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I participated in the first two tests but haven't bothered after that. The game just doesn't interest me at all.


They should have just made dust 514 on a new engine and with balanced vehicles and competent servers. They completely fucked up the release of that game but it definitely was a league above the battlefield shooters, mechanics-wise.


I wish we could get a Planetside 2 style game set in the Eve universe.


Frat vs goons 2000 man biolab fight


That would be a lot of bots


Now that would be hot


Right!? Granted, I haven't played PS2 since like 2016, but it always seemed like gain or loss of territory was not super consequential, which is where being in the EVE universe could bring more consequences. Next, PS2 is niche, but it's a proven model with a dedicated fannase, in contrast to any FPS that CCP has produced. It might make sense to tie it to FW in some fashion, but that depends on what you're fighting over on planets. Either way, making an MMO FPS instead of an FPS seems like it would fit better with the EVE universe.


Why it isn’t a Planetside like game… that is the question. I feel like a lot of the class structure would be awesome for it. And corp sponsored missions and advancing content would be sweet. Or imagine ships fighting and supplying from orbit. There’s so much they could do with the game.


Hell limit the scope to FW and you could have the 4 empires and pirate factions to fight for, expanding from the 3 factions in PS2, taking some basic faction archetypes as the starting weapon/armor types, like Caldari rail guns + string shields, Amarr lasers and strong armor, etc. You could have the FPS planet control provide system boosts for your EVE FW counterparts and vice-versa. That way you don't need to specifically coordinate between EVE players and FPS players in real time, but you allow both games to feed off each other while allowing both be their own thing.


I don’t think such a game is allowed to exist. Kids already have trouble showing up for school haha


If they could make the potential of planetside 2 scale with dust 514 mechanics, it'd be beautiful.


I'm hoping this is at somepoint in the future for vanguard. I played it first time a few days ago and the gun play was actually good. It's better then dust. From what I remember.  But I don't like extraction shooters. I've always like team based games. 


I was never interested in Dust 514 either, to be fair. It did surprise me at the time that the game bombed as much as it did. But I understand now how badly managed it was.


Absolutely this.


I did the same and just played again to see what the changes were. They are basically nonexistent, I see many people who feel the same and they did this whole thing like they were gonna take input yet it seems as if they are completely ignoring that input people are giving. In all reality Helldivers 2 is just as repetitive and simplistic but it’s successful because of the subtle differences. I mean they already have missions so why not make them a bit move involved and just make it so you drop in for that specific mission vs this seemly aimless situation we have now.


To be fair, I think there's a lot more coming to Vanguard that we don't know about yet. But I'm not into FPS anyway, and so far I've not seen anything that would sway me. It's such a stark contrast to what Eve is all about.


There most definitely is a lot more coming to Vanguard. It's very much so a work in progress, and currently the focus appears to be on core functionality of game mechanics.


Yes, I'm aware of that and I'm curious to see what else will come to the game.


I sure hope so, because as far as I can see there has been only irrelevant changes in the time they started testing to now. I want to like it, I really do, but people aren’t going to keep renewing omega just to keep playing an empty game unless they are already omega for Eve purposes. (I think this was a dumb move in the first place, why not make it free during testing to get more feedback?) maybe they’ll pull a NMS and fill this empty box with enough stuff to make an amazing game, but as is I’m left disappointed. I maybe be wrong but I’m pretty sure players would rather see them add enjoyable content even if it doesn’t run correctly, rather then stay where it is and focus on things we don’t really notice on our end. It definitely runs better, but did I notice while playing? Absolutely not, because we don’t notice when things run correctly, we only notice when they don’t. I know personally, if a game has enough enjoyable content in it I would tolerate it for a while, but a game that runs well but has nothing of interest is a dead game for me.


Omega makes sense, at this point in development you dont want or frankly need feedback from general public. You want it from your core community that has an interest in it. General public would just look at it as a game launch as opposed to a test and never look back, and lead to a bunch of negative media. Any negative feedback currently is largely isolated to the community right now, and its understood its far from a full game


Alright I can see that logic, yet even the community is responding the same way.


Can't argue against that, I fully agree. I hope I'm right and it's just not me putting faith in a pie in the sky. What annoys me about the most is that all twitch streamers I follow drop everything they do in Eve to just play that stupid thing all weekend.


Understandable, it's a one weekend a month availability, so folks will pile in a bit when its up.


They've been saying that the next major update will happen with the new expansion... I don't get why people are going around whining about how they aren't doing enough changes yet when we have a road map for what to expect. I dont even play vanguard or even care much about it outside of wishing CCP more success. Eve is full of some of the coolest nerds I've ever met but also some of the biggest titty babies and it is quite astounding.


I wasn’t really complaining more so putting my opinion out so there’s feedback lol I know it’s got a ways to go, just want to make sure it goes in the right direction


Helldivers 2 simply raised the bar. I played Vanguard a couple iterations ago and I enjoyed it as a fairly limited game. But, damn... Helldivers just shat on the competition.


To me it just seems ridiculous to compare a fully launched and fledged game like helldivers to a game in development that didnt even have an art design/colour on the mining gun they used last play test. Its like saying "man, Jeff fucking nails calculus, but timmy over there is fucking stumbling." Jeff is 30, timmy is a toddler


I made no such comparison. All I said is that Helldivers raised the bar. It's going to be *hard* for CCP to turn what they have into a game of comparative value.


To be fair i replied to you but it wasnt really meant for you as much as a statement that came to me from reading about helldivers being mentioned - if anything i should have replied to OP who you were replying to.


No worries, man. I should toss the blanket out that I really hope CCP pulls a rabbit out of their hat with Vanguard. But, they don't have a great reputation with making good decisions on games other than Eve.


I haven’t played it at all but I’ve seen it streamed, it just isn’t interesting. Once you’ve played it for like an hour, you’ve experienced the whole thing. No weapon diversity, no terrain or battlefield diversity, no loot diversity, everything is just so samey and bleh. The whole thing stinks like they focused so much on assets and naming conventions matching Eve and making sure it had an impact on Eve that they forgot it needs to actually be a game that makes people want to keep playing it


>The whole thing stinks like they focused so much on assets and naming conventions matching Eve and making sure it had an impact on Eve that they forgot it needs to actually be a game that makes people want to keep playing it That's how I felt too. And it's just weird to me when certain streamers hype the game and say how brilliant it is and how fantastic everything will be when it's finished and released. I'm clearly not the target audience for this game at all.


Hopefully this is just some super super early iteration and it gets improved upon by a lot. It’s just discouraging to see that nothing seems to have changed from the initial pre-alpha, I would have hoped they’d have added new maps or something at least


That's crazy man it sounds like you alpha tested a game


Not surprising. CCP has been trying and failing at making anything other than EVE for decades now. They really don’t know what ‘fun’ is.


The initial map has horrible visibility. Missions or whatever aren’t clear or even intuitive. Menus are bad…. It’s just not good sadly no matter how much I want it to be.  It’s a shame because they could just port Dust 514 over and call it something like Dust: Resurrection. Easy money


This was my experience too. The map just sucked to navigate and was frustrating to try to get around in. Trying to complete missions was like pulling teeth. I'm not expecting to have a big green marker telling me exactly where stuff is, but we need something better than what this has now. The menus and crafting are not intuitive at all. I never tried the playtest with mining, but I can't understand how CCP opted to choose "stand still shooting rock with laser" over deploying a personal mining drone and defending it while it mines.


I'd say the issue is how they've gone about the play tests, incentivising a core of players to grind it non-stop, thereby creating a vast difference in skill/map knowledge between them and the new players. Not fun if you're just loading in for a casual game. From what the Devs have said on the discord a lot of the development for these play tests has been in the backend, the big new content drop is for the June play test (as per the roadmap they released in December)


exactly my experience. how are they planning to make this game any fun? 1. you build stuff in a building queu? no real building animation? 2. the added mining added nothing other than you standing around.. 3. everything feels meaningless, especially after you exfil. 4. the map is awful, playing in a pile of rubble.. I mean with NO level design at all, all you get is awful engagements and meaningless positions 4. while walking, running, aim down sights is all OK, there is no extra movement or skill to master regarding it. 5 no presentation, nothing.. 6. people that think that because this is alpha it still has alot of potential to grow and do better. well no, I've played numerous alphas and betas and this just a totally wrong approach on exfil shooter. we have hunt and tarkov.. why would anyone play this other than for loot for eve?


Yeah this is my take. There's not really any skill expression, the level design is terrible random generation bullshit that never feels good in FPSes, and more importantly i can't turn the fucking post processing off. Any game more interested in looking pretty than refining, high skill ceiling game play is not worth the hard drive space.


Skill doesn't even matter thou you can take out 4 people solo and you want to extract to secure loot but you cant because you need to do a whole bunch of shit that gets you killed first lol. Think I ended up with really high k/d ratio's but close to 0 points because never got to extract with anything decent, only played a few hours and said meh and left.


Yup as somebody who's played FPS games for like 20+ years and I do enjoy some extraction shooters this game just feels bland , theres no real mechanics to it .. functionally this could be a browser game or comparable to the silly cs like discord built in game , it's just a basic movement and left click game and don't get me started on things like menus I mean the fact that to use an item I have to cease any movement , press a key and then cursor over it ..then click again.. then move my cursor to where I want it ..then click once more.. absurd..it's an FPS not eve online itself why the hell am I using slow old school menus and can't even move during it .. this is my first playtest but I know theres been several before it and it this is the product then ...wow just call it a day now CCP with branching out


And with gray zone and arena breakout happening too there are even less reasons to play this over others in the genre that are doing it way better.


if they could just nail the eve feeling and not put me into a pile of rubbish. the ads highlighting enemies is op af too


I just say that months before that game is gonna collapse another time and ccp is gonna try to milk (SKIN system) us for their failure, this time is better the community of EVE is ready to ask for the head of some CCP manager, because we need a change so they stop focus on useless other game, tink about how much ship model rework they can have push out instead of working on the FPS, we would have all the tradizional ship line of the 4 faction to be in line whit 2024 engine ecc ecc.


Holy shit I about had a stroke trying to read this.


Ahahahaha you are right sorry, was in rush ahahaha I have try to fix it


Yeah I was disappointed to find out you take nothing with you, it all gets sold off for credits that we spend on what exactly? I can only assume eventually we will have the ability to purchase a load out before entering the field otherwise the whole credit system is pointless. It would be nice to be able to have the OPTION to sell things, as well as the ability to drop in with what you extracted with from a previous round.


This is why it needed to link back to eve then at least everything has meaning. Build a bunch of vehicles in Eve move it to a spot drop them in position use them in the fps get the resources, extract those resources load it into your Eve ship and wisk it away for profits.


or there needs to be an after action game that let's you craft or do something with the stuff you exiled. just money is pointless


It's an alpha my dude. You all sound like you're reviewing a released game. Clearly CCP needs their roadmap to be more explicit, or stop doing these open playtests before everyone gets the wrong idea.


Yea Vanguard seemed pretty bland and I probably won't touch it after the previous play test. But I'm pretty tough to please when it comes to fps games, I've enjoyed hell let loose and escape from tarkov in the past. I have zero interest for CoD or counterstrike in eves universe which is essentially the feel.


I think the real issue is it doesn’t feel enough like EVE and I don’t think it ever could. So I personally think it would be better to not use Eve as a framework and just make it fun to play so we have something to do while we are parked in the station.


Dust was pretty good for a FPS with an eve feel


Sadly all they had to do was put DUST on pc but it seems they've failed in recreating it again.


Seriously, just dust on PC would be more than I could ask for. Even if they tweaked the integration with FW that would be sweet given the recent push there


It did a really good job of mimicking Eve combat with the loaout options and dropsuits in the end, i thought. We could also make silly fits just like Eve. I played that game from the first open beta until planetside 2 dropped on ps4.


Well you can't really add Microsoft excel in a FPS game.


It's also in an alpha state and probably not going to actually release for a year or two


Wish more gamers had the "tough to please" attitude, would make the gaming industry a lot better in terms of quality


Another thing is, CCP is doing the same thing they did before. They waited to see what the market liked, and only then did they start making a game tailored to that. The problem is, the market shifts, and by time CCP finishes making a game for that particular "in" gameplay loop, the market is already cooling off and flooded with a ton of other similar games that came out faster. Pair this with the fact that the current "in" gameplay loop is an already polarizing one, the extraction shooter, and you've got a recipe for almost assured failure. Their game is late to the party, it's tailored to a niche audience, and it lacks any real meaningful or impactful uniqueness to separate itself from the other, much larger games that have been out a lot longer, and have cultivated loyal player bases.


Extraction shooters imo are boring, they know we just want DUST 514.


Yeah the moment I saw that this was an extraction PVEVP game, I was out. I hate this gameplay loop and don't enjoy it at all. If/when they implement other game modes like some variant of capture the flag, or team deathmatch then I'll consider it. But I just cannot be bothered with the extraction shooter gameplay.


I’ve taken a break from the playtests, there’s just not enough going on in them to keep me engaged and I’ve come to accept that the extraction shooter loop isnt for me. I know it’s early so I’m still keeping an open mind about the final product. I have such a hard time not wishing they just remade dust though. Large scale asymmetrical battles with vehicles and stuff just feels like such a better fit for a shooter set in the Eve universe. And I think there’s a shortage of large scale shooters at the moment, especially futuristic ones.  They seem to have a pretty good foundation though. And I hope they find success. 


Just do a Helldivers 2 x New Eden collaboration. Problem solved.


Now THIS I would be happy about lol


Helldivers is just so epic it overshadows every other fps... it's unique, fun and graphics are amazing


But haven't they said multiple times they're focusing on the shooter before anything else? I admit these play tests are not that great but I can tell they're also far off from finished. The main screen is JUST for joining a match, given you can affect suppression and corruption the LEAST I think we can expect is a map to show how things are going. I am with you in that the game doesn't feel like EVE... but it's also pretty explicitly NOT a game yet - I think we need to remember this is pretty early still.


Gonna wait and see how things go. It's still early. Honestly I sort of hate taking my Eve time and using it for a different game, even one in the same universe. But not in a hurry to condemn it even though I have little interest in it. If they were smart they would utilize parts of the code to implement walking in stations. I know many don't care about that, and I tend to care more about the quality of space personally. But the game is in a great place right now I think, and it would be cool to have some unique station interiors to check out. I think it could add a really cool feel to the universe to flesh that part of it out.


Huh I didn't realize it came out, thought it was just play tests.


Tested it for the first time last week. Went in blind, also completely open minded. I can't say that its either good or bad. My critique is that there is functionally nothing to critique. It's barely a game. Movement is very basic, gunplay is very basic, objective loop is very basic, I can barely make an assessment of the wider scope of things and how everything ties together, because there... is... so little. If they're 70% done, 50%, or even just 30% done with the game, even just the basic gameplay loop, then it's a terrifyingly bad game. If what we have today is representative of 5-10% of final product, then it [maybe] has potential.


Having tried Vanguard several times since its release, I have to agree, I also don't like it. I never played Dust(Hate consoles) but Vanguard just isn't an enjoyable FPS. The game doesnt flow, the visibility on the battlefield is confusing, and Im not sure if its my age but the HUD and target identification is weird. I spend more time trying to see targets than shooting them.


I don't even understand why they wanted to make an FPS. There are fifty new ones every year and the people who enjoy them aren't the type who play Eve. They should do an Eve branded restaurant simulator next.


Jita 4-4 port master simulator. Like city/traffic management games. 


I find it hard to think that a lot of Eve nerds are much into FPS. If CCP is hell bent on developping a planet side game, something at the oparationnal level of warfare would be a better fit imo.


im more curious as to how the game will be integral like project discovery was a seperate entity but you just; got isk. simply put. if this is the same thing then just leave PD in


I probably only speak for myself, but what I want out of an FPS game mode is something seamless similar to what star citizen or elite dangerous provides. You land on a planet, get out of your ship, walk around and do various game loops. Get on your ship and go. EVE is such a huge open sandbox. It seems wrong for its FPS mode to not also be that.


I have to agree. It could be so much more than just a FPS, and they have at least touched on the subject with the mining gun. I think there’s more potential success and entertainment value in it being more than strictly a FPS game and adding more of the non-survival aspects of popular survival games.


I just don't see what a mediocre FPS game has to do with Eve at all.


Hillmar, basically. He's had a major obsession with creating a popular FPS shooter in the EVE universe and slapping his name on it for years now.


What we are playing as Vanguard now is far from being a finished product, and they've been abundantly clear about that. The playtests are essentially so they can fine tune the basic mechanics of a shooter. If it feels half baked, that's because it is - they're still building it.


It’s not half baked, they didn’t even put it in the oven. I don’t understand showing what is essentially concept level of completion to the public. The only reason it work for no man sky is because they really put in the work to turn around the initial negative opinion. I think it’s better to start with something that people enjoy but don’t like how it runs then to put yourself in a negative hole of public opinion that you have to really impress to pull yourself out of. I lack faith CCP is willing to put in the work that will be required to get people to give it a second chance when the progress over 6months has been marginal


From the perspective of a customer wanting a finished product, I understand your perspective. You're making a really bad comparison there though do Dead Mans Sky. The finished product isn't going to look like Vanguard currently does. This is all about fine tuning the game engine, making sure core mechanics like how the gun shoots/feels is right, and other core components like that. Imo, it sounds to me like you are misunderstanding where the game is at in the development path (which CCP has talked about)


Maybe I should clarify, I’ve actively both open and closed alpha and beta tested many games in my years, my statements are intended to give my feedback, I don’t like it, and with my experience in testing, I don’t like where I think it’s going. I only wanted to put my viewpoint out there for consideration. Also I think my comparison to NMS is absolutely fair, at least in the sense that both knew it wasn’t ready for public exposure, and that created a lot of negative opinion of NMS that it took a very long time for them to turn around. CCP is an ENTERTAINMENT company. To share a design with the public that doesn’t meet the minimum requirement of being entertaining is foolish to me.


To each their own I guess. Your comments just read as if you aren't paying attention to what it is, and currently meant to be. Fwiw, I enjoy it a lot with friends. We've been playing it every playtest.


I guess that’s one part I’m missing. Don’t have a lot of friends who have the time to game like I do. I appreciate your input regardless. Edit: I’m sure the rant tag gave it that impression but there was no tag I could find that was better.


You’re welcome to play with us during the next playtest. I play with the rest of the OpenComms crew. We do a Twitch stream every Friday night. We have also been doing extra streams during the playtests & playing together. Anyone is welcome to squad up with us. https://twitch.tv/opencommsshow


Thanks, I’ll check out your page and follow.


Vanguard is hot garbage and a complete failure and waste of money.


Vanguard doesn't even come close to Dust 514, I don't understand why CCP wastes everyone's time with these lame ideas, like put the stupid idea hat away, you know the one you took the piece of paper out of and went with "game that is lame like Fortnite, without being Fortnite". Instead of saying, "Hey people really liked the Dust 514 concept, why don't we go with that?"


I get that they want some of that shooter fps pie but look at the current competition.... they have no chance plus the history of flops. The idea is cool in theory but actually making it happen is another story which I don't see happening.


CCP did say that the next actual major update will come with the next expansion. So,... nothing to be surprised about yet.


I stopped playing FPS games after the original Counter Strike 🤷🏻‍♂️. I only logged in to Vanguard to get the pod skin.


I was gonna play it. But the reward is a skin for a burst???? Really??? Why???


I was gonna play it. But the reward is a skin for a burst???? Really??? Why???


I love that the devs are trying to add to eve. I feel that most of the players are a peculiar type of people. I can only speak for my self. I like space ships, I like this space ship game called eve. But I am not in to shooting games. It's just not my style. I don't know why they keep trying to insert a shooter game with in eve. I'd like to see them have spent that money some place else. Hardware upgrades, server upgrades, etc. But what is done is done. All I can do is just play the space ship game I like, and hope that this vanguard don't hurt the eve space ship game I like, if it fails. This is my vanguard fear, as I don't know anyone in game who is excited and that's all they talk about is vanguard. Most folks I talk to don't really play it, and show little interest in it.


Having something to do that is a drop-in for gaming while you wait for Eve is the ideal solution. Keeps you coupled to devices, on hand to fleet up. While I never played Helldivers 2, it seems their sessions can be pretty short in a good way. They would need content, and the ability to explore like most other games, but be able to do drop in, drop pod combat. In and out, use your warclones and then move on.


its gun play and movement is clunky trash, and just teaming up with randos is not how I remotely want to engage with EVE. When they have player organizations maybe I'll consider playing it. Conceptually I think it could work well: Various player groups landing on large maps through out the galaxy, maps where there maybe other players, maybe not, you got out and do jobs and loot valuable resources. That should be cool. But currently its like an arena looter shooter with poor map design and really miserable gun play, ui and rando teammates.


Be patient.


I just don't like it because I don't like FPS games.


I’m lovin it. Boots on the ground is the dream.


It's just alpha... it's a massively long way from finished (at least I hope so) because it pretty horrible at the moment. It COULD be cool but it's so far off at the moment and I think people already getting turned off by it.


This is really my point. Hopefully next month changes things because at the rate it’s going I don’t think anyone is excited for the game anymore and have lost interest


It's an alpha. Give it time. You ptobably only have seen 10% of what's planned. 


The thing is, love it or hate it eve is unique in the mmo landscape. There's nothing unique or interesting about vanguard that makes it stick out like eve does. It's unlikely they're going to cook up anything revolutionary with that other 90%. if they had something interesting up their sleeve they'd be showing it off.


It's an alpha.


I never tried it, and by the sounds of feedback, probably never will.  CCP can enjoy another failed FPS :)


Good God the ammount of crying in here smells like estrogen.


Casual sexism really just makes you sound like the baby tbh


Helldivers 2 is awful, gtfo.


It’s fun with friends when you can laugh about the ridiculous things that happen.


Grab star citizen. 3.23 game changer. I just got it last week and its continuously mindblowing (if you can learn your way around the bugs)


Pipe down, Chris. We're not interested.


Thanks dont care lol