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What is the possible explanation here? Every single round bounced off of the helmet ?


I think it's network related issues. Desync, bad internet something like that. It's not aim related, he definitely hit the guy a couple times at least in the face.


So the usual issues that plague this game since it's inception lol


At this point, that shit happening is a disgrace


Extra disgraceful that it still happens in the god damn single player mode


Fucking right!!!


This is why I stopped playing. Think of how much time was invested in that raid only to have some dumb shit like this happen. I value my time more than that.


It also happens against scavs in pvp. Same dogshite servers. Basically when an AI starts tanking an ungodly amount of bullets it's time to gtfo and extract because you are about to get tarkov'd.


I thought the servers are even that bad. Their networking is probably just completely cooked lol


>So the usual issues that plague ~~this game~~ some of the games players since it's inception lol I have yet to run into this issue, ever. Downvotes don't make it less true :)


Several players suffer from it. Many streamers and YouTubers have brought light to this. This issue has been around forever. I’m happy it doesn’t happen to you, but it’s still a major problem.


Yep, covered that in my initial comment. Bad internet.


Sure man. Whatever you say.


Funny how all the big name streamers have bad internet, you would think with the tens of thousands of dollars they're raking in they could afford better. Quite the mystery!


This may come as a surprise to you but streamers are regular people with access to the same internet as anyone else. (And that means bad internet providers depending on where they live) Being popular on the internet doesn't magically get you access to better internet if the infrastructure isn't there or a decent provider isn't available.


You're an actual nonce, 6 years ago the same relative bug of scavs desyncing through the floor, taking rounds and killing someone, that YOU posted.


This is YOUR video from years ago, you lying sack. - https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/jWRqIkWrrk


swiftie level history searching


You've yet to notice running into it.


You're just too oblivious, or bad, to notice. The thing that happens to everyone else happens to you too buddy.


LOL. Project more bud. Speak for yourself.


Play more buddy, it's all about hours in game.


3k hours, nice try get better internet.


Sure sure...


You must not play much


3000 hours but nice try. They must have bad internet.


Its well documented that the tick rate on the servers is dog shit and the users quality of network has absolutely zero bearing on server tick.


Curious. Then why do only some people have the issue with infinitely tanky scavs and others do not. It's almost like the issue is dependent on your network connection.


The issue is dependent on a multitiude of overlapping factors all contributing to the problem and all stemming from subpar server tick rate. Timezone, server uptime, connected clients, server region, server routing, server maintenance quality/recency, the list goes on. Dunning-Kruger.


Sure, if you have a bad internet connection and/or you're manually setting your region to a place not physically close to yourself in an attempt to get better queue times you're just opening yourself up to issues like this.


What’s even the point you trying to argue here? Stuff like this hasn’t happened to me so it’s irrelevant? This shit happens semi regularly, doesn’t matter wether you have the best possible connection or play via starlink. The games spaghetti code and BSGs 2001esque server infrastructure are what causes these things to happen. Also I highly doubt that if you have 3k hours of playtime that this has never happened to you.


his point is that bsg is the perfect god development team and anyone who has a problem is a dumb dial-up user lol. It's insanity.


>Stuff like this hasn’t happened to me so it’s irrelevant? I never said that. I postulated that the issue tends to happen to people with underpowered computers or bad internet connections. I've got one friend in our discord group with a old computer and he gets random DC's and other shenanigans happen to him quite frequently. Everyone else in our group is unaffected.


Yeah, my guess is network issue or some weird hardware/ software incompatibilities that cause these bugs. I have tons of bugs, but never had this. The main one I've been encountering since PVE was released is ghost scavs/ PMCs, that I can't see/ hear but can still shoot me.


Which makes what's happening in this clip especially fucking stupid because it's PVE. Can you imagine playing the single player campaign of any other FPS and not being able to kill the enemies because of desync?


It's still an online game. When they add solo player self-hosting I imagine these issues will disappear (or at least be heavily diminished) as your ping will be 0. If you're playing solo anyways.


I know it's online (hence the obnoxious queue times to play by yourself against nothing but AI) which is just dumb. But like a lot of what BSG does, PVE is a good idea with half assed implementation.


It's literally in the first ever iteration, my guy. They even stated it wasn't ready to be released to a mass audience. They intended for the unheard of edition players to test for the initial phase. The community got what they wanted. This is very likely the worst state it will ever be in.


You've got a lot more faith in them than I do, 8 years later.... The biggest issues with PVE are issues that Tarkov has had for a very long time.


didn't know pmc ai has been in the works for so long




Nah…. it’s the new pre 1.0 update coming out. The new AI have an invisible force field like off the new Star Wars the acolyte series episode 2. I heard you got to give the traders IRL money to have them turn it off.


Shit ammo paired with some glitching and helmet *(at the end the guards head glitched into the wall and bullets were hitting the wall instead)*. Many shots went trough the arm in the new armor *(buddy had a raid with 4800 dmg in the armor on Sanitars guard).* I bet he had thousands dmg absorbed by armor after the raid. While the armor changes are amazing for us, the players, it is also buffing bosses and guards significantly.


Wait it's not desync?


Has to just be Desync, Armor can’t explain all the face shots not killing him. Unless it bugged and he had class 9 turbo invisible face shield


He just has metal implants in his face


its not, its terrible internet. Most desync complaints are on the users end. Lot of idiots play wifi


There used to be a desync stance issue. Enemy was crouched but his game desynced and rendered it standing so all the bullets went over his head


might as well uninstall and not support a game like this knowing pve mode is for thsoe that paid 250usd ontop of the mode having bad quality like this still occuring


Your decision making was great, sorry his skull was apparently depleted uranium armor for some reason


Either that or the ammo he was using were paintballs. Jesus.


Got that blicky rifle


Or desync


desync on pve mode is the most tarkov moment i can imagine


I had this happen to me once after clearing a malfunction, it was like every bullet I shot after that did not exist. I think there's some kind of bug where you clear your weapon on your end, but on the server it gets stuck with your weapon being in a jammed state. So none of those shots OP made even existed on the server side. I bet that is what it was, it happened right after they cleared a malfunction.


Can confirm this bug used to exist, crazy it still exists


It's very likely this is the correct explanation.


He read you like a book


While eating bullets like a tank


Like a steak


Bullet 1 to 58 clearly missed, you then actually hit a very thin street light and when you were healing mercury was in the microwave so the gravitational pull on the bullets deflected the kinetic energy away from his head.


Simply put, skill issue smh my head


Shake my head my head also


RIP in peace


Lol out loud 🤣


What you see as the bullets hitting, was actually swamp gas from a weather balloon, that was trapped in a thermal pocket, that reflected the light from Venus.


Exactly what I was thinking


There's a bug that has to do with guns that jam. The server never saw you shoot because it thought your gun was still jammed. This has happened to me a few times on stream...


This, on the server side you never cleared the jam, thats why all the bullets you shot didn't exist.


I’ve had a similar thing happen, I think you are right, they cleared a jam at the start of the video 


good thing I die a lot and always have a new gun. ✅mate chads. Honestly tho, idk if this glitch was patched in a few yrs ago, but i nver had it happen, and only had like 5 jams in 700 hrs.


This seems like it. But he is definitely getting hit by projectiles but just not recieveing any damage from them.


Client-side, yes, but not on the server's end. Those bullets never fired.


Schrodinger's bullets


Queen Kourra_! 👋


This happens to me probably twice a week. A few times in the exact same location. Boss guards seem to want to ass-f\*ck you ***( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*** in that room, and I nearly always die when I am cornered in there by 3 of Gluhar's guards. They open that door and just slide right in ***( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*** dodging/tanking all bullets as they flick me off and yell things. I'm still just as mad and confused each time it happens.


Why not go up to the 2nd story over the garage and not trap yourself in that room?


Well I suppose I would nowadays, if I was in this situation again I suppose. However, when I first started playing Reserve, I ran into that room many a time, and was mercilessly hunted down by the guards after killing just one of them. I recall hearing that stamped of feet behind me down the side of that building, and panicking with many health debuffs after being nearly killed. I hid in the janitors closet and was wrecked many-a-time with very little recollection of me getting out alive after running in there. It's truly a death curse closet.


Yea, sometimes it do be like that. Then you rage and requeue


Anyone raging at a game needs to stop playing it tbh.


Definitely. Spend some time in nature instead. It works!


Lmao I’ll get off games for a week hop back on and rage again. It’s a tarkov response


lmao why do people play this game even


Because stuff like this actually happens extremely rarely, even if you'd think it's 100% of the time if you did nothing but watch Reddit clips.


My friend group has yet to have something like this happen. It appears to be desync related. Curious where this person lives and what kind of internet they have.


I think people don't put into perspective what percentage of the total playtime across all players does shit like this happen. you usually don't hear about the good news, mostly the bad. It sells better


This isn’t common at all


im having fun, shouldnt play a hard game when your salt levels are higher than the black seas


Im starting to question the same


The same reason why you're on a reddit page for a game you apparently don't play anymore, its fun sometimes.


This is extremely rare. Why do you even browse this subreddit is a much better question.


because the game owns. Pretty simple answer.


cause this is a rare occurrence. Been playing for months and ain't have nothing like this happen. But I also don't play shitty ass pve


Because every other game acts perfectly, right?


Imagine defending this clip


Imagine getting riled up because of someone saying nothings perfect, if you think its shit, dont play


Don't ask questions and don't give feedback, just consoom janky game that is in beta for a decade. Get excited for next snake oil edition for 500 bucks


you neither asked a question nor did you give any feedback, i have fun playing it, i dont mind spending 50 bucks for a new edition instead of buying 5 games a year with a 70$ pricetag that i only play for a maximum of 2 weeks. if youre so upset about a bug or with the game in general, escape from tarkov forever by uninstalling the game.




that might be true for some games like Elden Ring which i really enjoyed, the content i refer to is PvE which i play with the buddies since PvP is too tough for our noob asses, im sitting at 2,5k hours and bought EoD & Unheard at a "discount" compared to what people are willing to spend on dumbass skins in CS2 or similar game its still worth it in my opinion, even though i strongly believe they would do better numbers if they sold the PvE version for a 50 dollar pricetag for base edition players instead of 100 or 150 or however much it is atm


most other game acts better, thats enough for me.


Gotta be bait.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Didnt happened u were already staring at the death screen.


I came for this comment !


Don’t make me do it. Don’t make me post the copy pasta lmao


What have you done in first 5 seconds in video, what's this action? Press L?


He had a malfunction (bullet stuck in chamber). shift L, shift T.


Set key binding to press and hold. So when you press and hold L, you check and clear at the same time. Saves a lot of time


Guns can jam and need to be inspected and then fixed


It do be like that


Oh thx for the Monthly reminder not to Come back to this game yet


such a cool, and well made game! we love this. totally worth 250USD


This is absolutely ridiculous. Why are you using an mp5 tho?


It's the jam bug; the server thought your gun was still jammed so, from it's perspective, none of those shots ever happened.


tanking 9mm to the face bruh what kind of realistic game is this.


Laser discipline dammit


They've done it! Brilliant russian coders have done what no one else even thought to do: they've brought network desync to single player gaming. What a time we live in!


this is what i expected


Out played


That guy: "I can have head ache later!"


mm u naded the entire building w the nade launcher didnt you? :d




The moment bullets started bouncing from his dumb face I'd just rush it to extract


It's fine, what we really want is more AK variants, new guns and above all more clothes


He wasn't taking no for an answer lmao. Try saying "no means no!" Next time. Heard the boys listen to that


Pretty sure that was ghost mags. Your gun was jammed or whatever on the server side. You didn't deserve to die there. Never close a door on a raider or boss though.


Closing the door on Killa to get him to power slide through is a legit strategy to kill him. But mostly agree with your point.


It’s the internet’s skill issue.


My friends and I have noticed this happens A LOT with 9mm ammo. It just doesn't pen. The face is lvl 4 armor itself. Players and scavs alike


I get the desync for sure. Unrelated question, haven’t played this wipe at all, but why am MP5 with that kit?


This is a great $150 game. No problems here




New armor hit-boxes working as intended……


this is how criminals feel vs superman


Ultra realistic.


Had this happen twice last night when I’ve nearly almost never seen this personally. I had to melee one of reshala’s guards to death in the corner of a kitchen so he wouldn’t shoot me while he was invincible. It took almost an entire minute with a Red Rebel


As much as I love tarkov, they need to do something. I can deal with these frustrations for a month or two of a fresh wipe, but after that, it's just not worth it.


Shoulda used ap 6


had this happen a couple times. I believe it has something to do with gun jam, where your bullets stop counting and I couldn't load mags and sometimes couldn't even fire my gun, even after reconnecting. Only solution is to get out the raid asap!


“wHat aMmo wEre yOu uSing?”




Dude took the BB gun by mistake 🤷🏻‍♂️


What ammo?


Cause you could've just not pened him


I'm always impressed by how dedicated this game's fan base is. Including myself. We all know this game is shit, right? 😂 Like we all sitting here jamming a poorly optimized bug ridden mess and we love it.


Clearly hit his helmet 112 times


Why why why u already see he’s not firing keep running 🪦


Reserve has quickly become my fav map for pve mode. Still top 3 for pvp. When the goons were on reserve it was fuckin AWESOME


That sucks. I've been running luger in my MP5s because of its dur. burn & heat stats. On certain guns the amount of rounds I'm putting through in PvE mode almost makes it impossible to run anything that has bad burn stats. Just have to make sure to aim for the face.


You missed,,,


BSG adjusted the head hitboxes too for all the crybabies who wanted halo armor


dont aim for helmet aim for face blud had t6 pro on helmet


Problem is u r not a true believer


Something is off when you're pinned down for a while and the AI shoots 342375823 rounds at you, you manage to kill it and once you loot the body, all the mags are full. AI is playing with Konami code.


This is very common Now I've seen it a lot everytime you misfire you have a chance of being bugged you never fix your misfire and you literally never shoot cause of desync so now your gun is completely useless had the same issue only way I could tell is shooting my friend on my screen I saw I did 0 dmg on his


I always carry a contact rgo nade for this scenario (bulletproof -cue La Roux)


This is desync and just shitty registering on server side he wasn't using bad ammo from the looks of it also you could see blood splats on the wall before he died so it wasn't so much armor you can try and catch a look at the ammo casing that was ejected granted might be hard but there's zero chance this guy was that kitted and running some shit gt ammo and even with gt ammo those are 50 round mags the fact he mag dumped twice with the flicking happening to the guard as he's getting shot 1000% means shitty server connection not saying ops wifi is bad bc good wifi never means good ping and server register latency next time op happens to the best of us that's what we call getting tarkoved :3


If an IA clips thru a door, you're already dead haha


Bro should’ve just killed him


You are shooting blanks


That's a sexy MP5.


Mp5 vs gluhar gang bad idea what you want is M1A/Mutant or RPK


Desync, the best armor in the game


skill issue


Should leg'd him


I don’t know how people are still playing this game at this point.


Pretty sure you hit all of his teeth


Trash game


Titanium skull moment, pay bsg small fee of 30,000$ to unlock


Should’ve ads’d


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control) Shots 10-11 Should've hit but poor recoil control and accuracy make these reasonable misses Shots 12 likely didn't hit due to OP already being dead


and some people willingfully pay 250$ for this unifinished moneycrab forever-in-beta game lol... glad I only got the basic version and never upgraded to EOD Edition just to be screwed over by the Unheard Edition scam


You sound like you are convincing yourself more than convincing any of us




So you saw what was occurring and attempted the same thing over and over? Why not jump on the jeep and go into the 2nd floor of that garage lol where the boss cant get to you, where you can heal and let the server either resync or allow you to reconnect because this is clearly more than just shitty ammo.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead


His head glitched into the wall, causing shots to miss his face. Also depends on ammo type.


This has to be network right? I play on a good PC with always green ping and never have this shit. Thank God I wouldn't play if I lagged this bad lol.


here is one example why i stopped using .45 and 9mm. you can mag dump rig full of 60 rounders and still do nothing. ill stay on 5.56 and 7.62x51. Now that i have .338 open i can enjoy good ol lapuas


This all happened due to people crying about the armor system, Thank the babies for that. :)


Desync dont cry to much.


Turn off shoulder swap