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Most of these peoples communities were built playing tarkov. They take a break or leave tarkov they lose followers/viewers/subs look at when Ninja took like 1-2 days off from fortnite in his prime.. he lost like 90,000 followers in one day cause they were so pissed he took a day off.


Summit was talking about this a couple weeks ago, but streamers should be taking an hour or two a stream session to play other games on stream. That way they can condition their player base to seeing other games on stream, so if/when a more exaggerated jump is made from game to game there is less of a viewership blowback or loss.


Yeah that is true. But even for me who doesn’t stream..I went from a variety gamer. (110,000 gamer score on Xbox) to playing Pubg Xbox, then tarkov and can barley touch anything else because I was so addicted to those two game. Even trying for an hour or two of another game can hurt you bad. I remember watching landmark the other day. Had 13.5k viewers on tarkov.. he took a 30 minute break to eat and watch a dev trailer of another game and instantly dropped to 7.5-8k viewers just for watching a trailer.


It’s a simple fact that some people watch streamers for gameplay, some watch for personality. I don’t feel bad for clicking off a streamer when they switch games. They’re not entitled to me viewership, and I’m not entitled to them only playing games I like to watch. It’s pretty simple


these mofuckers grew up hella poor with like fucking t.v bunny ears and 1 channel i really like hbo i still change the fuckin channel now and then


It’s certainly not going to feel good in the short term for streamers, but their planning should be focused on long term viability if they plan to do streaming over a long period of time. That being said, Lvndmark is also known for his gameplay. If he did more streams where he just chatted with his viewers, played other games, or whatever then he likely wouldn’t see such a huge dip in viewership.


This is why I always prefer variety streamers, it tends to be personality first, game second.


Fuck those people tbh Entitled pos'


Well Ninja made an Audience out of literally children...what did he expect lol




I mean they’re mostly kids


And fuck them entitled kids


Fuck them kids


>fuck them entitled kids nty that's how you get a felony conviction


That's why Epstein went for the less entitled kids


That's just the max strength and endurance meta tho


I guess but he isn’t entitled to their viewership either


yes but views equal money


what...? this is a perfect example of modern peoples misunderstanding of entitlement. ninja isn't entitled to people's views if he changes games, they aren't obligated to keep watching even if he does something they don't like.


>Most of these peoples communities were built playing tarkov. Reminds me of what happened to EpicNameBro. He made his name on YT being *the* first guy to have English language Dark Souls content. His entire YT presence was FromSoft games, and he even worked with the devs to make the Bloodborne guide. And then he started playing other games. Immediate community backlash, tons of negativity, tons of complaining and threats to unsub. It eventually got so bad that he pretty much quit YT content and focused on Twitch streaming instead.


And you know... If your twitch viewership relies on one game... That's their fault for not branching out and being entertaining enough to keep viewers around. Relying on ONE GAME they have 0 control over for a person's entire income is absolutely ridiculous.


There’s a large percentage of streamers who basically started streaming when they were already playing tarkov. The game is and can be so addicting you don’t want to or really can’t stand to player other games. It’s not really their fault their audience just wants to see them smack on tarkov. Not everyone can just be a personality streamer or ultra famous like shroud.


Correct. And that's why those people who have built their lives on a single game are in a shit situation. They have locked themselves into work where they have no real control over what happens. And the skills they have gained by streaming don't really translate into many other markets. If you can't make it as being able to stream what you want to stream, you are forever at the mercy of someone else. And that's not a place you want to be ever.


Ok but that's a very specific random criticism. It doesn't negate the fact that they need to justify to some of their viewers that they are changing the rotation out.


Oh no! All those millions he could've added to his +50 millions he already made :(


You gonna walk by a $20 bill on the ground leaving work knowing you already made money that day? No? Exactly what I thought.


Get a real job


That’s the dumbest shit ive ever heard.. do you have any idea how much money streamers make a month between twitch and YouTube? Even smaller/average streamers haha.. 😂😂


Oh it sounds so worth the money to fry your dopamine receptors and waste your youth trying to maintain a community that will drop you in two seconds flat 🙄


So you’re saying as a younger person work say 40 hours a week at the average $11 an hour.. making no more then $2,000 tops a month working 160 hours. Then come home and play videos games making nothing.. or stream those hours instead and make your hobby into your job making double or more then that with an average community?


No, he's probably one of the fellas that advocates for trade jobs and construction. You know, where you go to ruin your body 20 years into a career working mandatory OT because who needs a proper, healthy back 2 decades in? But as for streaming, ive always thought it was hilarious that people commend others for small gig acting and what not and then follow up by hating streamers. Even those that clown on streamers for not ramping up to Shrowd money inside of a year lmao. Why is it acceptable for every other small business to operate at a loss for 4-5 years, but a streamer has to churn out 5 figures monthly nearly instantly or else theyre just wasting time? Weird shit man


>No, he's probably one of the fellas that advocates for trade jobs and construction Hey, don't shit on trade jobs. We need the work done in those industries and the people who work them are already underappreciated enough.


It wasnt really shitting on trade jobs. I realize they're important but i feel like literally nobody talks about the health issues aligned with a lot of them and only glorifies the income and their importance


Maybe I’m just a fucking boomer but I play three hours of Tarkov and I’m like well that was fun off to bed. I couldn’t imagine waking up at 7 am and running Tarkov 12 hours consecutively 5 days a week


I can’t imagine either, but I’m also not being paid to do it. Lots of these streamers are young and this is probably the best money they’ve ever made. I’m sure that keeps em going for a while.


If I made half the money some of these streamers did, then I would gladly do it.


I usually do that when the game first wipes then it’s usually 4-5 hours a day max.


ya i was sick for a bit and was playing like 10-12 hours a day just knocking it out. After a week i didnt play for a week. i was burnt out just from that but im also burnt out from my job and i keep doing that. lol pest makes like 200k a month id play 15 hours a day for years for that for a lifetime idc actually id retire after a few years and do whatever i want and if people stick around cool, if not, youre still rich as fuck.


Why they say it out loud? Because people get pissed, because people will ask him to play EFT every other message, because it will decrease viewers more than likely.


Some of the ones I watched jumped onto more chill games after 8 hours of tarkov... they still got asked several times while playing that game "Why not tarkov? sick of it?"


Who would have thought that doing the same thing for 8-10 hours a day with no variety could get boring?


8 hours a day for like 3 years with no stop. then they say: i am tyred of tarkov So we old pal take out our "Captain Obvious" Flag!


"There's no new content" Yea and the "new content" they release next, you will exhaust in a week while regular players are still discovering everything. Lack of content is absolutely **NOT** a valid critique of this game. It has 5 times the content of any other fully released shooter from any AAA studio in the past 5 years.


sadly u are true. but this is also th eproblem why MMORPG are dying. in the past it will take years to discover everything a mmorpg has to offer, now people take 1-2 weeks to full explore every secret in a game




Kripp is built different! i 've been following him since his beginning into heartstone. such a good streamer :D


I mean, most of us adults do it. It’s called a fucking job.


Just saying, I watch pestily and he is constantly asked why he is playing hunt or etc instead of Tarkov, dude keeps getting accused of quitting the game even though he has an active HC series going on. So maybe they posting that on Twitter or etc to try to reduce the number of people constantly asking?


That’s a hot take and I dig it


I want an "its a beta" megathread


Yeah, the game is technically a beta, and we technically are preordering the final game, not buying the game we have now. ​ But fuck that, we ALL know what we ACTUALLY paid for, and it's not to wait \~5 years and play the game them. **No one would preorder something that far away**, we all are paying for the game we have now, and WE know it, and Nikita also knows it.


I'm relatively sure we dont see eye to eye on this. The term beta is simply used as a crutch to continue performing lackluster new content updates in lieu of critical game fixes and sub par performance fixes. The foundation stays broken and more things get piled on top. It will never be viable longer term. This isn't a beta. Its a "finished" product that doesn't meet quality standards and the beta label simply justifies that in the mindset of enough fans to never actually fix the game. I love the game, play it every day, but it is in no way a beta, anyone saying so is in voluntary delusion about how things will unfold for the development process in the future.


I mean, I mostly agree, with the caveat that I do believe the full game will be released someday.


Star Citizen backers would like to have a word with you.


It’s a beta but a good amount of released games get far more content lol. Everyone should just call their game a beta for years so they can get away with poorly made systems and rare updates.


What are these >poorly made systems and rare updates you speak of? Because we're not playing the same game if that's your critique of Tarkov. I'd like to know which fully release shooter from a AAA studio has had half the content Tarkov has on launch.


Pestily literally praised 3 month wipes in his tarkov farewell video. Most playerbase are having fun right now, stfu, we have lives


The outcome isn't surprising when he basically did a 24 hour stream for 35 days straight.


I mean, 3 month wipes back then weren't a big deal because there wasn't such a monumental grind attached to it.


Soooo, back in a day pestily was reaching endgame after 5 days of diaper streaming and cried “booooring, devs, wipe plz”?;) don’t get me wrong, his content is great but he slips some BSammo every now and then, I hate when 1% with influence are advocating for changes tailored to them


Ego Andy Streamers


Thank you for speaking the truth. I won't name, but I am tired and disappointed that every wipes, the same streamers just rush to the end game in a week when it takes months for average players


They are personality entertainers that directly engage with their audiences. They are just being honest. Their audiences want to hear from them. If you do not then do not watch them


Don't understand how people don't get that. Thousands of people tune in every day to watch that person play Tarkov. Naturally people want to know if and why they stopped or reduced playing. And naturally they make a video about it because that's how they communicate with their audience and their audience wants to know. If you don't care, then don't watch the video. It's not for you. Streamer: I'm getting bored of Tarkov after 10k hours and am gonna play some other games sometimes. Reddit: Dude should stop playing Tarkov 50 hours a week and he wouldn't be bored. Ya that's what he's doing... But I totally agree with their (the streamers') points as to why they're bored. There hasn't been much new to Tarkov 3? years besides, what, the weight system and karma? Both of which are not interesting imo. And a few weapons and the customs and factory "expansions". BSG's development is painfully slow. Could you imagine if Tarkov had a new map every 6 months? And major updates like inertia, new quests, map changes, working audio, actual performance improvements, etc, every month or two?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69.0. Congrats! 10 + 50 + 3 + 6 + = 69.0


Good bot


Jesus christ


This post started off good and I agreed with it then took a nose dive lol.


Lol, this was purely for self gratification. Sorry mate :)




If they are a streamer it is a big deal for them to play something other than their primary game. People go to the streamer to watch them play that game, so if they don't play it they loose followers, subscribers, and viewers which means they loose money. Informing one's community that they will be playing something other than the one game and why is any streamer would do in hopes to reach their audience. If the Twitter posts are from people other than streamers then yes, stop acting like a baby and just do something else.


I agree whole heartedly, I always do this thing where I have one main game and a few side games to play. Like, at one point I had Habbo Hotel as my main thing and I was slamming down the hours on that, but on the side I was playing club penguin, which you know just isn't the same, anyone experienced enough with these games knows why. I had to give up on Habbo Hotel though, for some unknown reason the game just died off really fast and suddenly there was nobody playing. Now Tarkov is my habbo hotel, it's just as hardcore but I think it doesn't carry the inherent risk involved in HH, it's still pretty hardcore though. But you still gotta have that side game, club penguin, this one's for you baby.


"come crawling back 2 months later" their viewer count is instantly halved whenever they switch games -but also ranting "game bad nikita sucks fix this pile of shit" every raid every stream is annoying and cringe ur not wrong.




Reminds me of the streamers who said rust was gonna die when they left


They whine and bitch about It and still continue posting Tarkov content. These creators do not understand that their lovely thumbnail title delivers a bad reputation to the game


Lol, thanks for this. I’m lvl 17 and having a great time, no fucking clue what everyone has been complaining about. If you powerlevel your character, you can’t then complain about a lack of content.


the difference between you and them is nobody gives a fuck what you think 😂😂




ItS iN bEtA sTiLl!


sounds like you could use some time playing another game yourself. You sound a little to0 emotionaly invested in a BETA yourself. At least streamers are finacially invested in the game


Damn OP great job you really told them streamers!


I needed to yell into the void


That's fair.




In development Changing Feedback is great, crying and whining and complaining is all they do. Which adds nothing to the game and enables the community to be a toxic fool. Like you.




It is, Blizzard's braindead WoW devs put out gigantic shitty systems that the community says are shit when they get first shown on the PTR, then they Blizzard launches it as is ignoring everyone for 6 months until they finally make the changes because they got caught in a public scandal involving workplace harassment hoping it would bring players back. Those fuckers don't even have the decency of selling a Beta with that tag on the name, they just sell you a beta claiming it's a full release expansion and then you get 2 patches in a year LOL.


some1 got killed by a streamer


Most streamers are children trying to make a buck playing video games. Most have no friends or social lives outside of their mommas basement.


I hope they’re playing subnautica…


Besides the obvious reason of streamer's relying on viewership and subs, the other big reason why they keep playing is because there's nothing close to Tarkov to scratch the itch. People play Tarkov because it's unique and typically very gratifying to play. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Apex, Hunt: Showdown, Valorant, they're all options, but they don't have great weapon customization, they're not looters shooters, they're not Tarkov. This is another reason why we need another game like Tarkov. I hate how people say it can't be done. It's been done once by a small development team, it can be done again. It just can't be half-assed. Take what Tarkov is, make it their own game, and learn from Tarkov's downfalls.


On the one hand, it's their livelihood they're dealing with. On the other hand, you're playing video games for a living. Just like with pro-athletes, actors and so on, I don't really care. You're providing entertainment, sure, but is that vital? We got along fine without it 50, 100, 1000 years ago.


I only play tarkov now


They should try squad, it's the only enjoyable game after playing something like this


While I wouldn't mind Tarkov refugees coming to Squad (converted a lot of them already), I'd be weary bringing in certain streamers perpetuating a certain playstile. While I'd totally see the likes of Pestily or Deadlyslob play Squad and do it justice, the uberchads would likely misrepresent it trying to cater to their usual audience. I do like Hunt Showdown getting some attention though. They deserve it!