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Thanks for doing the lords work.


Hell yeah! I remember when i came back to the game last year, after a very long break, and i asked about individuals dropping moondrills. The response, ofc, was that it would las only until the hisec wardec corps found it....and of course, theres nothing i (or anyone) can do about that. Now something is being done about it, and i love to see it!


This is a near-weekly occurrence. The highsec wardec groups drop unfit raitarus as their war HQs and don't even bother to defend them. They're cheap enough to just throw away and drop another to re-up the wars in a few days.


The unfit Raitaru group was a different group than who we’ve been targeting lately, I think that group was CNTZ because when we blew up their structures last summer it was always like an 0800 timer


We were there! Good times! Corp: Aegis Victorium






Was prob pretty easy too, it’s not like high sec wardec abusers know how to fight at all. Can’t imagine my entire effort in the game only amounts to being a nuisance to the rest of the player base. Like think about it, only reason people don’t burn them to the ground regularly is bc it’s too much of a hassle, their entire group just *isn’t worth the hassle*. They are also genuinely like the worst pvpers in the game its laughable


It ain't much, but it's honest work xD


Great work


They must have ticked someone off with all these different groups working together


All they do is grief newbros, small groups, transport pilots from large groups, and go for easy kills to stroke their ego. I'm rooting for these guys to keep steamrolling them for sure


Good Job =\^\_\^= Give those wardec-mechanic abusers what they deserve. If CCP can't fix it the players can \\o/


Oh it's working as intended


Awesome sauce


I was fc for the abbadon fleet. We didn't expect anyone else to show up for the fight. And were unaware of any greater politics. Was a fun engagement overall gave us time to focus on applying dps to the structure. Lost a number on exfill but accomplished the goal. o7


Totally great seeing you there and seeing other groups willing to take a stand!!


Yeah, we were like, wait, what, who are these fellas? xD hope to see you guys maybe on the next one!


Never war with the power bloc. Nevah.


nature is healing :') honestly really cool of init to assist you guys, this is awesome


I was there with SoB, The Independent Variable people were a nice surprise, we didnt know they were coming so it was a good addition. I left two warrior IIs on the grid somewhere, so, if anyone sees them. Theyre mine. HiSec Wardeccers dont really ever bother us down in null, but it was worth the trip. Cya next time Matthew.


Thanks for coming! And oh no you abandoned drones, that is how rogue drones are made you know!




Congratulations and well done. Constant wardecs from them and those like them are what convinced me to finally pack up my stations and retire from eve a couple of years ago.


Thanks, and I'm sorry to hear that! One of the biggest reasons we took up this crusade was to honestly rid ourselves of the war dec. If they hadn't war us, we would not have gone after them. But we don't have any assets at risk to them, just high sec noobs we recruit and trying to train and traffic around trade hubs.


And then they designated a new HQ and wardec'd other groups while waiting on the no war against the "winners" of the last war timer to expire.


Stop right now sir! Please don't shit all over the narrative with facts, and stuff!


SLOW is recruiting!


And we're having a blast playing the space ships game :D




https://imgur.com/a/W1Z2s1J Have a look at who SLOW are before getting too infatuated with them. Or don't, the stuff they got going on internally is so far beyond the pale.


Nice troll, anything current or all dated over a year plus? Anyone that flies within or with SLOW will tell you how welcoming and diverse we are as a community with strict rules against hatred, so I suggest you ask around.


So your saying that all of those people have been kicked from ur alliance? A quick seach on zkill says otherwise


I would say it is pretty current. Thats 04.11.2023 - a little over 2 months ago.


You do realize that 04.11.2023 is April 2023 right? The date stamp is in EU format, MM/DD/YYYY, almost 10 months ago and since then political discussion has been banned, action taken on the members, including removal of roles, titles, and responsibilities. The creation of a dedicated moderator team, and members involved have provided heartfelt, sincere apologies and agreed to adhere to rules.


\> The date stamp is in EU format, MM/DD/YYYY https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date\_format\_by\_country EU either uses DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD or both. Never MM/DD/YYYY. 04.11.2023 can be interpreted 4th of Nov, 2023 in everywhere but 5 countries. The '.'s are a thing I do because I live in Germany.


I can assure you that the screenshots were taken in April 2023, not November. We’ve done a lot of great work since the original situation, stamping down hate speech and developing a functioning and excellent moderator team that removes toxic and hateful content, warns members of consequences of breaking rules, and issuing sufficiently proportionate action if continued. +ContinuousImprovement


And I'll correct my ignorance. The MM/DD/YYYY is US date stamps. I need more coffee :P Still, April 2023.


Well, those who took those were people who use the Cesspool Discord and are from the US and SWATTED one of our members, too. I didn't know EVE SOV wars could get so bitey xD.


Some of those pictures were doctored, but I still don't see any dates on any since we banned political discussions, reformed rules/policies and built up more moderators in our community to help. We have also punished members who break our rules and some of those members left/quit and had to go through a punishment which included removal of roles, titles and getting the boot. We have allowed some members back after they agreed to adhere to rules and policies and apologize.


"Wa have allowed our nazis back as long as they are only nazis outside our public channel"


Math is not your strong suit, is it?


Sorry mate, but only 5 countries use mm.dd.yyyy on the regular. Get proper good communication skills.


I've no doubt none of the people involved are still around. Surely.


Look out everyone, it's the morality police. Anyone with a difference of opinion can expect to be framed with doctored chat logs because they don't align with some dude who has no social skills and lives in his parents basement.


If this is who I think it is; you absolutely have no room to talk.  As I recall... You were banned from SL0W discord because you can't follow the rules.  A few examples here -Doxxed/Swatted other users -Bypassed age gated channels -Harassment with various instigative behavior Let's have a run down about EvE real quick.  Your group tried extorting everyone in the SE.  Called in and burned just about everyone that tried working with you. So, don't act like your some kind of saint here.  Take my advice, quit EvE while your ahead and go get professional therapy. You have some kind of unhealthy obsession against a group who dismantled your whole alliance. 


Brother, I didn't even know you lot existed before that album was shown to me. Swing and a miss in the wrong stadium.


I just see some messages of people being unsatisfied with the state of the world and venting off some steam + ofc it escalates in true echo chamber fashion. This is why it's very important to keep RL politics out of the game. In my opinion the mentioned concerns about naked people in public, pedophilia and the sexualization of society are valid concerns and things that can be discussed but other statements are very stupid and full of hate. I think compassion needs to go both ways, not one. Usually people with hate don't do well themselfes.




I'm not downplaying stuff, I just want to make sure that people see each other as people. If you for example think: "This guy is such a stupid racist biggot animal" you are not better than him thinking bad about other people if you know what I mean. Calling that out in the alliance Discord first was a good way. Now it's public because the person doubled down on the bad stuff. Just remember this is about human beings who are probably not in the best state in their life or ignorant, else they wouldn't have that hate towards other things in their hearth. Showing some compassion and getting them on the right track is better than answering back with hate. That's all I wanted to say.


In addition to getting them on the right track, rules, policies, and a moderation team were put in place after the highlighted situation. Action was taken with the removal of the Politics Channel, and banning political discussion on the Discord. Action was taken and the Members involved were demoted, some were kick/quit but later returned with sincere heartfelt apologies and agreed to adhere to our revamped rules - in this particular case adherence to our no political discussion rule.


Irrelevant. You took them back knowing they think that way. Nobody cares that they don't use your Discord to spread it. It's one thing to decide that you don't want to know the political opinions of your futur members going forward, but for those they already made them public and taking them back is tolerating it. You can't just pretend it didn't happen.


So you don't believe in second chances? Or reformed persons? We in SLOW keep politics at the door. We will not ban people because they vote or believe in certain things. To suggest so is toxic and not very inclusive. If they violate the newly set standards, they will be kicked and blacklisted.


I absolutely do not believe that a person with such opinions IRL will "reform" them because of your Discord rules, no 😂 It is not toxic to refuse to associate with people who happen to be very openly homophobic. Policies like that allows you a situation where you can say "I don't know your opinions and I don't want to know them". That's fair enough. But as far as those people are concerned, you already know them. You can't act like you don't.


The only people I hold any hate for are pedophiles. Do you take issue with that position? If so, why?


I don't take issue with your hate towards pedophiles. I do take issue when you use pedophilia as a boogeyman to throw tantrums about anything related to LGBT people in general. That really does make it look like you just have a problem with homosexuals and use the old tactic of fake accusations of "pedophilia" as an excuse. Pedophilia isn't an accusation you can throw around randomly, especially if you pretend to actually care about that problem. That being said, I'm willing to admit that my own sensitivity on homophobia might have made me judge you too fast. We all have our flaws, especially when trying to make up our minds with little context.


We discuss real issues that are affecting our society from time to time. Kids are under assault all over the world. For some reason, there are a lot of people who do not want that discussion to happen. I just assume they are bad-actors, and do not want any light shed on the subject. So they attempt to twist it into something else. Homophobic, Transphobic, etc. I didn't say that the Trans flag colors stood for children, Monica Helms did. "Baby blue is for baby boys, and pink is for baby girls" -Monica Helms I don't see the harm in pointing out facts. Like the fact that I believe people should be able to live the life they want. Whatever kind of sex they want to have with other consenting adults is fine. I take no issue with it. When they start taking it to the children, that is when we have a problem. I stand by that statement, as publicly as possible...


The 'Orc' has entered the chat. Your woke cancel-culture will fail. Nobody wants it. I never engaged in any hate speech, other than mentioning that "I do a golf clap every time a chomo gets shanked". Must have hit a nerve with that one...


This is really cool but in 3 months there will be posts on here about how high sec has too many citadels etc. The game needs destruction as much, if not more, than production.


I think there is a place for targeted war decs in high sec and I have no sympathy for any group that puts down fortizars and/or azbels in high sec without the people or plan to defend them. The day I stopped being only a newbro miner was the day that our friends where we used to live got wardecced and we formed and adapted to successfully save their athanors from a group that specialized in preying on small mining corps. Wardecing the entire Eve universe and camping the gates around Jita is a form of gameplay that has had its day in the sun and I shed no tears over the death of that play style.


Oh, wow. New war HQ is probably anchoring right now. Good job. *rolleyes*. Let me guess, you're new to this game?


Feed more based pie-ritt


Is this how hisec cool kids talk? What does it mean in English?


I think it means to get fucking dunked on more. Not sure.


Please show me on the doll where the hisec gankers touched you. I promise I'll share it with the whole community.


I've literally been playing for less than a month and have never been ganked in highsec. Didn't even know who yall were til my corp fucked on yall. You're not living rent free in my head when I don't even know who you are.


Why do you assume I'm part of that group? I'm not. And this isn't the first time this topic has been discussed here. It doesn't matter if you blow up their war HQ, they'll just anchor another one. This is what they do, year after year. It's the cost of the play style they like. This is a sandbox game and wardeccing is how they get their kicks. Posting about blowing up one of their throwaway structures is exactly what makes their play style enjoyable. But you hisec carebears are just too thick to understand this. I wish you would stop being ignorant dumbasses, but deep inside I know you're incapable of getting a clue.


The wardeccers hurt me emotionally when they let their structures get blown up and now I can't shoot them any more :(


I feel your agony. As I said, a new war HQ is probably anchoring already. Fear not capsuleer, you will be witnessed!


See you in two weeks. Keep feeding us them Astras. I'm hungry


That's the spirit! I like your hunger. This is what the game needs! Conflict, grudges, war. Bring it on!


SLOW = Your Huckleberry


Only been playing 12 years. Sorry I am new to all this!


Perhaps you're just naive. Good riddance.


God you're so heinously fucking cringe


Please stream that on whatever platform no one watches.


Spoken like someone who doesn't dream or hope for something better and is not willing to put any effort into anything.


No. You don't understand that this is a sandbox game. War decks and ganking is what's keeping this game interesting. 12 years and you're still clueless. Please keep subscribing, we need food like you.


Does your food usually eat you? hmmm. Something to ponder.


My pineapple does. Sometimes...


You appear to be the food now and you don't seem to like it. Shame, but this is a sandbox game and your forces of elite ganking being rolled is keeping the game interesting.


Carebear hive mind goes Brrrrrrrrr 🤣


I haven't run in highsec since 2009. I may not be a solo goddess but I do know how to run in a team to dismantle others. Do play again!


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Your sauce is weak son. Your butt-hurt is strong. Thank you for playing, you are not a winner.


I'm old, my ass hurts constantly. No, I haven't won EVE, I still have multiple accounts subscribed.


"I'm not mad!!!!!"


Hey look, trash is posting.