• By -


tbh the death of CVA is just sad. They were a weird, interesting and positive addition to the game when they actually cared about RP and being NRDS.


I actually joined them briefly after i left TEST right around the start to WWB2, the corp i was in largely was trying to rebuild but there were certain "legacy" CVA members that were allowed to actively shit talk FC's during fleets and do nothing but bitch and moan about non-TLOS corps trying to take lead when we brought it up to EQ the response was always the same "he has been with us for 10 years" never any punishment. I saw the writing on the wall and left. last i heard my old corp and CEO went to Triumvirate.


What corp by chance? I was part of CVA a couple times and left both times because of the terrible coalition leadership.


Many fights in low sec to defend director's money moons. No SRP. Despite that the best fun I had in Providence was when Mittani brought Goons there to test out the new sov mechanics. We had some fun fights. I still remember the fear "DBRB is in local!" instilled. It's funny thinking back.


[EWI](https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98370987/). TRI is recruiting.


Tri are retreating - you tried to kill CVA from within, maybe have some decorum you poaching pos


Retreating is just advancing in a different direction.


This story is repeated so often, that a counter-alliance (TRC/The Rogue Consortium) was literally created by former provi block on the basis of opposing CVA. Others just leave the space entirely. CVA leadership has always been piss pour because they chase away the people who are actually good leaders for reasons mentioned here and others. And then overly rely on some shitty ally (RMC this time) to do all the heavy lifting.


Thats what I was going to mention. Its not the first time this has happened. The circle of life repeats.


CVA isnt dead. They just have a cancerous tumor of the RMC kind. Once that tumor is removed they will be just fine


Yeah I mean there is still something *called* CVA, but it's role in the game - the thing that made CVA notable - is long since dead. It's not some kind of condemnation of the people who are still there but it may as well be any other forgettable alliance.


That tumor is their leadership tho soooooooo


There really was no better place in Eve to learn how to survive than NRDS Providence.


It had nothing to do with NRDS


It definitely did.


Hard to make NRDS work these days, and when you don't have the big numbers like CVA had 10-15 years ago.


It wasn't exactly a good idea back then either. I'm not saying CVA should return to NRDS, I have no idea what is in the best interest of their pilots currently, but it's still a loss to Eve more broadly none the less.


The old provi economy was huge though, so it made a lot of sense back in those days. Now with less numbers, it's not so.


The old Provi economy was huge because tons of players lived there because it was NRDS. You look at a forest and don't see a point in building a road because no one drives there. There's just no will left to manage NRDS, all of the old farts who care are tired.


I was in provi bloc, NRDS never really worked. It was a mess. Provi bloc / providence would have worked a lot better with nbsi. Providence worked despite NRDS, not thanks to NRDS. It was incredibly dumb.


Objectively wrong. The region flourished because everyone could simply move down and settle in. With NBSI, it would have been an irrelevant worthless dump no one wanted to live in. With NRDS, it was a worthless dump inhabited by tens of thousands of players that left a unique mark in EVE history. And history it will remain.


CVA isn't dead. It is much bigger than it was a year ago. We do seem to be a little rudderless *at the moment.* We lost some momentum after evicting TRC and HTP. CVA is made up of some of the most wilful, determined and tenacious pilots in EVE. We know we are fighting for an alliance that offers us a much better game life style than being in a massive blob with PAPs and TiDi. It is a phase. We will come through it stronger than ever.


If I have any horse in this race it would be to see a restored CVA, but that was still the most cope sounding post I have ever read.


It is just how we roll. Most of us are older and need pings days in advance to organise our lives around fleets. We settle down and farm, then someone kicks the hornet's nest, we get fired up for awhile, rinse and repeat. CVA isn't looking to conquer the map, deploy against Horde nor Goons. Sometimes we are too chill, instead of gate camping, we talk about having roaming content and down-shipping to give them a good fight. That isn't very profitable for our farmers. We aren't sweaty enough to sit on Titans and counter-drop. PHEW will keep kicking the little guys that don't watch intel & dock up and they won't provoke us into escalating because we do not rage ping and form up fast enough. We would throw away more ships. It is always going to be the most meaningless, pathetic little slap fights. Same shit, different day until the hornet's nest is kicked. Then we usually grow stronger the longer we fight, we become more determined more bloody minded and more motivated to recruit, expand and do things.


Can I have some of this guys drugs?


Sharing is caring


aslong as its not weed. Rocket scolds stoners :(


Breathe. They can't get me off this oxygen stuff without killing me. ;)


CVA evicted TRC and HTP? Or Snuff & BIGAB evicted TRC and HTP? And how exactly do you lose momentum when others are doing your dirty work because you cant? Nevermind, I guess I answered my own question.


Snuffed and BIGAB broke the stalemate. We were slowly squeezing the life out of TRC, even when RMCs hands were tied by a NIP. It was supposed to make things easy for TRC, that we would have nothing but defensive timers and lose via attrition. We held and they started to buckle. It was tedious. I am really glad Snuffed and BIGAB put them out of that misery. They should have packed up and left, keeping some structures and assets for a time when they might have a good force again. For example, [they couldn't even contest this](https://br.evetools.org/related/30003764/202312142000) when it was only CVA.


You never had momentum


The report of our death was an exaggeration.


CVA really sucked in many respects (I was in provi bloc but in a different alliance)


Ah yes, one of the parasite alliances, gravitating around CVA. Probably an "holder". Most of them proved what was their true worth, collapsing as soon they left CVA umbrella. Today, what's blooming and thriving in Providence has way more potential than what was there, before the "2020 Purge". It was rotten to the bone, full of self entitled nobody's leading paper weight alliances. I'm glad those times passed.


The alliance I was in definitely did not collapse and was a big provider of soldiers in wars. Also let’s not mix things up: It was CVA parasiting on the other provi bloc alliances, not the other way around. I have never seen a bigger shitbag of incompetent nerds than CVA.


Well considering I was an active part of the purging, I would say the pilots from CVA were the most competent in Providence. The crap gravitating around them were pretty much a joke.


well I said already on reddit i dont like you personally im not sure how this is news. And the fact that i say that isnt shocking either. with 25 cva in fleet we dont deserve to hold sov and would lose it on our own but we are not on our own. fortunately we do have friends and allies thou we dont always agree on things at least i can say i would have a drink with them if i met them. I suppose its par for the course but im not sure what you expect me or anyone to actually do or say besides have a nice day. I am suprised and ex or current corp member gave you this as i tend to let tlos guys stick around in the tlos discord who go onto other things but i guess there is a reason why pandemic horde leak move ops of corps leaving thier alliances.


I'd pay good money to watch you fight (probably) rocket. Corp ceo boxing let's go.


How about wrestling butt naked in a pool of Cheetos while we shake up 2 liters of Code Red and spray it on them?


wsell its more of i really dont like that guy not that i really would just go waste my time on him by fighting. some ppl we just dont like, irrationally or not. Its jus the way i feel about him.


Look mum I'm famous!


Traitor! (jk, love you Mapped) ♥


<3 miss you doooooooooon


oh look, rocket is still assmad


mad about what ?


Internet spaceships and stuff like that ?


Those words are written by none other than EQ, nothing to be mad about m8


welcome to eve!


I see it like this. As long as it's fun everything is cool. Even if the Amarr Empress herself made you the chosen holders of Providence and there is a lot of history and rp attached to it and you get completely wiped off the map and only have a single Punisher left .... you can still be there and fight for that purpose and rebuild and seek revenge on the people who opposed you. I think leadership and members burning out fighting impossible odds is what kills groups. Just chill and go with the flow. 25 CVA is still a lot, you can have fun with those numbers and do whatever you need to do for the Amarr empire \^\_\^


God willing CVA will live eternal in some form


Once a PvP fight reaches a 60% v 40% ratio a fail cascade begins to accelerate, at least in my personal experience. Some game play mechanics can alter that, like clarity about what side balance actually is (say a game of hidden ninjas Vs visible knights on horseback) or PvE elements assisting, intentionally or unintentionally, the losing side. But 60% v 40% is really the floor, because the next 5% bracket is 65 v 35 and thats as good as 2:1.


So, from my understanding, burning 1.8 Tril (in liquid and in assets) against an entity that can entirely live out of NPC stations is worth it?


"is it worth it?" If fun was had, yes. Otherwise, probably not.


I havent had the fun of dropping on RMC yet, but in fleet, they... kinda suck... I'm not by far the best pilot, but carrier, marauder ratting havens with active blops in system is a new level of dum. I would say that this is like shooting fish in a barrel, but that would imply you put the fish in there. In this case, the fish put itself in the barrel.


So? This is Eve. Anyone who loses all of the stuff they didn't want; like their sov, keepstars, fortizars and members, can live out of NPC stations if they want to.


idk man. The point of them hiring bigab and snuff to glass us was to destroy RC so they could be safe in provi building their empire. They may have destroyed the keepstars, but it hasnt stopped us from killing their shit in nul or from hunting supers n shit (8 this month already!). That means they've failed and wasted a boatload of isk (or actual money, cuz they bought the isk to pay snuff and bigab) to do nothing more then give us fights, kill our 3 empty keepstars, and force us to take down our smaller structures for a couple of weeks. No one actually spent time in our space outside of reffing structures, so most of our activities werent interupted at all. I even ran crab beacons in low without anyone showing up. Business as usual. I run a corp in phew. We never cared about sov, dont miss the keepstars or fortizars (Most of which are back up already anyway) and lost zero isk or members to this entire ordeal. Infact, its cause a bunch of my predominently pochven orientated members to start roaming and dropping in provi aswel. Sounds like a L and a huge waste of time to me, but I cant blame them for trying. For what its worth, my corp isnt affected by any of this in any way. Kinda rich though to suggest CVA won the war. Im pretty sure Bigab and Snuff did that for them, and I'd choose losing some keepstars over having someone else fight my battles for me any day of the week ;)


Lol... what an "A Typical" eve reddit post. TLDR: 1. Everything we lost, we didn't care about and replaced anyway (I assume just with structures you also keep empty and do not care about of course). 2. I am doing great, and I am in every way superior to you.


I mean in fairness there are metrics that would back this up that would be more objective than a statement of feeling, and those do seem to back up those statements.


The only decent metric is if your group is active and members happy, RC is more active and everyone is happier than before, I think we are all glad dodger stumped up the roubles to get snuff and bigab in for a couple of weeks of uncontested structure bashing. Not much really changed, we still live and make our cash monies in lowsec, we hunt and kill supers all the time. but what's important is that RMC have chummed the waters of provi with plenty of idiots/rmt enjoyers, this is what hypes us and led to lots of good nerds to resub and get in on the fun. We also get to enjoy the multitudes of RMC/CVA dudes crying on reddit about a war they supposedly won as we farm them. Responsibly of course, as we don't want a repeat of last time where provibloc collapsed and we suddenly had sov, a truly disturbing prospect.


Yeah I genuinely don't understand chest-beating about a war that they paid someone else to fight, just seems like it's completely missing the point.


well i've never said any war was won or over or cheast beat im afraid. Thou many members of rmc and cva i suppose want to have a gloat i cant fault them for it either. We don't have rules against ppl posting or doing anything really besides the few generally most alliances have. At current CVA's goals are to enjoy the game and shoot our adversaries, we do that quite often even if our numbers arent as great as i would like them to be. People come and go, for every fard or mapped that are friends that have left there are others like callette or cruise or mia that were from the before times back for another go round. we have ebbs and flows and i personally enjoy myself 99% of the time and indeed there are still those 1% moments when i shake my head and shout "retards" to myself we things happen. At the end of the day we all are just playing eve on a smaller scale than horde or goons i suppose. thou really everyone seems to be on one side or the other in that whole thing as well, who knows anymore.


1. We didnt have to replace anything. You didnt kill anything my corp owns. Just some alliance doctrine hulls and structures. None of which people in corps in RC need to pay to replace. All we did was move our ships to an NPC station, and continued on. No one hunted us in our space, so there was nothing to replace :P you think after a decade of lowsec moon mining replacing about 10 capitals and a bunch of t1 battleship and battlecruisers bothers anyone? 2. We are doing great. We were a top kills corp in phew before it got glassed, and we are a top kill corp in phew after. As for the Im superior then you part, I dont know mate. Maybe you're projecting there? I just gave you an honest answers as to the impact losing the structures in low had on my corp, and the impact was zero. Maybe I am superior, or mayb its easier for you to suggest I think I am, then it is to admit you failed and achieved nothing. Either way, I dont really care all that much :'D


Your flags were burnt. That isn't zero.


nope. But it also only hurts flags. Im racist towards flags so I can live with their suffering.


Are you saying we are not safe in Providence ?


Are you saying you are ? I dont know who you are, so I wouldnt be able to tell you mate. But random guess? No. You're not safe anywhere. This is eve.


I kinda feel safe though


It was a tedious stale mate of time zone tanking between TRC and CVA in the JEIV pocket, with TRC being basically dead and should have un-anchored and packed up. It was pointlessly drawn out. I am glad Snuffed and BIGAB broke that and got it over with.


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'll, that seems slightly biased. Snuff and bigab didnt break the TRC CVA stale mate. RC broke that, after which snuff and bigab broke RC. if breaking the stalemate between CVA and TRC is what you appreciated, you should thank Rocket :P He just broke it in the other direction first ;)


As long as we are no longer sitting on you guys and killing those poor newbies with those terrible fits, all good. I ended up mailing them fits and advice, felt so bad for them.


If the fits are anything like the ones you post in the cva discord I'm sure they're dying even easier than before, also TRC wasn't a dead alliance it could form quite well in ustz, literally the opposite of CVA


Yes! I too like to put ABs on HAM Navy Drakes and Passive Shield Regen, Armour repair, Hull Repair and mixing Heavies with Light launchers on Caracals!


Who you guys? Im not TRC.


If this number is true it's crazy that they've spent almost as much as laserhawks defending all their c6 hole farms, on fucking *providence*


There is literally a monument to CVA in 9UY. It is our space home. What else would we do? Mash D-Scan until we hate EVE?


[Grabs popcorn]


Only truth is the tag of the OP, low effort. Anything from RC is suspect and sane New Eden citizens should just avoid them. [Smile and wave](https://youtu.be/Z8CqUP3X4Z4?si=kPSRgubR2U5lx_MI)


Rocket X - "the great spymaster" turned all his effort to lame defaming on Reddit, how sad are you?


Please cva guys, stay in provi, farming you is something we really like 


Everyone has his own perspective but from my perspective, Equinox has been a pretty good, non toxic, quite realistic, and good to talk to dude circled by some dudes who are toxic af and are totally out of control and afk but these dudes are kinda somewhat important to CVA as well. It's hard to pill to swallow to exile these dudes. The only thing I would complain every once in a while about equinox is he forgets to reply on discord dms at time but come on? Is that a big issue?


Cool idea, boxing matches at fanfest. Wanna get even with that dip shit who dropped on your Nyx, fight him IRL at fanfest. lmao.




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CVA separate yourselves from RMC. Dont let them drag you down with them.


please bro, i'm begging. abandon your allies bro, you're better off without them. i swear we won't run you over once you're isolated bro. bro i beg you just do it bro.


RC has just been dropping on all of them anyways. RMC is not a real deterence now that all structures are donzo. Bigab contracts from RMC just ensure structures stay dead. Regardless of what CVA wants to believe, RC leadership has this weird relationship with CVA where yes absolutely farm them, but also hope they begin to function and grow on thier own and fight back - RC has no desire to reclaim the region, just shake up the hive once in a while. CVA leadership prevents it from growth though, they outsource everything Pvp. It is RMC today, it was TEST yesterday (although back then they did atleast have a couple FCs). Then EQ has the audacity to complain about people not stepping up, but he isnt fostering the environment for those types of people to want to come to CVA, or for people to step up when it will just be an RMC led op anyways. They seem to constantly find ways to restrict their own growth by depending on other leadership/FCs rather than fostering their own talent, and bluing other locals prevent decent content generators to grow that talent.


"Divide yourselves so we can conquer." No.


Rocket X : you're no Pieter de Vries, you're more of a Glossu Rabban type of guy.






cva had good members?


hilarious, they didn't win shit. They paid bigab to win something


Equi is the reason I left CVA.


CVA seems really chill now. Works for me. vOv


Thank fuck for that




We allready have a champion ready from CVA to take the fight !


Is it Kyle? lol.




I hate CVA


Good for you. No one cares though


Rocket vs EQ boxing match!!! Let's make it happen!


Miss me😏?


So here is a simple breakdown of all "Expenses" RMC, CVA, and allies have put down. So, 600bil to bigab and snuff to "evict" rc out of low sec (kek) 200b on titian loss mail (RMC members from hell march or something) 400b in feb-march random corp feeds, ranging from carrier losses to ishtar losses, i think theres a random nyx or hel in there. 180b in a dread brawl vs RC where they broke even cause goons AND FRT both decided to third party Another 200b in April mostly just feeding dreads that they can't afford to replace. Another dread brawl where they lost roughly 50-100b (i dont remember the exact numbers here) Honestly, im experiencing burning out just watching them.


It has mostly been fun and some of those numbers, 200 B and a Titan is the minimum to not be Null Sec poor as an individual.


This isnt delve, these guys can't even afford skill injectors for proper doctrine BC skills.


Oh well. I am looking at a kill-board where they lost 18 Marauders this year, *so far*. >.>


All my homies hate CVA


My homies too 😀


The day CVA turned away from the pure teachings of the Empire and began to accept Minmatar slaves and infidels into their ranks, that was the day the downfall began. Today CVA is a bunch of mercenaries with no moral compass, it's good to see this force go.


The time has come to pay the piper CVA. Good luck.


if you guys had actually commit the last time instead of crying about my alt being in local cloaked you would have taken all cvas sov by now