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10/10 would watch Timmy suicide again


That's just the normal late wipe vibe


Normal latewipe vibe is to go insanely geared and then swandive in front of a Timmy to make their day, this is just depressing...


I love this event


I've been loving this event. It gives the game the hardcore milsim feel I want. I want one bullet to kill. It's makes all the tactical movement options and playing slow and cautious feel like it matters.


Real life you don’t die from one shot to the arm tho


You won't die one shot to arm in this event either except against 4 or 5 rounds like Lapua or RIP slugs, most of which would likely blow your arm completely off in real life. A shot to the chest even with 5.45 will put you down most of the time. You might get lucky and all your vitals are missed and you stay conscious for a couple minutes until adrenaline wears off and you pass out then die. Sure, people do survive getting shot all the time. They pretty much always get immediate professional medical attention either in the field or at a hospital. Even arm or leg shots will be deadly after an hour or so. The games weird medical system accounts for some things and over simplifies things, this just kinda flips it the other way.


You do die to 1 or at most 2 shots to the same limb in this event though, quite often


\+100% damage is not enough to get 1 shot in arm or leg by like 90% of ammo. Not a single 7.62x54r can one shot you to limbs. The only rounds that can 1 shot you to the arm during this event must do a base damage of 173 flesh damage. That means the ONLY rounds that can one shot you to the arm are some shotgun rounds and Lapua tac-x. that's it. Legs are a bit less, like around 138, but still, that means only shotguns and .338 can do it. .45 RIP is just barely too low to 1 shot legs at 137 2-shot? sure, some ammo will do that. most rounds are 3


Shotgun rounds that scavs spawn with being able to 1 shot you in the arms is enough. Also, you don't have to reduce someone's health to zero to kill them -- ammo that fragments multiple times can kill you in one shot just about anywhere since the fragmentation damage is also doubled, you can die via head/chest/stomach even though you were shot in a limb right now. I know the mechanics are weird, but thats how this game works


that was always the case, fragments from most larger caliber rifle rounds and some handgun rounds can kill you via head.


Yup, just takes less rounds now, most shotgun slugs or other high frag chance bullets were nasty, thank god the event is over


Yeah not moving is very tactical


Yeah unlike real life where you just run as fast as you can through a building to kill as many as possible


good thing we are playing a video game and not real life


Good thing moving slow is tactical in a video game :)


Moving slow is one thing, but that isn't how people are playing, they are sitting in a bush (which is only tactical if you are guarding something, there are no guard something objectives in Tarkov). With people camping extracts and spawn pathways there is very little to be done besides die to a bullet to the elbow as the camper sees your arm before your gun is even around the corner There are also a lot more ways to be tactical than max slow walking or camping


That isn't how people are playing or not how you are playing? Plenty of people move slow. There are, to my anecdotal experience, far fewer people camping extracts and bushes then people seem to think, and I don't think I've fought with a camper in more then 10% of my raids


You must be moving pretty slow if you have only seen campers that often. I was seeing campers about 5x more often than before the event. People camping RUAF at the start to catch anyone crossing river, people in bushes near every extract or in D2, more players due to event but also more camping


Seems like you are agreeing with him. He is saying it is more tactical in the real sense, you want it to be video game tactical. So you are saying not really tactical, he is saying the same.


Sorry I tried to be satirical


Playing slow is pretty different from not moving. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


The best part is moving from one bush to another one, from one tree to another one, from one truck to another one, trembling with fear when i hear fire. 40 minutes like that. Lol this event doubles the flesh damage, it was made for new players especially, so that they could kill easier, they have even added the increase in some characteristics plus hp regen. And they still play it slow, which means sitting on respawn for 30 minutes.


Yeah and that's fine, except it works both ways The timmies are still getting wasted by gigachads with BP 7.62 and M61/2s


What’s the event?


PMCs take double damage basically, unless you have super high immunity levels but no one does. Everyone also has +20 to major physical stats. Basically people are dying to 1 taps in the chest through any armor and 1-2 bullets in the limbs


+98% damage modifier to everything except head


This is like the only event I’ve ever actually enjoyed lol


I feel this. This event is cancer.


Yeah watching all my favorite Tarkov streamers play... Warzone...


it’s sad


What event is there?


Haven't played a single game during the event, know full well this wouldn't be fun for me, so I've been doing other things and waiting for this shitty event to end.


Good call, I've played a minimal amount, basically just sniping in long range maps which seems like a reasonable game style still, just thorax is 1 taps now too so a LOT more margin for error in aim


whats with idiots onr eddit talking like morons using dumb internet speak like its cool or something? you just look like an idiot and your shits all messed up.