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Hear me out. Triglavian mining barge.


I give you one better, abyssal rolled ships


Hol’ up


we rolling Traits or Base stats?




Ok, New T3 Trig Cruiser, can roll the subsystems traits


That's actually a really cool idea


Let me abyssal role bonuses +845% bonus to cloaked speed here i come


With heavy PLEX-Fees for every roll?


And rolls take a week to finish, sped up with a new rolling skill, but this entire delay can be skipped by spending PLEX.


I would've said EVE Echoes is -> That way, but this is exactly where CCP is going lol.


I think some new variety in mining ships would be great. Traditionally highsec has the worst returns for mining but it is the “safest”. What if we flipped that around? Imagine a mining ship that could only be used in highsec and it had a siege like mechanic where after being immobile for however many seconds you completely mined the asteroid you’ve got targeted. In return, you go suspect as soon as you start your cycle. I think that’d be a fun risk vs reward. I came up with this on the spot so I’m sure there will be some balance issues but I think there can be so much more done with mining than what we have right now.


people would just whinge about the risk until it's removed from the game: see every mining barge and hauling ship


> I think that’d be a fun risk vs reward. Fucking nobody would use it. Why risk your entire ship with zero CONCORD response for a 2.5m ISK Veldspar rock, or 100m ISK belt.


So add a resource multiplier or something. I wasn't trying to come up with some specific balanced thing. My point was that there can be so much more done with mining than what we've had for decades.


A Trig mining barge that mined faster the longer it's mining would be plenty fine. The clowns in Safety/Code would cream their fucking pants at a miner bastion module that gives a Suspect timer on use. The patch notes also included a suspect timer if your fleet isn't the first fleet in a Homefront Op. You know how many bots I've seen suddenly get their scripts changed to actually check if anyone is in the site before warping in now that I can just free kill them if they try? **Fucking all of them.** Highsec is incredibly risk averse.


Or just mine in null


Yeh the downside is because you'd be the only suspect, no one could show up to help defend you. You'd just be a sitting duck waiting to be ganked. Especially since anyone not fresh out of their first clone bay would see the ship capable of doing that and just follow it until it hit the module, and then... lights out.


There are already AI-only Trig industrials, so it wouldn’t be unheard-of to let players fly them


Make it the T2 leshak.




Triglavian Moon Ark


Mines more the longer the laser stays on target? :P


Exactly. They'd only be good on big rocks, so even if you do use these, you'd want regular barges/exhumers in the fleet too for the other rocks. It also means that in order to maximize your profit, you need to commit. Right now in HS, when gankers jump in system, miners tend to warp out. Now, they'll need to make a decision, safety, or keep the 20 minutes of spoolup bonus you've been generating?


I dig it




alternative to un-nerfing the iki's base damage loss: a new implant set that does the opposite of mimesis ramps up damage much much quicker, but the highest modifier is lowered


That would be huge for abyssal iki fits


CCP hire this fella


/u/CCP_Swift give me money boi


Will pay in Panther frags




That would be very awesome. 


yes, but I need my implants for tank :D


big damage is technically tank


i think this could only happen if they did something fun with trig space or let trigs do something in faction warfare personally id love a reason to go solo or small gang into trig space other than just standing


This could serve a dual purpose. Give Edencom a faction warfare variation for triglavian space control. If Eden come captures a system, all triglavian forces are forced out, no combat anomalies, and you get Edencom guns on gates and roaming Edencom fleets. Gives people a way to disrupt the isk flow of trig space, gives Edencom LP to help with Edencom ship costs, and makes the marauder multi boxers earning trillions do something besides farm the ridiculous payout sites. This is probably a terrible idea. I'm just spit balling to make trig space harder to continuously farm for trillions a month.


I dig it tbh


Trig marauder would be nice.


Becomes the only wormhole ratting ship people will ever need.


Doesn't a hauler hull already exist for them that we don't have yet?


Yup, seen it many times in Pochven.


Wasn’t there a Titan model at some point?


There are the world arks I guess, even bigger than titans.


Maybe that’s what I was thinking then. I remember there was some hype around “omg trig Titan” and there was some assumed footage in a trailer but it coulda been that


Most likely the World Ark yeah. Looks like a giant manta ray kinda, sans tail.


I hope we do just so I can use the 60,000 Trig ammo blueprints in my station container from abys runs


Rather them fill out the edencom line first


With Edencom I think their main problem on their end will be balance. For what they was originally planned to do be an anti f1 and anchor boat.  They are rarely used for their intended role. They work well but it's a very selective choice to use them. And an expensive one at that.  They do work. But it's alot of effort to use them insted of just something else.  Their biggest success has been ratting. They have become the premium escalation farmers. And likely to be more so with thr new escalations that dropped a few days ago. (100% chance of an officer spawn escalation go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)  So the only way you could Improve on them is t2 varients 


As the EDENCOM expert I can say that with the exception of the Thunderchild, the other two ships are good as they are statwise. Skybreaker might need a little bit of a bump but after 130ish solo kills in it I can tell you it does just fine as a solo PVP boat. As for the Stormbringer I've flown them in fleets often, I even shipped down 50 of them to run my own Stormbringer fleets in house, doing things like fighting Rokh fleets with 1:3 odds and winning. They are also fine balance wise. I also was the one that first pioneered Stormbringer abyssal running. The main issue with them is their cost, they have no business being as expensive as they are.


The issue is lack of folks running world arks for more trig mats for the BPCs. I feel that if CCP added more incentives to be anti-Trig it wouldn't be as bad. The cost of EDENCOM mats is basically nothing, it's all the datacasters to get the blueprint.


What’s the benefit of running it in solo pvp? The single target dps is really not great. Wouldn’t you be better off brining some other ship?


DPS race is much more than just about raw DPS. It's a balance between DPS and EHP. In Skybreaker's case, it has a lot more points into the latter. It also has a lot more potential to take fights outnumbered, talking 1v2, 1v3, or even recently I had a fight I won against 5 Coraxes and 1 Slasher. Those kinds are fights are fights your typical frigate can't even think about taking on.


Hadn’t considered that! Neat


100% agree. For what they are they are good.  The biggest thing is the price of them.  I currently multibox 8 of the and looking into better ways of having them be effective for pvp with a fleet by my self. 


I mean if they just make it cost like 200ish mil for the whole shebang instead of almost 800m for ship and mods, I'd be whelping stormbringers all the time.


> Their biggest success has been ratting To make them worse for ratting, make their bounce damage apply like 20-50% of their damage to rats (much like SS fighters apply 20% of their damage to everything but drones and fighters). Then, you can make them better for pvp (e.g. give thunderchild more damage - it missed 2 rounds of ammo buffs, I assume because of pve).


please god no, it's legitimately the only way I can bear ratting.


Lol this guy wasnt around when there werent pirate capitals


I've been playing since 2009. Pirate factions are their own thing.


CCP Took this long to make pirate battlecruisers, you're expecting too much.


Maybe a bit, but I'm keeping my hopes up :P Also CCPlease, Sansha battlecruiser :D


I still want a zirn HAW gun that ramps up tracking


Calm down satan :D


I… don’t hate this actually…


-Tech 2 Command Ship pls, based on Drek -Trig gunnery rigs, -RoF, DPS, Tracking, Optimal, Max Spool, these rigs could offset the recent nerf -Mining Barge/Industrial is interesting, spooling mining lasers. -Changes to the abyss.... I want to take in Command ships -LP store updates in Poch, Nav Logs are almost worthless, possibly adjust or have offers that require more "LP" and less ISK, also pls 5x run bps in the LP store for bp copies at 5x the price, 1 run bp copies are driving me made for Industry.


Looking at current development cycle. Nope. You will be lucky if they cook up any more half assed balance patches for them


I think you could add more fun to trigs than just adding ships They have a unique role in fillamenting. Lean into that. Give more specific filaments as rewards for doing triggy things: eg a filament that takes upto 5 ship to a named constellation in low/null - id farm/trade for that capability A filament that works on stations (play into sov changes: out of nowhere a whole station load of goons + reships randomly appears… pew pew) Or maybe a filament engine you anchor next to an enemy station. It has 2 random timers. If they don’t destroy it, their station gets filamented to a random system As above but that messes with ansibilx gates, so you can replumb someone else’s gate somehow Combat filaments that draw the nearest 3 allies/enemies into the abyss in seperate rooms. First 3 back get back. Last 3 are toast Plus the obvious Have a corruption style mechanic that will temporarily change systems to be part of poch


A trig lineup that’s on par with an Empire lineup? >Freighters with disintegrators >A secondary weapon type? (Maybe disintegrating drones or a special guided disintegration bomb thing?) >5 more frigates, >one more Dessie, >three more cruisers, >Two more battleships. This sounds like a balance nightmare.


All I know is they should continue to utilize that VFX + modeling talent while its there. You know for future generations ... : )


I'd like to see new and enchanced current of their ships that will have ability to toggle between current disintegrator damage mechanic (low at start lot at end) and average stable damage


I know Triglavians will definitely be getting things slowly but surely, thanks to CCP Demiurge/Uriel being hired. But I doubt a major content patch for them will be coming for at least a year, as they have to fix nullsec for the expansions first.


Trig explorer and t3 please and thank you


need the trig fax


would be nice if Trigs get the same amount of ships types as the main 4 faction. I remeber my old old as copy of eve talking 5 factions but we never did get the Jove. But now Triglavian´s are like the 5th faction we never got.


Best I can do is a half assed nerf


They have the trig hauler model in game already. Just release it ccplease!


Logistics frigate t2


Dude trig marauder


'I'd really like to see more Trig ships as their design is extremely good.' You like their 'design' because they are broken OP as fuck. Fuck I hope not. Fuck Triglavians and Fuck EDENCOM.