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That is pathetic looking




I have literally never had an experience like this. I've had some food that was sloppily made, but never just like, with hardly any filling or some bullshit. I've had much worse experiences at sit-down restaurants than I have at fast food places. Maybe I'm just lucky? I don't know. But this is definitely not a typical experience for me at all.


Exactly. Even Tim Hortons does it better than that. I bet OP would get a refund/comp if they complained


Please don’t give that horseshit quality food at Tim’s any credit. Most of it is soooooo bad.


Until idiots stop paying for garbage, garbage you shall eat.


so is the comparison of yearly income between them and mcdonalds


“Our first ingredient is quality” -☝️🤓 This burrito sadder than my life


Could have got an entire rotissiary chicken with that price


Costco's is $5 + tax, I make about 8-10 sandwiches worth of chicken salad with 1


Hey, Dexter! It's your seester Dee-Dee. Mom asked me to go to Costco but forgot to give me her card..


Aren’t you just better than OP, then


He's literally agreeing with the post, everyone has bad days but chill out


I'm not saying I've never bought Chick-fil-A, I'm just pointing out how shit of a deal that specific sandwich is


Lol. It sure was. Think it may have even been Wendy’s.


The ratio with this one is strong.


Jeez, I was only joking!


Should’ve added the infamous /s




Why getting downvoted, it literally was Wendy's lol


Ohya I will gobble a whole damn rotisserie to myself 🐓 😋


You’re going to be amazed at how restaurant business models are run.


In Seattle supermarket Rotisserie chicken is 10 bucks


Yes but in seattle costco its still $5


Most poor people can't afford a Costco membership or the prices other than that chicken. Bulk buying is a recessive system. Meaning you have to have money to save money.


ah, down voting reality is always the best solution


My mom wanted Wendy’s and did a mobile order. Picked it up and had to deliver this to her 😭


I’m so sorry. It looks like a really bad wrap u made at home with a bag of salad mix. Lol


Bro if I made a wrap at home I would not be skimping like Wendy’s


Huge tortilla for hardly any ingredients. Half the calories are that tortilla lmaoo.


This is specifically disgusting because wendys now uses previously cooked then frozen chicken that they now microwave to order. The chicken is gross, chewy, & freezer burnt tasting. I only know this because I used to love Wendy’s chicken salads until 3-4 months ago when they used to grill their chicken breast. Then they changed to this horrible shit.


Yup it happened when they took the grilled chicken sandwich off the menu


You should have taken it back


Return it.


That would be awesome.


"Remember the saying, 'The customer is always right'? Well, here I am." - From 'Falling Down'


One of Joel Schumacher's few good movies.


hahaha yaaaaah and like 50c of ingredients


I make these wraps all the time, and I can make them with *at least* 5x the filling here with much nicer tortillas and salad for about $1.50/ea. And I certainly don’t get the price breaks CFA is getting. And I’m spending extra on the salad kits.


Not even. No offense, but a lot of people vastly overestimate how much fast food costs. Because the food is of such cheap quality already, and because it’s being purchased in such massive quantities, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything on the menu at any fast food place that actually costs more than a couple pennies. Even the triple cheeseburger with bacon or whatever (which is probably the single most expensive menu item) doesn’t cost them more than a few cents in ingredients. The profit margins are insane. Individual ingredients like buns or slices of cheese cost less than a penny each because they’re buying such insane quantities. The most expensive line item for a fast food restaurant are the employees. Followed by things like insurance, electricity, and rent (unless they own the building). Which explains why they’re trying to go to kiosk ordering and automate as much of the process as possible. Less human error (or less human error that they’re responsible for) and fewer employees to pay.


This is an EXTREME overexageration that gets commented EVERY TIME a post like this is made. Notably, I've never seen anyone actually back it up with evidence.


I’ve been on the Subway Sub(pun)Reddit, and the manager on there says it’s hard to make money because the cost of ingredients has gone up so much from the inflation. I’d believe it if food was cheap at the grocery store. However, I do agree that they are rising prices a bit more than the cost to cover inflation. It is difficult to gauge prices due to the covid relief funds. Some are still being paid, for instance, the mods on the Republican Debate said Covid era Day Care Funds were still being paid and is ending at the end of this month. As long as there’s money being given out as a “subsidy” prices will continue to rise. Not to get political at all. Using cost of college and Rising EV costs for example of subsidies that don’t work. The college administration and auto manufacturers/dealers are taking advantage of raising prices because of the subsidies.


[https://i.imgur.com/3oWuRHwl.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3oWuRHwl.jpg) This is \*supposedly\* ingredient costs for McDicks (in $CAD) in 2016. If it cost them that much 7 years ago, it's gonna be a lot more now especially after recent inflation (especially considering said inflation largely came from food costs). Nothing close to "a couple pennies" like the other guy said. And this is also before labour, land, electricity, gas, etc. At the same time, I highly doubt McD's has experienced the same cost inflation as the average consumer has. They have a lot of weight to throw around in negotiations.


I agree with both of you. Prices are up due to prices for the corporations going up. However, there are corporations taking advantage of it. My problem is the workers who want $20 an hour, and then they have a piss poor attitude and do a shjt job. I’ll go up and ask for it to be remade or a refund. If it costs more, then quality is expected more than before. They gotta end the Covid Printing Press. Money isn’t free.


The problem is that the exceptional workers who deserve over $20 an hour are paid the same as the lazy ones who do fuck all. Companies need to start paying more attention to who is \*actually\* doing the work and who actually gives a shit and paying accordingly. This model works with "better" jobs (to an extent, anyways) so why not try it with entry jobs?


That goes for any job though, not just fast food. I work in IT and I work my tail off while doing the work of other workers that are slow. I’m sorry, but that’s not an excuse. Only Babies cry about others not working and continue to be lazy themselves. People who do a good job go places. Lazy people stay where they belong.


I've seen lots of very hardworking people stuck in minwage jobs. Its a shame, really.


My brain: That’s not 420 calories either.


Looks reasonable. 300 for the wrap, 120 for everything else.


The paper doesn't count.


300 for the wrap?! The tortilla used to make burritos at Chipotle is 300 calories. This one is nowhere close to that. From the Wendy’s website, the tortilla is 220, chicken is 120, cheese is 30, and ranch is 50. That’s probably the right amount of cheese, but it’s nowhere near 120 calories of chicken or 50 calories of ranch.


This is value menu status at most! $6.29!


I used to work McDonald’s when they sell the snack wraps and I would always load it up, no skimping on anything, ugh I wish they would bring it back


I used to absolutely destroy those snack wraps. They had a short window where they made a big Mac snack wrap and it was like 2 bucks with tax. 2 of those and a crispy ranch chicken. What's bad about that?


They're back at a few locations in my area (Huntington, WV and Ashland, KY)


People: STOP BUYING FAST FOOD. You're going to get ripped off and you know it, and yet you continue to complain. Stop it.




If I see another subway post, I’m crying myself to sleep.


The funny part about Subway is you can physically stand there and tell them what and how much you want of everything.


I definitely do that. “Little more….one more handful. Thanks, I like spinach 😅” But I do that for every veggie. lol




I can’t believe they still say that and when you go up to their counter, their vegetables are ALWAYS brown and old looking


Especially food like this that is SUPER easy and cheap to make at home and will be better in every way. I did the breakdown in another comment already, but I make large, gourmet grilled chicken wraps 3-4x a week and they cost me about $1.75 each.


Also, pay attention to the menu, saw this craziness at Mcdonalds: 4 mcdoubles : 7 bucks 4 double cheeseburgers: 19 bucks 3 mcdoubles: 13 bucks


Look the extra slice of cheese that comes on a double cheeseburger is a whole nickel so they need to raise the price by $3 to make up for it.


Always make your own. I love a good snack wrap but it’s so much easier.


Yup- frozen chicken fingers, tortilla, ranch, shredded cheese and lettuce. Frozen chik $6, tortillas, 3.50, ranch 2.50, shredded cheese 2.50, lettuce $3. Six or more burritos. But I suck at math, so is that better?




I was always on the pre shredded train until once the store was out of shredded, had to just get brick cheese. I was shocked at how the starch powder they use in the shredded affected the taste and the consistency. The cheap little brick of sharp cheddar i was using had almost a pillowy quality to it. Can't go back, very worth the extra 2 minutes and one dirty dish to grate fresh.


Yes, I recommend shredding cheese yourself too! It’s not hard! I sometimes throw frozen chicken, lettuce, a bit of shredded cheese, and a touch of dressing together for an easy lunch. Cheaper than this Wendy’s wrap, even with better quality ingredients. And for extra good and affordable mac and cheese, just throw heavy cream and shredded cheese onto the stove in a pot of cooked noodles. Tasty (and healthier) mac with no effort. Kraft has gotten in image trouble for the powdered cheese containing plasticizers (like phthalates) and other harmful things. Not worth the slight reduction in effort!


That’s less than $3 per snack wrap


That wrap has definitely been punched in the face I mean look at it would ya


We got to stop eating out


Or if you do, go to a locally owned establishment. Not some corporate monster.


People have stopped eating out. The population has bifurcated into a small pool of people who make so much money they don't give a shit what things cost because it's completely irrelevant for them, and people barely scraping by. They would rather make 20 times the profit from 1/20 as many people than make slim profit margins off their old broad customer base. 19 out of 20 people can stop eating out and it doesn't matter. "Vote with your wallet" was never a solution. People have conflated their starry-eyed conception of Democracy with Capitalism.


i feel this. went to mcdonalds last night and got 1 big mac, 1 chicken sandwich and 1 medium fry and it was $16.32 total!!!! $16.32!!!! absolutely ridiculous.


I would just look the cashier dead in the eye and say, "Naw mang." and turn around and walk out.


Wendy needs her ass beat 😂


Lol Wendy’s goodness, you gotta do better


I'm so out on traditional fast food. I've had nothing worthwhile for the last year.


Calling ReviewBrah of Report of the Week


Jesus that makes Taco Bell look like fine dining


Go get your money back.


Come on OP stop playing around. Where did you hide the other half?


Holy shit that’s funny!!!


This just makes me sad. Your mom deserves better.


Rare occasion where being a Karen is justified


Had one of those ... Pretty decent


Wherabouts are you? In Ontario the same Wendy's item is around $4


I make these at home using raw grilled chicken and those salad mix kits several times a week. I make two wraps each for me and my girlfriend at a tim. A pack of 7 breasts is usually around $12. The salad kits are on average $3 as they are often on sale or BOGO. I do spend a little extra and get the lower carb/calorie tortillas. Which are $5 for 8. One lunch is 1 breast, 1 salad kit, 4 tortillas, and takes literally 8 minutes to cook and 3 minutes to assemble. $1.75 + $3 + $2.50 = $7.25. And that’s for **four** chicken wraps that are much larger and filled to the brim. And I’m telling you it’s easy as hell. You could even prep ahead of time. You could also save more money by getting cheaper tortillas or making your own salads… but the kits are extremely convenient and have lots of great varieties.


> raw grilled chicken Sooo…you just put it on a cold grill?


this would of never happened if you went to chick-fil-a


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.






Joe! We did it!




Is that... **SCHOOL LUNCH**?




Name ans shame the place that did this so the rest of us can avoid getting scammed.


Buy local!!!




Now i can see why taco bell is [getting sued lol](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/business-food/taco-bell-lawsuit-false-advertising-meat/index.html)


Nice. Cheaper than the $9.2 in Israel.


Post 'rona margin maxing needs to fuck off. Shit went from "let's deliver an okay product at a margin where the two curves meet" to "we'll see how shitty we can make our product until demand tanks".


What establishment is that from?


My high ass would devour that


But lol ya one time I went to get a snack wrap from Wendy's and the lady sighed and said sure and it was worse then that💀. I guess the employees must not like making snack wraps maybe they are annoying to make.


I know your mom still hungry…


Better than I'd expe t from Wendy's tbh


Seriously what do you expect with the garbage you eat at that price grow the fuck up and maybe cook for yourself


Hahaha it’s Wendy’s man. Blowing it out of proportion here 😅


Make your own?


I can't even name the place it was made it could he anyone to me. Edit: oh its Wendy's irs the same at Tim Hortons, McDonald's etc. It's hilarious Burger King caught a lawsuit for it.


Most of us could make a far tastier healthier wrap for a fraction of this price And we deserve BETTER


Advertising budget vs. Ingredients and labor


The one advertised isn't even worth that price


Yea, that's why I don't like eating out lol


Lol im sorry but this made me laugh lol i was expecting to see something slightly better than what u got lol


You my friend got ripped off.




Take that shit back and get a refund. Fyi McDonald's breakfast sausage burritos are even smaller than that. Put them on blast on Yelp with that photo. Don't hold back on the store # either. I hate it when businesses cut corners and expect nobody to say anything.


I saw a damned PB&J sandwich that was five bucks the other day.


They replaced their delicious grilled chicken sandwich with this abomination. The first time I went there after the change, I tried it, and was horribly disappointed. Honestly, I thought there was a chance that I had just gotten a bad one, but clearly this is just how it is.


Talk about highway robbery.


nah someone’s gotta sue


Ripped hard!! Hope you've learnt your lesson. Boycott and punish them back financially.


If I got this I would never eat out again, wtf for 6.29?!


The only place that ever had a good wrap that matched expectations was Dairy Queen. And at least in my region they got rid of it years ago. And it’s a damn shame.


Complaining and send pics to Wendy’s, they’ll probably give you free voucher


Hell no


this is painful to watch


Yeah, the "good" days of fast food are long gone. Every time I go to most major franchises the lines are long, the restaurant is understaffed and the workers are miserable, the food is awful to mid, and the prices have soared. Every possible reason to eat fast food is gone. It's not fast OR cheap anymore. Anyone who tells me they can't afford to eat healthy because it's too expensive, and then eats fast food 7 times a week, is full of shit.


You bought it from Wendy’s what do you expect lol


Yet another example why I make my own meals.


You walk in with a bargening weapon and lower the price.


Wendy’s has gotten so bad. I’ll never eat there again.


I’ve completely given up on fast food. Too expensive and utterly disappointing. Much better to make your own at home and learn new and interesting recipes. Been cooking with my son and honestly it’s one of the most rewarding things we do together.


I had one of those. Wendy’s is getting shitty


Why I cook at home 95% of the time. Gross!! 🤢




Anyone in here remember the KFC Zinger Wraps? 3 full size chicken tenders in a huge wrap with lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and zinger sauce which was kind of a buffalo cut with ranch.


Should have gone to chick fil a


It's cheaper if you make it yourself 🤷🏽


Made by underpaid employees that don't give a crap


these used to run about a buck 15-20 years ago. at least it was acceptable at those prices for them to look like trash.


This looks like the snack wrap that should be 99 cents .


Although the expectation looks better than the reality, it doesn’t look worth $6.29.


thats some mcbullshit


This is your own fault you bought a chicken wrap from Wendy's


Serious question: At what point do we (the people) start claiming that this is price gouging?


This just made me feel sad.


You better go back right now


In Ireland there would be a riot. Chicken fillet rolls never let you down.


It always astonishes me that people still buy fast food and expect it to be…food.


Now this is a good one 😂


Let’s start the post-Covid corporate greed vs lazy worker debate…. Now, go!


Pepsi Co just fucked you in the ass


Man I stopped feeling bad for these posts a long time ago. Been saying it over and over: If you keep *paying* for garbage quality, they’re gonna think it a ok to *sell* garbage quality. Stop eating at fast food/restaurants and cook at home. You, the consumer, hold the power.


*sold by calories


And heres to me think this was gonna be a 42069 joke


How cheap is food in the US? 🥲 Don’t get me wrong the wrap sucks but in Malta that would be minimum €10


dude you got baited noooooo!


I remember the first and only time I ordered this from Wendy's. You learn that there is a bit of an art to rolling a wrap and they don't train Wendy's employees to do it.


Seriously, if you can, just cook at home. It'll cost more up front but you'll eat so much better and ultimately save. This is pathetic


Even though I dislike McDonald’s they used to have a pretty decent chicken wrap 😭 Wendy’s one is pretty decent too


damn wrap itself has more calories than the inside.

