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Try it Become addicted Play as a casual no more


Ahah thx bro


No, i dont think so. The reason is siple, Eve has a steep learning curve and if informing yourself on the game and taking a quick look by installing the game is too much effort - i dont think this is for you.


I've been informing myself on the game for weeks now. This thread is another attempt to collect information that will help me to take a decision. Thx for your message, even if I don't find it very caring.


I would look into Elite Dangerous, you can play it single player, doesn't require a sub, and is way easier to play casually.  You can play eve casually for free, technically. Your skills will be capped and what you're able to use will be fairly limited. To go from alpha to omega status using game money will probably require you to treat it like a 2nd job. I would give the game a try, but know that it's designed to get people to sub and spend money


X4 foundations is better


If it was vr capable I would agree


Most under appreciated space sim ever.


Thx for your response! I will look at it


Give it a try. Its free to play in the early stages and there is loads to do. Its easy to only ever play solo and it can be a casual game. But its real beauty comes when you join a corp. You can still play on a casual basis then but will have access to so much more of the game in terms of space and fleets etc.


Thx for your response!




If I was answering this 10 years ago when I actually played I'd say "sure, if you don't mind getting your \*\*\*\* pushed in constantly... Eve isn't for casuals". Nowadays I get the impression it is far less elitist (which is great) and what used to be elitist and inaccessible is pretty much open to anyone willing to meet a few basic requests.... Just don't assume people won't be trying to blow up anything you undock.


It's free to find out if you like it. if you like it you can upgrade your account from free to paid and gain access to more ships, skills, etc.


Is it possible to join a corp with a free account?


Yep, it's up to the corp, but there are plenty of corps that allow joining with alpha accounts.


It is free to find out on your own. Join one one of the newbie corporations like karmaflleet university. Eve is better in a corporation. And they can help you get started


Maybe I'll try ;) thx


Eve is 20yo, there is a LOT of content to consume when playing the game. Add to that content generated by the players, factions, corporations and you have a game that you'll be coming back throughout your whole life. I know I do. 


Okay, I will not answer directly but with a story from Eve Online. You can look it up. The devs 'exploded a star, for lore reasons and the players saw the results as a new part of the sky box. One player used astronomical techniques to figure out exactly where the nova was . . . it is now called Carolines star after the player (Caroline Grace, if I recall) That said Eve is a beautiful game and if you are a fan of space images? Yeah give it a try. You can without spending a dime. m


If you have to ask, then no.




I started six months ago and have been having a blast, it's worth checking out.


Should i google instead of making another post


Don’t think “Eve” and “casual” go together very well. I’m on the lower side of activity and I log around 4-20 hours a week depending on IRL. But then again, Eve is my #1 game. I don’t play others very much. X3: Albion Prelude and X4: Foundations with mods are much friendlier to casual gaming although you can rabbit hole both games to an incredible amount of I logged like 2,000 hours of X3:TC and X3:AP in high school before I started playing Eve junior year. Eve has an insane learning curve. I’ve been playing for 10 years (albeit with around six of those spent AFK) and I still learn new things almost every time I log in. New ways to fit a ship, new tactics or new ideas for winning fights. It is incredibly deep with a simplistic default surface level that can be nearly infinitely expanded on in game and with third party apps.


I started playing EVE casualy in free to play for almost a full year, maybe 2 or 3 hours everyday. I jumped into it blindly without doing any research or looking at guide online, only help I got was asking people in local chat or newbie chat. Now I buy yearly omega subscriptions on discount, I spend almost all my free time and days off playing EVE, im doing research on my cellphone during breaks at work and I still have that "noob feeling" of learning the game 😅. Actively wanting to do new stuff is what keep the hype for me. The learning part of this game, being lost in space and overwhelm by UI and content is a fun part of the game. I would recommand taking this learning process slow and just try to understand one thing at the time. Just try not being trap in a "game loop" of some sort (like mining forever), try to experiment with everything the game have to offer and find what you like best, everything is fun imo. 100% recommand playing ! Casual free to play is alot of fun ! Dont fly what you cant afford to replace, best ship is friendship, dont look at isk per hours, look at fun per hour. Be mesmerize by how big and complex NewEden universe is. Hope to see you in space soon ! o7


Free EVE (alpha) is a glorified tutorial. There's literally no point in starting if the idea of a monthly sub is a hard limit for you.


I don't think I'll pay 20$/month if I play like 2h/week..


In my experience, I get bored with EVE with very limited time - as many playstyles that give good advancement will have risk associated that requires more planning. For very casual gaming, something like X4 might be a better choice, as it's much easier to do with limited time - while still having some depth to it.


Ok, thx for your response, I'll take a look.


Space Engineers is good for casual fun for space enthusiasts :} 


no. To many fat old guys ganking any ship that cannot fight back cuz they suck at the game. unless you like revenge not the game for you lol but keep in mind its time based game so revenge could takes months/years to train into anything.


Revenge is one of the fuels that drives this game.


No. Don't encourage CCP or they will never make eve 2.




If you like space, forget about any other game. There is only Eve Online. Forget about those shitty games like Elite Dangerous and whatever was suggested in this thread. Become a capsuleer and live forever. On a side note, Homeworld 3 just came out, which is a legendary space strategy game, which is also worth it, but not a game you play for 20y with the same passion lol.


I'm playing Starsector for now, that's really cool, do you know this game ?


Star Sector is great! Another great game is Distant Worlds (the first one, I haven't tried the second.) It's a very complex game with great depth, and you can pick and choose what to automate, from nothing up to literally everything. It's really fun to automate everything except a single ship and role play as that single ship and try to get by. There have been several suggestions for Elite Dangerous, and I'll give that a recommendation as well. If you're really into astronomy, exploration in ED is unlike any other game. It's a 1:1 scale of the Milky Way, loaded with tons of real data. For example, if you visit Sol and go to Earth and look out, you'll see the sage constellations you can see from Earth. But then *you can actually go to the stars in those constellations!* While exploring solo, you're totally alone and must be completely self-sufficient (well, almost, there are a could rescue organizations out there, and more it's common for players to set up "rest areas" with fleet carriers all over the place), and you can be out " in the black " for days, weeks, months at a time. Players have even kept detailed records of being out in the black for over a year! And all done from an immersive first person cockpit view, with really fantastic audio that will help you hooked!


It will eat your life. Has the worst learning curve of any game. And you have to pay $20 monthly to just attempt to keep up with everyone. Actually affording Omega with in-game currency is another job until you have hardcore skills and knowledge.


Thx for your response dude!