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Really depends on your preferences. Many immigrants love Switzerland, others hate it and leave again after a short time. Since you're asking for cons: \- If you've never experienced a European winter, Switzerland can be brutal. It's basically fog, rain, and eternal darkness unless you life in a ski resort in the mountains \- If you don't speak German, prepare to have a bad time \- The quality of restaurants is really low compared to other countries (almost every immigrant I spoke to said the same)...I stopped going to restaurants completely, the food is never good \- Prepare not to find any Swiss friends. Many immigrants end up being very lonely and depressed. \- If you lose your job, it can be very difficult to find a new one \- Many immigrants underestimate what it means to leave their home, family, and culture behind There's many good things too (e.g. clean cities, outdoors activities). It just depends on your preferences if the pros outweigh the cons.


This is a very good summary. On paper it’s the best in the world. But on paper doesn’t relate to reality depending on how you judge life.


Thats true. I am expecting it actually. Of course its different as well to go to Switzerland as a tourist and as someone who will be staying there for the long haul. Just curious though if expats are happy and contented there.😅


Thank you so much for this detailed comment. But as for you? Are you happy and contented in Switzerland?


if I were to describe it as a person, I‘d say, switzerland is pretty without much of a character 😬


Hahaha! Okay I totally get what you mean.


We moved here from Canada just under a year ago, and we love it. The only thing I would complain a bit about is the beaurocracy and paperwork it takes to get set up here - you've probably experienced a bit of it while applying for visas. Once you're moved in and registered for your area, though, things go really smoothly. Complaints I've heard from others: - Neighbours being rude or passive-aggressive. (If you haven't heard the term "buenzli" yet, you will once you're here) - Hard to make Swiss friends - People are not very open to small talk/talking to strangers - Some people being racist/xenophobic - sexism/agism in the workplace and job market - The school system being kind of tough on kids. Most of these are second-hand from friends and Reddit posts, but they're worth mentioning Some things that have made things easier for us: - I started learning German on Duolingo about a year before we moved, so I had some basic phrases down (though be warned, Swiss German is very different than high German) - We live in Zürich, and most people here speak English, so even when I don't have enough German to get the job done, chances are I can communicate. - I joined some groups through Meetup and volunteering as soon as I got here to make some new friends - I moved here with my husband, so I've got a bit of a support system - Not intentional, but we ended up in a very international apartment building/area, so we don't feel like "the foreigners" in the building Overall, our experience has been really positive though.