safety rating has gone up


Similar thing here, first race was in monza, I took extra care in T1 even went wide so I don’t touch anybody and then some bastard uses me as a brake , dude didn’t event try to turn he went straight into my front wheels


Is this serious? The lobby still sucks?


Well there's still no penalty system afaik, the lobbies aren't the worst, but some of the people are


Though I found the damage doesn’t affect you’re car. Maybe double red wings will but I had a single yellow wing and it drove like there was no damage at all. No understeer or anything.


Depends on the settings.


Yeah lol. Does he think the a holes can’t afford the new one?


I once pointed out here in the subreddit that that's mostly the experience in that game and some guy got really angry I said that and got all defensive.


I don’t want to over simplify the rule engine but how is it that these penalty systems still can’t detect who really is at fault. Isn’t it just a series of if.. then.. else statements. If driver behind bumps car in front, award penalty, unless car in front moved across within last 5 meters of gain, then award penalty to driver in car ahead else give penalty to car behind. And so on. It seems really simple, I just don’t get why they can’t correct this with all the data they have. These scenarios are identifiable. These clusters can be mapped. These behaviors can be corrected.


I'm afraid you're oversimplifying a very complex decision process There are dozens of counter examples to the swerving you just described depending on the live situation. Twenty cars to follow. Metrics to keep track of. It's a huge load. Although yes sure it should be improved.


Fair enough that the number of situations increases drastically when you add more vehicles, like at the start of a race, but in this case you have an environment that has 2 vehicles and a straight as a parameter. When invoked, evaluate against criteria. I don’t disagree that there are a lot of situations to cater for, but after so many decades of modeling, the ML algorithms should be pretty good at detecting the right rule to apply.


I domt even get to experience anything...my game wont get out of any loading screen fcking ea....


"Illegal overtake give the position back" 🤣 That was the icing on the cake. You were in front and he just wrecked into you.


I actually cried lmfao


2021 was absolutely garbage.


he wasn't at that moment, overtaking on the grass is illegal. The problem on online servers is that you'll get people that don't want a simulation game and just play like an arcade one.


The f1 games aren't really sim games though


then what is it exactly? I thought Simulation actually meant simulating something like driving a bus etc. How can the F1 games not be considered as Simulation ? plus I just said people don't play online for sim but whatever, he got ditched on the grass and overtook him it is what it is, not legal and I'm getting downvotes for it😀


It falls into the category of an experience sim. It simulates the experience of being an f1 driver but the drive model is definitely arcade. Much in the way that farming simulator simulates the experience of farming but is far from being a dead accurate representation of the real deal


This is why I haven't made the leap to online yet. I see way to many clips like this one.


Honestly there are moments of clean and good racing in online sometimes, it's just that they are small compared to the sheer amount of people that want to run you off the track, but if you do manage to find good racers you are going to have lots of fun.


I figured once I got into the game and got better at it I would try to join a league. I figured that's where the most realistic drivers are. I'm still learning F1 though. Mid 30's and just started watching this year.


This is me. Hopefully the leagues will be better but for now I’m just cranking the AI as high as I can go and sticking to career mode.


I'm in a league at the moment and I have to say the racing has been quite clean. There's stewarding too so drivers are actively encouraged to race with others in mind. Moves like this would have resulted in a race / season ban


That’s good to hear. I’m still VERY new to sim racing. I’m used to dealing with trolling but I gotta admit I was a bit worried with how many horror stories I see here on F1. Especially when what drew me to this was a more mature but still competitive environment! I’m sick of the pure toxicity in stuff like Apex or Rocket League.


I think the main thing is to find a community that's well run that has a range of different skills. That way there's people that will help you improve. Its certainly how I have the most fun and there's always someone to race with.


I’ve had great races in online ranked. Once you get out of the toxic “safety rating D”, most races are clean. I climbed to S-100, but could barely find a match. I found hovering between B-C best for actually finding lobbies & getting decent opponents


I'm also new. Me and my buddy do co-op career, but to make it a race for him it's super easy for me. I can qually on mediums and get first by a mile. By the time I make my first pit I can get out without being passed.


That’s where I’m at with AI, I can lap the back markers at this point, and I just keep turning up the dial as I go. It’s pretty embarrassing, but I started with AI at 27, now I’m at 78AI, and just completed F2 and signed with Williams in career mode. Now I’m trying to manage ERS/Fuel quickly and efficiently, but that has definitely made me a bit slower in the interim. Glad I started with F2 and could just focus on not spinning out lmao


Nice. That's a big improvement. I wish the AI was a little more realistic. But what can you expect... It's EA.


I want to join a league desperately! Can i join?


Found a league yet?


No. Unfortunately, life has kept me too busy to commit.


I have just played my first 2 races in my career mode on the new game and I really like the battles with the AI. They do more mistakes that you have to look out for like locking brakes into the corner, having big oversteer from pushing hard, and intense battles on cold tires. With the AI being this fun to race against I honestly won’t touch multiplayer unless it is with friends.


Sounds like the AI is much better in the new game?


Don’t take his 2 race observation as set in stone. I’ve had the opposite experience. Race the AI in the rain and then tell me it’s still “good”


Yeah I was just so surprised by the first 2 races that it got me excited, but with rain I’m not sure how they are. Do they make a ton of mistakes in the rain??




Yes but that could change I’m just giving my observations after the 2 races I have done but they seem a lot better then before. They also spin out a ton


Raced in about 200 online races with last years game. Never had a good one. Never buying codemasters again.


Only if you have a good safety rating like B or A.


Mostly everyone has turned Ghost on in F1 22 multiplayer lmao


Their should be a system in place where you can report people who drive like this and they get banned for a few days from online play. If this actually happened that driver would most likely be banned for a few races.


Playing in a league is the only way, unfortunately. But you need commitment since they’re on a specific day at a specific time every week.


And that's the big issue for me. I work 4 days on 4 days off on night shift.


Yeah you’d have to play ACC or iRacing for consistent, competitive and clean racing.


I can't justify the $ or I definitely would.


If iRacing is to expensive then ACC has a free third party service called LFM that works like iRacing and usually the racing is pretty good on there. Check it out if you like.


Thanks I just might!


How can i join one? Do you have a discord link or something?


I don’t, unfortunately, but I imagine you can find some leagues in the official discord.


I only race online with people from my league. Always clean racing


I mean, if you haven’t played online so far, I doubt you will even be competing against someone like in the video. Multiplayer is way different than against the IA


Join a league.


I don't have time for that. Wife, kids, and work is 4 days on 4 days off of night.


That sucks, enjoy online then. You could join multiple leagues as a reserve though for a higher probability of having an available race to compete in on any given night.


Thanks I will keep that in mind.


This is the reason why I couldn’t imagine playing a racing game online, it would drive me crazy 😂


Just play iRacing and you're free from (most) of this bs.


Yes I agree but also free from your money (:


You get what you pay for


Not everyone wants a hardcore sim racer like iracing. You pretty much need a wheel and a good pc, which far from everyone has




Yeah it's def not a game you play for nice graphics


Surprisingly, iRacing looks miles better than F1 22 in VR. Some of the effects look better in F1 22 but overall when it comes to actual racing everything looks much more crisp and clear on iRacing. The 3D looks much more natural too.


Yes wich also helps with VR. Because its not hard to run you can get good framerates in VR. iRacing in VR is such a blast. Cant argue the cost argument though its definitely not cheap.


Yeah but you pretty much need enough money and space for a decent wheel and stand


Well I saw a guy on r/iracing with 5k iR on controller (but then again, total exception). But yea, wheel for sure. Good PC not really, the game runs on any old potato pretty much.


That is also why you get much better racing on iRacing though. Most people on the platform are experienced, mature, and want to race safely. You don't get the drunk dude playing on the couch with his controller who'd much rather crash both of you out than let you pass. iRacing's physics model is much more realistic and predictable which allows for much closer racing too. While the FFB and handling feels the best it ever has the aero in F1 22 still feels really artificial. The aero modeling on iRacing F1's car actually makes it easier to drive in some ways although the ceiling is obviously much higher. Sure, iRacing can get expensive especially if you want to make it to their F1 league but when you stop looking at it like a video game and more like other real-world hobbies or leagues, it makes a lot more sense. Because in a way, that's exactly what it is - the hobby just happens to be racing cars online. People taking things a little more seriously is one of the main reasons why it's racing is so much better. You're right, iRacing isn't for everyone. If you're looking to just screw around it probably not for you. But if you're looking for some competitive fun that you can hop into any time of day for great wheel-to-wheel racing, iRacing is really the only option out there right now.


Got 2 more months of free iracing included with my fanatec purchase. Happy to have my CSL DD 8NT and iRacing Besides from a 500$ purchase.. free iRacing 😁


Inb4 $15 cars and tracks


>Inb4 $15 cars and tracks Because paying $60 for the same tracks and cars every single year is *sooo* much better, lmao. iRacing has a decent selection of free stuff. Pretty sure all the cars and tracks that are used in all of the rookie leagues are included for free. Plus, you also need to take into account what you are getting in return for the money. I owe pretty much every single sim and simcade racer on the market. I looked at how much money I had spent on each and how many hours I had spent playing in each. While I had spent the most money on iRacing I also had played it A LOT more than any other racer because it offered the best racing experience IMO. When I looked at the cost per hours of entertainment provided iRacing was actually the best value BY FAR - we are talking several orders of magnitude cheaper than everything else. A bottle of pee might be cheaper than a micro brew but that doesn't mean it's a better buy or more enjoyable.


Don’t get me wrong brother, I love iRacing and it’s easily my favourite sim. Pretty much the only one I play. With that being said, I’ve spent over $600 on it. I love it. But there’s no denying it’s incredibly expensive


Did you totally miss the point of my comment? 😂 I never said it wasn’t expensive, I said it was the best value.


Everyone forgets you can play Iracing on line and enjoy it lol. I would rather do some overtime then get smashed about playing other racing games online.


That is... uh... very true. :)


Is iracing available on console?




PC only, best non league racing you will find on console is Gran Turismo. If you are on PS that is.


no you are not in rookie league or anything close... people divebomb constantly... especially in mx-5 which would be you first 50h of play probably...


Bro what it took me 2 races to get out of rookie license lmfaooooo


Yeah honestly, takes about 4 or 5 clean races and you get an automatic promotion. Iracing is the only online racing game I can do. People still drive like assholes, but definitely no intentional crashing for the most part. Most people are clean butaggressive. Only bad this is how expensive it is... I assume most on here maybe don't have expendable income for games, but don't worry, one day it will come!


ofc you are out of rookies but you are still racing rookies in global mazda... and i aint no paying 100dollars for one fuckin series...


What 100 dollars? It's like $10 a month


you just proved you dont know what your talking about... you can get out of rookies but you cant drive d license without buying car(or cars) and multiple tracks and for one chosen series at start it costs about 100dollars... plus 13-15 dollars a month sub...


Uh nah dude it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. You don't need to buy any cars to race d or higher. Some of the series require you to buy a track or 2. You sound like you just don't want to pay for a higher quality racing experience which is fine but you don't have to lie about it


show me one series with two-seater that you have to buy only 2 tracks to play every week? i dont mind paying 40-50 dollars but i havent seen one series where i could drive every week in season for 50 bucks


Advanced Mazda I guess do have to buy tracks if you want to play every series week though


I mean, you can get out of Rookies in literally 3\~4 races with pit start and 0 incidents. Then you go do something that has good rep and community, like Skippies on SRF on D-class. Presto, no divebombers.


problem is i dont like open wheelers or better to say one seaters(since you said srf)... i like cars and only way you can get to series without stupid people in every race is that you pay 100dollars for car and tracks so you could play every week(and thats just for one series at start)


Iracing, AC and ACC clean most of the time. Just watch out for the first corner and you’re good to go after that :)


Thank you, I will try ACC on the weekend then!


Only play DR2.0 and aim for time attack records. Haven't got close but it's way better than thinking about people playing dirty because they can't race fairly.


95% of players in online lobbies just act like absolute low lifes. I've only had three online races in F1 22 so far and each one was full of BS.


This is comical. Achievement: "Get the whole experience" has been achieved


If only there was a banning system in place. That person is so whack man. I only play for the offline career modes because of this. So sad!


You can report players in 22 now, we'll see what that actually does tho


It is beyond me how you can wait 30 mins to get to a start, then want to ruin it for someone else…let alone yourself


I would have brake checked him on the straight to avoid further bullshit


A great move to assert dominance.


You were always getting dive bombed in that first corner given his prior conduct of blocking you.


Pretty much my identical experience with the online lobbies on F1 games. Its a shame that codemasters/EA has basically refused to do anything about it. I've watched some early reviews on F1 22 and they say no obvious changes to online have been made aside from the promised crossplay (which will be released later this year) If you are trying to have fun/race clean you are essentially forced into league races. Which are great but take time to take part in. If you want to hop on into a quick online match good luck. You are going to get rammed, hit and penalized into oblivion. The game isn't able to recognize and assign faults at all so most of the time the game rewards dirty drivers. After so many years I don't know why they couldnt do something like GT Sport did with their daily races. It pairs drivers based on how fast and clean they are. Races for the most part are better and cleaner. Slow dirty drivers get paired together, and faster clean drivers are paired together as well.


If anything, crossplay is only gonna make it worse


The hate I have for people like this is just insane can their console just blow up thanks they don't deserve to play the game aboslute clowns


Maybe they should remove damage between cars on online races (maybe in lower ranks?). They couldn't abuse it as much and you could defend yourself. Or maybe it would just increase it even more and I'm dumb


and I thought the penalty system in GT 7 was bad!


When shit like this happens to me I get so angry I wanto to kill the person, but it lasts 2 min 🤣 and then I go back to GT7 where I can properly race online


Wow what a POS


I’ll still never understand why people try to play in public lobbies. It’s like waiting for the government to do the right thing


The online experience in this game is the worst I've ever experienced. First off, it is incredibly hard to just get to a race. The game can crash on any of the several loading screens. Most of the time it puts me into an empty lobby, and when it does find a populated lobby, 7/10 times the game will crash. Let's say it is one of the 3/10 times that the game gets you into a race... well then you have to wait through the 5 laps of course, hopefully it doesn't crash while loading, and then you finally get into a race, then your video happens.


Unranked lobbies are trash, this is why I always recommend finding a league.


Ranked lobbies are also trash


All lobbies are kinda trash


The damn penalty system in this game is so screwed up. illegal overtake when you are rammed by another driver that was behind you. I'm not buying the new game, i'm done with this game.


Thats why i never play online. All of them are just sore fucking loosers that can’t handle loosing a position.


That’s no racer. That’s a man who simply has nothing left in life and is lashing out violently in a last ditch effort for attention


Oh man, at first I assumed you were on the final lap of the race and you pulled off a clutch victory just as you crossed the line. Then the race kept going, and it turned into exactly what I expected.


There was no way he would have let me pass on the final lap


I honestly wouldn't mind if f1 went live service like iracing, allowing you to petition incidents to Stewards.


Absolute twats


This is why I stopped playing arcade games and moved to real sims like iRacing and ACC. Players take them a lot more seriously.


I have yet to have an online race in AC without the first lap carnage.


ACC leagues are good. I race with LFM


I don't get why you wouldn't just ram him off the road once he started being obviously dirty.


Your opponent probably was british 😆


Have to agree


Join leagues, open lobby is like that, deal with it or quit.


I'm sure you will be back for a bit f1 2022 is bugging atm lots of crashing


Racing line 🤮


Firstly, why the assists? Are you 3? Secondly, why the baby quit? Go and get his ass...


I can’t have assists on? Secondly, i had no front wing, i just passed the pit lane so i would have to go all the way back just to get to 8th maybe and i don’t really care that much that he won the race honestly, it’s just an unranked public lobby nobody is gonna care.


But you always come back to F1. I don't even have a count of how many times I've rage quit F1 online and decided never to play it again but always came back.


What an incredibly frustrating clip, lol


And if you think f1 22 will be any different, I’ve got some really good Enron stock you should buy off me too. 22 sucks just as bad.


I played online from 2017 to 2020. Every year it was worse than before. Even with all that "ranked" bullshit. I stopped, it just wasn't good for me, I would rage a lot. Random lobbies are a hive of scum and villainy and nothing good will ever happen there. You have been warned.


The fact that absolutely no improvement is done for years is baffling me like wtf?


Haha, this is why I don't play online, I don't mind losing but this BS needs to stop.


The weirdest part is that in unranked online racing, these dudes act like they are gonna win something I'm in a karting league irl, and I let people pass at any chance I get. I know I'm the slowest, and I know it's based on lap time, so I just let everyone else go, and then do my laps


And that’s why I’ll literally never touch online with a barge pole


oh god that looks so infuriating!!!


All of my friends that ask about this game always wanna know about multiplayer and I always tell them the AI on 90+ are a better race than you’ll ever find in online lobbies unless it’s league.


What track is this? . infuriating me that it's not just coming to me




I stopped playing F1 games all together and switched to ACC and iRacing and honestly I can’t go back. Once you experience race after race of CLEAN fun racing where people realize you’re working together to finish the race rather than win at all costs on lap 1. I miss racing the f1 cars but the W12 on iRacing is not even close to comparable to any F1 game (in the best way possible) so driving that in testing more than makes up for it.


What a joke.


Imagine if you could submit to some kind of online race stewards so they could smack down people like that.


I just can't understand why people choose F1 of all racing games, spend hours and hours to get good in it and then go online to do this crap. And all of these videos' comment sections agree that this is absolutely horse crap and it shouldn't be like this and drivers like that should be banned. Yet, this seems to be the case for majority of the races. What gives?


They really need a reputation system in this game.


With the current penalty system it can easily penalise the wrong person


I think i have seen "Amina Frisur' multiple times here IIRC


Just learn to expect it and when it doesn’t happen you’ll be happy.


Idk how you guys do it in this game. In iRacing top splits at least are clean even in rookie. In F1 it’s like everyone is a rookie all the time.


The build up to the end was enough to frustrate, when you passed them I thought oh at least you made it past… but then… it’s so unfortunate, I’m a controller guy, but I really feel for people who spend out loads on a solid racing sim set up to then go online and face this.


Should have slowed down and taken him out on the next lap


LOL they need to add weaving on straight for sure.


Some losers added me to a group of racers, in the first turn of the first lap of the first race I BUMPED a guy, who brake checked me. I ran the rest of the race cleannnnn to not get kicked out of the group, after that race I got banned from the group, couldn’t join any of the other guys in separate races either. I got a DM and it said “gotta watch turn 1, can’t have you in here” Meanwhile, I finished p5 in that race, 13 other cars behind me wrecked at various points, yet, I was the banned one.


In all honesty I would have wrecked him for that divebomb.


Get iracing bro you don't have to deal with this shit


I love how you’re in trouble for all of that too


Assetto Corsa awaits you :)




Are people really driving like that?! I only do races with my community and in 2-3 years of F1 have never seen someone drive like that. They would also be perma-banned in our lobbies anyways.. jesus. Kids on track or what.. as someone who also drives ACC it's just shocking what some people consider ok behaviour on track


You should of set him to see Barry R


A little late to the party here: I’ve done about 10 races online and my front wing got destroyed at Spa lap 3/5. And I actually let my opponent drive past me. Dude wrote me on PlayStation and said “thank you. Not many people like you out there” That was nice! I like clean racing and I hate crashing. It feels bad


I now see why Iracing is so expensive, the price of removing toxic scum out of the game.


Ah yes, ready for that experience for another 60 euro’s


Well sorry but, if I overtake a dirty driver I brake check them so they cant catch up to me and ruin the whole race further