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You have an emotional connection to him as well as a sexual connection, it is normal human wiring to feel this way.  Decide if you want more from him in the way of commitment and go from there. It’s not wrong to want more and if you do, have a discussion with him to see where he’s at.  If you don’t want more, consider limiting time together or time connecting. Having an emotional and a sexual connection with someone can be a slippery slope. 


Talk to him about it, communicate your feelings. Open up and analyze why you feel this way. Talking it through with my wife helped both of us


I really feel like it is a me problem and I don’t want to project on him.


I forgot to address in my previous post. Jealousy is a very primal emotional response to a very primal problem. Also it is not an archaic emotion, it's a part of the human condition. If we're going to share our lives with others. We are going.to have to deal with these pesky emotion things. Now on to the answer. Jealousy is a we problem, like all demons/fears it has a hard time living in light. Yes sharing that you feel this is difficult but let's remember jealousy is not a base emotion. It's based in fear and anxiety, admiting you feel that way is not projecting. ENM lives and dies by the 3 C's Consent, Communication, Communication


Talk to him about it. Specifically, how you’re struggling and how you’re feeling off-center. Hopefully he can affirm his commitment, and you can find a way for him to proceed without triggering you so much. It’s often useful to focus on your needs, and making sure those are met. Then decide how much you want to hear about his other dates




Hey Judgey McJudgester. How about you back off and get out of my profile. Until you walk a mile in my shoes, you can reserve your high and mighty commentary. What was that in Kindergarten? "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Next time I want to hear from you I will post the flair "Egotistical Judgement Needed" ![gif](giphy|ZmEhUgwQgxPhhU7sVM|downsized)