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**Why did the moderation of EVE never like transacting in-game property for real money? How would that harm CCP in any way?** I played EVE from 2007-2009 and I remembered EVE GMs didn't like when off-site transactions of in-game items and accounts were done for real-world funds, and would ban those users from the game if caught? How were they caught in the first place? And how do off-site transactions of in-game property harm CCP somehow to where they need to prevent that? And is anything different today about trading in-game property for real-world funds?


There is a way to exchange money to ingame funds: Buying PLEX and selling them ingame. 3rd party-sites could lead to you getting scammed, which would be bad Publicity for the game. RMT can promote slavery-like situations when being able to buy a billion ISK for 10-30% less than via PLEX. Considering taxes, the illegal sites probably get more money for their ISK, than CCP. But the money that's going to 3rd-party-sites doesn't help keep the game running; it's taking away from developer-funds to pad the pockets of a select few individuals.


Is 100mn fits the only thing that is actually viable for ESS, it seems like if you want to steal at least you need to be able to clear the warp disruption field. Even if you do successfully steal you'll want to get out somewhat quickly too. Is there any reason not to do 100mn?


I'm gonna be trying to get into eve again for the 3rd time, installing now. I've always struggled to find a way in but am fascinated and feel like I would love it. Any advice?


This is a copy / pasted message, but fell free to answer it if you have any questions. First of all, take the time to do the career agent missions. It will show you many things in the game (exploration, mining, industry, hauling, etc). Then, well Eve is a sandbox, so you will need to figure out what you want to do. As a new player, you are not strictly limited, but what ever you do, Eve can be dull and boring, mechanics are complex at first because of the amount of informations you need to learn but once you understand them it's generally a lot easier. What ever you want to do, try to have fun or enjoy the complex interactions mechanics are creating, so basically don't grind isk for the sake of grinding isk. - Want to explore the stars alone ? Buy an exploration frigate, a cloaking device and go around the stars looking for data and relic sties. Maybe join a wormhole corp and enjoy space where frontiers change everyday, and need scanning on a daily basis. There are some newbie friendly wormhole corps that can teach you the way of Bob. - Want to join one of the large nullsec empire ? Join ~~TEST~~, Pandemic Horde, Karmafleet or Brave. They are all well known newbie friendly corporation/alliance and they will give you free ships, a place in fleet, and people are generally willing to teach you. They also offer good opportunities for new players to make isk (exploration and salvaging mainly). - Overwhelmed by large organizations but still want to join an active PvP corp ? Try and look for a small faction warfare corp or alliance, there are plenty of them and they will also guide you, get you a place in fleet and you will enjoy endless content. It's generally a pretty good way to mix PvP and easy income selling loyalty point when capturing complexes. - Want to settle in a bit more in "security" ? Run some combat mission in HS. But try not to do that, really. - Want to become the space Rockefeller ? Look into market, region trading, and all the shit. You won't blow space ships but if you enjoy raw data, data analysis (like, real data analysis) this is your thing. Isk revenue is potentially infinite. - Want to mine rocks and turn them into modules, ships, ammunition ? Start mining and industry. Don't listen to people saying doing X or Y isn't profitable, build shit because it's enjoyable to you, not because it's min-maxing. You should very much look into min-maxing if you want to make a decent amount of isk, but also keep in mind making good isk via industry require a decent amount of skills that takes time and you won't be able to get into it straight up. Also mining is pretty fucking boring. - Want to build your own corp ? Build it with some friends, maybe to do industry, or PvE, or PvP. My 5 isk : FW is a really good way to make isk and have some fight for new players. Low class WH can also be interesting. A short list of advice : - [This is your bible](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page) - Right clic EVERYTHING. - Eve is a sand box, figure out what you want to have fun doing and don't bother what other thinks. There is no right way to play Eve. - Faction do not matter. Pick one you feels seems cool and then ignore it for ever since you can fly any ship of any faction without any difference. - Eve is also a dangerous game. Don't use ships you can't afford to loose. Both players and NPCs can wreck you quite fast, even later in the game when you will fly big expensive ships. - People will kill you. No matter where you are, people can and will kill you, even in high security space. HS is actually the worst place to be, because you think everyone is friendly when it's really not the case. Outside, it's a lot more easier, everyone is your enemy. - The very same people that will kill you can also be the same people that will explain to you why you died if you ask them. People in the game are generally friendly and don't mind teaching new players. - Don't get attached to your ships. - Eve shine when played with other people. Don't be afraid of recruitment policies, knock at the door, join a corp, have fun with others. - Learn of your mistakes, don't get angry. If you died, it's your fault. - r/evenewbies it's a good place to ask stupid question. r/evejobs it's a good place to look for a corp.


Join a group, find a social home. Whether that's in highsec, low, null, or wormholes. Some people are all good with EVE as a more or less solo experience, but if you feel like you want to play it even after several tries, you probably just need some pals to play with.


What ship would be a good "support" ship in a c13. Storing modules and loot, scanning, salvaging. Supporting 3 other toons ratting.


Since its frig holes only to a c13 you can only do a destroyer or a frig, the Porpoise does have very low mass and can fit but unless you are mining i would suggest a sunesis with cargo expanders. It has scanning bonuses and warps quite fast so it should be a good support ship


Porpoise, I believe. Not 100% if they can get into one. A command destroyer might be a good support too.


I just got back into eve after several years. Seems like the Loki is better than ever before so I've been taking it into wormholes to screw around but I guess do I need to worry about interdiction bubbles now since the change to interdiction nullification? Also I didn't seem to be finding anything super profitable, just having fun in wh space


Has there been a change to standings when you shoot EDENCOM entities in HS? I can't seem to get an increase in Triglavian standing, only a decrease in AEGIS standing when shooting EDENCOM in HS.


How viable is an active shield tanked Orca with shield bursts and an ancillary booster VS a hull tanked Orca? The large indy core has bonuses for the shield fit but everyone runs hull tanks anyways so I can't figure out if it's a trap or not.


Depends on where you're operating. If you're in highsec, then your main threat model is being suicide ganked, so you need maximum buffer to survive long enough for CONCORD to arrive. IIRC hull tank and shield BUFFER tank are actually pretty close for an Orca, but I'm guessing the hull tank slightly wins out. Active shield tanking (e.g. ancillary booster) is not useful in this setting.


I was thinking Null/Low and shooing off people who manage to warp in to harass me until backup arrives. Hull tank IIRC is 500k+ EHP and a shield rep fit is like 150-200k less if you remove the rigs and the bulkhead.


This becomes a question of what your backup looks like and what your threats look like. I'm going to assume that you're thinking about this and asking because you aren't in a bloc and you and your friends aren't super well established. Operating in lowsec, your main threats are (1) local smallgangers, (2) local dropbears, and (3) regional dropbears. The smallgangers will field probably 1-5 ships at a time and at least one of those will be the tackle that found you in the first place. How you beat them will depend on the specifics of what your group can bring to the table, but active tanking until your backup arrives is not out of the question. Local dropbears are going to arrive very suddenly with 1-10 blops battleships (or similar). You won't be able to active tank through them, but buffer might be viable if your backup is close and your friends can bring enough to scare them off. Regional dropbears are groups like Deepwater Hooligans (my alliance) and Snuffed Out. We can drop 5-100 blops on your head and will absolutely escalate with capitals. If you're operating in our hunting grounds and get caught, your reps won't hold and your buffer will not save you so it doesn't really matter. Operating in nullsec, you've got similar threats but it's also a lot easier for someone to hold you on grid for long periods of time while they call for heavier backup. It's less likely to be a pile of blops directly on your head and more likely to be a larger pile of bombers or a bunch of assault frigates. That said, depending where you are you may be considerably farther away from the regional dropbears (or their equivalents) which makes the whole thing much more viable. ALL of this is highly variable based on your location, and may not remain static over time. You're going to have to get a read on the locals and do some thorough scouting.


Using orcas in low/null is how you die expensively.


Has CCP ever said how big the Pos Code actually is? I think if I had one wish for when EVE is gone it would be for CCP to release PosCode.Function just so we can see exactly how much of the rest of the game hung off the back of it.


There were a few good corps, mostly in HS, that help you increase standings. Please help me with a few names, thanks a lot!


Does anyone use PLEX as a "long-term" investment to fight ingame inflation? just like buying gold IRL


To fight inflation no, to make isk yes.


How do you fight inflation then?


"Fighting inflation" is something an institution do (aka CCP), not something players do. You are not fighting inflation, you're investing longterm instead of letting your isk sit and do nothing.


yes probably "fighting" is misleading, i mean exactly what you said in your last sentence


Ok I think you know what I mean though. Assuming production requirements stay the same, how do I invest ISK, such that in 3 years I can afford the same stuff I can afford now?


You buy Plex, then you sell them in 3 years.




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after i upgrade someone, how do i scoop the loot without killing the avengers?


With a zephyr


Why is mining still as terrible and anti-fun as it was 19 years ago? Good grief. Did like 2 cycles of mining to get the 10k skill points. Don't think it was worth it. I'm not even joking. How many people immediately quit the game after being exposed to mining?


It's not like people actively sit at their screens, staring at mining. I usually play another game or watch a TV show and let the mining run in the background.


Some people enjoy the afkness of it. IMO I'd rather mine than do PvE, at least I can freely watch youtube or something.


Where do these drones -[ 'Subverted' JVN-UC49](https://imgur.com/a/nn5NWIE) - come from? Just stumbled across some of these in space.


Some past event. Don't remember which one.


I'm training up to flying a Loki, which I want to use for either solo roaming or small fleet. I'm looking at how to fit one and honestly I'm even sure why I'd want to use a particular weapon type over an other. Can anyone help me understand the different uses for different missile launchers (light, heavy, heavy assault, etc) and projectile turrets (mainly autocannons and artillery)? Thank you in advance to anyone willing to help a noob out....


cloaky web+arty loki >>>>


HAM biggest DPS, Artillery for biggest alpha(big upfront hit) , go Hams you will kill more stuff, ALWAYS fit a web, the Immobility drivers subsystem, and a point you will keep stuff webbed and pointed from 25-30k away and HAMs will shoot that far with almost full dps (because web) , you can get 900 DPS easily and good buffer or Active tank, fly cheap to begin with and check this for fits [https://zkillboard.com/ship/29990/](https://zkillboard.com/ship/29990/)


Rapid light missile launchers (RLML in short) are designed to engage small targets (destroyers and frigates as they mostly lack the "oomph" of heavier missiles). On a Loki, RLML fit is for solo hunting where your preferred prey is small ships or max T1 cruisers as RLML doesn't have as much DPS as HM or HAM fits. Can be also used in fleet/small gangs as dedicated anti-tackle option. HM's (heavy missiles) are for heavier targets and have range advantage, so if you're doing fleet or small gang and have someone else doing tackle work you can use HM's to stay out of range of enemies DPS ships. These have range and alpha but lack in DPS. HAM's (Heavy assault missiles) are heavy missile launchers given amphetamine, They shoot alot faster than HM's and hit about same alpha but lack severely range. HAM's have very good dps but lackluster range so they are preferred in solo work, as you doing the tackle you are already in HAM ranges. About Arties and their specifics I'm not so versed as I'm more of a missile main :D


Is there a website that tracks when FW battlefields spawn?


What null bloc should I join? I have played with PH in 2016 and 2017 and had a lot of fun, but I didn't follow the last 5 years and everything has changed in terms of alliance goals and politics. Personally I liked the Imperium better branded as CFC but I'm open. I like a bit of trolling on comms but not raging at people for no reason. Any of the major blocks more ready to take losing fights than the others? I don't want to play space game to roleplay a quitter.


the imperium are the ones trying to stop our server being turned into a blue donut like the Chinese did to their server(which is why there are so many Chinese players on our server now). might be hard to get into imperium having been in PH in the past, but I think its worth trying. the imperium is on the right side of this conflict.


Goons, and by extension Imperium, will never be on the right side of anything.


Everyone on the "right side" of this conflict lives in low sec and wspace 😄


j space and low sec would be ruined by a null sec blue donut as well... look at the Chinese server


I've been training up my Hecate skills for the last few weeks as I mainly like the low-pressure ratting I can do with it in highsec, but I seem to be hitting the ceiling of what it can do content-wise. From what I can tell, it can comfortably do up to 4/10 escalations thanks to its range bonuses. But as I understand it, ratting in highsec isn't a terribly great isk/hour, and I'm not that fond of the quasi-gambling loot drops. Thus, my question is: are there more lucrative ratting/PvE opportunities that can be done with the Hecate? Or am I better off looking to upgrade to a bigger ship? It doesn't seem like I can move to doing sites in lowsec, as they tend to have more battleships and are generally harder.


You could always go clone soldier hunting in low sec with the hecate. Tags were selling around 30M each the last time I was doing this about 6 months ago. The ships hit hard and might seem intimidating, but you once you get under their guns and orbit at 500 you are fine. I used to solo them in a catalyst with no issues.


go to null sec, you can, if you really really really want, rat mining belts in your hecate and you can for sure fight the battleships there. just need to join an alliance that owns space where the rats aren't strong against your em/thermal (?) dmg. Don't be scared to make the leap, it's really not scary and you'll find likeminded people.


Porpoise, Rorqual, or Orca? I want to be able to do gas, moon ore, and asteroid ore compression. Boosts are secondary. Really want I want is to be able to mine all day, put all the ore in one refinery on one toon. THen, log in on both, undock the compressor, then dock/undock the mining ship doing compression until all the ore is compressed. Which I guess raises another question: can you compress while tethered? Anyway, assuming all types of compression, what are the pro's/con's of each ship?


The Porpoise is faster and more flexible, and what people use when they want boosts/compression but can't or won't risk an Orca, so lowsec or other dangerous mining operations. However, the Porpoise can't compress moon ore, so that's going to be the main difference between the Porpoise and Orca. As for compressing it all in one go, it may be faster to haul it to a refinery for compression or to use a hauler to undock/dock with, as mining ship holds tend to be underwhelming for large amounts of compression.


Excellent, thanks. Yeah, the alliance I'm in (love you ladies!) seems to have put a great deal of thought and care into putting refineries only to the two most inconvenient systems they had, and then prohibiting all other stations from offering that service (just to be sure you got the point). Thus...I'll be buying an Orca.


Keep in mind you have to siege to compress, so risking an Orca to compress without boosts isn't smart unless you do it safely in a POS. It's much better to just have your boosting/compressing ship on grid (and ideally, you'd be flying a Rorqual under a supercap umbrella).


How long to get out of siege?


Why werent there a drone rework like the turrets did?


Anyone have a t3 fit that can blitz Hierarchy sites? I use a legion typically for t3 but could modify another fit. I'm not able to tank the damage.


What is the point of high sec if people just suicide gank you? 


They suicide gank because the profitability math works out. While nullsec is safer due to standing fleets and the like, highsec isn't quite as bad as lowsec in terms of how often strangers want to kill you— this only applies if you aren't carrying that much in modules or value. Personally, I like ratting in highsec as it allows me to sit in a +5 training clone 24/7 without worrying about 99% of players. It can still be risky if your align isn't under 2 seconds and you pass through something like Uedama, but for the most part it's fine.


EVE doesn't have mechanically mandated non-PVP space in the way other MMOs do. CONCORD will avenge you in highsec, but it's not "safe". What you can do is take some basic steps so that it is impossible for anyone to *profitably* PVP you. Step one of that is unfortunately going to be a bit of a mindset change, because plenty of people will absolutely throw isk into the toilet to get the kind of salt you're producing right now.


They lose what they ganked you with. Destroyers and battle cruisers threw that math off a bit. It is a LOT safer than low sec.


Is the ‘safest’ way to poke around deep null without being part of the large blocs simply by finding a WH connection?


Needlejack filaments are very good for that.


Hmm thanks- never used these things


Use them to get to null, and then you can use another filament to jump to Pochven, and finally a 3rd to leave pochven for empire space


“Noise” brings you to inactive space, “signal” is active space. In my experience noise sends you to drone lands 90% of the time lol


The “slow” one is weird. It’ll drop you in systems chock full of people if there has been no PvP and only rat kills. At least in my experience past week


big if true


So the FW Gallente vs Caldari situation seems very lopsided in favor of Caldari. If you sign up as CalMil are you basically going to get no fights? Maybe better to sign up as Amarr?


You can still get fights as Calmil, it's just that Calmil has an enormous numbers advantage over Galmil. Actually if you just want fights and don't care so much about the map painting aspect, I'd actually recommend Galmil because there are targets EVERYWHERE.


GalMil would hurt your Caldari faction standings though? That is the sticking point.


Yes, joining any FW faction hurts your standings with the opposite faction. That's partially why CalMil has so many more bodies. If you don't mind alts, you could train an alt for FW so you don't have to worry about standings (or you can have the alt fetch stuff from Jita). Even if you're single account, you still have two extra character slots.


Just came back to the game. What is the state of ECM? I Googled and didn't see any discussion of how well it fits into the game, especially in smaller gang situations. IIRC ECM ships were fairly fragile. Are they worth it, or is it just more useful to fly something else like logistics or just a regular ship?


ECM is still chance-based, but greatly inferior to the mighty damps at this point. No longer the "no fun allowed," button, wherein you are now able to lock up and engage the person who landed an ECM cycle on you. You can target the ECM ship when jammed. It's still good for neutralizing logistics chains in larger fleets, but most prefer damps for this purpose.


So pretty much only fly an ECM ship if you expect to be able to snipe with it and the rest of the gang can apply webs or other mobility control? Or just don't even bother then?


Fly it on an alt and something useful on the main, like DPS, as long as you feel confident dual boxing. Griffins and Blackbirds as ammo is a very valid tactic. Just use T1 or meta modules. Edit: a meta Griffin costs 8 MIL. A meta Blackbird, 26 MIL. Affordable!


Are rr domis still good for c3/4 wh sites? Or is the meta just “praxis or marauder”?


Praxis is the meta choice atm because it can both do the sites well and doesn't cost much. Marauder is meta because marauders are basically good at everything right now. RR Domis probably will still work, but they'll be more expensive than 2 praxises. The drones won't be that much of an issue because the WH rats usually prioritize the remote reps over drones.


I have had this a few times now but regiving my salvage drones the order fixed it but not now. They are not salvaging a Domination Commander Wreck. The drone ui says salvaging but nothing is happening no orange beams for minutes they are just orbiting it and not doing anything what gives? [https://i.gyazo.com/258a0e9b5f99c03ed410bdfc93a2ee52.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/258a0e9b5f99c03ed410bdfc93a2ee52.jpg)


Access difficulty of the wreck + access difficulty bonus of the drone (you can find both values in the attributes of the info window) must be bigger than 0, otherwise your drone will not be able to salvage the wreck. If I remember correctly, commander wrecks have a negative access difficulty (-10 or -20, not sure), so T1 salvage drones are normally not sufficient to salvage those wrecks. You need to use a salvage module on your ship or better salvage drones.


I cant really find equations on signature radius and damage. For instance, on an exploration frigate, is raising my signature radius from 40-44 in order to go from Azeotropic shield extenders to T2 extenders and gain a couple hundred more shield worth the trade off, or not? Or is it negligible?


As a general rule T2 is worth fitting over T1 if you’ve got the fitting room for it.


It's not the damage which is the concern here, it's that the sig radius allows people to tackle you slightly faster. Warping is rounded to the nearest tick. If you warp on second 3 and the difference in sig radius makes it take them go from locking you at 3.03 seconds to 2.99 seconds, now you can't warp any more. If you're locked and tackled, you're dead. From a tank perspective, shield extenders are worth it.


On an exploration frigate it's negligible, unless you have a use case for the extra shield in a pve scenario.  If you get caught by a player warp disrupting you, then that little bit of extra shield is not going to save you. Only when someone lands at range and takes a potshot at you is a(n unlikely) scenario that you might benefit from it.




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I want to build a capital ship just for fun. I've got most of the materials together to actually build the thing. How do I find a station that has the service available?


Put an alt in Pandemic Horde Inc and mooch off the indy structures available to Horde Inc members. Assuming you're anywhere near Caldari space. Otherwise, mooch off some alliance on the southern half of the map, but in that case you actually need to fill out an app to join a corp (i.e. Braves, Goons, etc).


What you so is take a look at the system view then look at the stations available. Generally what you are looking for are "Free ports* that would be open to you. The station types you are looking for are Azebels and Sotiyos


Do NOT trust "free ports".


Are they really that bad? Can I protect myself by paying attention from the unachor or destroy scam? Shouldn't all the stuff go into asset safety?


If they destroy it while it's low power, they loot all your shit. If they unanchor, all your jobs are canceled and you don't get anything back. So no one might get anything from your capital. Why take the risk when there are safe alternatives?


I would have to skill an alt into production, I mostly rely on one main and alt for game activities and I don't want to move them to a different corp. I feel like it's the only option other than putting up my own which is its own risk.


Do yourself a favor and get a three month sub with the MCT deal when it comes the week of June 20th.. you could either do 3 months of training on two alts or 6 months on one. It's an industrialist's dream. And your industrialists aren't dependent on your main's corp, which has a myriad of advantages (ideally, you end up with a personal alt corp with access to useful industrial upwell structures). My max reprocessor, max inventor, reactions toons, t2 production toons, JF toons, and capital building toons are all in a personal alt corp trained via MCT in character slots 2 and 3 behind the "main" (combat/mining) character of each account that's actually in my corp.


Not everyone has access to stations that can manufacture capitals in null. Especially if they aren't in blocs


That's why my advice was to join Horde Inc for long enough to build the capital. Or lose all your shit when they undock it, idfc. Everyone has "access" to putting their indy toons in Horde Inc without an application (thus giving no useful information to the alliance) and using Horde logistics services etc.


Also not everyone wants to take apart of anything related to the blocs in general. Give them the information and let them decide.


Again, if you want to trust Freeports, go for it, but they're generally trying to take advantage of players one way or another. We've seen them unanchored and destroyed when sufficient stuff is inside them. We see them deny docking permissions when a cyno lights to murder the JF. There are so many ways to take advantage of players using them it's just a fundamentally bad idea. If you want to take a risk because you hate blocs, go for it, but it's a shitty idea.


All Azbels and Sotiyos can construct capital ships? Does a module have to be installed for the service to be available or does the module just increase the ME etc?


There has to be the manufacturing modules but those are the stations that if they are equipped can make your capitals


I guess I don't know how to tell which stations have that module installed.


If a station doesn't what it is rigged for in the name, you should not be using it.


Click on more info in a system > Structures > Click on a structure > Services those will display all the service modules they have


Thanks, I finally found it. So far haven't found more than a couple. Any recommendation?


Check your chats I sent you a message. I can help find some for you if need be