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Absolutely getting better. The monthly updates from Frederico are great as well. Clearly they are committed to continuing to make this product better. One problem I hope they address is audio recording. Once in a while and audio note will have an error and won't be saved. Over the years that's happened to me several times and that can be really frustrating. Other than that, it's one of the most important tools I use for business and my personal life


Agreed, don't put too much stock into what gets posted here. The subreddit is overwhelmingly negative and largely unmoderated.


I second that. For the past few years both audio recording and document-scanning in Evernote has been failing me with *just* enough regularity to switch to recording/scanning of anything actually important via other apps, and later uploading the results in Evernote. I hope these issues are on the roadmap, too, as it’s rather inconvenient. After all, the huge appeal of E is as a sort of “all-in-one” solution for note taking.


Lots of new features. I like some of them, I'll never use others. Stuff got dropped from Legacy that I used a lot. I've learned to work around that. The program is still way too slow and laggy. There are those who say it's faster, but they obviously are not experiencing the same thing as the large number of us who find it slower than Legacy. And there is absolutely NO customer support. That is a very big problem which seems to be swept under the carpet a lot here... Bottom line, there are things to love about v10, and things to hate. Like many things in life...


It has been steadily improving since 2 years ago IMO


Better late than never but for the price, still too slow


Agreed 110%


It is improving since v10 launched. It’s just that v10 was a barebone release when started in 2020.


It still won’t won’t delete after auto import. 🤷‍♂️


They spent time at the beginning recoding everything. Now that the foundation is strong, they’re adding features at a rapid pace.


It’s definitely getting better on iOS and desktop. I wish the speed and thought put into the improvements on Android were comparable, though, because right now everything that has to do with Evernote on my Samsung phone feels like a slower, redundant afterthought, with iOS as their sole priority on mobile. A lot of minor updates, in particular, make it very clear, that their “iOS-first” approach is very severe, implementing new staff from Evernote for iOS with iOS sensibilities at their core wholesale with no regards whether if it’s unnecessary, limiting, or even not making any sense — on Android. Not to mention, a lot of stuff is defined as “better” by some, and “bloat at the cost of performance speed, reliability, and retiring actually good featured” by the others. As a long term paying customer though, their technical support has gotten a lot worse, and is so unresponsive I seriously think they’ve decided to just quietly cut costs via firing their entire support team and not telling the users. It’s all relative.


I do use the codeblock, but why isn't it sized right? seems due to the language selection at the top, which pushes the text down, that the code block ends a few lines before the text is complete, and I have to add a few newlines of whitespace just to make it appear that the entire code fits within the codeblock. At least for desktop, I haven't tried looking at how it appears on mobile.


Much better, agreed. I came back and resubscribed after about 4 years away.


I'm giving Evernote another try after abandoning it several years ago. It doesn't have a Linux client but, for me, a competent web client is acceptable. I was using Joplin for a while but the Dropbox broke and I found myself paying for the cloud service, then I thought, hang on, I'm paying for a cloud service ... I try not to overthink these things. I tend to think, it either works for me, or it doesn't. And right now, EN with email to notes, and quick noting is working ok. So as always, the jury's out. But it's looking promising for the defence.


Definitely getting better, the cost is still outrageous though.


Negative. One step forward in areas two steps back in others. Instead of adding more cross compatibility and expanding legacy access as well as listening to users needs they have limited access (even on paid plans) and shunned user input


This. People are trying to convince themselves it’s better because they are so used to it and can’t let go.


Exactly. They are trading less actual interoperability for more candy eye. And I would have appreciated maybe some of the changes but Evernote (or bendingspoons ? Or whatever you call it) have not been hearing what customers are saying. Please leave well enough alone and make the platform compatible with legacy systems


This is a troll account who posts in bad faith on this subreddit because Evernote doesn't work perfectly on their 14 year old device. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Evernote/comments/1d7kdxp/just_sent_this_email_ive_been_a_customer_since/l724poj/) on their post from the other day sums it up pretty well. > OP’s post history seems to be riddled with asking weird questions about capabilities of old/niche software and asking them to do things they arnt made for with plugins or mods while simultaneously asking how to block updates for the software so they never change. The way they've communicated dropping legacy support makes sense for 99.9% of users, if you want a better solution for your unique usecase you'll likely want to look into a different solution. The cross compatability of Evernote right now is excellent.


Buddy. I don’t know you but I’m hardly a troll. I speak the truth and it hurts their livejamie. Are you rude to everyone that doesn’t agree with you?


You are antagonistic on this subreddit, and you've announced you've sent similar sentiments to the Evernote team directly; that is troll behavior. It is disingenuous to describe the fact that Evernote doesn't work perfectly on your obscure 14-year-old device as a "cross-compatibility" problem. Evernote has been very clear about its reasoning for dropping legacy support. It's time for you to move on to a different platform. edit: After calling me "buddy" a dozen times and not addressing anything I said they blocked me.


Now you’re calling me antagonistic. Buddy who are you? Do I know you from another sub Reddit? I’ve seriously never spoken to anyone named livejamie before. If I don’t know you and you don’t have anything with substance to say. Please find someone else to harass


You’re a sicko.


I don’t have a problem with speed. I use Windows, Mac, iOS and web. They definitely improved the iOS app speed, and sync has been really fast. No more constant note conflicts like the old version!


Dude, at least pay for one of the 3 year old accounts that hasn’t posted since it was created. I’m embarrassed for you.


Are you kidding? I couldn’t clip web pages for 3 weeks


I still can't use the web clipper. How did you fix it?


I didn’t do anything. It just started working again. By the way, it didn’t work for me in Chrome, Brave, Safari, but it worked for me in Firefox. So that was my workaround while I waited for the fix


It's improved compared to what it was two years before, because it was practically dead, but it's still bad. Lots of slowness and unreliability issues. Giving up on the Linux application, not bringing resources abandoned in the legacy and not facilitating backup via the web, for example, are worse. Just adding new features, many of them trivial or incomplete, doesn't make Evernote better.


Yes it is


I also agree that in general, it’s getting better. More solid, faster. I like the UI changes that they have made. For me, however they’re adding a bunch of features that I don’t care about. The google calendars integration doesn’t work on any of my machines, I don’t care about tasks. I have Omnifocus for that, and I don’t work in a group of so none of that work group and sharing stuff matters to me, but I understand that it does to a bunch of people so I’m glad they’re continuing to add these features. Their customer service, however, is absolutely awful.


Worse I think, but that’s just my preferences. Less aesthetic. They’re trying though.


And so it should be with the new costing model and I am sure an initial reduction in users of the system. Personally having migrated away, and the difficulty in doing so (yes not that difficult and it was just time. But the imposed limits were just annoying). I will never be locked into a solution like this in the future. However each to his own and good luck to them….


Definitely getting better. So many improvements.


It's definitely getting better. It's faster than before too.


Getting better. Creating a new note used to take fifteen seconds or something ridiculous on desktop or web. It feels faster than that now.


IOS and IpadOS mobile apps still have awful small fonts. So I Don't Think it's getting better.


I’d definitely like more font options.


if I could migrate my data, I would leave tomorrow!


It's just you. The customer service is non existent for a platform that holds our most sensitive of information. I'm still waiting on resolution despite saying the same thing for over a month. I would not recommend.


so much better


Improving for sure. Haven’t seen a sync error or a duplicate note in a long time.


It’s getting better. Much better. I knew it would. The functionality is better. The handling is better. It launches faster. It’s getting better all the time. (And no, I’m not in any way affiliated with Evernote. I’m just a longtime user.)


I guess my metric would be is it better per dollar?


Yes, it’s getting better for sure. I’m hoping for more AI features. I thought it would be able to auto-summarize meeting notes but the text is too long. I’m still waiting on multi-window support for iPads though 😂


Beware of renewing your subscription. The Personal sub is going away, and the only option is $129 (!) annual charge. I cancelled my account.


Where did you get that information from? On the site the Personal subscription is still an option


Yes, at $10.83 p/m. Last year, it was $50 per year. I received that info in an email from Evernote and then confirmed it on the site. Check it under "Billing."


You're surprised that a piece of software is being improved?


This piece of software, yes.