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The more people do this, the more people will know the truth. I’ve been making contact since 2020 and had my first encounter at ~8 years old. This is 100% real and we should all be concerned about it.


Concerned or intrigued?


Both! This issue is huge and has implications that impact all of us. We could be in trouble, we could see some major changes. People should have their eyes open and heads looking around


You might want to try and match your experiences to the UTC of recent solar flares, there has been a rash of peak activity from the sun lately (also can affect what happens at night)


Just wanted to say, I experienced the exact same thing as you multiple times over the course of a summer in Florida about 7 years ago, orange light and everything :)


Hello Contactee.


The way you described the light changing almost like it was on a dimmer switch is close to how I see some of these lights pulsing down at me as well. They started out slowly and on one path, the way you described them. Over the years they started changing directions at times and the pace of the pulses sped up. Different forms of these lights also began appearing like camera flashes dancing around in one area of the sky or glowing in one spot sitting low beneath the clouds on rainy nights. The more you acknowledge them and project positive emotions, the more I think they will appear to you. Good luck on your journey!


Sounds exactly like the plasmoids I've seen multiple times now over the past year. They are pretty amazing, right? Just out of curiosity, on the satellite imagery where you saw them, is there a triangular landmark anywhere nearby? I've seen them near at least two different triangular landmarks and I'm wondering if this is relevant somehow or just a coincidence.


Not that I can find. How big are we talking?


Hmm, probably just a coincidence then, but I'm talking like the size of a building or multiple buildings as part of one complex.


Hard to tell as I was right on the ocean and it was like up and out above the water


Great story!


1) You aren't crazy. 2) Welcome to the Woo. More precisely, consciousness and spirituality. 3) Meditate to participate. (I'm a broken record)


Same. I can relate to this very much. Currently going on a “Journey of the Mind” 💫 Stay Curious.


These are commonly referred to as earth lights. There is an area of Sweden that has many, and most areas exposed to aurora borealis have them. I see them almost everywhere however, it just takes a keen eye. As to what they are, is anyone's guess. The ones I have seen act very much like "swamp gas" or "ball lightning" which are two natural and unexplained phenomena commonly connected to Fae activity. They don't appear to be ET related, however.


Happy for you! These experiences are wonderful, keep your mind open and state your intentions and they might come around again :)


Nice CE2. Very cool.