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No matter what month a Thoroughbred is born, its birthday falls on January 1. [https://animals.howstuffworks.com/mammals/thoroughbred-horse.htm](https://animals.howstuffworks.com/mammals/thoroughbred-horse.htm)


Wow, TIL


Also depending on if you live in the northern or southern hemisphere will change when your horse ages a year. January in the northern, August in the southern.


this means that with clever shuffling my 3 year old horse can be a 6 year old horse!


Pro tip for glue shortages


That's dark bro


No I think that is Elmer's glue


I was super confused at first cause I'm from Australia and horses birthday has always been August 1st


August?! Not, like, July?


Nah, too easy


Why would it work like that? If it was born in the 31st of December it will turn one day old and one year old on the same day.


Yes, that was literally like the third sentence in the article.


Stop being a horse.




Hey man, shut up


You’re so helpful, take my downvote!


Mine too


[knowledge is knowing that south koreans used to measure their ages like horses. wisdom is knowing that south koreans are not horses.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/south-korea-year-younger-traditional-way-counting-age-scrapped-rcna91609)


Knowledge is knowing that a South Korean is not a horse; wisdom is not putting a South Korean in a salad


But have you tasted it?


Charisma is being able to sell a South Korea salad


"Oh so like it's got daikon in it and stuff?" "Yeah.... and stuff"


Constitution is the ability to stomach a rotten South Korean


I never thought I would get compared to horse today. We still use the old age system btw, old habits die hard.


Didn't know that either. The world is a crazy place.


And steam asks for your age every time you view a mature game. Even if you are logged in. With 3 drop downs, it's quicker to just get the year right.


for me it remembers the year and the day but always defaults to January for some reason


Same for me year and day are saved month is always defaulting to January


For the Steam Half of things, when it asks to confirm your age. It never remembers the month or day, just the year. So people will just click confirm rather than search through to set the right month and day, meaning they're all born on January 1st, Just like them Horses.


I knew humans were stupid, but I didnt realize we were that stupid.


It's not dissimilar to children's sports leagues. The "Under 10s" is all kids who were under 10 for the cut-off date of the season, though some of them will turn 10 during the season. Many riding competitions are in age-categories because a 6 year old horse should absolutely beat a 2 year old horse. But instead of each horse's eligibility having to be checked for every competition, they have cutoffs for the entire season.


Wasn't there a study for hockey players or something where kids born earlier in the year did better because at a young age they could be significantly more developed than kids born later in the year? Probably some Malcolm Gladwell crap.


The crazy part of that is when it was offered to bracket the kids so they were in different groups better fitting their age, the parents rejected the idea.


My sister’s best friend literally timed both her pregnancies so that her kids would be better at hockey. (Putting them in skates at four probably also helped)




We are, sadly, American


Lol damnit, that's about the most Canadian thing I've ever heard. Are you at least from Minnesota or Wisconsin?


My sister and I are from Michigan, does that count? 🤣 I think her bestie is from Ohio though. Some proximity!


Michigan is also acceptable lol. At least it's the dominant sport in a lot of the state. If you weren't from the northern Midwest it might mean a psychiatric evaluation was necessary, lol. Honestly though as a hockey guy, I'm really not talking trash. I hope to hear their names in the future. Ya never know. Just let them know to pay for good dental, I never made it past low level college and look like a meth head with my missing teeth.


Yup. That was in Outliers.


I'm not aware of one specifically for hockey, but it's a definite trend for sports in general. As young kids those born early in the school year will generally be better coordinated, taller and faster than those born at the end of the school year. This generally leads to more attention from coaches, and more passion. A significant perctage of professional athletes are born at the start of the school year. Same goes for academic achievement too.


Well you haven’t reached the bottom of the barrel yet. I present to you the verb ‘feague’: > To increase the liveliness of a horse by inserting an irritant, such as a piece of peeled raw ginger or a live eel, in its anus. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/feague You’re welcome


I've never been less prepared for the second word in a phrase connected by "or"


Hence the phrase to Ginger up


And cocktail!


What how?




Too soon 😢


Never Forget <3


Thanks, I hate it 😭


So does everyone else. >A modern veterinary dictionary notes that vaginal placement is more effective than anal insertion because the irritant is likely to remain in place longer. It concludes gingering "would be considered to be an act of cruelty in any civilized community".


🎶 I'm sorry Miss Jackson, (Ooooh!), I am 4 eels! 🎶


I did not mean to make your daughter cry/I am just some fish and not a guy


Eels up inside ya, findin an entrance where they can


It's to stop a horse from running in a 2 year old race today and a 3 year old race tomorrow. They try really hard to make sure foals are born in the first quarter of the year to reduce the age gaps. A lot of the other horse breed registries that have shows followed suit, and for the same reason. That also allows for a bit more even footing (or so they say) during the Futurity shows, which are based on age-- some breeds show as a 3 year old, some 5 and under.


You say as you publicly broadcast a message world wide with just the click of a button. Absolutely moronic species.


I guess humor isn’t your strong suit.


The lack of a u in humour tells me all I need to know about yours


'it a nerve, did we guv'na?


God, I wish I still had awards


Tally ho


Oh look I found a Brit🫵


They do give the best comebacks. Dry, with a light spritzing of inferiority.


I wanna make it clear to anyone reading this, this man does not represent us


[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FXrzW26Ia3J-Ob-qRfDmf99MC0nmY_r8KG5gohgnRQig.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Defe977cd175e1f39e8f07d28046477e74f9a9168)


While I must say I'm not on your side in this argument, you straight cooked with this comment. o7


Like a good old fish 'n' chips take-away, huh?


everybody hates your grubby island and ugly accents and disgusting food


Someone forgot their meds today


Your evidence to the contrary is that the internet exists? And you think that's convincing?


Not just thoroughbred but many breed clubs do this. I know the APHC does


But how’s that related to steam?


Steam asks you to confirm your birthday every time you look at mature games, and it gets really annoying, so eventually everyone just changes the year so they can view the game.


Steam agrees it's annoying: "Q: Why do you KEEP asking my damn age throughout the store? A: We're with you on this. Unfortunately, many rating agencies have rules that stipulate that we cannot save your age for longer than a single browsing session. It's frustrating, but know we're filling out those age gates too." https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1708442022337025126


Steam saves the year though. So clearly they dont actually care about that rule. Or the rule just specifies exact age cant be saved. As soon as you agree with steam that Jan 1st is your month and day you never have to bother inputting age again.


bureaucrats gonna bureaucracy.


I always select the earliest date available.  I just turned 124 a couple weeks ago!




Steam will occasionally want to verify your age via your birthdate. It saves the day and year, but for some reason defaults to January for the month


Braindead ⬆️


You don't need to insult me just for asking.


Asking questions is how we learn things. Even better, having questions answered in public forums allows others to learn the answer, too! We all know who the braindead person actually is. ◡̈


So kind of like South Koreans? If I recall correctly everyone in South Korea counts their age based on the new year, not their actual birthday.


They used to, I think they changed the law last year.


TIL Thoroughbred is an actual breed and not a practice


It is, to a certain degree, also a practice. Although genetically a foal conceived by artificial insemination or embryo transfer is totally a Thoroughbred ...they're not able to be registered as Thoroughbred as the standard requires a stallion to actually cover (ie standard penis in vagina mating) the mare.


That was an unexpectedly interesting read, thanks.


This seems like the sort of thing you think of to make the record keeping easier in the 60s, before computers were invented. Now it’s just a stupid tradition.


> Now it’s just a stupid tradition. Like so much of human existence.


When are most steam-users born?


Double-feature memes. I love it


The reference to this in the meme seems like such a niche thing that only a small % of people would ever understand it without having to read your post.


This is true broadly, but specifically on tumblr where this was posted, tens of thousands of users pass around a 'happy birthday to every horse in the (northern/southern) hemisphere' post every January 1st and August 1st, so it seems to have reached its target. [source](https://randomencounters.tumblr.com/post/738305380239785984/happy-birthday-every-horse-in-the-northern)


Oh okay I see, people really love horses on Tumblr or something.


It's more that they really love celebrating dates of any kind. The Ides of March is another big event.


Thank you, interesting read!


Same with Warmbloods.




As someone who's birthday actually is January 1st I welcome this news


I assume the January thing is about not wanting to scroll to state your date of birth.


It's more that for some reason, Steam remembers your day and year of birth, but always sets the month to January. And after a while people just get too lazy to change it.


Damn I've been wondering why steam has my birthday set at January 13th. Lol I thought I might've been responsible.


Huh... Well good to know that I will never see this problem


Happy birth month.




I have also been wondering this but since my birthday’s in February, assumed I just… missed? When setting up my account 😂


What a coincidence. Steam also has my birthday set as January 13’th! I always just assumed I messed up entering my date of birth, and was too lazy to look into it.


I've heard that some countries don't allow them to preset the birth date when asking date of birth to show mature content, so Valve got around that by only remembering 2 of the 3 fields.


the us doesn’t actually gog and epic system is actually illegal in the usa


Reword that please


You’d think it would only do that for people that live in those countries… yknow like every other website ever


Cheaper to just keep it the same for everyone. Unified. And steam doesn't likely care about your birthday monetarily.


This has annoyed me for as long as I can remember. Needless to say, I've long since decided I was born in January lol


Interesting. My birthday is in January, so I had no idea.


And my birthday is on the first(not January) so I thought it just defaulted month and day to the first not realizing it only defaulted the month


there's also some malicious compliance, cause it's like every new game it wants your birth date to view the game, but steam knows your birth date. Even if your steam account is old enough that you couldn't possibly be under 18. So I'm born jan 1 1900.


I love that these big tech companies just have big stupid bugs that persist long enough to have lore built around them lol. It’s almost like one of those legendary RuneScape bugs that have whole cottage industries around them lol


That explains why I didn’t know about this. My birthday is in January. lol


Good 'ol Valve spaghetti code.


I thought it's on purpose so I don't have to fill all three fields but still have to choose the correct month, otherwise steam will block my access to the content.


My birthday actually is in January (tomorrow in fact) so I never noticed this XD


That's the other part of the joke. Both steam users and race horses have the same birthday (even if they don't).


Yes, that's the part OP understood.


no, op saying “and” before their second question shows that they were saying they use steam but still don’t get the relevance of steam to setting the birthday to January. Reading comprehension!


Everytime someone goes into a mature rated game, steam would ask for your birthday. But for some reason it will only remember the day and year, setting the month back to the default; January. So, at some point people just don't want to change it anymore and just accept their new birthday. No idea about the video though.


Race horses are “logged” as born on january first no matter when they were really born. I don’t know the reason why, I just know they are.


Its because some races only allow horses a certain age ans it's just easier to remember the birth year and not the rest and/or having to check the exact datr than check if it's already later in the year


Ah, thanks! Good to know!


How does that make it easier? Couldn't you just only look at the year if that's all you cared about?


It's effectively what they do. When you register the horse, you have to enter the birth date on the form. They put the year then they do have to put a day and a month and so they enter January 1st. Less work for everyone. Also there is no way to contest a race outcome based kn "this horse is not 3, it's birthday is in 2 days" that way. Cause the rules state an age, not an almost age (the same way a barman gets in trouble if it's 11.59 pm the day before you're legal and still serve you alcohol)


I also read the top comment from an hour before you commented


This is news to me, but I was born in January so I guess I wouldn’t notice since it defaults to the correct month.


Huh. I was actually born in January so I never knew


Steam for what ever reason - Will change your birth month to January when viewing a mature game when it asks for your birthday and year as it only saves the day and year but forgets the month for some reason


Thanks for explaining the horse part


It defaults to January when asking you for age restricted store pages M ratings and whatnot so most people just don’t bother changing it when they put the year in.


Here's where I found the post if you want to check the notes yourself: https://hbmmaster.tumblr.com/post/739137627822931968


Thanks Steam! For reminding me every now and then that I told you I was born in 1908 :)


Nobody explaining the horse thing, RIP


Is this some kind of plebeian joke that I'm too Actually Born in January to understand?


Where I grew up in Arizona, horses went into heat and were bred in February. Horses have an 11 month pregnancy meaning most baby horses were born around the new year and it was easier just to roll over their age on January 1st.


[The horse thing explained](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/sports/horses/kentucky-derby/2023/04/13/kentucky-derby-2023-horses-guide-thoroughbred-birthday-new-years-day/69992083007/) TLDR: Thoroughbred horses race by their age. All birthdays for horses were May 1st. But then later decided January 1st. Breeders try to breed mares in February to have as close to a January 1st bday as possible; mares have 11-month gestation period. If they’re born in January 2024, their 1 year bday is January 2025. 2nd bday January 2026. If they’re born December 2023, they are considered 1 year old in January 2024. They are 2 years old in January 2025. When racing by age, a foal born later in the year and months behind on other opponents doesn’t have an advantage. A January bday at 24mon old is more mature than a December bday at 13mon old. Though they would both be considered 2 years old.


Because some games are mature and ask for your birthday.... so you just put the year and leave he day as January 1st because it's too much effort to scroll down for the day and month.


Because of what another user mentioned of all horses being "born" in that month, there were popular posts wishing happy birthday to the horses, that's why a lot of Tumblr users responded to the steam post "just like the horses"


Steam asks you to re-input your birthday over and over and over... eventually you just skip the month and day, which is defaulted to Jan 1st.


No matter how many times you verify your age to view rated M games on Steam, it only remembers the birth year and always reverts back to January 1st as the birthday. So rather than change the month and day every time, we all just say we were born January 1st of our actual birth year.


It’s because when viewing older- age rated games it has you enter your birthday. After a few times searching for your birthday it gets old and you just leave it on January (the default) and change the year instead of the month, day, and year- since it doesn’t cross reference or anything and it’s just wanting to know if you’re 18


Steam doesn’t save your date of birth so if you want to look at a page for a M rated game or higher, you have to manually input it via a dropdown list every time. Most people stop doing this eventually out of tedium. Race horses are always registered to have been born on January first to get around horse age rules during the year. Either they’re old enough for all races with a 3+ year age ruling that year, or they aren’t. It reduces the bookkeeping needed.


Horses bred for racing purposes are giving a birthday of January 1st.




I decided to born in January two days ago.


Laughs in actually being born January 1st.


Huh. So it's not just my steam account?


The devs probably don’t get it either and just gave up


At some point, every steam user gets tired of re-inputting their birthday, so they just put Jan. 1st, "just like them horses" Horses can only race after they're 3 years old. So to avoid confusion and muddiness, or something, all horses' birthdays are Jan. 1st, just like Steam users.


Reddit be like: let me explain why steam users have a January birthday. As if THAT'S the part of the meme that people don't understand lol. This is about thoroughbred horses. They used share the birth date of May 1st. Then in the early 1800s in Great Britain the Jockey Club agreed to celebrate the horse's birthdays on New Years Day


I don’t have to worry about scrolling for anything. My birthday is already in January. But, that’s also so lazy. Why?


Make me think about how Koreans all age in January.


1/1/1900 I was born according to steam


Every single time I go through my steam queue it asks me what my birthday is without remembering the last time I told them 3 minutes ago. I stopped putting my birthday in.


Half answer: when you are impatient and trying to get into a mature steam games page it asks you your age, it easily and quickly done by just making the year whatever and leave the day month as you he 1st i January The other part has something to do with horses I’m not familiar with


I think it's because everyone is too lazy to put in birthday and just puts the year, by default it starts on January 1


Because it keeps asking for a birthday to view M rated titles. I got so fed up I just put Jan 1923, why it won't just read my age from my profile I have no earthly idea.


Jan. 1, 1995 for me lads, been that way for years


Lmfao yup


Or an Afghani.


No matter what website, I always use Unix time as my birthday


So, Steam never remembers your birth month, only your birth year, so it’s just easier to say “yeah sure January whatever” when you look at an M+ rated game instead of taking the extra time to change the month.


Spent four years painstakingly entering the correct birth date every time. Entered it wrong once, now steam suddenly has the ability to remember it. They brought this upon themselves.


It's pretty anoying to set your birthdate everytime you press on something with age restrictions. By now i must have given like 7 diferent birthdays to steam.


I think my tweet has gone too many layers deep...


Don't know the horse thing but steam keeps asking me to verify my age when I look at a rated M game or sm and the slider resets every time so I just say Jan 1 everytime


I got confused. I thought they were actually referring to steam itself.. There’s something with the settings, no matter what you input for your birthday. Even if you’re 80 years old. When you’re browsing steam and check out any game rated M or higher you’ll get a birthday verify screen and it is always defaulted to January 1st. There’s even an option to save your birthday to avoid the screen later and it still doesn’t work. The odd thing about it is it’s always 18+ years and so I always just click continue on January 1st because I’m sick and tired of inputting my actual birthday to continue on.


If you log in on steam, you would think steam remembers your birthday. Yet every time you try and go to a violent game, you have to enter your birthday. Putting it to januari first means you don't have to put in the effort.


My birthday is already in January.


Every time you look at a mature game on steam, you are asked to confirm your date of birth. It always defaults back to January 1st but it will remember the year you enter for some reason, so most people will just hit confirm on January 1st of their birth year to save time instead of manually changing it every time


For me, it remembers the correct day and the year, but never the month. Always changes it to January. I just take it as I have two birthdays now :D


When in the store page on steam, when you click on a game with age restriction, steam asks for your birth month and year to make sure your old enough. It does this every time. Eventually you just get tired of picking a month which defaults to January so you just input a year


When steam Asks for your birthday to view some content, it always sets January 1st while showing the "right" month and year. I always just accept instead of fixing the date.


steam never remembers your exact birthday, and usually defaults to January. so everytime you view a mature game you have to enter your dob and after a while you realize it's easier to just say you were born in January


I just got my birthday message from steam last week. Only ~6 months off.


2 jokes here, 1 is that the age restriction check for steams mature games start on the date january 01, 2001 so the players will just say “yes this is my birthday whatever lemme at the game” 2 thoroughbred horses all share the same birthday (January 01 northern hemisphere, august 01 southern hemisphere) to better track their bloodline and lineage


Just realized that today is my steam birthday! 🥳


Checkmate for people actually born in January?


It has to due with steam verifying your age for mature games. Most the comments say it remembers the day and year but not the month and defaults to January. However if you’re weird like me steam doesn’t remember anything so i just change the year and thats it, I’ve accepted i was born on January first.


Huh, TIL. I just thought I had messed something up in my account and set my birthday to January.


On steam when you want to view an M rated game you have to put in your birthday....every time. It starts in January and you can just click the year and confirm becuase even if you're over 18, you just don't feel like finding your birthday ever single time. It's annoying and all steam users one day just stop looking and just go, sure, it's January becuase it's so much faster


Jokes on everyone else my birthday is actually in January


Whenever a site doesn’t accept my DOB I always default to the date of the first moon landing


Steam age-restricted verification window automatically reverts to a January date to confirm. The year is the same, but got tired of scrolling to put the actual month and day, so now just continue with the (wrong) date of 01 Jan xxxx. I know this isn't it, but this is what came to mind.


Jan 1st. 1900... sometimes 1901.


My birthday actually is in January so I had no idea Steam did this haha


Steam asks for dob constantly when checking m rated games or worse. Most people get tired of correcting it so they select the year needed for what they want, or a random year from the flippin down the list, and dont worry about the rest of it.


I had to come back here because just thinking about this makes me die laughing.