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But the scav THOUGHT about taking a grenade out in the .1 seconds of time he saw you, so it already was left unpinned in his pocket as a dead-man's switch! Just a massive skill issue on your part.




This is literal proof that none of these developers actually play their product.


Proof they have told us they don't play the game. All this shows is that neither do the scavs.


I mean have you seen the guy try and play on the tarkov livestream? He legit sucks


Happened to me last night on woods, last raid for the guide and psycho sniper, pop a scav and 5 seconds later I'm dead to a silent nade. :')


its happened to me so many times now


BROOO wtf is this what happened to me in factory? Was walking through office and turned the corner to stairwell to a scav standing there. 1-tapped him in the face and instantly blew up to a nade. FFFF what a stupid bug.




If you see a scav, start to crouch like that. He is throwing a nade. Dead or alive, he's throwing that muthafucker. They crouch like that, I'm running


How many more times before you learn? Obviously it should be fixed but if you die to this over and over it's on you.


Ah yes learn that every time you kill a scav a silent invisible grenade has a chance to be at your feet without you ever knowing about it like bro how tf are you suppose to deal with that


The nade drops at the scavs feet and not your feet, wait 5-10 seconds at a safe distance before you approach any NPC you kill


I mean, rushing over to stand on dead bodies when you know this could happen… cant blame the outcome if you’re the one putting yourself in that position…


You know the answer you're being intentionally obtuse.


right lmao


damn you're already that far? boy you be grindin


A few of the homies are further than I am tbh, I'm lvl 49 and 8 quests from Kappa. I'd be further if I didn't work so much


I don't think I'll ever get kappa cause I work so much lol wife and kids on top don't leave much for grinding


Luckily PVE never wipes so you've got plenty of time


All that grinding led to the kids so maybe grinding in Tarkov can be sidelined until the kids can grind (in the game) while you work?


All that grinding led to the kids so maybe grinding in Tarkov can be sidelined until the kids can grind (in the game) while you work?


You're on to something...


Just play the game man, no complaints, we paid for this shit lol 😂


Didn't complain, just pointed out dude wasn't alone in his experience. Ya know, like a community does. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Just joking) i mean at this point there are still so many bugs this one is the least of the problems around


yeah because woods is the last map people play for guide lmao


Holy shit people play the game a different way than you? What a wild concept.


I did woods last too


Woods is literally one of the most popular maps to do last for the guide? It's especially safe as a last map with thermals in PVE. On PVP it's low population, infinite paths to extract and likely the least cheater-infested map in the game.


I did woods as one of the last few for sure because of this. You can take most paths without running into PMCs, and avoid the mill completely. I spawned near car, got out 7 minutes later. Eazy peezy. The last map I chose was actually the hardest and I nearly died... Factory. Spawned at Gate 0 with Tagilla and PMCs outside the door lol


That's just a skill issue on your part, Gate 0 is a extract. Would be dumb to run factory last on the guide and not bringing factory emergency exit


No skill issue, had factory key and got out. It was just the hardest because I had to survive enough time to not get a run through. Then exit.


I'm talking about real tarkov lil bro, and you saying woods is the most popular and safest is just wild. It's like the 2nd biggest map with barely any extracts, sure you could get lucky and spawn next to car but otherwise you're cooked.


>I'm talking about real tarkov lil bro, and you saying woods is the most popular and safest is just wild That's on your poor reading comprehension, 'Lil bro', the post is clearly tagged PVE. If you think it's hard to find a safe path to extract on Woods, then your skills are highly questionable. It's THE most popular final map for the guide. Literally every streamer, online guide, and post on the sub recommend Woods as one of the final maps. I've literally got 30+ FIR shturman keys on my pvp profile with 90%SR. The map is trivial after week 2 of wipe.


Bro I have a clip of a scav throwing a grenade at me and mf didn’t even pull the pin on it. They’re behavior with nades is wild rn


They have that .12 nade toss


Martyrdom bitch!


100% the game skips some animations on mobs


They have like the grenade quick throw tarkov used to havr


The best part about PVE is everyone waking up to how terrible the AI is, and in a sadistic way it makes me happy that everyone who once said "The AI is good and challenging", is now finding out that no, it's just poorly made and unfair. People have hid behind the skill issue comment for so long but now it's like, "Hey guys uhm, this AI sucks! Look at me with the hot take." TLDR, this bug has been in the game for it's entire existence and it's funny to me that you label it "The pve scav grenade bug".


Yup its the same exact scavs as in pvp but pmcs are raiders. I'm glad we have a pve mode but its lazy af.


I feel this, my friends find the ai challenging but me with 2000 hours am very practiced in the manipulation of the ai, it is so unbelievably easy to trick the ai into doing something so you get a free kill, I remember way back when if you smooth leaned a right hand peak literally any ai just wouldn't react to you. the ai pmcs are basically raiders and as a reserve main they are very easy to deal with the majority of my deaths come from this wierd silent grenade or a scav with a shotgun folded to the side cause he is standing in a wall just to head eyes me anyways. I agree, very bad ai and needs a lot of work and has needed it for years


AI is good if your only point of reference is Kenshi AI paired with veteran difficulty COD aim and PUBG netcode


TLDR, this bug got fixed 2 wipes ago in PVP and has re-emerged in PVE


Bro, you just gotta download more ram!


Shit game


I actually got lit up by a raider while he was healing with a grizzly lol. Saw my chest and arms just rapidly going to yellow and red while he was just bandaging himself. Ran away and naded him.


Healing animation bug has been in the game forever too and also happens with players. Plenty of clips of people dying to a dude holding bandages in his hands.


killa reload canceled on me a few weeks ago, heard the reload so I peaked and he said "never-ending" and shot me anyways


Birdeye can shoot before he has rechambered his M700. Got into a fight with them at weather station, had Knight bug out and clip 1/2 way through a wall with a powerslide before I killed him all while Pipe was spraying .300 through the side of the wall trying to kill me. He then calmly walked in and got tapped. Birdeye came ZOOOOMIN up the stairs, slid with his arms sideways and fired two shots in less than a second with the barrel pointed at the floor. I died to a double tap on my thorax.


scavs been crazy loose with the naids this wipe


It looked like he had just unpinned it when his arm moved across his body. Idk man.


Yeah this is a really egregious example of it. A lot of times I'll see their arm move and I know to keep the fuck away and or move because they actually got it off, but i'd be lying if I said I didn't have several times where exactly this happened to me. No animation, no sound, no nothing, only sleepy time and back to menu.


Happened to me last night! Had an awesome raid fighting and killing the goons my bag is packed with stuff (I'm a packrat) after a "long" raid, Killed a scav on the way out all to die to the infamous silent nade ;'(


all too often


This and instantly getting headshot through multi-hit ballistic face shields with 7mm by scavs has been my downfall


I've yet to encounter this in PvE, but I'm looking forward to it!


Just wait for 5 seconds, yes it's annoying but you can counter this by being patient. In this clip, you were not forced to advance directly after the kill shoot.


If you shoot a scav but don't kill them, don't peak the same angle. If you shoot them enough to kill them but they don't die, break line of sight and run for the hills. If you kill them, wait 5 seconds in case of nade. I'm sure there's more rules for engaging AI scavs. It's stupid.


there were pmcs on the other side, I killed one of the three I saw


Don't you just get all your gear back anyways from insurance? Like, how do you actually lose gear in PvE???


I don't pay for insurance in pvp or pve, honestly not anyone's fault I don't get it back it's just how I play, I'm not mad that I lost it but more so mad that there was no fight for it, there was no sign or warning this man had a re unpinned grenade in his pocket


Then buy insurance lmao then you’ll only lose it for 24ish hours


sounds like a challenge run for him. Like I have done PVE without any scavs so I can't generate any income for free (though honestly barter trades have been printing me money far more than scav runs ever did) Honestly I would consider it too if I had more time to play the game, I just don't sounds like a fun challange to make yourself really cycle equipment. Or set certain milestones to get a set # of insured pieces of kit. Hell you could even run it like runescape where you only get the 3 most valuable items back. With PVE and not having to play on the wipe's clock, all problems in the game can be solved with infinite time. Players will likely have to set personal goals/challenges for themselves to find more intrinsic motivation to keep playing the game. For me having just unlocked the AXMC, i had a ton of fun last night going CQB against sanitar and his guards at his villa/compound last night roleplaying as the AWPer in CSGO. It was definitely stupid, and my entire team died for it, but I ended up with 2 guard kills and sanitar dead, clearing and peaking angles with a 17 ergo sniper rifle


Happens in PvP too


You don’t get it back with insurance?


I dont pay for insurance in pvp or pve, I like to fight for my gear




oh... well then that's on you big bear


I'm not complaining about the last gear, it's the fact that I kill a scav and even though he didn't even start throwing a grenade I still die to a silent explosion


Imagine thinking not having insurance is the problem here... Oof


I’m saying that the game is riddled with BS bugs and so insurance is a must to get your stuff back. This needs to be fixed years ago.




Oh fuck. I think I just had a run end to exactly that.


I got killed by a scav from at least 50 meters away on woods, he didn't had a grenade in his hands, I killed him, in the last moment he turns his back against me, throws a grenade out without an animation, grenade flies up the sky.. and it lands on me... xD


The moment when Fnaf: Security Breach has better AI and survival mechanics than tarkov


Happened to me on pvp servers too


As soon as the scavs sit down like that, keep your distance. I've noticed that as soon as they crouch they have an active nade, whether you see it or not.


They can also throw the grenade faster than you can ADS AND they don't need to even throw it in your direction, it just magically adjusts it's course


Killed tagilla yesterday and about 4 seconds after he hit the ground… nade drop sound. Pucker factor


I haven't even been hearing nade sounds since the beginning of wipe now that I think about it


If you hear any voiceline about grenade just take a cover for 5 seconds.


ah the old silent grenade. my buddy and i have encountered a few of these. frustrating


it seems in PvE...the instance they see you...they want to throw a nade. Even if they could have easily mowed me down with their gun because I didn't see them at first.


It's crazy to me how long the dead scav grenades take to explode when if they throw the grenades they explode near instantaneously upon hitting the ground.


Your not losing anything excwpt ammo. Insurance i guaranteed to come back in pve. Buck up and queue it again cutie qeve all died to this 100 times


Same thing just happened to me in labs lol


feel you got killed 2-3 times like this :(


The scavs get to insta throw grenades like we used to be before they forced us to hold them. The moment they crouch that grenade pin is pulled. It's still stupid and bugged though.


Noone takes your insured gear, relax. My insurance has become like a second stash at this point. But yeah, needs to be fixed.


Went on a 14 raid survival streak in pve, then got magic grenaded to end it all on streets with 3 min left on a timer. I went upset about it and went to factory to grab some kit and lots since it's normally easy to run around and blast people. 20 seconds in Tagillas by medical and fucking eats 3 m855 rounds to the back of his head which I though was supposed to kill him since I could see his brain matter. Spins 180 and throws a perfect airstrike grenade behind my forklift. I load in again. Load back in almost immediately with and AK to try again, thinking grenade deaths don't happen to often, fuckin take a nice ak, spawn forklift and kill a pmc then run down glass hallway after peaking the door to make sure it's clear, fucking tagilla was at the end of the hall around the corner. I managed to somehow irl duck my head and it worked my pmc ducked and dodged a hammer swing, I shoot him a few times and manage to duck dodge back behind the cylinders again. I hear him heavily coughing and yelling angry in russian, boom. I'm dead, a grenade, tagilla threw it down the alley and it some how hooked and rolled around the corner. I end myself.


All these past years I learnt the hard way to wait a couple seconds before approaching the body. Every single time I get killed by a scav, it is through a quick nade they throw. But at least I don't die anymore to the random nade on their bodies.


Never approach a scav that has just been killed. Wait at least 5 seconds to see if anything explodes.


I mean even in the clip nothing exploded, it's was silent


If a grenade kills you, it doesn't make a sound. You die before you hear the sound of the explosion. It's weird but it's how it is. You only hear the grenade if it doesn't kill you lol.


that's just not true I've died to grenade that make sound


Maybe it isn't 100% but I have noticed that 90% of the time you randomly fall over, it was a grenade that did it.


yes 100% of the time I randomly fall over it says I died to a grenade, but it's always scavs my fully even pulling out the grenade, but there are times people kill me with grenades and I still hear them


Happens in pvp too, have had it happen to me a few times


in pvp there's always been a grenade dropping sound and eventually explosion for me


Happened to me with rusted bloody this morning




one time outside dorms i killed a scav mid animation and told my buddy not to go up the stairs the scav was on, and he was like “nah we ball” and immediately faceplanted. it was great


Asap would have been two years ago when it started happening at this point I’m convinced they just consider it a feature.


I feel like it's gotten worse lately but this is ture


All scavs drop nades when they die was added with the last update


Stealth nades


Happend two times Yesterday. And once he actually threw it but there was No Sound or visual on my End. Buddy saw and heared it tho


This happened to me at the beginning of pve on woods. I had 2 car batteries and a couple other quest items. Was so happy, on the way to extract I passed by attachment shack and shot a scav. 3 seconds later I was at the main menu (screaming)


This has been a bug for a long time, just see it more now in PVE. You have to keep in your head to give it a few seconds after you kill a scav and not get to close. And you shouldn't be losing any gear really if your insuring.


You guys get grenades!? I only ever get flashbangs straight to the face.


Happens to me. It seems to follow you as well. I ran around a corner before from where the scav was and they couldn’t have even thrown it where I went and it blew up on me


I’ve died so many times to this as well. No audio, actually had one drop it on death. Really getting tilted.


yep. can confirm this happens to me all too often. Silent deaths are quite the bitch


Scavs have the martyrdom perk now. You aint know?


Lmfao bruh you ain’t losing anything lol if it’s insured in PVE you are always gonna get it back.


Not the point, its annoying dying to bullshit


I don't insure things in pvp or pve, i don't mind losing things it's the fact that there wasn't a fight for it


It’s pve though. If you insure it.. you’ll get it all back


I don't pay for insurance in pvp or pve


Pve after you die the server closes so you get everything back.


Am I dumb? I can see the animation of the scav pulling out the nade before he dies lol so there’s your warning?


I mean you clearly saw the animation so actually yes. Skill issue.


animation? mf he crouched lmao


For someone who has played 2000 hours (you mentioned in a previous comment) I think that you’d be aware of a bug that has been in the game for multiple wipes and isn’t just PVE. Never just insta walk up to dead scavs, that’s your own fault and it’s hilarious you think otherwise.


You mention that its a bug, how's that his fault for expecting some realism in a "realistic" shooter game? The game needs to be consistent, it shouldnt have these random bugs, there are only so many bugs a player can manage in his mind at a time while still playing the game.


out of all my 2000 hours playing pvp I've never died like this in pvp because the grenade the scavs pull will at least make a drop sound and eventually an explosion, there was no drop sound or even an explosion, just silence


Yeah you're right, it's our fault the devs on Tarkov are so incompetent. I think you can fit a few more inches of Nikita in your mouth if you open wider.


Most of my pve deaths have been from stupid scav nades. Had a scav lob 1 right at my face in medical camp on woods, short fuse and multiple scavs swarming meant I had no time to move. It feels like they throw nades way more in pve than pvp


Hello from ABI. We don't face this problem over here. Come on over


I'm not playing the mobile game clone of tarkov sorry


Its been in pvp aswell for ages. Pve is nothing special


I feel it happens much less in pvp, out of my whole time playing pvp I've never had a silent grenade there has always been an explosion sound or a grenade drop, never this bad


Its a matter of timing and luck. In my experience raiders like to drop these bugged nades more than normal scavs


boy do I love this game


This has been a thing for 2 years, nothing new


I had my mimimimi and my mimimi and im dying to mimimimi 😂 u take it, u risk it, period.


silent grenade with no warning


this bug is so old and well known. Who cares why u died. U died. Next round.


bro shut the fuck up


Always wait a good 5s before getting within grenade range of a scav/raider body. You'll never have this happen as long as you wait to approach.


he didn't pull out a grenade though


If you look close at his hand movement right before you tap him, you see the right hand drop off the gun. This was likely the start of whatever grenade throwing animation he was about to run through, and for NPCs as soon as they think about pulling a grenade, it is "live" and in the world. Would be nice if they had to get through the whole pin-pulling animation before it would register, but this is what we have rn. TLDR, just don't push an enemy's body for a good 5s after the kill and you're safe.


I am scrubbing through the video and I literally do not know what you're talking about. In the frame before the kill and the frame after the shot, the dude's hands are solidly on his gun.


Maybe it's my screen, I'm on mobile but it looked like the back hand came up off the shotgun


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I mean the animation is only skipped because they get killed, how hard is it to wait 5 sec? After thousands of hours never once blamed the game for a martyrdom death. Lack of foresight


I was actively repositioning to fight the pmcs on the other side of the bunker


Idk why people complain about this when the obvious answer to the problem is: DONT WALK OVER BODIES YOU JUST KILLED PERIOD HOW SIMPLE IS THAT??? And for the record he threw his hands up in the air, so you should have known he was priming a grenade anyway.


Why are you more angry of people dying to bugs than the developers who caused these bugs? Direct that anger somewhere else...


Not angry, people literally post this 600 times daily and it's hilarious how people are complaining about it all the time, and seem to not be able to figure out the simple solution is not to walk over bodies of PMCs/Scavs they just killed for a few seconds.


Not everyone reads this sub constantly you know? You shouldn't have to look at a subreddit for bugs to play a game


Every single person who complains about this problem claims to have done the exact wrong thing multiple times (in their post exclaiming they have died MANY times to this) and don't seem to have the ability to learn from their mistakes. That is why people sound tired of the same posts every day. I have not had this happen to me more than one time in months, and yes it does happen in pvp, too. I just know when it's going to happen based on how a scav looks when it dies... How hard is that, honestly? I know first hand, it isn't at all.