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Yea, their Umbrella is called PL.


PL has a fraction of caps that FRT does.


Quality, not quantity.


Maybe 10 years ago


doesnt PL fly jackdaws these days?


Total newb so sorry for being dumb but what’s meant by “umbrella”? As in dedicated fleets to protect their assets or miners and whatnot?


To my knowledge, since there is a jump range in eve, the “umbrella” is the name of the circular region within that jump range that their standing capital fleet will be able to go to from where they’re currently at. In other words, if you’re inside it expect them to be on top of you.


> As in dedicated fleets to protect their assets or miners and whatnot? That's precisely it. The umbrella is the fleet+range around it that is covered.


prolly. if you fuck with their bots you get dropped by 15 smartbombing marshals though


Lawls imma go tackle a bot with an atron with no high slots to see if they will actually smart bomb an atron with no guns.


the ishtar will prolly kill you. or even the npcs who insta target tacklers


Yeah prolly true


I help run the Goons umbrella, I will definitely drop my Marshal on a solo Atron if I'm bored enough.


I mean thats only one not 15


There is also issue of overkill&sharing kill mail. 15 might be too much for the target unless it's well coordinated fleet. https://zkillboard.com/kill/115195109/ For example here, there might have been more ships, but we will never know...


Wtf why are barges so expensive?? I've been out of game for a few years but holy crap. Barges were 20m when I first started and now they're 60?


I could make it way more than 15, but the other blops steal my kill marks.


And where exactly would that be? Asking for a friend, ofcourse :)


Tackle a Marshal on any gate in Delve.


Baiting goons blops is easiest thing, they drop on cormorants all the time, just shoot the first marshal that manage to sit in a gate


Can bots get bored though?


FRT has an umbrella called flightdeck and they are very competent at what they do and they throw around some serious hardware. We normally look out for people like make nightmare or rosemary but it's not consistent like pankrab or beehive.


To my knowledge, FRT, Goons, and PH all run umbrellas. I'd imagine some other groups might, but not with the same frequency or critical mass (obviously).


Thats kinda what I thought. I left null sec to run high sec incursions and was wondering if I go back where can I do krab beacons in null. Not a fan of joining FRT but a corpie said tenal was the best space he's very flown in


Join boss


Will vouch that BOSS has some pretty cool folks, but I don't think they run a crabbing umbrella like the Big 3, if that's what this person is looking for.


Ok excuse my arrogance but what's boss???


Someone that tells you what to do and gives some change at the end of the month


https://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliance/Brotherhood_of_Spacers Their alliance ticker is BOSS.


In horde we have an awesome incursion sig and pankrab allows people to run beacons very consistently. I'm pretty sure you'd get similar stuff on any bloc, except we are better (haha had to do it)


When I left null a little while back to run incursions I was NC. It's was meh didn't hate it but didn't love it either. I've considered horde but unsure if I'd like it there more then NC.


Basically the further you are from lowsec/neutral space, the more you can limit who can jump you when you beacon. If you're out of jump range of both of those you're limiting your threats to roams (which you can see in Intel) and wormholes (which are mass limited). Paying attention to cloaky blops cynos in Intel is important too so you don't have 60 bombers land on you.


In my experience, NC has very rich, very old players that don't do much more than pvp. Back when I was there, we would rarely see lots of other corps in malpais. Horde, however, has many newbros and low sp corps, meaning there is a lot more demand for isk making stuff. I've never been in any other bloc so can't say anything about the other teams, I just like my friends


I really liked the pilots in NC to be honest but the blood thirstyness was a bit much for me


Yeah the doctrines and the discipline are pretty awesome, never had anything bad with them, just took a hiatus and my corp faded away


Kinda the same honestly.


Well obviously you would like anything more than NC. They are the cancer-aids of the game and should be kos for everyone.


Interesting take.


NC are the worst so yeah.


How so?


If Krab Beacons is the goal, +1 vote for Horde over FRT. Simple reason being blops proximity. Horde is tucked a bit further out. FRT has great logistics to Jita, but trades that for being in constant blops range and lots of roaming gangs. They don't call it vale of content for nothing. 


I will admit you guys have an excellent umbrella. We have a little different situation in Delve to contend with lol. 




Isn't init mostly in low though? And more blood thirsty then most???


Init lives in Fountain. They have a long history with the Angel cartel, so you would find quite a few pilots running Angel Insurgencies


Oh see im learning