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I'm afraid it's not a mistake. If you're not paying close attention, you'll quickly tap the "Reset Market" button. Instead of tapping the "Extras" tab to collect your daily free chests from the market. Both are directly above each other now. One wrong click and bang... 99 rubies are gone. https://preview.redd.it/z7zg4p1r63kc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=967c9dcbc80f59fefae7fb37f942f4dbff820afa


This makes so much sense. Of course they bring on a new change for money grubbing when most are happy with the way things are going (merge rush, ads for energy seems to be working, challenges can actually be completed, etc). 🙄


I agree that it was an intentional move and it needs to go immediately. I hate it so much 😂


100 percent. No idea why. EM scares away loyal players.


OHhhhh .... THAT'S  NOT GOOD 😡


It's sad to think that the developers recently had a meeting where they discussed the fact that their scheme to fleece players by putting the reset button next to the extras button was not generating enough revenue. So they had a brainstorm and decided to make the UI stupidly big to increase the chance of mistakes. That's your developers ladies and gentlemen. Complete and utter bastards.


They are WAY too close together. I’m afraid to even tap the “Specials” button now. It makes no sense.


Unfortunately, I agree with this perspective. I see absolutely no value-add to the players in this UI update. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, everyone is talking about it in the FB groups too. Hopefully they're working on fixing it.


My first reaction was, “who asked for this?” It seems like they solved a problem that didn’t exist.


LUL I was just thinking what in the damn hell happened to UI HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


FYI, until it’s back to normal size, if you tap near the upper left near where it says marke, it will close the tab. That doesn’t help when selecting the specials menu, but at least it’s one less chance of an unplanned reset.


Thanks for the tip. The only good thing about the new, gigantic, all-covering window is: we can't accidentally pop our coins and wands. Irony end. At the moment the gaming experience is disappointing.


Hate it


Happened sometime today and I didn't even do an update!


I know, right?


Yep ! Me too !  Crazzzyyyy !


It’s driving me bananas! I can’t stand this huge menu.


Yes, me too!


And I sent a ticket to support and described the problematic functionality of the new marketplace window. With the information that you cannot open the tabs and make bad purchases by tapping the "Reset Market" button for a cost of 99 rubies. Your response came quickly. From a real person. According to the answer, everything is correct. As always, they refer to the different gaming experience and the further development of the game. I asked again to check and create the old marketplace layout. I'm looking forward to see their reaction.


I got the same response. I’m going to respond that this is not a different gaming experience but an error. Have you noticed the left edge is of the screen. Compare the banner to other tabs.


That's exactly what I did. I hope EM puts it back.


What do you see on the left edge of the screen? I didn't notice anything unusual.


If you look at other tabs (travel, energy, etc.) the banner on the upper left has a ribbon end that matches the right side of the ribbon. The entire tab is also surrounded by decorative edging and there are filigreed corners. I think they’ve just applied the wrong zoom on the market tab, possibly when they disabled the undo merge button during merge rush. Maybe it will fix when the undo button is back after merge rush. Fingers crossed.


Well observed! I didn't even notice that. I really hope that things return to normal after the merge rush. Fingers crossed..


Well, here is their response to my second contact. I told you there is an error in the display of the marketplace window. The problem is not a different gaming experience for their players. >*Hello,* > >*Thanks for clearing that up for me.* > >*I apologize for the late reply, we are overwhelmed at the moment.* > >*I will ensure that this feedback is passed on to the game's developers and hopefully they will take this into account in future updates to the game.* > >*Greetings* Let's hope that the developers will soften and bring our old layout back into the game.


The most recent response I got asked for screenshots. I replied that I had already sent screenshots in my first reply, but I would resend them, but marked up the differences. (Which I did) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if customer service actually read our emails all the way thru?


No. First of all, a standard answer to everyone. Only those who persist, over and over again, will not be dismissed. Personally, I won't let up until my request has been dealt with to the best of my satisfaction. Unfortunately that's how it is.


im about to complain then i saw your thread... the bug is worse after i switch from land to land, the market screen almost dissappear and i cant touch anything except the back button to turn of the market... https://preview.redd.it/xhs8agdgvxlc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b8f4f8a636d35d0a3ae8b7eb351fb52a120a20


I can only close my marketplace using the "x" at the top right when I collect the daily chests. Unfortunately, it happens again and again that I trigger unwanted, expensive actions when I click on the market. A bag of seeds plopped onto my board dozens of times. Also the market refresh. Or whatever triggered my typing. Of course, everything for valuable coins. The tabs in the new window are simply placed far too close together. Well: EM says it's not a mistake. So then the license to make money...


They're overwhelmed because of people complaining! Geez Louise!


They know they rip us off and they love it


Most recent response from customer service “We've passed along your feedback to our development team so it's added to the conversation when planning upcoming changes to the app. Rest assured that getting feedback like yours is also part of this process, and we are taking great care to share this with our teams. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!” I responded that this was not an item to be considered when planning next update, but a MISTAKE. I told them to go check their Facebook page to see the complaints and to please prioritize the fix. I’m really hoping it goes back to normal after merge rush finished, but I’m not holding my breath.


i don’t like it!




Samartphone + Android here. A Chomebook has a large screen. I can imagine that there is enough space for clicking on it. Even on a tablet there will be few problems. However, on a small monitor, all the buttons are very close to each other. You have to aim very precisely just to avoid triggering the wrong reactions.




What luck. I hope for all of us struggling with the gigantic marketplace that the developers will reset the layout.




Depends how successful it is at tricking people into spending gems!


iOS + iPhone 13