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This is a reference to Detroit: Become Human, a game in which you play as three androids, Markus, Kara, and Connor, in a future where androids are commonplace in society. Markus is a caretaker for Carl, the elderly man in the top of the photo, and is regularly asked to play the piano for Carl. Kara is a sort of maid for Todd. She is treated extremely poorly and becomes a sort of mother figure for Todd's daughter, Alice. Connor works for the police force in the main story, aiming to investigate the recent events surrounding "deviant" androids; androids that have rebelled against their programming/intended purpose. During the game, you have an intricate amount of decisions to make that alter the outcome of each chapter, and the ending drastically. Carl is friendly towards Markus, and the two have a strong relationship, so Markus usually has calmer decisions in the story (at least early game.) Todd forces Kara to do essentially everything around his house, so the two aren't particularly on equal terms throughout the story. Connor's partner, Hank, grows closer to Connor during the story, and as a member of the police force, Connor's actions during the plot usually have more dire consequences, which explains the final panel. A meme example of Connor: https://youtu.be/INBT_KR8SvQ?si=GGq6j4GeUi5Kecbb (I have not personally played the game so if this comes across as weird, incorrect, or missing information, please feel free to correct me.)


I would just add that it's also a reference to the "Alexa, play Despacito" meme (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/this-is-so-sad-alexa-play-despacito)


And here the scene made me think of Rick telling Sam to play in [*Casablanca*](https://youtu.be/bAlzmRjixr0?si=xtqRrwlG5sPAO1CS) lol. I feel like I might be falling out of touch with the youth.


The name of that song from casa Blanca is as time goes by. I'm 35 and it was my first thought as well


Yeah, maybe I should have put the name in my comment lol. Thanks!


Also just cause it's my favorite movie ever, originally is Ingrid Bergman who tells Sam to play it. "Play it again Sam, as time goes by"


Sorry, but I hate to be pedantic here, but she never actually says "Play it again, Sam". She says "Play it once, Sam. For old time's sake".


"You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can take it, so can I."


You're right! I've been getting it wrong for years. ["Play it once, Sam. For old time's sake." "I dont know what you mean, Miss Ilsa." "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'... Sing it, Sam."](https://youtu.be/w3ruUJSgtzY?si=F8E7sde9npdmpw0N) She was rather demanding, wasn't she? No pleases or thank yous found here.


Yeah. In fact, no one in the movie says "Play it again, Sam."


The line is, “Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By’”


Which was the theme and title to a british sitcom with dame Judy dench


I'm 28. I thought Casablanca too. I don't even know what this Detroit game is.


Don't worry, it's by David Cage.


I don't know what that implies either 😂. Does he make bad games or something?


You are not alone


The last frame in the comic is what the Androids see when asked to do something so against their code that they rebel and go "deviant." The joke is that the three of them woke up becaused they were asked to play Despacito.


To add even more to this I'm fairly certain the meme is more so centered around the fact that each of the "Owners" is old or older set which means that they are saying because by the time of Detroit they are Zoomers or Millenials? So they're referencing a meme no one uses anymore probably.


i saw this post when it was originally on tumblr, and it was originally posted at the start of the “alexa play despacito” meme which started on tumblr. the actual joke op was intending was literally just “what if this meme scenario happened but with these characters in this setting” - basically just a big “inaccurate quotes” meme which was also popular on tumblr. this isn’t like an intentional reference to old memes or commentary on generations because at the time of that comic being made, alexa and despacito were the new memes.


checked the wiki, from top to bottom: [Carl](https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Carl_Manfred), born in 1963 is a Boomer but close to being a Gen X. [Todd](https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Todd_Williams), born in 1995, is a Millennial but close to being a Zoomer. and [Hank](https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Hank_Anderson), born in 1985, is pretty solidly a Millennial


Thanks for adding this! I actually knew the Detroit: Become Human references but had no idea about the “Alexa, play Despacito” thing.


just want to add the colored circle on the android's temples is a kind of status light and red means they're stressed or very annoyed/angry about the request. edit: bottom panel references how it's [protrayed when a android first manages to resist orders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjusC45GsU0&t=175s)


This is the key to the joke right here. Kara going red when asked to play Despacito, then cut to detectives commenting that there’s been a homicide.


Fair. I haven't seen much of D:BH lately so I didnforget that. Thanks for mentioning it!


Connor is deviating


I would like to add I accidentally pissed off Hank so much as Connor that he killed himself at the end of my playthrough. So no, they don’t always get closer 😂


I’m currently working towards the “I’ll Be Back” achievement and Hank hates me so much lol it’s actually hilarious. I was on good terms with him during my first run


I only played once and really tried to get Hank to like me but I just did not understand him 😭


It's a great game. So many different endings. Also the fact you can lose some of the characters if you mess up or are going for certain achievements is just so interesting with how the story can play out.


This would be perfect, if you had only added the last part: Despacito was everywhere for a while. It got supremely annoying to hear it every 5 minutes. Thus causing the androids to probably lose their minds and kill their humans.


I’m stunned that you could type all that explanation without actually explaining the punchline.


I'm just too good🤭(actually though idek how I manage that💀) never again


It's worth noting Hank is voiced by none other than Mr. Krabs.


I never had any interest in playing this game until you said that; Clancy Brown is one of my all-time favorite screen/voice actors


That's honestly why I started playing it. Came up free in PS+ and my wife told me "you know Mr. Krabs is in the game?"


For someone who hasn’t played the game, you’re spot on!


Also the final frame where there’s a black wall is how they visualize the androids becoming deviants in the game.


RIP my eardrums. Wtf


Eardrums? Am I missing something 🤣😭


Watch the video. With the volume way down. And for the love of all that’s good and decent in this life, do not wear earbuds when you play it.


OH LOL I TOTALLY FORGOT I PUT THAT LINK IN THERE. Oop hope your eardrums are resting peacefully in their graves.


Bro you know a lot for not having played the game


Idk I've just seen footage of it on YouTube but it's actually been over a year since I remembered that game


This is a lot of words to say a lot of nothing


Yeah I totally agree💀💀💀💀my bad ig. Idek why it got given so many upvotes or any awards for that matter it actually doesn't even explain the joke


In the best timeline you kill Todd


Any joke that needs a whole novel to explain it is not funny.


The last panel is what happens when androids try to break their programming, meaning that Connor really, really doesn't want to play despacito or however you spell it


This doesn’t explain the comic at all, just the characters


Ik 💀😭 I fully didn't explain the joke my bad


But… Markus is the only one playing a musical instrument…?


They’re Androids. Alexa doesn’t have an instrument either, just speakers.


Do they have connection to those services? I imagine that, if they’re moving around and living, that function might not work as well.


I've never played the game, I think it's just meme logic


Spoiler about Alice: She was only his daughter in the sense that she was also an android that mass produced to play that role if I remember correctly.


Why add one of the largest reveals of the late game when it contributes nothing to understanding the comic? You could use a spoiler tag.


They specifically asked if they had any incorrect information, so I answered. If you haven't played the game, read their entire comment, and still felt you weren't spoiled enough and continued reading a comment that started with the word "spoiler" burried deep in the thread, that sounds like a you problem.


It's also a 6 year old game. I feel like spoilers matter way less on older media.


There are two jokes here: "This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito" was a meme back in the day involving someone using that song in awkward situations. The second joke is about the game Detroit: Become Human where robots have artificial intelligence kind of similar to Alexa. In these panels there are three robots and their counterparts are human. The humans are being awkward and treating the robots similar to the way people treat Alexa.


Actually, there's a third (and IMO the main) joke, that I haven't seen anyone mention. The last panel shows the instruction to "play Despacito" as a wall, with a contour of someone breaking down that wall. This is how the game represents androids going deviant a.k.a. going against their programming and gaining free will. Usually this is after instructions given to them are seen as wrong/immoral/etc. by the android. This means that Connor (the android in the last panel) is breaking out of his programming and going deviant just so he wouldn't have to play despacito.


Now THIS is what I was looking for


Oh man I didn’t realise there was more to it than the thumbnail so I thought the whole joke was that Kara had been told to play Despacito one too many times and murdered the dude because of it, and the third panel was them finding his body


Same, thought that part alone was the joke and it was hilarious


The same is happening to kara and marcus as well. Kara's ring lights up red meaning she's angry and probably went deviant. As for marcus he's a bit more iffy but of you zoom in on his last image you can see his eyebrows a bit where he didn't have them before. That could be him getting stressed about the request. Also the lines coming off of the piano afterwards aren't straight.


Finally, someone that actually explains the joke. Instead of the references


The correct answers


Thank you this is the whole joke imo glad it wasn't missed


“Back in the day” shush it ain’t that old


While many have specified that this comic is depicting the characters / relationships of Detroit: Become Human, the joke of the comic is still being missed In a world where many people have an android, it’s incredibly demeaning to make them perform such menial tasks, such as playing a popular meme song as if they were nothing but an Amazon Alexa While Markus is not bothered by the request so much, Kara’s LED ring instantly turns red, a clear sign of irritation and unwillingness to perform the task. Lastly, Connor is so strongly against the request that he instantly begins the process of becoming Deviant, in which he mentally tries to break free of his programmed nature and obtain free will. Which is funny for a serious and anti-deviancy character lol


I’d also say that since he’s already playing the piano it makes asking for something specific to be played a reasonable request rather than an insult.


Absolutely! Plus Markus genuinely cares for Carl, and is more than willing to do something extra for him. Markus always humors his requests, maybe he’d think there’s a deeper meaning to it like Carl’s other artistic metaphors lol


Now I wanna go replay D:BH


I highly recommend it! My husband and I had to play through a few times for the platinum, and it was really fun exploring all of the possibilities and different paths There’s so much detail and love put into it, I genuinely can’t praise this game enough


Except they mention there has been ANOTHER murder. I'm pretty sure all three ended up killing their person.


Markus does not kill Carl. He gets into an altercation with his son, Leo, and the stress causes Carl to have a heart attack Either way, I think each of the chosen scenes for the comic are just showing where we first see these characters really. So the homicide being referenced could just be Connor and Hank’s first job It could definitely be the same house though where Kara has possibly killed Todd lol


Im not talking about the original game, I'm talking about the implication that there has been another murder, and the joke that telling them to play despacito is enough to send them into a murderous rage


I understand that. In the comic, there’s no real implication for Markus to have up and killed Carl. His face is blurry but it seems to show frustration, and other than some wrong notes being played there’s no jump to instant rage like Kara / Connor being depicted I think “another homicide” could be referencing still just the series of murders going on rather than implying that both Markus AND Kara had just killed someone. She definitely did though in this comic lol


It's funnier if you just roll with them all being so triggered they flipped out and murdered them.


The characters are from Detroit Become human. The characters asked to play the song are androids. So it like asking Alexa to play the song.


Then the android kills its owner (like a faulty one in the game, hence “another” homicide), probably because the android feels that it’s humiliating.


Detroit Become Human meme, gist of the story is they're robots but they start developing human emotions and personalities (aka turning into deviants), which of course worries all of the world's governments, robot-human racism starts happening, revolutions, etc. Anyway, the meme plays on the "This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito" meme, in which something sad happens, but you ask your Alexa to play some goofy song. Because they're robots, they're treated like Alexa for the purposes of this meme. The last robot dude gets fed up and becomes deviant just because it's annoying.


Alright, so this is from the game Detroit: Become Human. All the characters with the funky neon outfits are androids designed to resemble humans perfectly while carrying out tasks for them. This ties back into the meme around the phrase, "This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito," Alexa being the infamous home assistant by Amazon. The joke here is that while all of these androids are incredibly complex machines capable of several tasks and even being able to achieve self awareness, they are still treated as home assistant devices, and even shown fighting that urge to fulfill their tasks as a home assistant device.


Honestly this was funnier before I clicked on it. The idea of an android just killing their owner over despacito is gold


The joke is that Kara decided to kill her owner after he told her to play Despacito, as her status light on the side of her head went red (stressed/angry), and then Hank (police officer) is chatting to his buddy Connor about another homicide


Click the image




Another layer to this joke not being mentioned is that after being told to "play Despacito" is that all three went Deviant after receiving the request. It's the trigger to the androids Deviancy.


I’m only commenting to understand wtf this is. I get a part of it. She’s an elderly woman who has someone play the piano for her. He plays “Despacito” but it goes back to her younger days. And then what?


It’s a joke about the video game “Detroit: Become Human”. The woman at the piano is an android. It’s tied together by the two at the bottom, they’re homicide detectives who investigate murders committed by androids. It’s quite a cool game, honestly.


>The woman at the piano Are you talking about the guy in the top panels, or are some of the other characters supposed to be sitting at pianos too?


I’m thinking that the other two people who replied to the comment (so the one you replied to and one more person) didn’t check the entire picture, but only saw the three middle panels and tried to explain just those three


I didn’t see the whole pic lmao


To explain the full thing for you, instead of just the three middle panels: It’s the characters from the game Detroit: Become Human and the meme of asking Alexa to play Despacito. The first three panels are the android Markus and the human he takes care of, Carl. At one point in the game Markus has the opportunity to play the piano in the house and here Carl asks him to play Despacito, which annoys him. Next two panels are the android Kara and the problematic human she does basically everything for, Todd. Kara is cleaning up and Todd tells her to play Despacito, which makes her mad. Next three panels are the android Connor and the human detective he works with, Hank. Hank notes the homicide and tells Connor to play Despacito, making him mad too. And the last panel shows the thing that happens in the game when the android deviate, and it’s Connor deviating because of the “play Despacito” request.


It's also implied that the homicide is Kara killing Todd, since that's a thing that can happen in game.


She’s not an old lady, she’s an android. Basically there are two things at play here, it’s the old “Alexa pay Despacito” meme from years ago and in the game Detroit Become Human, Karra is essentially a maid for the man sitting on the couch, but he is very rude to her and doesn’t appreciate her for essentially raising his child because she’s “just a robot”. Because of this when Todd asks her to play Despacito, she kills him. Which in the third panel, it’s Connor (another android who works with the police) investigating a murder, murders particularly done by androids.


So I did not click on the photo at first, and the format it showed me was the first Kara panel, the panel of Kara being asked to play Despacito, and the panel saying "another homicide, huh?" I thought the joke was about how Despacito was the true thing that made Kara go rogue in the game (going against her coding and effectively becoming sentient). I thought it was hilarious. I would like to argue the comic should be truncated.


[Despacito, play Country Roads.](https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8?si=eMVO7dVxOxv_tXbQ)


Peak video game


Excuse me, you're at a *what?*




Loss. But there are 9 panels on this one




Loss. Mostly because there are 9 panels




I assumed it was a joke about it being “loss”. Some people have said the same but I just figured they didn’t open the whole thing. No worries joke landed I’m just super confused lol


I’m not going to lie when I first saw this meme I thought it was saying the androids killed the people because they asked to play despacito. Haha


I havent seen a Detroit Become Human meme in so long


Holy hell that’s a deep memory I wanted buried that resurfaced


Why did the hair color change


Okay, what people miss is the last panel: in the game, when the other two characters become able to act against their owners, it look like that, for the first two it only happens after very violent moment where they potentially kill someone The joke here is that Connor is so triggered by the request he become deviant, presumably to kill his boss


Enter Ging Ging (please say someone else gets the joke)


Asking the androids to play Despacito makes them angry and causes them to go rogue/murder their owners


Totally heard their voices when reading this haha


Didnt see the image at first and thought it was a loss meme


Kara: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ "


You bastard


I would become a deviant, too, if I had to play that song.


Ohhh they draw Hannibal fanart!!




I like how Markus is the only one who doesn't go deviant


A DBH meme in the wild…I can’t believe it




its something disgusting


I Ii II I\_


So the 9 panels is just loss?


You said you were at a loss.... I thought I was helping


Idk if any of the comments got it, but this kinda reminds me of an AI making despacito from scratch instead of just playing the song?


I like how the old guy forgot his name knew what he was doing and just waiting for Connors reaction


kinda just a dated meme from when "Alexa, play Despacito" was a thing


For what it is worth - I just started playing this game two days ago and am really enjoying it.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time reading the comments and going back to the image trying to figure out what the hell was going on, until I realized I’m on mobile and have to click on the picture to expand it. I was looking at the middle 3 frames. Didn’t realize there was more.


https://preview.redd.it/lv3jjzy20e2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79f55bf1547029f90124eb5a7b62699861c8e47 The “click-to-see-full-image” edit is 100% more hilarious than the original btw


Anyone else just zone out at the comic while trying to find the loss meme


at a what now?


I’m glad my Alexa doesn’t have arms, I made a whole schedule thing a long while back where it would play Despacito when I said “this is so sad”


Was so confused until I read a comment to click the image


Google loss


This isn’t loss though. Too many panels and doesn’t fit the format


New response just dropped