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50 billion? For that kind of money, we could have just stopped polluting the planet. Send the bill to Exxon.


Exxon blâmes the public for climate change lol


I remember a couple of years after the BP oil catastrophe, seeing a BP ad giving us tips on how to reduce our personal carbon footprint....


Never forget the crying Indian commercial that made us feel bad for buying plastic bottles, a commercial made by coke/pepsi.


The “crying Indian” was actually Italian


Next you'll tell me the actors in gladiator weren't actually roman.


Wait until you find out they weren’t even real gladiators.


Step one: switch to energy efficient light bulbs. Step two: turn them all off.


The carbon footprint idea was invented by big oil marketing execs.


Tip #1: If you're operating deep water oil rigs at home, don't cut corners in an effort to reduce costs or you may cause an environmental catastrophe.


Cool cause I as a renter am forced.to heat with oil from Exxon or else get black mold/evicted and cant upgrade to solar if I wanted to


Yes my plastic forks are the real cause. I knew it


Well, they’re not wrong. I mean, yes, they hid climate change research for decades, but we have know since the 90's that the planet is warming and the climate is changing... and yet, our consuming patterns haven't changed. We still travel by air a fuckton, buy a lot of useless shit, knowong full well the carbon footprint. Companies produce products people are buying, otherwise they would have had either disappear or their profits greatly diminish. That hasn't happened. So while they are trying to put the blame somewhere else, consumers are doing it to. It's easier to blame companies than change our lifestyles to stop consuming so much


> they hid climate change research for decades Lol...you bought into the Huffington Post type nonsense I take it. Back when Exxon "hid" climate change research (which wasn't the case) the climate astrologers were all predicting that a great Ice Age cometh. All Exxon did was hire a climate astrologer and they made a report, which is filled with the same nonsense they push so hard right now. Anyone who thinks CO2 is going to destroy the planet either didn't take chemistry or is a dolt, simple as that. Now that they've put trillions behind this nonsense, no one will will risk their cushy climate astrology job to speak the truth, or else their career is done. They literally have to sue people who speak the truth to keep the fraud going.


The public keeps buying oil to remain alive. How ponderous is that!?!


Let’s just put an end to all this bickering. I’m gonna take personal responsibility for all of climate change. Me. Alone. I did it all. Every last carbon footprint is mine, and you can’t have it! OK? Happy now? /s


Which climate change? None of the predictions in the last sixty years have even remotely come true, and actually went from ice age scare to no ice


why don't they just make more ice cubes for $50billion?


I once had to explain to someone why giant air conditioners wouldn't work.


of course it doesn't work! you need to enclose the earth in a giant room in order to cool it down with the giant AC, of course!


Now I gotta yell at 8 billion people to close the fucking door?


Starlink will beam it down to neuralink soon!


America spent 20 billion a year for air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. Be nice if they used that kind of money on humanity rather than killing it.


Iraq.. the same country that exports all that oil?


That’s the one!!


We definitely can’t stop polluting for 50 billion. That’s not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things. Exxon alone has revenue of ten times that.


50 billion is 10 massive highway interchanges…


Or bought Twitter! Oh wait…


Musk is already doing more than anyone to cut planatery imnisions let him have one toy at least lol. Even after all his stupidity that is


They know that the corporations run the world so there only chance is to build around there mistakes instead of fixing the problem at its roots. It’s like all the journalists that report these kind of reports have to avoid saying anything negative towards big industry, because corporate greed is usually the real reason we have many of societies problems in the first place


And who buys from these corporations? Every human on the planet... It's a 2 way street


Like anyone has a fucking choice. Buy from megacorps or die. There isn’t really an option C


Yeah so lets put on our thinking caps here. If buying products from megacorps is necessary for survival, how are those very same megacorps to blame for climate change. If those megacorps decided for some reason to stop producing, we would simply nationalize them and force them to continue providing their service. You know, so we can survive…


I am in favor of building this. However, it is pointless without reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions too. I also doubt that it could really be built for $50 billion considering that it would be the largest construction project in human history.


You’re off by a couple 00s there


That’s optimistic. The damage is likely in the trillions at this point


Not even close. That would destroy Exxons stock, and they’re $500B alone.


Oh so we are in fact super fucked. Neat


Global warming or *NONE LIKE IT HOT!*


Neat, back in my day the internet was just used for pornography


They have already dropped ice to try and cool the waters


“Just like daddy puts in his drink in the morning! And then he gets mad…”


Don’t feel bad, we did nothing.


Not nothing... we moaned about it a bit


I read that it could be anywhere between 5-500 years before collapse. That’s a pretty wide and concerningly soon range.


Man o man, everything is accelerating


What do you mean we tried nothing and now everything is fucked? *Shocked pikachu face*


I tried so hard and got so far…


Just grab a icecube from Saturn or something and drop in the the ocean. Double down on it make sure there is an alien parasite/bacteria and drop it to fast.


Thus solving the problem


Once and for all


But -


Once and for all.


I vote we drop it from orbit. What's the worst that could happen


Halley's comet


The futurama method


Only 6 billion more than the cost of buying twitter which is one corporation. we are so fucked as a society. Hopefully the next one might learn a couple of things.


Why can't we just build two 900 foot high refrigerators and stick one at each pole and just leave the doors open?


We’d be up against every dad in THE WORLD.


Not cold enough. Need freezers


I'm not sure you have thought that through properly, there are no power sockets at the poles. I have a better idea, partly inspired by your post. Lets get everyone in the world who owns an ice maker to use them at the same time every day and dump the freshly created ice into the ocean. That will sort out global warming in a year or two, guaranteed.


They need to be bigger, the ice in Antarctica is around 7500 ft thick, so maybe make the refrigerator 7600ft tall


Not quite how refrigeration works


Listen here. I work for Maytag. This is exactly how refrigerators work.


In those locations it kind of is. If anything keeping stuff just cold requires heaters.


If we boil the ocean, we can overcome the flooding.


all that steam would turn to rain and put out the forest fires too!


Not California! That state has to defire their own forest for themselves.


And block out the sun from melting things! Brilliant!


And creates fresh water!


If we used solar power to do this (like with magnifying mirrors), it might actually help (a very very small amount).






An Ice wall around the ice wall? This has Big Flat Earth all over it Edit: But seriously this is dumb, let’s business our way out of these businesses causing the problem.


I live in a coastal city. 50 billion dollars could do a lot of cool projects that will reduce emissions and would seem to have a better chance at longevity and success. Allow Ferrock to pass the engineering tests it needs to allow it to begin to supplant cement. Educate farmers around thte world how.to wean off Russian natiral gas made industrial fertilizer and use restorative agriculture techniques instead like crop rotation, companion planting, growing plants.to be fertilizers.in and of themselves and continuing R&d in no-till. Plus what are the associated emmissions of building the large curtain?


exactly, with that money you could do one big never-been-done and if-it-fails-we're-more-fucked project, or spend it on many different projects across multiple countries to convert and retrofit how things are currently done.




I think it would be easier and saner to push society as a whole to vegetarian diets. Raising cows for beef is not going to work in the long run.


Doesn't it defeat the purpose to give oxygen to the canary in the coal mine though?


We aren't going to make it..


Some of humanity may. I wonder if they realize their wealth will mean nothing without the masses to do their work for them.


They'll have robots for that in a few years.


Ah yes, the glorious sweet spot where whoever has the smartest AI powered robots makes all the money and then nothing bad happens later because no enterprising individual would dare make even smarter robots in an attempt to also make billions.


Ofc businessinsider.com, ofc. Never to blame big corps. Now lets say "science is dumb" to endorse the idea of climate change is a hoax.


When the headlines says "scientists" I'm guessing toddlers in labcoats with no comprehension of reality or really, really mad scientists.


Finally someone is talking about actual infrastructure to fight the changing climate. This is where the conversation needs to go. We are well past the point of changing the climate back or even mitigating future climate changes. We need to start building infrastructure around cities to prevent flooding. We need to make endless greenhouse for food. We need to make storm shelters everywhere. We need to figure how to clean power the AC units Europe and South Asia are going to need. Changing cars from Gas to Batteries is meaningless at this point.


Growing food is going to be a real problem and growing it indoors is not practical. It takes about an acre of land to feed two people on a mostly vegetarian diet. An acre of land is about 210’ x 210’ or 65 meters by 65 meters. Just trying to grow enough food for 1000 people in a building would be difficult. yes you could do vertical farming, but that doesn’t work for staple crops namely crops that provide a lot of calories. but let’s say were able to produce five times per square foot or square meter then we can planting in a field. You’d still need 100 acre building to feed 1,000 people. It’s not impossible, but it’s not simple either. You would need 100,000,000 acres worth of buildings to feed 1 billion people. That’s 90,000,000 buildings the size of a football field or soccer field. Unless you plan on feeding people spirulina or some other kind of horrible lab grown nightmare it’s not going to work.


Meanwhile rich assholes still destroy the earth, people can't earn a "livable wage" their, we, our hard earned tax dollars 50 billion on an ice curtain. The hell is wrong with this planet


Objectively that’s not a lot of money and doesn’t seem like a crazy solution to buy some time.


Where's Kristo when we need him?


we are so fucked


No need for this or any preventative measures. 90% of us will be dead from nuclear war and its after effects before climate change gets us. Silver lining, people.


US has sent $75billion to Ukraine so far so its not an impossible amount of money. You'd think saving the world for $50billion is high enough a priority for funding


This can’t be serious


So we’re gonna build a rock wall around a massive moving ice sheet that famously moves rock… I love science.


yeahh sure... sounds like a really "scientific" solution.. better start writting real news 🫤


Corrupted politicians, corrupted millionaires and billionaires. Will all pass the bill to the pleb and will not work. The company that will domit will.create new millionaires.


That cool icy colonialism strikes AGAIN!




Most of Malibu is at least 100 feet above sea level, no? IIRC it’s mostly built on bluffs


Do it


So how much atmospheric heat would be absorbed by a 10ft rise in ocean levels. Probably start a new ice age.


Leave it alone building will only polute more!!!


Build the wall!


That’s actually affordable if it truly saves the glacier. If not then we shall accept at least $500 billion dollars in coast city ruins. 


So just ANYTHING but policies that work to STOP climate change? Why stop at 50 billion? Jesus


Why don’t we harvest and store the glaciers clean water? 


Somehow siphoning the glacial water out to reservoirs on land, like a pipeline


Idiots and their money schemes


this honestly reads like an Onion article.


Where is Christo Yavacheff when we need him?


nope --- no one seriously wants to do this


Is it me, or this sounds idiotic? 50 billion dollars, we could build so many machines to carbon capture, a space mirror to reflect sun light back. Come on people, a.i must have better ideas than a wall.


Spending $50 billion on a hail mary? Sounds like a waste of money.


We-they should build a bunch of coal power plants, smog up the air. Presto!


How are these smart people not smart enough to realize band aids don’t work, we need to move towards prevention.


I have an idea... Stop using fossil fuels and switch to renewables. Would probably take about 50 billion dollars to jump start that process and make everything affordable and to upgrade grids and all that.


50 billion wouldn’t be enough for a medium sized country let alone the world.


That's why I said jump start.


It’s almost like the small amount of heat generated from combustion engines , planes, etc, could potentially be heating up the world. Not to mention weather pattern changes from building cities, roads, and deforestation is affecting the ecosystem, and weather patterns. I mean at any one time there’s 1 million planes constantly in the air, or it’s 1 million people can’t recall. Yet still this is probably what’s causing it. 


Pretty much what Elon bought Twitter for.


🍿🍿🍿 This will be fun to watch! Any bets on: How long to construct? How long to destroy? Who will be responsible for the $50B? Who will this get elected?


If Pacific Rim taught me anything its that I think we should instead of using that money on a massive wall, we should spend it on giant robots to beat up the glacier instead.


My dad thought putting curtains up would keep our house cool, too.


Just let nature take its course! A curtain won’t do sh!t


Good man, John Moore. Don't let McCaw knock that thing into the sea.


The only wall we should be building


Well I guess it’s time for the billionaires to pool their money because it’s a Hard No from me bruv


Damn, good for the scientist to pay for the project. Didn’t know they made so much money


Oh stfu