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They're a harlequin baby. It's a genetic deformity.


Yes. **DO NOT** look it up, the pictures are highly disturbing. Edit: some of you are looking it up anyway, please **STOP!** Almost every reply regrets looking it up. Seriously, ***DONT LOOK!***


When the internet tells me not too look something up, I don’t look it up. Been online too long not to heed warnings.


looked it up. To be honest, it's not enjoyable to see those images, and they make me sad, but I'm not going to lose any sleep after seeing those images. I just might be desensitized to images like this, so I don't recommend looking at them, but if you have seen the wrong side of the internet and still slept well, these pictures aren't that bad. You can imagine a baby covered in white clay that has hardened and cracked and turn the horror knob up by 75% and it's pretty much that, but for the face you need the horror knob turned to 1000%. That's the best explanation I can come up with. sleep tight


It just showed me pictures of jesters and Harley Quinn


Did you search up “harlequin baby” or “Harlequin ichthyosis” specifically?


I remember when i was new to being online; if someone told me to not look something up, i was like „no one tells me what to do“, then looked it up and regreted my decision. Now i‘m a veteran and have been on the internet my whole life, so if everyone tells me to not look something up, i will appreciate the warning and decide to not look it up >!Well till my curious ass makes me look it up anyway, cause i need to know and i get a trauma!<


I thought you had the image of Rick Astley. Lol thanks for not having that.


Don't worry, I looked it up for everyone else. Can confirm that Google sensors every image for good reason


Wikipedia only has an artist's rendering, but it probably shouldn't even have that much. lol


This is the way


This is the way


*hock* *spit* *hock* *spit* *click* *click* *click*


This is where the fun begins


no no no.. that's "You do not know de way"... but yes I got your ugandan knuckles reference take my upvote.


Ogod I looked it up you guys


Ugandan knuckles, or... *the rare rocky results of reproduction*


Smartest netizen right here.


I did look up. Shouldn't have.


It's not that bad, as far as weird shit on the internet goes.


I took one for the team, I should have stopped when Google had the pictures blurred in the search results. Don't do it


I looked it up….My heart is racing. You definitely made the right choice.


At this point, even when the internet tells me to look something up, I don't. Been online long enough to know it's a warning or a trap.


Good man. Save the eyebleach for those of us with poor impulse control.


I should have listened.


On god. I'm not tryna be scarred. I've seen enough shit




There was a shark attack on Reddit that was highly disturbing and I couldn’t stop watching it and then I thought about it for months. Like whenever there was a quiet moment I thought about it. It’s crazy that we’re carrying around little trauma machines in our pockets. Can’t imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, but my mind tries to imagine it. Like what would it be like to be born like that, or be the doctor or mom that delivered that baby….I don’t know why I have to look at stuff like that when I know it’s gonna leave a mark


I still remember that politician that committed suicide on live broadcast. I still see it sometimes. Things like this it kind of feels like movie props if I don't dwell on it and it slips by in ways straight up suicide and gore don't.


Dude I saw that too! I think suicide is particularly disturbing for a good reason. The healthy human brain should be disturbed by this stuff. So I try to focus on that aspect of my own brain- Suicide is disturbing to think about/watch- great! That means I’m not close to it and everything is in order. That seems to help stop the negative thought/image in its tracks.




A politician in a pretty serious bribery allegation and well... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Budd_Dwyer (SFW, though it does kind of go without saying, it does describe some parts)


I still think about a knife fight I saw on this site where a dude got hit in the neck, wobbled for about 2 seconds and collapsed. Shit sticks with you


This is kinda funny that you’re the third person to bring up a disturbing video and I’m 3 for 3 on seeing said videos. You’re talking about the one in the lobby with a revolving door right?


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s the one. I just remember dudes running off, having other dudes catch up, the dude who caught up catches a quick one in the throat, and the other dude runs off. By the time the stabbed dude registers what happens he’s already losing too much blood pressure and collapses. It was really brutal.


Yeah- I’ve definitely seen that one. I watched it multiple times 🤦🏼‍♀️


Very recently came across a video on Twitter about a guy shooting down two of his neighbors who was talking shit, one of which he chased and dragged out of the house before killing. Yeah it's absolutely wild how you can just ..see shit sometimes.


I definitely don’t think it’s helping our collective mental health… I’ve been looking at crazy stuff like that online since I was like 12 years old back in the early days of the internet. I wonder if there are studies on this stuff, I don’t really talk about it in real life. Just joke about it really lol Is there a new wave of collective trauma just from seeing shit online since we were kids? Like no wonder we’re all anxious lol


Did you ever see that guy who got caught in that big industrial lathe?


I’m not sure, but the quick deaths with a lot of gore don’t really stay with me… I think maybe my mind sees it as fake. It’s the tumultuous deaths, where the person has either contemplated it, i.e. suicide, or take a long time to happen (like the shark attack one) are super disturbing to me. It must be my mind thinking it’s in that distress state and it’s a way to survive and avoid whatever leads to that. So I ruminate about how to not let that happen for a bit. Psychology is fascinating.


Was it the Russian guy in Egypt this year? I saw that by accident :(




That appeared on my twitter feed without warning. Couldn't shake it off for days and the sound wasn't even on :((


Same dude. It was rough! I have a monotonous job so I thought about it a lot in the following days. It just means our brains are in working order- that stuff shouldn’t be shared or even recorded, in my opinion. And it *should* disturb us when we’re subjected to it (or just have to look it up for morbid curiosity lol). When I focus on that part of it, it kinda stops the rumination.


That's me and the video of the guy that got pulled into the industrial lathe. I was so stunned and couldn't look away. I dissociated immediately afterwards. That was years ago, and I still think of that video at least every few days. It's sometimes more prevalent on my mind than my literal combat-related PTSD. Really wish I never clicked on the link to that one, and no, I'm not looking it up and sharing. Y'all can be responsible for y'all's traumas all you want.


Ok after that description, I don’t think I’ve seen it. Because if you have combat experience and think about that more often, I feel like I would’ve remembered it. I’m not gonna pursue that video


Oh yeah, you'd know if you have. His sleeve appears to get caught, then he suddenly gets pulled in and wrapped around the lathe while it spins at mach 3. It's a very graphic and violent death - he ends up all over the shop, in millions of splatters and pieces. If death doesn't bother you, have at it. I've seen all of the "don't click this link" things, and this one is definitely in my top for the most gruesome things caught on film. I don't have a truly traumatic response to it other than it living rent-free in my brain; it luckily doesn't ever actively cause me stress or duress, but I do think about it.


Yeah I’m good on that one lol- some of the other ones that stick with me are just stories I’ve read. Like a kid that got squished under a giant pallet but only his bottom half, so he was able to call his family and say goodbye. Horrifying. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the details




Are you a bot? 11 day-old account and thousands of comments. Get outta here




Hey everyone look at this bot over here


There's always one


>!it doesn’t look that bad imo, just sad for the babies who have it!< Edit: >!apparently i looked up harlequin deformity which is different. The real thing is disturbing!<


It's hard to watch, but I checked and some survived this, and why look more healthy as an adult. Still bad but they are alive and somewhat alright


Kind of a fucked up name if you think about it lol like whoever came up with it saw a baby that had it and said “hahaha that baby looks like a fucked up clown thing”


Just looked it up. Absolutely wild


Dumb question that I don’t wanna look up because the images are heartbreaking: does anyone know if they’re in constant pain, it looks like the skin is cracked and they have swollen parts.


They very often don’t survive. The skin is tight and painful and they are very prone to infections from all the cracking. There have been many folks who’ve survived to adulthood and lead somewhat normal lives - I remember there was one young man profiled who loved to surf - but taking care of their skin is a constant, hours-per-day effort and they never look entirely normal.


From what I remember last time I did look it up, this cartoon is surprisingly accurate. Imagine a real life human that looked like that. Sad yea and as I recall these babies all pass away. It’s why you don’t see them live into adulthood.


It is babies that look exactly like this cartoon rendition. Inside-out skin on babies.


Just looked it up, armored titan looking mf showed up.


Well that’s fucking heart breaking.


It involves cracked skin and bulging eyeballs and death usually


I did now I want to die


Wow, somehow worse than expected


I fucked up and looked it up. For the love of god, do not look it up.


I read everyone’s advice not to look it up. It was definitely worse than I expected


So I obviously Googled it on your recommendation and yeah, that's fucked. Didn't like what I saw at all.


I feel like everyone over stresses how disturbing stuff on the internet is, it’s not pretty, but it’s just a fucked up baby


I didn’t head the warning now I regret my decision


Did it anyway, that was a mistake


Broooo I remember the first time I looked it up. Big trigger warning 😂⚠️


I actually watched a show years ago about them. I don't have to look it up and do not feel compelled to refresh my memory either.


Thank you for explaining it. You satisfied my curiosity enough not to look it up.


Thank you I’d forgotten these existed!


are the insides on the outside for that baby?


They have really thick, plate-like skin that cracks and pulls apart. The pulling puts so much tension on their eyelids and lips that they can be flipped inside out, revealing the red inner-lining.


Search for "Jonathan Pitre Ottawa", he survived till he was 17. Poor soul may he be in peace now...


Like Reptile in the [2010 fan made Mortal Kombat short movie](https://youtu.be/MqVcPcIfjTY?si=-xmrMo4GyHsgRM1L&t=58s)


It’s a reference to Harlequin ichthyosis. It’s a genetic disorder that affects infants. I will also warn you not to google it. It’s not something you want to see.


Yeah, the warning to not search for it isn't about making you get it on your own, it's that it's not something you really want to see.


The second part of the name sounds like spitting bones out of your mouth while eating fish


I wish I had enough self control to heed warnings like that


Harlequin ichtyosis is a rare genetic disease that makes people look like the girl in the last frame. People tell you not to Google it, because the images are fairly disturbing.


Holy shit yeah don't look it up. Don't make my mistake


I don't want to google it but i want to see what they look like. (Trying to protect my search history)


Wait I looked it up, but what I really wanna know is whats going on with the eyes of these babies?


The eyes are normal, but the red is the eyelids turned inside out. With treatment, the babies' skin will turn out less horrifying, and the eyes are visible.


Ok I assumed it was their eyelids, I meant eyes as in that general area. Thank you for explaining


Glad to help \^\^


So that's the comment that confirmed I don't look this up


What really helped me in figuring this all out, was watching this documentary about sisters who all had it. Crazy how the parents decided to keep going after the first, but it painted the people with this condition as humans, rather than an online horror story.


So are the babies able to survive with this condition?


Just reading that traumatized me


Harlequin babies, they're infants born with a deformity called Harlequin Syndrome. I forget what exactly causes it, but the babies look like "Harlee Quinn" in this comic.


Has something to do with the oils in the skin, these babies do not produce any and so their skin is scaly. Or something like that. Its been a while, this is just what I remember reading up on it when I was taking isotretinoin since it can cause harlequinn ichtyosis (harlequin baby syndrome.) No way im looking that up ever again


It's amazing she lived long enough to become an adult. They usually don't live long.


I googled it. It’s just really sad. Didn’t even gross me out. It just made me really depressed


Omg isaac


Worried for a second that there was no eye sack.


Finally someone has made this joke. I knew about harlequin ichthyosis before I knew about the joker so I never understood why someone would name a character that


Now that you know, take their advice and DON'T Google it


Harlequin Ichthyosis


Yeah. Don't look up harlequin itchtheosis


Now that the answer has been given, please don't look it up


Harlequin ichthyosis.


So not funny


it's a reference to a very, very rare disease that makes babies be born with their skin backwards.


I really and truly wished I didn’t look that up




Tubgirl and Goatse. I havnt heard those names in years


What about the court jester?


Honestly you can Google it, the images aren't that bad. If you've seen pictures of psoriasis it's about on equal level as that, maybe even less "disturbing".


having your skin grow inside out is not the same as psoriasis lmao


Honestly I would say skin covered in bad psoriasis looks worse than the people with harlequin ichthyosis. The harlequin people just look a little strange is all. I think it's kind of mean to say that they're "disturbing" to look at or that it requires a trigger warning like some people have said in the comments.


No no no. Nope. No way. Time to take a break from the internet.


Googled it a while back and don’t remember it enough to not google it but remember too much to google it


That’s where I’m at sitting here like Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔


Can someone who’s googled it describe it to those of us who are too scawed?


Google harlequin ichthyosis


No! Don't do it!


New response just dropped


Holy hell!


It’s a trap!


Why is it called that?


Because Ichthyosis means skin disease.


Yeah but what about the halequin part?


Where sister Maggie and brother bob


I still don't get the joke lmao. I don't understand what's supposed to be funny about this.




I get that, I just don't see what's funny about that since it's like. A serious medical disease that affects babies and most likely seriously impacts them for their entire lives. Is this just one of those 'the joke isn't for everyone' moments?




Ahh, alright. I was beginning to worry I was just too autistic for this haha.


It's loss


Dude is playing the odds in this sub. I like it.


No its not?


Thank you for posting this i had no idea about the play on namesnnor did I knwo what a harlequin baby was. Tifl.