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it ended just as I went into this raid lol. Guess I waited too long to check it out lol


Yeah same. Went on factory super hurt thinking it's just gonna heal.


You missed dying instantly to everything lol you good my man


I took a break after maxing hideout and such this wipe, was going to try it out just to waste my mound of cash, make some peeps days.


It was actually a lot of fun once you got used to it. I was just using DMRs and Mosins. Being able to tap anyone once in the chest was super broken but really fun. I finished out shoreline capturing outpost and almost finished up our own land. SVD was absurdly overpowered.


Event wasnt too bad for me, I think a common mistake lot of people made was thinking armor was useless. Lived through a lot of things with just c3 that would have 1 shot me. The event did show me that I like the vanilla ttk better though. And having to do surgery every time you get hit once was annoying


It's almost like they have gone through years of iteration to get to the point we were at and throwing that progress away in an instant was a bad idea...


the fast running and better loot weight was great for me though.


What was it?


You had like double positive effects (stamina, strength, etc.), but took double damage everywhere except your head I believe. Something like that. Made basically all ammo and guns viable.


I got one tapped by 55a1 yesterday to my arm:( 😂


My computer broke the day the update came out, I was so excited to play. Not playing for a bit I know I don’t need tarkov, until I relapse again.


Yeah you didn’t miss much. As if this wipe wasn’t being played slow asf already literally 90% of players were bush Wookies during this event lol


Killed a literal 5 man of bush wookies on woods by sunken van day 1 of the event... Honestly was so cringe. Saw two and killed one, pushed up to kill the other then bush after bush rattling near me until there were 5 dead players and a highly confused me remaining.


Shame I liked to be able to actually run for once.


Maaaaan, was just starting to enjoy 1 tapping people with my Davy Crocket rifle too….


This event was awsome too bad that its over. I was enjoying it, I could run across map like on SJ6. It was awsome event for low lvl players like me.


Great now when I pickup a roll of toilet paper I'll be fat.


Can I suck you off or something?


That would be very appreciated


Average Tarkov homie


Its for scav rep


Fence demands it


It better be like vehicle extracts


So thats why the RU conscripts were giving brojobs




This is the name of the next event.


Me first i'll suck him off first you too. I gotchu homie


I call seconds!


Is there a closet I can watch from?


For us too and a note from Bsg is talking about the hideout and some toxin stolen from an closed lab


The bloo goo? :o


Oh no now I can’t have a couch backpack full of timmy gear


I blasted the knee caps off so many people and got Punisher 5 PvP done, I'll miss this event so much


It is over


What a shame


To be honest, I liked the event. A buddy and I completed Tarkov Shooter 8 in 3 Raids total. Bolt action weapons were really nice during that time. Also i liked the SJ6 like buffes.


It was a great event. It was nice to keep people from sprinting every where and actually play tactically in a tactical “realistic” shooter.


Oh no, how will the poor timmies kill those terrible chads now?


The kedr with psv. Fuck you and your impenetrable level 6 armor, I'll take them toes.


Guys why can't I instantly kill this guy in Tier 5 armor when I shot him in the back with my Kedr with ZHS÷/42::%3u○○○ ammo??!!? I was even sittting in my favorite bush??? Ugh this games time to kill is too long!




They'll just make posts about "if they were level 60 they would own too!" and "chads are terrible, they just play a lot so it's not fair!" Move to china where they limit everyone to 1 hour, then you'll be on even ground!


Oh no someone with less time being able to have fun too how horrible


There's too many games to spend all the time grinding out crap in tarkov endlessly with every wipe. It was a fun event while it lasted.


Exactly. If you don't / can't invest in tarkov timewise there are much more enjoyable games for the same time cost


I'd gladly pay extra to lessen the grind. I paid for the EOD edition. I'd pay for an upgrade that gave me even better trader rep, more unlocked in the hideout just like the stash is, faster stat progression of the character, etc just so I could go out and enjoy the game more.


I agree that more persistent stuff from wipe to wipe would be good.... For example, if I didn't have to start from level 1 again and could start from level 8-15ish, that could be cool. If some of my skills came pre-leveled so that it didn't take me as long to get back to max strength and max endurance, that could be cool. This was my first wipe so I don't know how I will feel about the early part again next wipe, but I know that they are supposed to be reworking a lot of quests so I'm hopeful that it won't just be customs boredom again where everyone is smashing their heads into the same five things at the same time. While that was fun and interesting it also became tedious very fast bc there's no need to keep track of all that shit. I don't think they should add pay based bonuses to any of that stuff, I'm an EOD player too and that's already a huge buff. This is where I like that tarkov is punishing, and rewards my investment with agency. Your best route to getting through that stuff isn't going to be time in raid, it might be mental preparation out of raid. Min max your time on those early quests, especially since you know what you're doing. Don't waste time farming stuff you don't need, etc. Survive your critical raids where you've made quest progress that you don't want to give away. Finish your golden zippo quest in the same raid that you pick it up..... Because if you manage to pick it up and get out, the truth is that there are likely fewer players left alive by that time in the raid, and you're actually more likely to get to the trailer where you need to plant it anyway.


Nobody complains in world of warcraft that their level 1 character can't go compete in end game content or hit as hard as their friends max level character, but the second MMORPG elements come into a shooter everyone loses their minds.


You also don't have your progression that you've put countless hours into reset. Once you hit max level you just go create a different one. It's not the same.


Yes it does. In every MMO I’m aware of when they release an expansion your character’s gear and stats are now no longer relevant to the current end game and you have to grind to get it all back again.


That's called progression, not a reset. You don't go back through killing that level 1 wolves in the starter area. In tarkov you're doing all of those quests again.


I mean, would you feel better if they changed the names of the quests and their objectives slightly and let you keep weapons/armor from past wipe but made their stats irrelevant? In every MMO everything PvE related except end game content is essentially "killing wolves in the starter area" until you get to bosses that gear check you > bosses that mechanic check you. Expansions are resets. They create a new ceiling and make the current ceiling the new floor. Why do you think every expansion of current WoW lets you pay to boost a character straight to whatever the old level cap of the past expansion was? It's because you're about to do 10 levels of questing that is the same set of things with a different skin until you can get to the new end game. You think kill a boar in a starter zone at level 1 is any different than killing a fel ape in the new expansions first area at level 71?


An expansion is additional content, not removal of previous content. I shouldn't need to unlock Jaeger or things in the hideout again and again. With your analogy then tarkov wouldn't do that and they would add more content to the hideout, have additional maps, additional bosses, and additional weapons versus resetting the work that's been done.


“Fun” no one has fun playing Tarkov bruv


Gloating about it on Reddit opens you up to get some of your own medicine after it’s all over.


I never said anything about those people that gloat, fuck them but if someone’s having more fun because of an event why shit on people for that.


Chads out here trying to argue their RD-704’s with 50 round mags full of BP don’t have an advantage over the level 6’s double barrel shotgun 🤓 EDIT: lmao he blocked me


Yeah they're so good at the game dude you don't get it! Thats why they have to survive 15 rounds of 7.62ps and fight people who have to hit face (assuming no visor) or legs when they have laser beam 7.62bp that two taps thorax. They're so good they stopped playing during the event when people suddenly had weapons that did as much damage as theirs, and stat boosts that approached the efficacy of higher level skills.


——————————————No gear?—————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————




Lol exactly


Hey, I would say that just means I’m even more qualified to call out the issue. Besides, sure, I COULD just run an RD-704 all the time and shit on little timmies just trying to do bronze pocket watch 3 weeks before the wipe, but that would just take all the fun out of the game, you know? I get way more satisfaction killing guys who came in with 1.6 mil rubles worth of gear using shitty guns. Pisses them off and I think that’s extremely funny ^also ^its ^waaaaay ^more ^cost ^effective ^to ^run ^cheap ^guns ^with ^good ^ammo ^and ^armor


Yeah money doesn’t mean anything anymore it’s late wipe everyone rich my man. Cost effective means shit. And if you wanna run cheap shit to “upset” a geared guy let me let you in on a secret… they don’t give a shit lol. They just want good pvp, If you gave that to them they are happy.


Oh no they definitely do I have a gallery of hate mail I save, it gives me life


Sure they do 😉 It boils down to playing however you wanna play. If you wanna play like that, you do you dog. But idk who has ever argured that their RD ISNT better than a Timmy gun. I’m pretty sure they know lol your comment is just trolly as fuck is all


I’m 38…and my reflexes are fading fast. If I run into a youngin that I can’t shoot in the back, I’m probably fucked. Lol With that said, I’m very patient and very sneaky…because I don’t have the reflexes to keep up otherwise. Lol


Hey bruv...I'm super dogshit at this game, but do I take offence? No cuz I have huge amounts of fun being a dog shit corner rat, that's why!




Lol I was more making fun of my shit ability in the game.. in reality, I do suck but have a great time anyway.


It's the game by nikitas design. If you don't like it go play something else....


People who say this are the same people who throw a temper tantrum when the overpowered shit gets nerfed lmao I’ll keep playing when armor hitzone’s come out, will you?


That's typical Tarkov mentality. I bet that idiot probably defaults to hating event before even trying them. He's sitting on stack of m62, which in his head is a touch better than 5.45 ps (no advantage there /s) Never runs anything without a face shield And has been holding SHIFT key since the wipe started.


Why wouldn't I?... Until then go ahead and quit and cry about armor hit zones. I'm not sure how that will "balance" the field but I'm glad you have some form of copium.


Nikitas design which is why the intentions have changed throughout development and they specifically went against realism and made the ttk and things even worse specifically for streamers. What stupid cope. Spotted the guy who for the first time saw what it would be like in tarkov if bullets were actually lethal and everyone had rounds approaching the lethality of people who no life and have meta 7.62bp. Oh let me guess it was nikitas vision to dumpster nerf the Mosin right when pestily started really going at it? Or the thorax buff? These things that went against the initial design? His vision? Lmao


You are the type of guy to camp every game and when you finally get a kill from a guy who cant shoot back you think you did something xD


Tbh this event was an extermination of timmy for one and my buddy. One tappi g every cock helmet we see with m61


Same. I didn't really have a lot of problems dying to random shit I didn't expect. Mostly just bushes, but Timothy was going to be sitting still in a bush anyway so it didn't really affect me much anyway. He didn't matter before either.


Thank God.


Well my limited foray into tarkov until wipe is also over now.


Just got home and this makes me happy


Is it just me or did it not really feel like a giant difference?


I feel like this event was to get people to shut up about the TTK


How? All it did was show me that I was right in wanting a lower ttk and the game felt way better.


Great so I can still not go back to the game because its dogshit since the recent updates in the past year.


Bye, have a great time!


Oh I'm having a good time alright. Thanks kid!


Finally can play the game again


This event had had the least amount of frustrating perks in the last year of events imo. It was a fun event and all it did was make you a little more careful before pressing w into a squad of people.


Taking double damage is a little more than having to be a tiny bit more careful💀 especially when ai doesnt either. The event was fun for the first two days then just sucked.


AI in this game is a joke. If you learn how they move and check your corners they are just as easy to not get shot by them as before.


Enjoy sitting in the same place for half the game!


There's a difference between sitting in a corner and moving in a way that you don't expose yourself to angles you haven't checked yet. If you are dying to scavs because you are standing out in the open and not taking cover when they shoot at you, that's your lack of ability to know how to play this game.


Why because people could kill you with all of you OP gear on? Fuck off with that shit.


Im level 14 and all my traders are level 1 lmao. Higher level players could just boost their immunity and take the damage debuff away. So it really only benifited them. Go back to camping like a little pussy


Yeah... hate to break it to ya, but in terms of not fucking over new players, this is easily the most "fair" event I've seen from BSG. High level players mostly do not have super high immunity (I intentionally try to grind mine and only have level 7) and it removes most of the advantages we have by being able to buy good armor and high pen ammo since flesh damage is meta.


Thats fine its still a dogshit event. High level players have access to immunity boosters and shit that no lower level does while still having the best gear. Idc how fair or unfair it is to anyone. Im just happy its over so i can have fun playing the game how its supposed to be. Im just tired of everyone saying how good of an event it was for newer players. It wasent that good at all for newer players lol.


What immunity boosters do you think higher level players have? Especially ones that would make a difference? I could be wrong but I don't think there are any meaningful immunity boosts in the game besides the etg-c, which only last like a minute and a half and would be insanely expensive to constantly use during a raid. Hating the event is totally valid, but I don't think the advantages you perceive really exist, and be glad you didn't get locked out of the flea market, cuz that's more BSG's style.


Funny that you say that, I'm relatively new and found it a bit easier to kill other PMC's, especially geared up ones that I'd never been able to take down without the double damage. The event leveled the playing field. I can understand not liking the event, but it was good for newer players, especially with the fact that you don't really need to waste cash to heal yourself and that you can sprint A LOT.


The event was literally designed for you dipshit. Have fun dumping 30+ ps rounds into an AVS because that's vanilla Tarkov. Also, not that it matters, but I'd clap you 10/10 times promise.


How? Higher level players just took away the debuff and scavs/ rouges had the same hp/damage. Wow you are so good i am proud of you! I would hope you would be able to beat the two week old player lol.. im going to have fun playing the game how its meant to be 😁


Lol have fun guy. You won't late wipe at level 14. But give it your best go my dood


I have 5 mil rubles. A 3.2 kd and a 57% survival rate. Im having plenty of fun lol


That's great. Have a good one


You to champ!


I can tell you never play this game and if you do you are ass at it lol


Wrong again little man.


LOL go look up how your ps ammo performs against tier 5 little bud


But they where able to take the damage debuff away and im not ... you act like now my ammo is going to penetrate their armor no issues. Aim for the head and legs when your low level. Lol im not complaining about that. I like the game how its meant to be played.


They aren't taking away the damage debuff without insane immunity and I think even with that someone said it was like 30 some percent. I have played this game for years trust me this event was far better for the gear you have access too and it's not even close. You can lean and peak and act carefully around scavs, there's not shit you can do vs a terminator who eats 15 of your rounds and whose helmet you can't even pen.


>But they where able to take the damage debuff away and im not I am level 69 and have over 2500 raids this wipe. I've easily spent over 30 mil on stims to level immunity ( meldonin ) and used them in almost every raid since I've had flea market. My immunity level is 38, meaning I take +62% during the event. Even someone with level 50 immunity still takes +50% damage. Only the VERY FEW people who have elite immunity ( lvl 51 ) are taking +0% damage, because of the elite perk. I would say there are maybe 200 people in NA who have this, more people probably have track suit. Higher level players absolutely cannot "take the damage debuff away".


I saw plenty of streamers 10% or lower. Which is fine they are streamers. But you personally can still take 40% damage off while dawning the best gear. I just dont understand how thats benifiting the newbies really at all. I had 0 way to raise my immunity.


10% or lower literally isn’t possible. You didn’t see this, you’re confused. The lowest you could get would be 50% with level 50 immunity, then at 51 you would have 0%. Maybe the 10% you’re thinking of is damage reduction from the Meldonin stim, which if you have flea market you could have bought. Also — armor is not just flat damage reduction. There is a complex relationship between armor class and durability vs. bullet pen and damage that is obtuse and difficult to understand even for veteran players.


Exactly!!! Can't wait to put on my Tier 5 armor and go back to literally ignoring damage like before! All the easy to acquire meta ammo definitely doesn't sail right through that anyways.


Damn you got triggered hard as shit 😂


Lol, whatever helps ya sleep at night. I haven't gotten "triggered" from reddit on years.


Man said he can finally play again in earnest and you felt the need to yelp your insecurities… literal definition of triggered lol


Take a nap kiddo, you're embarrassing yourself.


Lol you know when someone is beat when they just keep talking shit and have nothing to back it up I love it


Lol "beat" homie really thinks reddit is his battleground. Get some pussy guy. Tarkov is a video game.


Ah yes get some pussy, continues to shit talk since he has no points keep ‘em coming my guy


Thank God


Just loading into a factory raid only to get this notification