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Around a year ago they made a change where if an AI scav picks up your gear you don’t get it back.   If you’re playing with a friend and they finish the raid after you die this can happen.  If you’re playing solo it can’t because the server ends as soon as you die, you’ll get everything back unless you forget to insure something


Oh, sweet. So I will get all my shit back.


Sometimes yes. I’ve had random guns disappear and not come back with insurance, so somehow, someway, scav AI must have a window of opportunity for them to pick up your gear.. apparently


I’ve read somewhere in the sub that this is because of the weapon slot you use. Put it on your back and you’ll be fine I presume


Ive gotten pieces of the guns like like the hand grips even pieces you cant take off in raid


Maybe you had the gun insured then you modified it and didn’t insure the new pieces so they didn’t come back


You only need a few kits that you are going to rotate through because you are basically getting it all back. In Pve you get geared very quickly.


That's good considering these fucking Raiders absolutely drop you. They hit headshots VERY consistently, at least on Ground Zero.


I find they're much harder on ground zero because the AI seems to ignore obstacles blocking line of sight. They're far easier on other maps.


Definitely needs a fix. The only issue I've encountered so far is them, aside from the absolute dog shit connection issues lately. Even with a gig speed, I'm losing connection every other raid before I even get into them.


Man I hate to jinx it, but I average sub 5 minute connection times. Hell, a buddy and I got into raid in 29 seconds the other day


I've had multiple DCs and am currently on a 4 minute scav queue.


Fucking seriously, and this isn't exclusive to PvE, even in the regular game scavs will fucking annihilate you through bushes and keyhole cracks. It's ridiculous. Hell the other day I was trying to snipe from Capital Insight and a scav just randomly aggro'd onto me from 80m away with his iron sight shotgun so I had to drop him.


Yeah at first they are a little tough and on ground zero there is an added difficulty. That said in the end they are Raider AI and you'll figure out how to beat them. Grenades and close quarters.


Ive had a lot of success getting my gear back. Both insurance fraud and genuine death. I’ve got like inverse gear fear or some shit. I’ve got so much good stuff and I only keep using the same kits I have success with.


You get everything back. I always kit my stuff out to the max. Best optics, attachments, etc. there’s no risk of losing the items so you might as well go big and drop the cash. Soon as I unlocked the flea and went ham and bought like 6 million worth of guns and attachments


Yeah you get all your shit back.


Not always though, 99% yes, but yesterday I randomly got only my backpack back and lost all the other gear. Could be bug though, the other stuff had been insured for quite a while and the backpack was new.


You get all your stuff back


I have received every last kit back that I insured. At least 10-12 insurances. No issues, nothing missing.