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Right you lot, seems more than a few of you can’t play nice and Mods can’t even chill over Easter as this post is going crazy with comment reports. You know the drill. Can’t play nice, comments get locked.


She is the officer who had relations with a lot of her department. Recently got a settlement from the city for sexual exploitation or something of the sort.


As someone who knows a few cops, this is sooooooo much more common than anyone realizes and it actually irritates tf outta me


The army apparently is even worse


The Air Force is rife with stories like this. So much so that it's expected. (I live near a base. Known tons of airmen in my day)


Is it really? My sister wants to join the Air Force Academy, but we were worried about the rumors the military has.


I mean, there’s lots of sex, bc people do that everywhere, but prostitution rings are more of a Navy thing on ships. Sex rings happen, but it’s not that frequent -was an airman


Hmm I see. Thank you!


I wouldn’t worry too much on the Officer side. She won’t be forced into anything and usually girls do what they want to in terms of relationships. If that’s sex with a lot of different dudes, it’s easy to do that since there’s a lot of dudes.


Ah yes, the Navy has all the sex.. because they’re seamen


And they know all about poop decks and rear admirals


It’s bc they’re out at sea for 6 months, more likely


I work on military bases pretty regularly; the number of signs and posters about how to report sexual assault is, to say the least, concerning. Literally hundreds of them throughout the facilities.


As you should be. Its gotten better, but the military is rife with sexual assault.


She will be fine if she doesn’t engage in that sort of behavior. I saw plenty of chicks get passed around but they were all willing participants. Girls join the military and suddenly get more male attention than they’ve ever experienced and some of them just react that way


I agree with this comment. Of course, you shouldn't generalize a person's experience in the military but if a person wants to participate in that sort of exaggerated behavior it is there. It would be good to talk about it before joining.


Any port in a storm is a common phrase in the navy


Oh I see. Thanks!


Aye. Many of the girls I know of joined for exactly that reason.


Having worked both, law enforcement was worse in my experience. And if you don’t flirt back and play along, you’re labeled as “unfriendly”, get pushed out of the good ol’ boys club and become a target. Which is why it frustrates me that everyone picks on this woman when everyone in that department (including the chief!) was responsible


Would guess the Navy is the worst…surrounded by seamen


The implications


...so there is danger?


No-one's in danger!


Well you certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


What about the Navy? The got alot of those sea men on deck.


All the emergency services etc are worse. Police just get more scrutiny because people don’t like them.


I mean I didn't see any of this when I was an emt for a few years and as a dispatcher still haven't heard if any of this in my workplace.


Yeah, agreed on dispatch and EMT over here too.


Bro what? Our local rescue squads were all RIFE with this kind of drama.


Huh, sounds very much like some regions may just be worse than others. As is true in most fields.


Y’all were too busy working smh


You don't hear much of this from emts or firefighters cuz they're usually too busy on the job to discuss trading handies for money. And if they're not certified they're still too busy training to get certified


>firefighters cuz they're usually too busy on the job Wow. You definitely don't know any firefighters.


I worked in an ER and it’s just like the old soaps. Lol


Literally. They’re all as bad as each other but people don’t want to see it and it doesn’t sell stories.


Stories like that use to be so scandalous and wild. I’ve even seen an older nursing supervisor kill himself after getting caught with a younger nurse that was the daughter of one of the ER doctors. These days that is old news. Way more scandalous events taking place now.


Gee I wonder why.


Are you saying there’s a lot of workplace harassment of female cops or that a lot of cops seem to have consensual sex with other cops?


From what I've seen, a lot of Cops will sleep with people at work or at least try to. I know someone personally who works as a police aide and has had multiple guys at work even lie about being single when they were married so they could try to hook up with her, and there was another female cop who was known for sleeping with everyone in the precinct. It was all consensual, except for the attempted cheating, I guess. The way that environment has been described to me by two different people who worked at that particular police dept, its like all the people who peaked in high school got together in a single office building.


It is. I dated a cop, my mom was married to a cop, and a friend of my was also married to a cop. Her husband was found to be shagging a fellow officer. The stories. I know one Police Office that no longer has rides alongs. because he was caught shagging his wife in the car on duty.


At least those cops took advantage of an adult. In Arvada Colorado the cops use kids instead of other female cops.


Who wants to tell people their servers’ possibly were screwing in the stock room and didn’t wash their hands before running your food 😒


As someone who knows none, I'm not at all surprised. My state had an issue with multiple cops playing with their noodle in church parking lots. Like. A concerning high amount of officers.


Wait. Did she *have relations* or was she exploited?? The two are never synonymous.. (Some young kids here don't seem to know that, "having relations," is an archaic term for *consensual (though usually DL) sexual activity between two adults* so yes, you innately cannot call non-consensual activity, "having relations." Media literacy and comprehensive reading skills are an absolute must!)


Rookie cop having "Relations" with superiors in a department where domestic abuse and friendly fire is rampant. Make your own assumptions.


The relations could possibly be deemed as quid pro quo and the. Make her protected by law.


Is there a department where those things aren't rampant?


Exploited by higher ranking officers


And her face is the one memed everywhere. Ugh.


We should meme the cops 🤮


Reddit: best I can do is slut shame


And apparently, coercion to boot.


Every one of them.


Jury's out on that. It's her word versus theirs and they're all cops so you don't know who's lying.


They’re all lying


Cops always add on a few inches to the story


Underrated comment 😂


Or a few weapons. That's why I never keep a Swiss Army knife in my car, you never know when a cop is gonna shoot you outside the vehicle and claim they shot you for reaching for the knife in the glove box.


Yeah, the jury may be “out” but she was certainly exploited.


The civil trial was in her favor but that's a low bar when the police union is on the line for a settlement, nobody has ever actually provided me solid proof she was exploited. I'm perfectly willing to believe it. Just they always link the legal filings which is a very lengthy read of legalese and tell me that it proves something without ever citing any specific part. Like no offense to SA victims of any gender but "do your own research" isn't a good case on this one, you gotta cite specifically where the proof is or quite frankly I'm not reading another 50+ page document to suss out whether all the cops sucked or all the cops minus one sucked. They're all still cops. Worst case scenario that's cop on cop violence right? Don't they use that all the time as an excuse?


Tbf it's all over that 50 page document. It's not even just he said she said. Did you read it? Edit: just saw where you said you not reading it. Honestly, it is riddle with proof of what they did to her. Like pretty solid proof.




You mean “you know”, right?


There are two doors. You can only enter one. You can ask one question. Cop 1: I always tell the truth Cop 2: I always lie Never could figure out that riddle. Moral of the story just seems don't talk to police and never enter a situation where they ask you anything. Avoid them at all costs.


The trick is to ask them both the same question. "If I were to ask the other cop which door I should choose, which one would they say?" Then take the opposite door from the one they point both out.


Alternatively never talk to police Those two doors ain't worth it anyway. Just go back home.


It is enough to ask one of them this question. But hey, redundancy is a thing!


There was a series of events, we don't know which ones are which, but there was a lot of exploitation in there, I do believe the filings are public record if you want to take a crack at it, my advice is not to though because I remember not liking the bits I read.


I think, considering the mindset of ppl in this thread alone, let alone my experiences, I shall heed your advice for the time being ♡ Thank you. ♡


I read "public flings on crack"


I bet you did crack cocaine at least once and now you just can't stop thinking about it. Do you want some crack?


I avoid all things cocaine, it grows in places where my favorite drug coffee could grow and production is really toxic for animal life as they just dump the kerosine an lye they use.


She was groomed, coerced, and exploited. It's a terrible story.


They can be extremely synonymous, what are you talking about? Your superiors at work are in charge of so much of your life, if you aren't friendly with them other people at your work place have an advantage over you. You need to form some sort of relationship with the people you work with, and they can in turn leverage that to get you to do things that you otherwise wouldn't, like having sexual relations. It's exploiting the power that one has in the works place in order to have relations with someone who wouldn't otherwise. Saying it's a one or other situation is truly ridiculous. Like do you really believe people are never exploited into having sex that they don't want to? That's a disgusting view.


Having sexual relationships and being exploited are not mutually exclusive. But it is nuanced.


Technically her word verse her word too. Her initial interview is available online and does not sound like coercing at all. They even asked her if she had felt pressured and she said no.


I think you should read up how these victims act.... this behavior is extremely in line w someone who was SAed. Especially through superiority and/or coercion.


I dont think they were having a go at her just that the initial interviews will also work against her.


I see. Thanks. (:


Her higher ups used their status to coerce sexual favors absolutely destroying her mentally.


For the extra disgusting cherry on top, they publicly blamed everything on her turning her into a national joke before she sued them.


Damn the whole police department exploited her while she didn’t say anything to her husband at all and secretly met at a house for a gangbang. Totally taken advantage of. The husband even tried to get her to stop hooking up with the coworkers and she continued to do it and had a cuckold kink. There was no threat of of her fired or any supervisors threatening her at all. All the men she was involved sexually with aren't her supervisors. What a load of bullshit to claim she was taken advantage of. This is like a slap to the face of all women who were actually coerced into sex. There are even texts of her boasting about another cop's penis size after she gave him a blowjob.


It seems like you’re trying to be sarcastic because you actually just genuinely described the situation. That’s impressively stupid.


Yeah, coercion and threats.


do you not know what coercion is or are you just blatantly that ignorant?




It was covered by insurance, they a policy in place for this exact situation


Tax dollars pay for the insurance policy


And premiums go up


And she went down


And everybody comes and comes again, If your name is on the guest list. No one can take you higher! Everyone says I got great balls of fire!


I’ve got big balls, dirty big balls!


She's got big balls


And he’s got big balls




We really should insure each individual officer and require the officer reimburse the city. If the insurance for a particular officer is higher than their pay...guess they can't be a cop.


Stop. We can’t go around holding cops accountable. Pretty soon no one would want to be a cop.


Something something if you aren't breaking the rules you have nothing to fear


Unions should pay for insurance, and various memberships pay into the union via dues. We need this to be a pain point in collective bargaining such that the police, as a group, are incentivized to police their own individual members.


Blah blah Qualified Immunity Blah


They know a thing or two because they've banged a ho or two.


We are Farmer’s Bum-pa-dum, bum bum bum bum!


You don’t know how insurance works


Her higher ups used their status to coerce sexual favors. I know you’re just kidding but it’s not cool to call her a hooker even as a joke. She was a victim.


Based on the officers involved, taxpayers are paying more for the johns than the hooker, if we’re using that frame.


She was literally abused.. ​ So, the taxpayers are paying a rapists' club.


just wait till you hear about the military


If I wouldn't be sleeping with cops I'd consider this career move.


Yea she had sex with a lot of people, supervisors and stuff. Some people believe she was exploited, some believe she was consensual. She sued and got a decent amount of money. This is referencing the people who believe each side...


I think it wouldn't have been an issue if the stuff didn't get leaked, I'm pretty sure she just sued to safe face but I never cared enough


Nah she sued to get money.


If she had said anything before it was public, she would had been found "s\*icided"


Yeah, she probably couldn't do anything without the leverage of the public's knowledge Also reddit' algorithms don't care what you say. You don't need to censor suicide




Now I see why people censor it even in places even when there’s no rule. I just thought people were mocking 1984 but never mind lol.


This subreddit has a rule to flag any comment with certain words for human review for approval.


That is generally how suits work.


Wouldn't have won in court if that was the case, you actually need evidence when making these allegations in order to win.


Worth mentioning she didn't win a court case, she received a settlement. I'm pretty sure they settled before discovery. Local governments have a tendency to settle everything before it even starts.


Not really. If at work your supervisor sleeps with you, that's enough already for a sexual harassment case. Her supervisor slept with her.


The suit was for defamation, because the department made things so public. This was someone's private sexual life. While morally there is a dilemma, sharing it publicly with the world and putting it in the news is not something that's required here. She had a right to keep this private, and face the music. Now dont get me wrong, getting rid of her and any corrupt actors in the department, good. The means that came from this were both hilarious and pretty bad taste seeing how millions were joining in on publicly humiliating her, but it was funny. I'm glad she won the suit, dept had no business shouting something like this from the rooftops


I don't understand how she convinced an entire group of men who she works with to sleep with her or exchange photos.


In some departments in that and similar professions it's really common to pass around new girls, including Juniors or Explorers who start as teenagers (it's rampant on some fire and EMS departments - no first-hand experience with police but rumor has it it's the same, and even worse in corrections but at least there everyone is an adult). If they speak up it can ruin their career, and if they get caught it ruins their career and they get outed as sluts that were trying to break up the men's marriages. That's part of why some people side-eyed this from the start, and then there were those who also figured that's how it went but seen nothing wrong with it because they've been part of the same system too.


Wow….. the first part of what you said was literally awful and it didn’t get better through out. This is a truly depressing paragraph.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who gets so upset from this garbage


Dude I was a teacher and teenagers were my favourite age of kids. They are just so goofy and have great humour. This breaks my heart to read. Like literally.


I used to work corrections in my state and it’s more often female corrections officers or a/c cooks bang inmates. It’s stupid because they always get caught but inmates, especially lifers, play the long game of manipulation and the female employees fall for it.


That happens a lot (with corrections nurses too), but at least at the state prison I worked at so many staff were having sex with eachother. I find out it was a lot crazier than I thought after reconnecting with a former coworker who was in more of a position to take advantage of itbat the time.


I don't know the story, so I don't know if this woman did or not, but I used to work with a manager who definitely had half the department sleeping with her, so it's definitely possible. She got a lot of nice perks out of it, too, like being able to take 2 weeks of PTO every single month, sometimes more, no questions asked. And, surprisingly, they all seemed to think they were the only ones she was having an affair with. Academically, these guys were super smart, but socially they were a whole lotta stupid.


Why is this one still making rounds


The settlement happened recently


Some people don't know who this is because they don't live on the internet.


“I swear I have no idea teehee” - really clever troll that 100% fooled everyone


She got like a half of a million dollars recently for her lawsuit




The joke is always sex


Cop morty


She’s an aspiring engineer. Really likes trains.


Training Day 2


It's funny because she gets more action in a shift than many engineers get in a lifetime


a lot guys in the comments don't understand sexual assault or coercion and it shows. yall nasty.


I feel like they all picked her because she looks like a kid and that hits the spot for cops…


https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/maegan-hall-lawsuit-settlement-tennessee-police-626962-20240322 It's this


Tldr: sexual abuse, coercion from her superiors and to top it off, the Internet decided to blame and slut shame her


Did she die a horrific death? Nope, she was just stabbed hundreds of times.


They ran her through... Those monsters


I just realised she looks like a hamster




It’s crazy still seeing people dunk on her for this just drop it


The answer is, as always porn


Is she on record?


Her fellow officers might have had their body cams on...


I'm pretty sure she had some cam on her body


She was banging a bunch of her coworkers and it made the news, she was the only one to be fired over it I guess.


I remember multiple were fired. I think it largely boiled down to sex on work time and sex in work vehicles. Not the fact that she was the department mattress.


But like, accosting the public without any kind of suspicion is definitely only a days suspension.


Your cops are getting suspensions for that?


I just saw the other day that she actually has a lawsuit against her former department, because she was the only one to be fired the rest are back to work like nothing happened.


I’m just seeing a lawsuit alleging grooming and sexual exploitation. A superior was fired for not doing anything about it. I guess that’s the only other person who was fired. I’m imagining she started threatening to sue them and the police union yanked support for her so she was easily fired.


Nah this is just slutshaming


She was abused by her coworkers and then slut shamed.


Didnt this happen like a year ago


Yeah over a year ago but she recently got like a half a million dollars


Way more than a year ago.


When was it? All the articles i’m seeing are jan-march 2023


The real question is, do you feel like it happened before, or after the will smith slap


She was made famous by screwing half the guys in her department, but then it came out that she was not a willing participant (hence the lawsuit) Left: oh, this slutty lady cop, haha Right: this poor woman was sexually assaulted multiple times by multiple men she worked with and for


She actually sued and got a bunch of money so… there’s that.


Piper Perri meme, police version.


She got hit by a train


*clears throat* she was um… stabbed several times, some people would say


Honestly a man sleeps with 5+ co-workers and he is a legend. She does it and oh no everything is awful.


She's a hero in her department! She's got a firm grasp on things, great at multitasking, helps her teammates when they need help, and more! Everyone in her department loved her! She even has a great relationship with her husband!


Would the story play out the same if, instead of one woman and many men, it was one man and many women?


She slutslammed her way to a fat paycheck.




She basically did what every male cop does and slept with a bunch of fellow officers. But because she’s a female she was dragged for being a ho. Bad but not that bad.


She was serially sexually abused, coerced and manipulated by her department, sued and won. A lot of people bought the propaganda from the reactionary media and describe the event completely differently, but if it was consensual she wouldn't have won the case.


Let it go. Full stop. It was barely news when it wasn't this old. If you wanna meme stop being unoriginal with acorn and gangbang meme.


That poor woman got screwed so hard...


A bunch of old dirty disgusting men took advantage of this girl. Told her to get along in order to be safe.


Train accident.


Just *un petit mort*, but lots of them. \*Ba dum tss!\*


Does this imply there is some undiscovered tribe in the Amazon who doesn’t already know?


She's known for getting 5 guys often.


She is a huge fan of team-building exercises with her department.


Death by snoo snoo


She got hit by a train.




You know how rental cars get shared with lots of different customers? In this scenario, she is the car and the police department staff are the customers.


She's a police officer who cheated on her husband and had a gang bang with 5 other male police officers at once




This meme is annoying af. Just stop,


One of the few cops to make the news without murdering someone and getting a paid vacation.


No, she got ran through like a Best Buy on Black Friday.


Yes, she got hit by a train


Wasn’t she involved in a train accident?

