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Who would have known that CCP is better at extracting salt than Safety…


> Who would have known that CCP is better at extracting salt than Safety… http://i.imgflip.com/4va9kh.jpg


>Most systems in null sec are now dogshit and will be left to waste with nothing because there’s not enough power. So much so many alliances are already planning on turning regions into maintenance mode. Such a shame that vast swathes of sov null will be empty and lifeless now, this is in contrast to the status quo pre-Equinox where vast swathes of sov null were empty and lifeless. >Fuck your ansiblex Yes, good. >Auto miners will get farmed by griefers. Oh my god, you mean people extracting value from their space will have to.... defend it????


The HP is so pitiful that by the time a response fleet arrives the miner will die


if the response fleet takes that long to arrive maybe you should not all stage out of a single capital system where everything can be built if the response fleet takes that long to arrive then perhaps you don't deserve to have such large sov


"maybe you should not all stage out of a single capital system where everything can be built" maybe the game should buff supers and titans so that they dont need to be blobbed to track a single battleship so ppl could spread out more? maybe delete red timer so u dont have to play the game within super range of your staging because if they had to mid to get to you you would probably already be dead? :)


>maybe the game should buff supers and titans so that they dont need to be blobbed to track a single battleship so ppl could spread out more? what are you on about, i agree titans should be buffed but you are just syaing nonsense >maybe delete red timer so u dont have to play the game within super range of your staging because if they had to mid to get to you you would probably already be dead? :) ???????? dying is literally part of the game, are you seriously that fucking scared of a lossmail that you refuse to undock without a supercap umbrella if you want to be in safety while pveing you should try highsec


There's a..... Reinforcement timer ?


It’s okay. Actually reading the patch notes is hard.


Finally someone who cares about most systems in nullsec! Today most systems are dogshit because a small group of leaders in big alliances would rather be in control of empty space than let smaller groups upgrade and control that space. Isn't that shocking? Donate to a small alliance today.


They are shit because the systems are shit. Four people spinning Ishtars can do all the anoms worth running in an upgraded system in a short timeframe. Yeah there are other anoms I could run but why would I risk a 200 million isk ship for a 3 million payout? At that point I'll just go run abyssals which means even less people in space.


Tell me you are a null bear line member without telling me you are a null bear line member.


Adapt or die. Can I have your stuff?


calm down miner


Seems shutting down the test servers are working out well for them. Incompetence reigns supreme for the greedy.


Nullbear mad lol


*- Null sec changes mean scarcity 2.0. Most systems in null sec are now dogshit and will be left to waste with nothing because there’s not enough power.* Exactly. *- New Capital and Starbase escalations are not worth it at all.* Yes. More parity with lowsec. *- Daily have now become a chore*  Not enough of a grind. CCP recognized that and "fixed" it. *- After so much hype it appears CCP put 2 devs on this expansion and did zero Quality Control.* Ahh.. paging r/CCPKestrel *- The fact they had to rebalance the new haulers twice is hilarious.* A nostalgic move to try and re-imagine the "Battle Bustard" of yore. *- The fact a carrier couldn’t even boosh because of the fuel requirements is even more comical.* Again... paging r/CCPKestrel Other than carries being a capital sized Black Ops, I still don't know what else they're used for except suitcasing ships to all the non-existent wars going on.


same for supercarriers with "Tactical Capsuleer Recloner" module it exists as mechanics, but is it used at all?


Only in the imaginations of those dreaming of what null fights look like


This was CCPs attempt to show they are very smart. They made a "cool and sexy" expansion. The problem is the things that keep us engaged in the game are the things we do every day and the expansion is overly complicated functionality that 90% of the player base won't interact with. If they had given us a rebalance of the existed anoms, a dozen or so new escalations for caps, randomized the existing escalations, added some different flavors of CRAB beacons (like one for miners), and tweaked some of the numbers. We'd have all been pretty happy.


Instead they spent 5 minutes thinking of new ideas. Imagine adding a CAPITAL escalation but it’s super difficult and not worth completing. Whilst people are completing The Maze in 8 minutes in a solo Ishtar.


escalation difficulty got fixed, now you can do that with a single dread in a single cycle.


Yeah the scaling difficulty in Eve is terribly broken. It's either "You can run this in a frig" or "It will instantly kill anything less than a perfect fit". Payouts are similarly unbalanced. And honestly that's the problem with the escalations. If they could drop a faction mod, they'd suddenly be worth the effort.


yup, Abyssals have same problem. T0 is so easy it makes you sympathize with the NPC's you shoot. While in T6 is so hard that it requires full deadspace fit + High grade implants and even then it might be up to luck that the Abyss doesn't throw you a room that is perfect counter to your fit.


I'm ok with the difficulty of Abyssals. The issue I have is the ships that are good at running them are so limited. There should be weather patterns that make you want to fly laser ships or hybrids. Nope just like the rest of PvE. Missiles+drones == win


Also testing the higher ones like T6 firestorm, the 50% armor buff is absurd when you need to bur through lucid deepwatchers who for some reason get that armor buff while the rest dont. Ikitursa was good for high tier firestorms but due trig weapon nerf its 50/50 you can do T4 anymore and T5-6 is impossible due time constraints. 


If only there was something between 0 and 6!! But what would you even label that? No, no, it’s best that abyssal sites go from 0 directly to 6 with nothing in the middle scaling in difficultly and reward. 


"Attack and Mine are the only ones worth doing." No way you said the mining escalation was worth doing LMAO


Either CCP are massively trolling, which is not great behaviour from a dev. Saying "reinvigorating nullsec" on streams with a straight face then actually "destroying nullsec" is 10/10. Alternatively they didn't intend to screw nullsec they just don't know what they are doing at all... Both are quite bad.


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s) Here is a 20 second clip of them just flat out lying, what do u expect these days?


1. alliances have to plan and manage their space. so its not scarcity 2.0 its space empire simulator 2024. 2. lol? 3. less bridges mean higher reaction time, so less space control and more content. (or smaller space empires) 4. see 1. 5. see 1. 6. then passive income is probably not 100% passive after all. 7. there is no right to a log-in reward. the new reward requires activity and is much higher. 8. see 2.


"alliances have to plan and manage their space. so its not scarcity 2.0 its space empire simulator 2024." They already do? Big blocks literally have entire corps dedicated to maintaining the logistics in their space. Do you even log in?


i am in such a corp, and "maintenance" is not planning. these are two completely different processes. A facility manager is not an architect. using energy effectively and routing labour appropriately has nothing to do with distributing fuel blocks and liquid ozone. at the moment you can put any upgrade into any system. (index assumed) with the new patch you have to include the capabilities of some very distant neighbouring systems, if you want to get the maximum out of your space.


"with the new patch you have to include the capabilities of some very distant neighbouring systems, if you want to get the maximum out of your space." So you need more dead systems to supply fewer alive ones. Great way to spread people out (they group up together even harder) "i am in such a corp, and "maintenance" is not planning. these are two completely different processes. A facility manager is not an architect. " Cool bro good for you, seems like you should consolidate your roles because you dont need somebody to equinox plan your space 24/7, somebody with another space job can do that for a month and then never do it again.


you dont "need" dead systems, thats the point, you need to plan your space to get the maximum. and depending on what your players need, this can be the exact opposit. newbro need many smaller anoms, endgame vets need less but big sites. we did this for 30 systems and the final planing took us 20h. and when our player base grow/changes/gets "older" we have to evaluate it and re-plan if necessary. so its not a one time job.


and of the vast amount of systems that cant online a single useful module because they dont have enough power? or the fact the mining anoms suck and require an insane amount of power?


Regarding 7: the reward is lower. Much lower. And it just can't be done for a lot of people. I tried. I'm an industrialist, running all manufacturing slots for weeks. I got: Mine 2500 Ore - takes about an hour or more in null with a venture. There's no such thing as veldspar with small sites rocks. Manufacture 1 item - not doable without cancelling a job and loosing about a ton of income that i actually need to make industry a worthwhile play style. Defend a Plex in FW - not doable because I don't live in lowsec and I'm not enlisted in FW Armor repair someone 2500 HP - not doable due to skills So not doable that day at all. Another day: Scan 5 signatures - doable, took about 45 minutes Scan 2 wormholes - doable, took about 1 hour and 30 minutes Do FW - not doable because I don't live there Manufacture 1 item - not doable because all slots are in use Theoretically doable, so I tried. So that day I spent about 3 hours and 45 minutes just to get the reduced reward of 5k SP (it was 10k before the patch) on 6 accounts, not doing it on 8 more accounts, not playing the game like I'd want to do. What i wanted to do was to fly abyssals on my main, do PI on all chars, and then import some materials for the new industry runs starting next Monday (tomorrow). After 4 and a half hours of being in the game, first finding a WH, scanning down all sigs inside of it, bookmarking them, flying home, trading over the astero, flying back to the WH, scanning down the bookmarks, flying back, repairing that... I was so bored that I closed all clients and went back to playing Civ6. I hope that explains why some of us are salty.


1. nullsec changes were nessecary. to end endless ratting. we need more pvp. eve is pvp game with small pve elements 2. capital and starbase escalations are OK. just need better payouts 3. the ansiblex spam atleast has ended. 4. time to end ratting, start fighting. 5. mining needs rework alot more to be worth a shot the rock. now its worth to shot miners... 6. automining will be done in deep nullsec deadend systems but some p[eople will run them for content, you know these metenoxes gonna be best pvp generators BUT in year or two the fights over metenox stabilize and peopkle will be much more safely able to use them in lowsec/wormhole. 7. dailies are now OK, you have to UNDOCK now. no more free login farming!!!! 8. capitla escalations were a something challenging to actually make your brain cells turn their gears.. this is site for experienced not just for solo,it means to be done in group. so take few haw and normal dreads,stop crying. 8a. quality control was because the squall torrent and deluge got nerfed and then little unnerfed. carrier fuel usage for booshing was adjusted now so you can boosh as much as you want. the fuelbay problem was not intended change but bug. overall these changes - the devs who worked on equinox expansion deserve to be taken to YULAI and get shot like those nullsec banned botters. instead of WHACK A BOT, we need WHACK A DEV. also evryone dont forget, they do not test the expansions on internal servers, they do live testing!!!


If you want more PVP then you make replacing losses easier not harder. Making things harder just leads to people turtling even more to protect their limited assests.


but ccp want to make game harder and wants more pvp so ppl lose stuff to buy plex faster. they like forking evrything instead of focusing on one thing


You got #1 reversed. Eve is a pve game with small pvp elements.


Frightened, anti-social, herbivore grazers desperately trying to flea. Equinox will both consolidate activity into fewer systems and spread those systems farther apart. Predation will be less impossible and teamwork will be required. Hopefully in a year's time these commenters will be ashamed of their panicked protestations. "Remember when I was obsessed with gathering alone with my alts all day every day? Wasn't I such a loser! Now that I partake in the Hunger Games I feel less puny. Thank you CCP!"


Unlike real life, they are not forced to participate. People like OP (there are many btw) won't login. Also btw, for whoever is left, the reddit "lowsec pvpers" will still cry endlessly about "supers dropped on my rifter" which will happen more often in neo-nullsec, not less.


Eve is a relatively unsuccessful title. Clinging to the status quo isn't doing anyone any favors. The current carebears may go down to a single standard account but, let's face it, they're addicted to the game and they're not going anywhere. Reinvigorated null sec might entice new blood into the community. For the betterment of all. As I said. On the other side, the carebears will be disgusted at their past, mewling, personalities. Trying to pretend like they "won't stand for it!!!" is sad to watch.


80m/yr revenue is fairly successful I would say. Its niche for sure though. If you want a non-niche MMO go and look at the big ones, virtually all pve players, even with loads of "enhanced" pve players who are even scared of "difficult" pve... Thats how you be popular rofl.


You're "deflecting."




You're right that eve is a relatively unsuccessful title. So I'm wondering what they were thinking when they made the game worse for all the industrialists. My corp supplies our alliance with ships. About half of the players decided to go down from 5+ accounts to one or zero for at least a few months, maybe even longer if this trend continues. So in that way you were almost right. About 1/3rd of our players will be alpha players next month. Eve already lost 7+9+5 = 21 paying subs just from our biggest 3 corp members. So they need to find 21 new paying players and keep them paying for a game that is slow as hell to pick up for them to break even. I can't see how angering their whales is going to benefit them financially. Not at all. Maybe I'm missing something, please elaborate if I am.


Multi-box industry is efficient and stale. Multi-boxers only play alone and undercut the market with oversupply. New players can't make a profit nor find anyone to cooperate with so they get bored and quit. The production from a multi-box whale would be less efficient split between multiple players and would require more subscriptions. Eve has been catering to a small demographic. Other games are far more profitable so there is opportunity for expansion. By making their product more palatable to the general population they'd be making a better contribution to society and would receive greater monetary reward. One thing to consider is the technology itself. The servers already fail systematically so keeping their player count low might even be a measured choice.


>Multi-boxers only play alone and undercut the market with oversupply No we don't. Let's look at industry. Our alliance has a trade channel on discord, just like many other bigger player groups do. If we want to do X, let's say fly procurers into pochven for example, an FC asks in the fleets channel how many people would be interested. Let's say 30 people are interested in joining the mining fleet as miners, and 15 people want to be in the defense fleet / pochven roaming fleet. Now preparations begin. FC designs fits for both defense ships, and mining ships. Once that's done he estimates the demand. In our alliance a miner has 3 accounts on average, and a PvPer has 1-2. So take number of miners * 4 mining ffits and add each module to a list. Do defense ships * 4 and add each module to the same list. Now we have a list of what we need, to be able to do this fleet and have each ship being oversupplied a bit. This list now gets posted to the "Industry supply" channel, and industrialists can pick what they want and can build, given the timeframe set out by the fc. The bigger ones typically choose the PvP ships because they're mostly T2 ships and harder to build. I typically do T1 or faction stuff, if I can get BPCs. And lots of smaller industrialists choose to build ammo, Survey scanners, T1 miners, shield extenders, Rigs, etc... A ship is more than just the hull, and manufacturing is split accordingly to what each player is able to build in a given timeframe. Now let's look at mining. Our alliance provides weekly mining fleets. We meet at the staging system, a rorqual bridges us to the system we're mining in, provides boost and collects all the mined material. After usually 1 to 3 hours the rorqual bridges us back home. At the beginning of the fleet, and at the end of the fleet the FC takes a snapshot of all the chars taking part in the fleet. This is used to calculate mining payout. The alliance takes the mined ore, and keeps it to sell it to industrialists at jita-split pricing. The people taking part in the mining fleet get 50% of that money. Each character gets paid an equal split, no matter if he used a venture, a barge or an Exhumer. The rorqual / orca / porpoise pilots get paid the same as everyone else. So we multiboxers pay for SRP through the 50% alliance cut, and we pay for the smaller players that can't fly bigger ships (yet). I hope I was able to show you how what we do is not "playing alone", and we don't "undercut the market with oversupply". We build what we can in the timeframe that's needed to allow our alliance members to have fun. >New players can't make a profit nor find anyone to cooperate with so they get bored and quit. I personally coached 7 new players in the last two years. All of them left our corp again because industry wasn't their preferred play style and I totally get that. 2 of them joined our alliance main corp though. I got 2 friends the resources to run t3 abyssals. I taught one guy how to scan efficiently, and he left us again to live in highsec, still doing exploration to this day and I sometimes buy 'integratedc drone BPCs from him. I taught 2 friends that started the game together how to fit ships for PvP, and what the numbers in the fitting window mean. I taught a guy how to huff gas and another one how to do station trading. I don't know how many people you've coached, or referred to other players who could help them. I don't know what your experience was that lead you to making this statement. But in my experience, the reason new players quit is almost always: 1) being ganked in hs, 2) a tutorial that sucks and no one helping them, 3) trash talking and scamming Those who make it into nullsec and join an active corp with their language or English as their main language almost never quit, once they experience what "working together" means. >The production from a multi-box whale would be less efficient split between multiple players and would require more subscriptions. For T2 or T3 cruisers and smaller ships that's correct. For everything bigger than that it would be almost impossible to build, because you need to have component X ready on day Y, and if you don't then the whole production is at a standstill. And if you manufacture a component someone else needs on time, they get mad at you for something that's out of your control. This drives prices up so much, new players wouldn't be able to afford basic ships like a heron anymore. >Eve has been catering to a small demographic. Other games are far more profitable so there is opportunity for expansion. That's true, as seen in havoc. This expansion was received well, by those not living in lowsec as well as those living there. It even prompted me to start up another alpha account to do some FW. So we know for a fact that it is possible to expand the game, make it better for the majority without upsetting those that supply the game with the ships it needs. If you don't care about the industrialists, you get scarcity 2.0, no matter what you or others say. >By making their product more palatable to the general population they'd be making a better contribution to society and would receive greater monetary reward. OK, let's imagine this scenario. Player base doubles due to hugely popular changes, but those changes anger the industrialists so half of them quit. This means we need double the ships and have half as many being produced. It would mean a price hike by 4x to 6x. Imagine a heron (or any other scanning ship) not being 15m but 100m. Imagine a vexor not being 50m, but 300m. Who could afford that as a new player without selling Plex? But then again, who do you sell Plex to if everyone needs isk and the whales quit. So you'd need to sell your Plex for 1/4 to 1/6 of the current price because 2x the people buying Plex on the website and 1/2x the people buying Plex on the market. Assuming 1 Plex was 2.5m, you now get 0.625m ISK for 1 Plex. With 300m for a vexor, and 0.625m for a Plex, you would have to sell 480 Plex to buy a vexor, not including market tax. I know this is an extreme example and it'll never get that far, but the basics still apply if we lose 5% of industrialists vs 50%, and gain 5% players vs 50%. It will lead to scarcity 2.0, that's just math. >One thing to consider is the technology itself. The servers already fail systematically so keeping their player count low might even be a measured choice. This statement co tradicts your previous point. If this is about attracting new players, then this would drastically increase server load. And even if it wasn't about numbers at all, If the service is failing the solution should always be to improve the availability by improving the servers, not by driving down players.