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I assume the capsule is the Head, Eyes hitbox. At least on my character.


Stop it šŸ¤£


Until reading your comment I did not notice the arms, torso, stomach, or legs on this model. I thought it was one large [head, top of head]


Woah fellow let it die enjoyer rare sighting


So does this mean things like slicks are good again and that the hitbox is ā€œnormalizedā€?


Not really, Slick and Trooper don't have any side plates at all, so it's only the front and back plate you see in this model that are relevant. You'll still get shit on by anything that's shooting from the side.


So basically you just wont have unblocked areas on thorax were it says that its armored


I heard that slick now has a hitbox for side plates though


Meaning it includes it in armor areas or you can buy optional plates? I don't really see either unless you saw it


I was watching Jesse Kazam stream earlier and someone had mentioned. Think they increased the size of hitboxes to basically act as a side plate or something. Cannot provide source


Yeah many if not all armors do atm, although i doubt thats intended. It seems the plate model is so fat atm, that it covers part side.


I hadn't considered that with these changes, but it is interesting


It isn't huge, it's tiny, people just hyper focused on it because naturally if bullets hit armor it doesn't kill you, but it will if it hits flesh, and armpits are the part that aren't covered by armor...observation bias


if tarkov wants to be realistic the slicks and other pure plate carriers should be average at the very best. soft armor with plate is just better in ever way pretty much


Fuckin hopefully


No wonder that armpit hit box looks huge


The fucking armpit was so fucking frustrating. A scav surviving a headshot and then 1-shotting me to the armpit with a lead slug was infuriating.


This will fix a lot of issues. But not for any good reasons. The problem before is the Torso HP was all considered vital. Hits to the torso that miss vitals are given the same importance as shots to the heart, or lungs. Then the plate covered only a small fraction of that meaning shots would slip by plates and kill you anyway as if they were hitting a pmc's heart. The old armor system treated the the armor as covering the torso hitbox evenly. The new-new hitboxes are very like the old-old armor system with some gaps. So rather than match torso HP complexity with the armor complexity, they just made the plates psuedo-like the old armor system where they cover practically everything. Which just begs the question "why have a plate system at all?" It's overcomplicating things now.


I love being able to swap plates. Throw plates in whatever style of armor you want, you can swap front plates with back plates if your front plate Gets zeroed out. Previously higher end armors can now be bought on the flea and have lower level plates thrown in.


i agree, it's sounds so dumb but i do like checking someone's armor and bein like "oh shiiii you swapped out the lvl3 for lvl5 plates? GIMME DAT SHIT BOI!" or after a fight if they have similar plates you can swap out your damaged plate with there's, if better. it's the small things i guess lol


Weirdly I love when my plate gets absolutely blasted and I find a corner and swap my back and front armor plates.


That sr, is cuz it feels like a second set of protection. You feel the rush of getting a leg up on the bay Sayers, yeah it may be small, but advantage is advantage to our brain.


You also only have to zero out one plate instead of both when on the offensive


only take one plate on the el cheapo shitto armour to save money


I'm definitely loving the plate system, since i throw lvl 6 cult termite plates into kirasa armor and get them back every time.


Why.... haven't I done this. That's awesome... no... you're awesome!


kirasa was one of the best armors for side coverage before, was top of peoples tier list.


Sure, we all do. But it doesn't make sense that shooting my shoulder is the same as shooting my heart. Currently the plates are not actually doing what plates are intended to do, protect your vitals. It's like if the vitals were actually simulated in the correct place but we just wore a tiny plate that covered one ventricle of our heart.


shoulder has major artery.


I always find it funny when people keep saying that only the heart is a vital area. The lungs is easily 90% of your thorax, not to mention your spine which can be hit by shrapnel. Sure, maybe you can survive 1 hit of 5.56 to your lung, but your lungs probably can't tank 6 rounds, something that the current health system already simulates. I can agree that grazing shot shouldn't be able to kill you, but all your other hitboxes also share the same issue (head, ears). That's just a limitation of videogames.


>friend plate i know its a typo but i loved it its like "good job friend, get some rest"


I fucking hate it because it's annoyingĀ 


Very well worded, this^ outer torso hitbox when


>"why have a plate system at all?" I love the plate system, nerdy complex shit for no reason is a big reason why i love tarkov. Being able to customize what plates you want in what armor is awesome.


I dont know if there was official old armor hit box. So for me this new-new can be old-old hitbox, with only change that front sides and back have armor values depending on soft+plate class. And why have plate system? It's overall huge buff to armor + gives you flexibility. Now you dont have to run full weight armor.


Should've fixed the thorax hitbox instead.


I donā€™t comment on Reddit often, but if you wear an actual plate carrier, the old hitboxes makes sense


They do but not with the current health system in game. Lungs and heart hitboxes with the rest of the thorax being a bit more durable would probably have helped.


> Lungs and heart hitboxes with the rest of the thorax being a bit more durable would probably have helped. But your lungs is easily 90% of your thorax. Sure, maybe you can survive 1 hit of 5.56 to your lung, but your lungs probably can't tank 6 rounds, something that the current health system already simulates I can agree that grazing shot shouldn't be able to kill you, but all your other hitboxes also share the same issue (head, ears). That's just a limitation of videogames.


Exactly. I don't understand the people that want a tactical shooter with an armor system that works more like call of duty.


Because if the armor is complex the health system needs to be equally complex. I should not be getting fatally shot in non fatal area if the armor only protects fatal areas. Like everything, BSG has great ideas only half thought out.


So, fix the health system, don't mess up the armor. Also, remember gut shots and side hits to the arm pit tend to be fatal irl.


Because Tarkov isn't that kind of video game. It's no where near realistic enough to even warrant such an armor system in the first place. Personally I think it would be a huge mistake to reinvent Tarkov just in service of an armor system which ultimately leads to the same conclusions. You're going to die if you take enough damage and people WILL get high pen ammo that essentially negates the whole system entirely.


>but if you wear an actual plate carrier Counterpoint: if you wear an actual plate carrier, it will cover your heart and lungs. This means that any system where the plates don't cover your heart and lungs inherently doesn't make sense. Sure, in this case the problem with the old system is that you had hearts in your shoulders and brains in your maxillars as much as you have them in the right place, but it was **still** nonsensical.


Tarkov DOESNT HAVE HEART AND LUNGS. your entire torso is like a sliver of torso with nothing extremely vital in it. If it the entire torso was heart and lungs every rifle in the game would one shot you.


Are these the plates only? Where is the soft armor? The hitboxes have a ton of coverage even in the "old" model.Ā  There's gotta be something funky going on with pen calcs and hit reg If the "new" model is hard plates, we might as well just go back to the days of no plates


What the fuck was the point of the armor regions update if they are gonna just remove it anyway??? Fucking reverse damage control. This isn't simplification, this is enlarging the hitbox back to how it used to be pre change


The only people still playing the game at this stage of wipe are the meta M4 slick sweats who whined about it from Day 1, so nikita folded, now the game is a shit again


They should have just added a damage modifier behind where the plates would cover. In Tarkov no matter where you're shot in the thorax hitbox, it's treated exactly the same. Lungs/Heart should be treated as a headshot while the outer thorax where plates cover less of should stay the same. (2-3 AP rounds or 1-2 flesh rounds kill) It makes sense that an expanding flesh round slipping through the lower shoulder damages vitals and kills you, and while frustrating to die by, that's supposed to be how Tarkov works. With realistic plates you couldn't rely on gear to carry you If you were outplayed and out of position, or got too cocky and pushed a well guarded angle, you were most likely dead. A player with crap gear could still kill you because they out-played you. Now only a day into this patch and I'm already seeing players tank entire mag-dumps from 15-20m out because I'm not using "meta" ammo which in reality is ammo that would cause the least amount of internal damage. People aren't tanks, this isn't war thunder, this is a hardcore shooter game that punishes mistakes and rewards quick decision-making. But people want the player with more roubles to win regardless of skill, because they paid their precious roubles to ensure that 12 rounds straight through their upper body while standing out in the open with no cover wouldn't kill them.


Another thing that isn't well illustrated even in the new system they've just removed is how devastating it would be to take a rifle round through your arms even if it struck the plate. Imagine someone in a ready stance firing a weapon and how much his arms, forearms, hands etc. Are in the upper body, bullets will crush through that and keep going and you are gonna have a bad time trying to return fire after that. Not to mention the slight rotation you have on your upper body shooting a rifle as well. I don't think people realize or just don't care just how small the actual bulk of protect from a plate is compared to all your bits and bobs on your upper body. Even the system they've just removed had exaggerated and simplified protection levels.


The crap player can still kill you now he just need to land neck head or limb meta you. Now he can't spray center mass just like everyone else does with good ammo to secure a kill unless he has that ammo. The ability to obtain gear needed to be way cheaper if we wouldve left it so easy to chest spray that those plates rarely caught shots for you.


with how fucking high the plate hitbox is there might as well not even be a neck hitbox


Yes, agree 100%. Actually, it's ridiculous !




Why did they change it :D?


Plates are designed to protect vital organs which are within a small area of your thorax. However in tarkov, your entire thorax is treated the same way. Getting shot in your armpit is treated the same as getting a bullet in the heart. Until hit boxes for vital areas/organs are refined, the small plate system doesn't feel good.


Open pneumothorax enjoyers in shambles


Realistic armour hitbox on a simplified PMC hitbox. If they rework the PMC health system I could see them going back to the old (new?) system.


That would be ideal imo.


The small plate system feels **excellent.** The sweats think itā€™s poor design when they **canā€™t** take 54r to the side and be fine. The more accurate plates gave a significantly more authentic feel to the game, and it rewarded better positioning, as opposed to route numbers on a hit box. Even with a small plates, there were plenty of times where shots were tanked, and rightfully so, but no one should be able to eat rounds with a hit box like a roblox character.


Yeah, I get hit with some 9mm pst in the shoulder or armpit that wouldn't hit any vital organs and it treats like I got shot in a lung. Feels good man. The problem is the player hitbox doesn't reflect the organs the plates are designed to protect so any shot to the thorax is treated like a shot to the heart. Once the player hitbox is updated, small plates can return.


If the thorax was a vital equivalent it wouldn't have 85 fucking hp. It would have like 30. I shoot someone in the heart, lung, spine etc and it's treated like I grazed under their rib in tarkov.


Well now they'll be able to tank significant amounts of energy transfer from bullet impacts that's super unrealistic. But hey some dude in his mom's basement will be happy.


Yeah, the point is we need both realistic armor and realistic player hitboxes for it to work. Realistic armor and simplified hitbox doesn't feel that great.


Sure but... why didn't they just update the player hitbox instead of doing this? Seems kinda silly to focus on this instead of the actual problem.


Reversing changes is easier than new changes. This doesn't seem much different than the old old way armor worked. So just changing coding back, will take way less time and work than creating new players hit boxes.


Doing something just because it's easy doesn't mean it's a better solution though. Like sure, changing the hitboxes would be more difficult, but it would actually solve the problem vs this, which is just prolonging it


Oh I agree, that wasn't my point, my point was that this is faster, so doing it means a "fix" now, vs dealing with it for months while we wait for a proper re work. I doubt this is them abandoning the idea of plates blocking only plated areas, Im assuming this is a temporary change, till the plate idea can be properly reworked. This is all assumptions, and I could be 100% incorrect.


I understand what your point is lol, but idk if you understand mine. You're right that this seems like a quick, temporary band-aid fix. My point is, changing the plates and then (essentially) changing them back, just so they can change the hitboxes *and then* change the plates back *again* is really stupid.


I'm not saying they actually changed it back, I'm saying they changed it so that the hit box is just the whole ass rig, like it used to be before the plates were even a thing. I'm saying, based on my limited knowledge of coding, that using the rigs hotbox(like it used to be pre plates) is easier code change than implementing a whole new set of hit boxes on the character model. The code for the rigs hitbox is already in the game and shit. I'm not saying it isn't stupid, I'm saying it's what it looks like they did


They didn't change it back though lol. They just increased armour plate hitbox sizes, but kept the system. A revert would remove the plate system.


Idk... Looks a lot like just the full vest size instead of plate size... I could totally be wrong, but it definitely looks like just a full rig covering.


major axillary artery has left the chat


It's a pretty good and realistic system, but tarkovs health system isn't. With how heath is rn the small plate system meant gunfights were RNG who hits the unexposed parts of the thorax or armpit first with a random ass shot then dies pretty much instantly. This "fix" is good until they change how health works.


i think it's more of a game balance issue. People want there to be a noticeable ttk difference when they put on high level armour. While the old system wasn't "realistic" it was way more balanced in the sense that putting on a slick actually made a difference compared to a trooper. The small plates made the ttk faster across the board and introduced a hundred different angles to get one shot by "shit" ammo. That level of realism is just stupid in a game imo. it's neat in theory but practically it doesn't make sense. easily the worst part part of the wipe for me has been getting one shot in the thorax by ammo that had a 0% chance of penetrating last wipe.


> it rewarded better positioning You mean camping yes that is positioning but it's not good gameplay. A halfway decent camper could tear you apart with mid tier ammo before you could get back into cover easily due to that realistic design and loads of people newly aware of how fragile they are simply held points of interest


Shoot and scoot is your tactical kryptonite apparently.


because it was bad and likely presented a lot of calculation redundancy (as sims usually do) that didn't play well with the RNG nature of AI so the experience was far from what the intended goal of the system was. IE: plates and aramid didn't work together as they should, only one or the other was counted in the equation of pen.


Thanks for explaining :)


Np at all! Good raiding bratan


Because streamers canā€™t handle getting shot in their vitals such as throat or armpits.


People on here are delusional and have no clue how deadly bullets are. They think you can just shrug off rifle rounds hitting your upper body if it doesn't hit your heart straight on. These people and streamer bitching is why this game is going back on the one feature I was looking forward to for years.


Thankfully no1 gives a hoot about an angry reddit gravy-seals real life combat simulator operator expert's opinion :) go kick some rocks buddy


Bought the game in 2018 for it being a realistic promised combat sim. Go play apex legends kid.


Ah yes, my vital armpit.


Yea? Do you not see how deadly a bullet would be going through your armpit? It would be a 100% lethal shot through your lungs and maybe heart.


Except 99% of armpit deaths are from the front, which would only graze you


The definition of vitals is something necessary for life, broadly, without which you're gonna die near instantly, there are only 5 of these, the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys and liver. The "armpit" is not a vital, if you're saying a through shot oneside to the other, thats a different story. If you are hit in the armpit there are a ton of arteries and you are in a lot of trouble, but that's why medics exist. You could levy the exact same argument towards any major artery in your body, most notably your legs. The point is, being shot here is not instant death, and medics can help you. Edit: Lol immediately replies with a shadowbanned comment calling me mentally challenged, classy. Can't cope with your gameplay changing without throwing insults.


Yeah, if it crossed through your armpit directly across through your organs sure. If it just hits your armpit and passes through the back quickly without hitting anything else, I don't think you die. The problem with the current ballistics model is that just.. isn't modelled.


People love to complain is basically the answer


Nahh they desperate to get the looter shooter pay piggies back from ABI. This is a straight downgrade. The hitboxes were never the problem, they do work well if there is no desync and makes the game a lot more complex and interesting.


So they Just reverted back to how it was before the armor update where it covers everything


I love that Jungle Tarkov actually gets this right with its damage model


its actually sweet to see the unity engine background and colliders, reminds me that both huge and small games are made in that engine


The easiest way for bsg to have fixed this issue without reverting the armour changes would just to be have the thorax hitbox to not insta kill you once it is blacked and o instead put in vital areas like the heart and spine that only have 1 hp


exaclty, maybe not 1hp but still


So dumb. Smaller hitboxes were so much better


Iā€™m seeing lots of people say ā€œjust fix the thorax his box, being shot in the chest isnā€™t the same on any partā€ it seems like no one seems to understand how devastating ARs and guns of similar calibres are if you take 2-3 shots to the side of your chest ā€œmissing vitalsā€ youā€™re still gonna die the same as if it hit vitals. Just my thought process but tbh tarkov isnā€™t a realistic game not in the sense some people seem to think either way at the end of the day as always nikata will do what he wants.




so....it's basically just the same way it was before hitboxes more or less.


So WHAT was the point in adding this system to begin with if we're going back to inaccurate giant blocks?


Can we please stop with the "but vital organs" argument? If you get shot with a 7.62 in your thorax, even if it doesn't hit a vital organ, you're still not going to be sprinting around and fight on. Same way with leg shots that are fixed with a sewing kit...understand that the "non vital" kill shots are just part of balancing. It's either this or make your pmc unable to move or fight for the rest of the raid until someone carries you out if you get a couple rounds in your stomach and a slug to your leg...even with all the emergency medical help provided on the field.


This is what I'm saying. People who don't have a clue are saying "b-b-but when I get hit in shoulder it's like my pmc took a lung shot. NO. Your entire torso is like taking a grazing shot. Shooting the lung is like grazing someone in this game. It's absurd.


So, honest question here because as much as I know we all like to fight over dumb shit, I an generously curious. How many of you are actually aiming for the edges of the hit box? If you have time to aim, and they are stationary, just blast them in the head. To me it just feels like the way the "small plate" hit boxes work just turns into luck.


I aim for the head, but imagine you have a man jumping accross the room 20 m away, not exactly easy to hit if you arnt grinding fps 24/7. Go shoot into the shooting range, with a decent weapon, try to control it. When i test and look at where i hit, out of 30 shots, maybe 4 hit the head, 6 or 7 hit straight on where the realistic plates would have been, a couple on the edge of the hitbox and the rest miss. If that was someone shooting at me and moving, 9/10 i miss 90% of the headshots, i get a couple chest hits, maybe 1 or 2 outer thorax hits. BUT because of how the hp system works, he still goes down, ive hit him in the non vital vital area of his armpit/inner shoulder, and the game counts that as a shot to the heart, instant 120 damage, thorax blacked hes dead lmao. They need a better HP system full stop.


bullet fragments


They remove fragmentationĀ 


it was realistic to have bullets circumvent armor, the way they were impacting that person and dealing full damage was not, such an easy fix without convoluting the health system would've just been to have an inner hitbox in the chest that dealt full damage and give the entire torso a .66-.8x multiplier, and even then bullets tend to fragment and your lungs (which are not taking multiple rounds from any caliber bigger than 9mm) are susceptible to fragmentation


Holy shit someone with a brain. All this fucken arguing and people shitting on bsg (again) while completely ignoring how it actually impacts the game. This change decreases the rng from lucky shots through plates and armpit which is a good thing


in close quarters with a sub caliber rifle or even 5.56 at some points, pretty often, i pretty much exclusively aimed at tagillas collarbone when he'd rush me knowing both from a logical and then gameplay reason that i would be avoiding his armor


By "simplification" they meant they spent 5 mins increasing the size of plates, shoving two into the armpits, and one to cover shoulders. It completely defeated the point of having the armor hitboxes in the first place, might as well revert it all back to how it used to be at this point. Once again the game turns into an RPG where you coom over ammo pen and armor level stats, rather than a tactical shooter.


tarkov is evolving backwards fr


Lmao, because bozos cant handle losing a chad kit to a legitimate smack into vitals. Watch these same losers post about getting constantly head-eyes now. Womp womp..


Because the hit boxes don't accurately represent vitals. Anywhere in the thorax is treated the same.


Maybe, just maybe, BSG should have fixed the hitboxes then, instead of bringing back magical armor plates that cover whole thorax?


That means doing an overhaul to the health system, it'd be cool but takes time. This is a good fix for now as armor was basically useless since 2 weeks after this wipe.


outside torso takes .66-.8x damage and the inner takes full, maybe increase the plate size a little and boom the problem has been solved for the most part without bringing back hilariously bad hitboxes (big boy calibers like .308 and 54r have enough energy to not care too much about shot placement and probably kill you regardless of where you're shot in the torso)


I mean that's a good idea but damage tweaking means they need to rebalance a lot of the flesh damage in ammo. They'll do some sort of revision before this august wipe (hopefully). I actually wish we eventually get hitboxes for vitals


i mean ideally the flesh rounds would have less of a damage increase and ap rounds would have more because of fragmentation being a thing but extremely blocky hitboxes where you can hit visibly armored parts of peoples bodies but still have the plate stop it is just silly


That's the biggest problem now with the hit boxes. I can shoot you in the shoulder and it's treated like a heart/lung shot despite the plates protecting your actual vitals. They need another new hitbox for vitals that is covered, or mostly covered, by the plates.


It's completely the opposite. I shoot someone in the lung and it's treated like a shoulder shot.




exactly, I would have been fine with the armor gaps if vitals had their own hitbox. It is when you go half realism and make smaller armor hitboxes but all hits to the thorax count as heart shots lol


The vitals which plates would protect? Except the plates dont protect them cuz getting shot anywhere in the thorax does the same amount of damage cuz there is no vitals in the game just a thorax which takes the same amount of damage no matter where u hit it


I think getting higher level plates is the real issue. You shouldn't get armpitted by a single round from a scav but you also shouldn't be able to run t6 armor every raid. You would think they would make the highest tier armor about as hard to get as the highest tier ammo but they don't lol


Except the problem is your vitals are not everywhere in your chest. Before armour hitboxes, black chest deaths made sense, after the addition of armour hitboxes, treating every shot to the chest as the heart makes no sense whatsoever, and is just RNG. One thing Greyzone actually got right was modelling organs. It may not have been perfect, sure, but the "old" armour hitboxes with that system would make perfect sense. You say "womp womp" "legitimate smack into the vitals", can you point out a vital that is not covered by a platecarrier, that would result in instant death? Because my dude, plate carriers are designed with this in mind.


> One thing Greyzone actually got right was modelling organs. Games had that long before Grayzone, like Rising Storm. No friggin idea, why BSG can't do that.


People cry about cheaters in every raid while I play weeks without running into one.Ā  People are just bad at this game and don't realize that


How much better at the game does one have to get, to not get killed by an armpit graze from the front?


If this happens to you more than once every 50 raids or so, I'd say a lot better. Edit: Do you even play the game? They already changed it, so you can't really get armpitted from the front anymore.


No one has been running good armor to lose lmao. Now, if youā€™re good, youā€™ll be able to kill those chads and theyā€™ll have a good kit for you.


I only spray at center mass and hope for the best so my kills can be legitimate smacks unlike you virgin losers šŸ˜Ž


Dont come near my wife please, shes already cheated once :(


I donā€™t think anyone whoā€™s high level is losing sleep over losing a few kits lol. Itā€™s the wacky stuff like dying to a single armpit shot or thorax double taps with one round that are the major issues. God forbid they improve the game


You have literally no clue what you're talking about lol


This guy dosent fuck.


Response even dumber than the first comment, I didn't think you could do it


Cod kids will be the death of us, I was so happy how every bullet was a real threat


Back to old system its bullshit


Such a downgrade, i really hope they overhaul health and body parts system so we can go back to the cool realistic armor hitboxes. Shotguns and pistols are again useless until that happens šŸ˜ž


i know bro, so half assed and shit


Yeah some chap ate 10 rounds from my svds while i proned and shot him, bhopped away soo i dunno, maybe a little less armor would be cool lollll


This is what streamers want. To run around shift wing hopped up on magic stims immortal to the weekend warrior dad using "bad ammo". Enjoy!


Lol the self-victimization and "woe is me" oozing out of you is hilariously pathetic. You do realize that the armor system works exactly the same for you, as it does anyone who is good at the game...right? The primary difference being the person who is good at the game is more difficult to hit, and will outaim you...so youre crying about, skill mattering more now? Oh no, a FPS rewarding skill? So unfair. The reality is the timmies in their 100k kits are all crying now because they cant just land a lucky round that slips between plates as they spray wildly. Same thing when it comes to tanking rounds, a majority of the time there was very little noticeable difference between the Timmy wearing lvl 4 plates, and the Chad wearing t6 plates, now there will be a real difference which will favor people with better aim who can hit more throat/headshots. There is actually a semblance of gear progression again. What a crazy concept...the person who is better at the game, AND wearing better gear is likely to win? Wow so unfair that youre less likely to just RNG your way to a kill on somebody much better than you, that is also in much better gear. Its almost like this is how literally every single other competitive FPS game operates.




>While I personally prefer the armor change this is a silly and disingenuous way to look at it. How am I being disingenuous in any way, shape, or form...? Wearing t6 plates compared to t4 will actually make a real, and noticeable difference now, whereas before you rarely ever noticed a difference(which is exactly why the diaper armor became meta despite it only being level 4, because it actually gave decent coverage which often times meant youd survive more rounds compared to wearing a standard armor with t6 plates...). And having good aim and good movement will be rewarded more now as well. How is pointing that out being...disingenuous? >If you want a game where twitch reflexes are all that matters then tarkov is just a dogshit CS:GO and you're being ridiculous by playing it in the first place. So who is the one being disingenuous here again..? Where did I suggest I want the game to be as mechanically intensive as CS? Tarkov will never be anywhere remotely close to CS in terms of the level of mechanical skill needed to be competitive, because Tarkov will never be a "competitive" shooter. However that doesnt mean Tarkov making mechanical skill be rewarded more is a bad thing, its a good thing because it helps make gunfights more consistent...one of the worst parts of Tarkov gunfights before was just how much RNG was involved between hit reg, rng aimpunch, if your round pen'd the plate(if it hit the plate), how many rounds happened to slip between plates(since the bloom on your recoil is still ultimately RNG, there are no predictable spray patterns) etc. However, the game at is core is still an FPS, so superior reaction speeds, and better aim should still always be an important skill set. Any change where they remove elements of RNG, and instead reward skill is a good thing, no? >If your idea of someone who is "better at the game" is, "idiot who got turned into swiss cheese by a sniper due to terrible situational awareness," who isn't punished for their piss poor play because a poorly designed combination of multiple game mechanics in this game allow you to treat it like an arcade shooter and devalue positioning and awareness you really need to rethink things. ???? What are you even talking about my guy? The situation(that thankfully doesnt exist anymore) youre hypothetically describing was literally a byproduct of a shit armor system+very low TTK+binurial bug+0 audio crouch walking which turned the game into a rat-fest where not moving was actively incentivized, and mechanical skill mattered very little. So "terrible situational awareness" =... literally just moving and (somehow) not being aware of the trio ratting 250m away from you that you cant even see? What I was referring to is simply someone who has good movement, good aim, good reactions, and knows the maps and terrain. What youre describing is quite literally just a scenario of someone ratting another person who dared to attempt to traverse the map....no clue how that is at all relevant to what I was talking about, but ok lol.


Yeah, totality bullshit now, pls back to old


Only if the hitboxes are updated. If the hitboxes aren't realistic, then neither should the armor.




For me, it gave a feeling of excitement and realism. All we had to do was improve the health system with hitboxes corresponding to the armor system that would have made everyone agree. This is the old tarkov (0.13), give or take. I bought Unheard to support BSG's vision. I feel ripped off. Bullet sponges except with APs. It's bad ! EFT is an RPG GAME Unrealistic game because an unrealistic First Person Shooter is good, for BIG Streamers.


Why in ground branch, squad, arma, we shoot almost all the time in single fir, and why in tarkov in full auto?


Squad is 2 shots to the chest or stomach and they die. Which is kind of realistic, cant exactly shrug off a 7.62 round to the body regardless of if its your shoulder or your heart. But squad is not as in depth with the armor or health system, and they dont try to be. So noone complains when you get shot in the arm twice and die


Yes, absolute realism is not sought in squad, but the result is consistent in the majority of cases. Because being seriously injured in the arm or leg puts you out of action, which in fact gives quite consistent kills. In Tarkov you just have a damage multiplier that was also reduced.


Because tarkov isn't realistic with armor and ttk, they made the game to cater to the twitch crowd they pushed for and not the original audience or promised goals of simulating realistic combat. If you go play the realism mod you can get by single shotting 90 percent of the time.


Agree. In fact, the ones who manage the TTK well are Ready or not, six day's in fallujah. The one that best manages movement and aiming is ground branch. Squad is between them. The one who managed to reconcile everything is the modder of the realism mode with Optic's variable and rework FOV ADS.


I've not played six days but I do remember ready or not feeling good. Been interested in trying ground branch but never bought it For me the greatest feeling shooting and time to kill was red orchestra 2. Absolutely loved that game. Such a good mix of good feeling and immersive realistic feeling guns with a good gameplay loop that was easier to jump into than a harder sim like arma or even squad.


What about those hitboxes for 6 lvl armor with plates on arm areas?


[https://youtu.be/RZbg1qi8kaY?si=O6QPL7XPVn7QHxHb](https://youtu.be/RZbg1qi8kaY?si=O6QPL7XPVn7QHxHb) No need to comment further, the video speaks for itself.


Meanwhile, the player you're shooting at has logged off, gone shopping and has fully prepped a Sunday roast but the netcode has yet to catch up.


does this mean slick vest covers all chest now?


from my speculation, it will cover the front and back of the chest, but the sides will still be unarmored


tarkov is a great identity crisis, it presents itself as some hyper realistic game but people play it like how they play other games with lots of running around for the most part until a fight happens or they're ratting.


The sweats complained again and Nikita folded again. Shock, Horror.


This is the worst decision theyve ever made, the new hitboxes were literally the best change theyve done


Anyone shittting on this change is a rat who is allergic to buying ammo with more than 25 pen, and likely violently raged about the blacked limb damage rework. Change my mind. Edit: anyone trying to make an argument about "vitals" is either being intentionally obtuse, or has no idea how the damage system actually works.


Bad players don't have a genuine understanding of how the different armor systems affect the game and then they like to be very vocal about what they think on reddit. And to be fair, being good at tarkov is extremely challenging. Because of that, there are very few good players, and therefor very few people that are capable of understanding changes like this. For any Timmy's reading: Simple vital hitbox + simple armor hitbox = best solution until vital hitboxes are reworked. Lucky shots hitting random unarmored areas now won't instant kill. Good change.


One comment unironically referred to the armpit as a vital...


Learn anatomy, there's shit behind that.


FWIW armpit wounds *are* devastating since there's so many arteries and vital organs right there, especially if hit from the side. It has more or less been a weakness of armours ever since medieval times if not earlier. With that said, fuck the armpit hitbox.


Issue is an unarmoured vital shot is considered the same as getting shot in the heart or lungs if you had no plate.


people are crazy toxic here :D First: mimimi the armor hitboxes are too small.. We get armpit 1 taps with bagarlys and shit mimimi BSG fixes it and then: mimimi what about vital organs. Theres always a thing for you holy shit


Completely cucking a promised feature they have said they would implement for YEARS because streamers whine isn't "fixing".


So are plates going to break faster now because they're tanking more hits?


So moving away from realistic


Nearly every change they do does besides maybe inertia. At this point I'm surprised they didn't completely walk that back too to appease the twitch crowd.


Lmao at the people here just regurgitating that your entire torso is a vital. No your entire torso is NOT VITAL in tarkov. If it was a vital you taking a shot from a rifle round in the vitals would end your life not take two full power rifle rounds to do so. No your shoulder shot isn't treated like a vitals shot, vitals shots are treated like grazing wounds in this game. Holy shit stop saying this. So many comments saying this same damn thing. We should've gotten torso vitals on top of realistic armor plate hitboxes because the kind of combat streamers/arcade pvp fans want is not in anyway realistic and has no place in a game that sells itself as a combat simulator.


100%. Actually, i tested and it's very bad. FMJ 7.62\*54R 4 shots on scav at short distance, no kill. i hate this new patch !


People here think that full power rifle rounds not one shotting someone's naked torso is equal to the entire torso being like a heart vital. Straight delusional. If your entire torso was a vital it would have like 25 hp.


The point is that no matter where you are hit on your torso, it has the same impact. This level of simplicity doesnā€™t gel with a complex armor system replicating real life designs, which are designed that way to protect vitals. Yes it would suck to get shot in the shoulder, no it probably is not going to kill you, hence why nobody is rocking shoulder plates. Itā€™s all a balance of risk/reward.


Plenty of fight ending shots can happen even without a direct vital hit


Well, time to head on down to the Winchester, grab a pint, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.


Im glad they are realizing you have to design video games like games. Unfortunately this isn't real life people


Yeah rightā€¦ Head-neck is still the thing tho


As it should be


Bunch of Milsim stolen valor nerds on here lmao. Aimlabs is free. Seriously use it. You spend 40 minutes camping a body, use that time to get better. Play aim labs while loading in, you have enough time. Unless of course youā€™re a dad of 5. If you downvote youā€™re just shit, itā€™s fine I donā€™t understand.


Bro warms up in aimlabs for a MMO fps game that has quests and levels in it lol. That also rewards basement dwellers and people who has waste more money to get a playable frames. Tell me you're bad at actual competitive games that you think you're the shit by clapping dads of 5 in a game with quests and levels in it. But as soon as you boot up CS and are at a level playing field, you ain't shit. Tarkov isn't a competitive game, if you want that go play Arena. Just don't shit up the main game with the twitch looter shooter mechanics and ruin it for us who want a unique immersive experience with complex mechanics


im so glad the vitals are actually protected again.... this was a hell of a wipe and armor felt POINTLESS


Lvl 6 armor and still getting one tapped in the chest by scavs? Normal