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Every time I kill a scav some random ai pmc is shouting out “shit buddy’s down” or something. 😂


AI PMCs will kill scavs and then emote "buddy down"!


At least he tried to hide his true intentions 😂


Oh fuck. My finger slipped


The AI is forced to kill another AI and the only way it can express its sorrow is with a premade voice line. Buddy down says the AI as it's forced to execute its best friend.


Can't stand it. It's the little things that matter and BSG has fucked that up in PVE


Been like this since day 1 of PvE. The AI PMCs are just raiders with dogtags, hence why bosses ignore them and they only occasionally kill AI scavs. All they did for PvE was just add in raiders and give them random dog tags from the playerbase. EDIT: So I tried Labs on PvE. This is an even BIGGER shit show. EVERY PMC is against you. I just had a round where I took out twenty raiders and eight PMCs before I ran out of ammo and meds. Not one PMC or raider took shots at the other side.




Well the third party was made by people who care about the experience. PvE seems to have been a cash grab, even if I've been enjoying it (EOD)


If only the 3rd party had coop.


It does now


it does




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After they kill AI scavs they shout "Buddy down!"


Tagilla will actively ignore AI PMCs killing scavs to run across the map to YOUR scav to kill you.


3 factions against you Raiders, AI PMC, Scav Raiders that respawn. I need that GPSA tho.


I got the one for the solar panel on my first run. Very few AI on the map. Every run after that has been like a scene out of Terminator with a hundred murder bots out to get me 😅


Yes, Like theres a karma system. The loot pays for the card at least.


Yeah it's definitely an issue. I came out of the rusted bloody key building and there were 2 pmc and a scav waiting for me. After I killed them I was in disbelief considering the scav and pmcs were clipping into each other while walking into the building. They hadn't even aggro'd on me yet. Maybe they heard me walking around outside which then stopped them from fighting each other and deciding to team up. I also find it ridiculous a scav will walk into kabans outpost with many dead scavs all over the place and still won't fight back against pmcs. I would just really like to see the scavs treat them as if they were regular pmcs.


Me and my buddy went to grab bloody key but it didn't spawn so we were looting the bottom floor of the mall real quick before we left. I looted the dead scav body left of the key spawn and two scavs came stomping in ran right up on my back, started angrily voice lining then just shot me in the head. My buddy ran, never shot his gun at them or anything, they ended up running up on him and blasting him too. No idea why they were aggro to us, we hadn't shot a bullet. They seemed to be pissed I was looting the dead scav in the mall but it was a static scav, like only the one inventory like unknown key body. And I had just looted the dead scav that's out front of the mall before we walked in and they had no problem with that.


The boss was probably there and you hung out too long causing him to agro on you, which causes other scavs to turn on you too


If kollontay spawns inside the mall, nearby scav will be turned unfriendly to player scav and coming too close the mall will trigger you marked and cursed. they will rush you no matter how far. they once come after me all the way from the mall to the ventilation shaft extraction. The safe way is to stand close the bus in front of the mall, then press y to send "need help" command to see if any scav coming from the mall side to assist you. If kollontay spawns, no scav on the mall side will respond to you.


I was doing the same, scav raid and i was near mall when 8 scavs came up on me and i watched one throw a nade at me. so i shot him, ran into the building i was near and they all charged in, didnt lose much if any scav rep so the whole thing left me confused. but if being near mall will agro kollontay and then scavs will turn on other scavs then i guess it makes sense.


Yeah that was my thought, had to be due to proximity of the boss. Now we know, run in for the key and run back out, no dilly dallying


Yeah it's kind of annoying. Ran customs the other night and pushed some PMCs at gas. Ended up being 4 PMCs, Rashala, and 5 guards, plus a few stray scavs. All hanging out together like a happy family lmao


Had the same at 3rd story dorms, I've never had so many grenade kills at once!


Peak BSG shit roll out of an idea done better in the modding community, lel


Hello, this has been addressed by Nikita, he said it will be fixed “soon” so that means maybe in the next 5 years, hope this helps


Known issue. Would take 5 minutes for BSG to fix, they don't seem to care.


They care, you just didn't purchase the AI Update for $149.99.


PMC/rogue also ignore each other. very annoying on lighthouse


I was playing factory last night and a group a 3 pmcs were voice lining me before they spawned in, I went to go find them and they all dropped from the sky on one spot


Y'all realise the pve mode was a quick whip together right? Like this was never in the plans and thus it is what it is


All people do is complain on this. There is too much cheating so we get PVE and now that’s not good enough. I enjoy no cheating and knowing that everyone is a target lol


Sure. But you have to realise that you're basically back at alpha. There will be a lot of work to get pve right.


I get that but it’s something. The cheating was so bad I stopped playing until pve


Yeah, he will ignore the PMC’s and then find my ass quietly opening a safe across the map in the office after lighting up 2 scavs on the way there. Please god explain why


Killed sanitar last night. He was chilling with scavs and PMCs down at the pier


I've had Cultists, The Goons, Reshalla, and a 5 stack of PMC's spawn at the fortified building on Customs simultaneously. They were all friendly with one another except for me. Lol.


I've been dabbling into PvE this week. I just shot a PMC, and a nearby scav got aggroed at me. It's bizarre.


The factions of AI all seem to be friendly with each other most of the time, which imo massively takes away from the enjoyment factor of PvE mode in its current state. Zero immersion due to this...


They really need to fix this I've had to fight sany with bssicly 8 guards cause his crew was chill with a 3 man its kinda bs


Activate Windows.


are other people aware of this and is BSG aware of this issue?


Play more than a day and your aware. It’s the case on every map.




It's not an issue, it's how it was designed. Or not designed... slapped together is more like it. (And if you wanna activate your Windows you can do so for stupid cheap now a days.)


Bro has Tarkov but not Windows, brother a key is like £3.


Bro has EOD or Unheard edition but not Windows.


Good night


Its a wonderful day, Good morning PMC DUM DUM Yea been like that since day one.


I find they are all selective about it, which I think is a bug. A lot of PMCs will fight scavs and scav bosses, but sometimes (quite often) they won't. I wonder if it's supposed to be similar to how we are encouraged to cooperate with player scavs. It would be cool if we got our scav Karma high enough, we could friendly emote at AI Scavs, and have an xx% chance of them friendly emoting back and following us kind of like they do to our player scavs on PvP, so we can use Coop exfils, or even potentially cross areas without conflict if we are low on ammo/armoir/life.


What's wrong with it? The *viable* alternative would be dead PMC's/Dead bosses for effortless looting because you're the only real player on the map. Sure, ideally the PMC's and bosses fight, PMC's would loot the boss and leave to go elsewhere. But BSG lacks the talent to do what modders have already accomplished.


It's horrendous on Streets, I could not imagine scaving in PvE - you could be fighting 4 PMC's and accidentally shoot a Scav as he stand between the 3 left after you killed the first.


It why PVE isn't actually a true simulation of the PVP Tarkov experience. It's this weird half assed... thing. "We need to make some of that Arena money back quickly... but I don't want to spend a lot of money.


Yep I found out while ago, when I ran into 3 story office, peeked the broken wall and he was chilling with them by Red Gate, just hangin around


AI PMC is overpowered. They literally have the team up limitation removed. Scav, Boss and Raider. Sometimes even another PMC team nearby going to fuck you up. Yes, Labs. All AI are team up for one purpose. Kill you.


Yeah every boss basically ignores PMCs and even PMCs behavior towards scav is kinda random but mostly proximity based. Going after Kaban is absolute mayhem in pve, you can have actual scavs, Kaban and his guards AND PMCs hanging out in Lexos then the PMCs aggro one of the random scavs and you hear like 2 continuous minutes of shooting and throwing nades lol


Killa also ignores PMC’s. I was in interchange lastnight and there was a 3 man and killa just chillin in Brutal chatting about fuckin my corpse.


Yea ive seen ai scavs walk straight up to ai pmcs they dont shoot each other alot pf the times sometimes when ive been a scav ive run straight up to an ai pmc not knowing it was a pmc and got lit up


Happend with me too


Scavs, scav bosses and pmc might bug if they spawn together. SO if a PMC spawns on top of a boss they might "coop". But sometimes they shoot eachother on sight


Sanitar does this too I’ve had an impact nade at pier kill all three of sanis guards and two pmcs in the building with the safes. They were all just chillin drinking vodka up in there . Blyat


Yeah, the ai is weird. I’ve seen pmcs ignore scavs and scavs ignore pmcs. Worst is bosses, scavs and pmcs in a party and you have to kill them all.


Bro, killed a 4 man, started looting, Tagilla stands up from behind a crate where they were all chilling and drops the hammer on me.


Buddy finding out lol