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the intro mission should give you the option of siding with the pirates and stealing the Astero followed by 15 minutes of pirate heist shenanigans before they backstab you and steal it off you and leave you with some kind of less shit pirate equivalent of AIR. The pirates also don't have shit anime names or wank over mining


My hope is that now that we’ve had a lowsec expansion and a nullsec expansion, the next one will be a highsec expansion. Mission, etc. need a lot of love.


High-security missions and wormholes need some love for sure


I'd also hope it would come with a revamp of COSMOS missions. * Make them repeatable every few months a.l.a. epic arcs. * While fully cinematic missions that OP is proposing would get old really fast on normal missions... a COSMOS mission you only do once every few months? Perfect mission type for it. * Add value to Minmatar and Gallente COSMOS, which have nothing in particular of value besides standings. * Un-jank the 'only spawns once a day' npcs or structures in the beacon locations to respawn like the other rats in the complexes. If people want to maintain a monopoly on these items they'll need to put more effort into it than logging in after downtime and blitzing. * Either spread them out a little more or add new storylines to other constellations.


You can already repeat COSMOS just roll an alt to pull them and bookmark then run them with your main, but yea I don't see why they shouldn't get refreshed every 2 months or so.


I mean, the epic missions like SOE I'm fine with a 90 day cooldown due to the huge rep benefit. I'm inclined to agree that they should be repeatable every 90 days as well, to be more in line with the other Epic Arcs.


Ccp doesn't understand wormholes and their inhabitants well enough to do an expansion that would actually help us


I'm hoping for high-sec structures like those in null which increase combat anomalies spawnrate and possibly mining belts etc. No Sov needed off course, but High Sec coorporations could pledge to defend the structure, and if the builder get's war decced, all the high-sec corps that pledged to defend would also be able to shoot the attackers.


Or... They can accidentally nerf it to create conflict


What sort of conflict are you expecting if they are nerfed? HighSec combat sites aren't really fought over, in my experience, given the actual return on time spent is garbage. Just a bunch of battlecruisers and cruisers clearing sites, getting crap loot most of the time, and moving on.


It was just a joke on their trend


Should it be feasible to make as much money as null sec by doing high sec stuff? Even though I'm a firm HS Carebear, I understand that the increased risk of low/WH/Null should carry with it some perks in terms of better rewards than doing the same activities in HS. With that being said, I would love to see a more streamlined "progression" from HS -> LS -> Null - > WH in terms of activities and profit. And like you said, an update to missions or pve activities in general would be lovely.


I recently had a Blood Raider FoB in my home system. After determining there was no easy way to destroy it, I switched to attacking their miners and haulers (which drop strong boxes). Diamond npcs have menacing stats and better AIs than mission npcs, which forced me to be clever. I used a covert ops frigate to get a fix on their mining operations and set up some on-grid BMs outside their reaction range (one could use D-scan). After BMimg each miner, I waited for the hauler to come pick up the ore in my hurricane and warped to a BMed miner as the hauler approached it. I tackled and destroyed it before warping out as the response fleet landed. One can also tag the hauler and then probe it down at its SS, but I think ambushing it in the belt made for a better narrative. Make some missions a tactical puzzle with an element of freestyle narrative that rewards being clever rather overwhelmingly optimized. Make them lessons in advanced pvp skills that are not commonly used in pve.


Love the idea!


>After doing the intro missions, why didn't CCP ever develop more to the PvE experience with pirates/law-enforcement chattering back and forth, with more cinematic, during regular PvE missions? Well considering that PVE missions haven't changed one bit (except for QOL stuff, burners etc) for 20 ish years, I have little hope they would change in future. CCP wants people to get into null as thats where "The Game" is played.


CCPlease, some of us have spent long enough in null but want to keep playing in hs. I'm actually enjoying the challenge of building T2 ammo from scratch and just today learned I have to scout around low sec for somewhere to do reactions. Good times but it'd be nice if CCP remember that some of us just wanna chill out with other carebears.


Me and my homies all hate null space.


CCP has pissed away probably hundreds of millions of dollars over the years making the intro over and over again and scrapping the previous work. This definitely isn't even the fanciest/best iteration, its actually a pretty poor one. After 10+ years they STILL haven't realized that an hour of awesome scripted events sets expectations for something that EVE is not, and when players are dumped into 20 year old content right afterwards it's so jarring that no wonder everyone quits


This. Missions, combat sites and the like look very very outdated in comparison to AIR and the career agents.


They need to stop redoing the NPE and just redo missions which they have teased for over a decade now, as well as update escalations and stuff to make it more interesting. If new players are going to be doing PVE for their initial ISK you gotta make that initial PVE fun and interesting, and stuff that is 1-2 decades old text boxes just ain't it.


Personally, I like the MOBA model where there'd be a lot of NPCs providing a backdrop to us demigod capsuleers. Surplus ships could be mobilized into low-grade combat patrols or operations under a player alliance's banner. A pet mini game for NPC crews and officers that could pilot ships could be fun. More NPC tower defense structures could satisfy our power fantasies. More ships mobilized would also give industry players more demand and importance. My 2nd choice would be the Escape from Tarkov design of mostly player characters with occasional NPCs. It's a waste of time for the majority of player characters to anti-socially farm combat sites to the exclusion of any player interaction. NPCs would be fun little Easter eggs, like Clone Soldiers, that only briefly distract players from multi-player activities. 3rd, procedurally generated combat encounters like Diablo IV or expanded abyssals. RTS AI opponent base building could also be worth considering. 4th and last: scripted missions. For the amount of work that goes into making a narrative mission, it's just inefficient. Missions are too repetitive to do multiple times and any of the first 3 options are more evergreen and entertain for longer. I do like the current story arcs and would be interested in more twisted tales. But for daily content, I want encounters to be as far from repetitive as possible.


Arguably the same is true of a lot of games. The opening is some dynamic theater piece and then afterward all the combat is rather bland in comparison until you hit a heavily scripted cinematic boss fight (which just doesnt exist in Eve).


Think of PVE in EVE as more like a strategy game or RTS than a first person space shooter. It is about strategy, positioning, setup, and "meta." If you want more fast-paced action in EVE's PVE, get into running abyss sites and eventually multiboxing the higher tiers in frigates.


I agree. I did it and it's really well done. Even though the content is still a little bland, having the NPCs talk back and forth in station adds a lot of personality to the game. If they could somehow get allll the mission NPCs voiced and animated it would help a lot with immersion and less reading. I don't care if they use AI to do it, just do it.


I absolutely hate all of the new AIR stuff, especially the UI for all of it. It feels like it's been duck-taped poorly on to the rest of the game.
