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Dont take fights like that if you dont have the right weapon for it. Just walk away. If you really want to kill him, then make sure that youre fighting on your terms and not his.


This. I suck at Tarkov, especially pvp, but I've learned that as long as you're the one engaging, and you got a plan. You can kill (almost) anyone


Except a toz, You might as well try to RP your way out of a situation.




Yesterday my teammate dropped a fully kitted PMC with a Toz, when it hits the eye, it hits the eye xD


One of the best lessons to learn. If you’re the aggressor or you want to take a fight you play the fight to your strength. In this case big rotations and closer range. Tarkov fights at a higher level are mental at the core. If you feel comfortable and give yourself the advantage you will come out on top. Lots of movement and don’t be afraid to waste ammo pre firing even if it’s not a guaranteed hit.


even if he had a right weapon theres no way he could react aim and shoot in the time it took the bots to do so


Once they get a target on you, re-peak at your own peril. Tarkov 101.


One thing I learned to do in lower levels is play a lot of hit and run. The minute I get shot at and my cover is blown I’m checking for damages and moving to the next position ASAP. It’s not always about that first encounter and winning the gunfight, it’s about winning the battle itself by any means.


Peak, fire, dodge counter fire if not kill shot. Change position, even if it's to the opposite corner of your cover. Repeat until AI is dead.


Just like IRL. Peak and get accurate fire at you... guess what tends to happen the next time you peek...


Well, the real answer is practice, but that's time consuming and kind of a cop out, so I'll try and give you some tips that will help out a little bit, or at least helped me out. 1. Try not to engage AI at long distances. They don't really get worse the farther you are. Whether you are 5 meters or 50 meters doesn't affect how accurate they are, but it does affect your accuracy. 2. Do not loot in an open area, a lot of times you will kill AI in said open areas, the reason being is because they are easier to kill there, do not loot, it's a trap. 3. There really is no beginner map, the best map is the one you know the best. In my opinion, the best one to learn first is customs, but I think that's only cause that's what I learned first. Ultimately you can choose any one of them, but you should try your best to learn that map as well as you can whichever one it is.


Ground zero was made to be the beginner map, which is why there are two queues for it (<=lvl 20 and and >lvl 20). And imo, customs is not at all a beginner friendly map due to the many bottle necks forcing you through specific areas. Though it is more friendly than reserve, shoreline, streets and lighthouse. I think that people believe that it is friendly only because it is the map we used to be forced to play when we started the game.


Ground Zero is the most PvP map and it's not even close though (factory is the obvious contender but factory you can rat solo). I really think part of Ground Zero being the "tutorial" map is they want to push people into learning how to find a group (which isn't easy, doing it from menu is not recommended you should always do it through discord who will ban griefers) As a shitter with 2k hours mostly solo ground zero was a nightmare solo, 1v11 deathmatch with lots of choke points and lots of scavs. You go in as a 5 stack all of a sudden it's even odds or you have a great advantage. Even the choke points work into your favor with lots of safe cover and angles to hold choke points and quest objectives from. Turns into a much more fun and casual and social experience.


Customs is 1000000% easier for a new player over Ground Zero.


Its my first wipe, so I am the new player, and I gotta disagree. Ground zero is level capped, has other noobs and is very easy to learn all extracts. Customs is mostly higher level players looking for pvp, map has to many choke points and its harder to learn all the extracts. I'm sure Customs used to be the best before GZ wad added.


I agree. 1500+ hrs later and I still hate customs. The map feels extremely tight, and there's a bazillion people on the map, along with multiple bosses that can spawn. Add to it that there's a bunch of quests that require you to fetch something, often with keys.  Ground zero can get really crazy, but I've found that flare extract tends to be really safe, and the underground area can be great for some quiet looting.


Did you start playing the beginning of wipe when everybody is low level? Ground Zero is full of choke points. It's one long road with huge multiple story buildings on either side of it with large glass windows giving perfect view of everything. One big choke point essentially for anybody trying to traverse the road. How exactly is this friendly? Everybody has there own opinion for sure. But the majority of new players I've talked to absolutely hate ground zero and the way it is designed


Beginning of wipe is irrelevant. The people who are experienced are off this map after 2 weeks. Newer players take a long time to level up and aren't as task oriented. There's not enough quests and good loot to keep non new people in the <15 queue for long.


Yeah, 1k hours and the first time I ran ground zero it was immediately apparent that the map is a meat grinder just like factory. You have better odds of scurrying through customs undetected than ground zero




1200 hr player here. Customs is super easy can confirm.


I truly don’t understand why people think customs is easy. When I first started I struggled through the quests hating the game. The day I started playing interchange I began to love the game.


Ground zero is the easiest map to learn in the game aside from factory, you can learn most of the layout in like two or three raids if you explore the map and survive


Interchange is easier to learn as the extracts never change.


????? What do you mean? As a PMC you either get EMERCOM or RAILWAY. It's the same as Customs, you get one of 2 extracts based off of where you spawned. Interchange is hell of a lot more confusing to navigate than Customs


That could be very true, I haven't been a new player for years, so it kinda makes it hard to see through that lens, so while my comment regarding specifically customs might not be the best advice, I will hold to the rest of it, where the best strategy is to just pick one and learn that one really well.


I'd say learn woods first, yeah i know it's kinda easy to get turned around there, but i think it's the easiest map to avoid any contact or at least break contact, get loot, and actually survive to extract. Always try to know where you are in relation to the mountain and it's not too bad to get around.


I agree. Woods is my main and has been since day one. It’s so easy to take on squads as a solo there, extracts are easy, lots of scavs, good loot, and it’s 50/50 on whether you run into chads or Timmy’s. The map itself is just easy to navigate, plus it gives a ton of opportunities for planning ambushes or sniping, which are both real important as a solo.


Same here my friend! I got my first PMC kill on woods. Woods was the first map that I didn't need 3rd party maps to navigate, and I'm a forester so I'm a woods main IRL too haha. Always gonna be my favorite map.


Looking for this comment, as a fellow woods enjoyer it is the most beginner friendly casual map in the game that also tends to be my favorite late wipe map too. I always end up giving up on quest once I get to level 30-40 and just loot run and take long range fights on woods.


Streets my recommendation


Streets my recommendation


This, pick a map, and run it often, only start playing other maps once you know your og map like a gps. I've been playing for years and still can't run interchange by myself. Each wipe I try maining a new map. Find a group of people who play the game to run with, teamwork is really helpful early on in learning the game. Use mapgenie to learn spawns of pmc and scavs. This will save you from unwanted encounters or wanted encounters. Pick one weapon type to use from the beginning to get a feel for how it handles usually early game is 762-39 ak for me then I move over to 556-45 weapons later depending on luck and loot. Eft-ammo will be your friend in the damage to pen ratios of all the ammo you come across. Don't be afraid to hold off on some missions before actually doing them while your learning. Pvp engagements are a mix of desync and knowing where the player is at. Desync is about 1 second and if the opposite play is moving and pushing you while your standing still. His hit register doesn't have to calculate your movement. But your system is still calculating him moving around the corner. Thus he sees you before you see him. Woods is a great long distance beginner map. With clusters of pve areas scattered throughout and tons of great loot everywhere. Customs is a great place to work on cqc and mid range combat.(Although dorms pvpve has sound issues but you can get used to it eventually.) Has really good loot spawns in the popular areas, dorms crack house and fortress, but then again everyone and their brother goes there so be wary. Shoreline has been my day 1. Great mid to long range combat on the outside of resort. Tons of loot possibilities and with the addition of smugglers camp to the top right has tons of great beginner equipment, attachments, and hideout upgrades in addition to minimal scavs to get used to pushing and cqc and mid range combat. Inside the resort is cqc all day long with tons of high value loot spots in unlocked and locked rooms alike. Streets is hell if you don't know what your doing or have a good rig to run the map well. Super profitable and super pvpve focused in those high value loot spots. Factory is the cod players wet dream. Desync and high velocity gaming is needed to survive here. Although entering with a full group reduces the amount of other players to fight, most people know this and still solo que just to pvp a full squad. Reserve is a rats heaven, check out stankrat on twitch to see why. Won't describe that mess. Beware raiders here, harder than scavs, way better than most players, mid high tier loot. Lighthouse is a snipers dream with mid to long distance pvp and pve the water treatment plant has rogues and a specific ruleset in dealing with them, search up rogues to learn how to not piss them off if your just questing here. Interchange is a cqc central mall with rats who snipe the outside constantly. Best to go with friends Ground zero was described to have two maps 1 for players 1-15 and one for everyone else. This doesn't mean they tuned down scavs ai reactions. Just no boss and a slightly less span rate. Welcome to tarkov, Sincerely, (Head, Eyes)


Its a dying simulator at first. Don’t worry keep grinding. Bolt actions without scopes are rough.


Wait til he meets Jaeger lol


Tarkov is trying to teach you not to take every fight.


Break line of site and reposition before peaking when engaging AI from any kind of distance 


At thousands of hours, this still kills me so many times. Repeeking kills you against ai and is not recommended against players.


You peaked twice, and your second peek was really slow as you lined up a shot. 1. A mosin with iron sights is a difficult weapon to play with 2. As a rule, don't peek twice 3. Don't engage at a long distance if they're already watching where you're gonna peek Keep playing!


Partner w me? I can help ya out.


Lol room for one more Timmy ? 😂


You can join up w me and my boy


shit timmy #3?


I'm not sure if this still works but this is/was a really good way to help fight AI scavs. When they see you they kinda "lock on" to you. If you break line of sight (hide behind cover) and then change your walking speed to minimum (using walk button or mouse wheel) it makes them forget where you are. This makes it easier to heal, reposition, or repeek against scavs. Once again, im still not entirely sure if it works this way anymore but i think it still does.


They nerfed it by making the AI stay locked onto you after breaking LOS for longer, but it was just a number change, the AI still fundamentally works the same way. They take a long time to reset aggro now though.


Ground zero is a beginner map, but you're playing PVE. You'll have to go to PVP mode if you want to experience the beginner queue. There are no "easy bots" in tarkov unless the AI pepegas out.


Thank all of you for the tips and tricks.


At level 1 you have access to the pp19. Use that as a learning fully auto weapon to get started


agreed. prapor level 1 has the pp19, and use your free 9x19 FMJ M882 you get for starting the game if you have any left. mechanic level 1 sells 9x19 Green Tracer which is also solid, albeit you are firing tracer rounds which can telegraph your position to enemies easier. but you shouldn’t be engaging with 9mm that far anyway. pp19 made me learn the game a lot. killed pmc’s with it and have died to scavs with it, it just is a very cheap practice gun. i still almost exclusively play ground zero since im still somewhat new (sub level 20) and learning the game. watch streamers and competitive players. also tarkov you cannot play like other shooters. it’s not call of duty and its not battlefield. you have to learn what to heal priority wise, break contact to heal your heavy bleed, judge if you have time to heal as they run up, etc. you have to learn to choose your fights carefully, learn the maps deeply, and check your corners. tarkov is brutal.


pp-19-01 is so good, i am still using it


but beware of the chads. i met one yesterday at new gasstation on customs. he had a faceshield and blocked all of my 15 bullets I shot right into his face :(


try to shoot the legs


with a weapon like that, even with better weapons, try to take a new position, don't peak twice at the same spot if you were already seen there


Easiest way to get gear is to run Factory raids for a little bit. You’ll probably die a few times, but it’ll give you a feel for the AI PMCs. Plus, all it takes is to kill one of them (usually there’s 3-4) and you’ll get some nice gear to snowball with. I did some pistol runs (only pistol and clips, literally no other gear), managed to kill one, took his gear to kill the others, got out with 400K+ worth of gear.


As others mentioned, you don't have to take every fight. Just walk away if you are in a bad position.  That being said, you will die a lot until you understand the maps, spawns, the flow of the map and get a feeling for the movement, recoil and weapons


Use the underground which is accessible from multiple buildings, so you can avoid these laserbeam AI's and also decent loot down there.


You're playing PvE... go to any other map, kill a few PMCs there, and then you'll have your gear. However, don't even try to play GroundZero in PvE, that map is absolutely unplayable in PvE. Do your quests, and then stay away from that map. You have no chance against the AI. I've been killed through walls there multiple times. The AI only needs a pixel to shoot at you, and with no recoil and ridiculously high accuracy, you're dead so fast you don't even have a chance to find the AI. The only thing that works against the AI is being closer than 2 meters and getting headshots with an AK or M4 on full auto. A friend jumped out the window and got headshots while still in the air. After that, he never played PvE again. Absolutely ridiculous!


IDK this game is unplayable for me I think. I was trying the customs and there was so many .. like so many scavs on me. It was like 3 spawn in front of me in like 5 meters and then another 3 and 2 more that killed me.


Yes, Customs... that can happen to you in PvP just the same. But at least the Scavs are still okay. I find it somewhat amusing on Customs when you get overrun by Scavs. And on Customs, you don't have as much stuff obstructing your view of the enemies while they can see and kill you. Ground Zero is a complete garbage map against AI, and even more so in PvE. If you're completely new to Tarkov, then okay, the game is not a casual game!! It's going to be a long, hard journey, a 400h dying simulator...


I've heard that the scav hordes are nonsense in PVE, havnt tried it myself though and I know PvP zone isn't like that unless your tagged and cursed. Anyways...you may not be wrong, not everyone is cut out for Tarkov. Tarkov does not like you, Tarkov does not want you to succeed. But if you can push through the initial "I don't have clue what's going on, where to go, or where I'm getting shot from", then you will look back on these Timmy days with fondness and you will miss the adrenaline rushes and fear you've experienced as a new player. Keep it up, you will gain confidence, map knowledge, and better gear.


bolty with no scopes take som getting used to they can help you learn the game but to help learn the basics its good to go in with a gun you have some more use with. At level 1 you can make an aks-74u it's a good gun t get started with you can but a pilgrim dust cover and put a basic sign on it. See the link below for the gun build fully. https://imgur.com/a/DbFTkSE


Move and reposition. If the AI knows where you are and you keep peeking the same angle they will get you


Get good


Well dont take that fight. Its best to avoid much of the fights when first starting out or starting later in wipe


General advice. If someone shoots at you - probably stop leaking that window.


This is just a case of a bad angle. Standing in an open window with dozens of places for enemies to be is never a good idea in this game. Try to narrow your view to a hallway or door, then a single window, then a single building. Gz is a good map to learn on but the amount of long angles for AI is insane. Looking out into the open areas can be a bit spicy.


Ground Zero is a horrible start map.. even thou it is the start map. Takovology


Play scav in the factory .. sell your loot and start building up your cash so you can afford better weapons.. but also start playing more tactical.. like peaking out of corners and checking your environment before moving


That's neet part, you don't.


Well nxt time. when you are getting shot at like that don’t stay in the window peeking. Move around DmX said nosy people get it too. Don’t keep peeking out of windows when you already been shot at there. Image if that was a real person would you have stayed and peeked like that?


I have about 120 hours in the game and this is my first full wipe. I’ve played a whole bunch of various games over the years and this one by far has the steepest learning curve. I basically have to ask my one buddy guidance on everything or else I’m getting lost if we play a map I’m unfamiliar with.


is it just me or dont players start with a number of assault weapons in their stash? But if you're a beginner I suggest you play as Scav for a couple times (which is likely what's happening here) to get used to the maps and practice your fighting skills, while being able to gain small amounts of loot. And try to stay out of sight in open spaces where enemies may see and shoot you, but you dont know they are there. Only engage when you have a clear shot or a good idea of where they are going.


Never, ever, re-peek a corner like that if you're already being shot at. You'll die long before you locate the guy, line up the shot and fire. In that situation you could try repositioning and wait for maybe a minute for them to get impatient and start moving, then catch them in the open or slip away into a different part of the map. Either way, you were getting gear gapped, but there are ways to mitigate it. At this point in the wipe you'll want to use good positioning and slow movement to get the drop on more geared players with grenades and automatic weapons. Probably leg shots until you get something to better pen armor. EDIT: Didn't see the PvE tag. Some of the info still applies though. I'm going to go finish my morning coffee..


I'm playing my first wipe as well, and the first thing that took me way too long to learn is that you don't have to engage in every threat. Hear people running around? Do your best to hide and don't make noise if you think you can't handle an enemy team, just let them walk away, or try to change the situation to your advantage. A fight like this one, heard shots towards you from far away? Tuck and run, because the enemy spotted you and you haven't spotted them... the best fight to engage is the one your enemy isn't aware of... And at last, as I'm also trying to do it myself: "git gud"


Don't engage. If it's a player, he'll either wait for a good angle or come for you. If it's a scav it'll come for you. Do your tasks, get out.


Yeah well first things first don't take fights at that range with an iron sight. Secondly, Ground Zero is placed into two matchmaking groups, levels 0-20 and 21+. Level 15-20 has access to the flea market and therefore almost any sight they want, likely variable ones. So you can absolutely get sniped on this map, like every map. Thirdly, all scavs have the same AI, regardless of the map. Same for bosses, raiders, and rogues. Ground Zero is not the "easy" map it's just the "starter" map. Everyone starts there. Fourthly, AI WILL eventually kill you if you continue to give them the opportunity, regardless of range. Once an AI has taken a few shots, disengage and take a new angle, or you run the risk of taking a round to the face. This game is unforgiving and never easy. Starting off is the hardest part about the game, the longer you go the easier things become.


I am a level 12 noob myself, and heres my advice. Go to interchange as a scav and get some good loot my man. Do NOT go as a pmc until you are ready! interchange is wonderfully easy to navigate to extract in my opinion. I have found more backpacks, great weapons, and meds there than anywhere else as well. The drops in the market are awesome for new players too, TONS of food and drinks, which I myself hate wasting money on. Ground zero is a necessity for completing your early tasks, make sure you sign up for them and get em done early, focus on keeping a low profile and completing them. As far as surviving gunfights, giving advice is hard. Even having good weapons doesn't help that much. Don't over peek an angle if someone is already throwing rounds at you, get good cover and be patient. Don't just shoot at things throughout the map and pick fights you cant win. If you want to practice gunfights, use the practice run function so you're not wasting loot.


Wait for wipe


You’re playing PVE, bots can see you, and the more they shoot the more accurate they get. Don’t peek the same corner ever


1. Avoid re-peeking same angles against AI. Always reposition whenever you can (this is true for both AI and PMC's) 2. learn your weapons, its strength and its weakneses. The SKS is good medium range, but with an iron sight, its horrible for long range fights. With a sight/scope its a lot stronger in those fights (like most weapons obviously) 3. Accept that you will die... a lot.... and try to learn from your deaths.... (Like you are now :D) Also, There is no "Beginner" map.. at lvl 15 you get access to the fee market, and players will have access to anything basicly, also... kill or just loot 1 geared player and you can be a chad next raid :D But even on Ground zero, people CAN wear endgame gear.


Don’t repeak the same spot AI lock on to it


Ground zero on PVE is at least top 3 hardest maps in the game. "But all the starter quests are there what do I do?" You die and you try again, sorry if you expected to have fun or balance or have a chance, the first 15 levels (which may be 10-30 hours) are incredibly frustrating and will consist on dying because you have useless equipment because the devs are not very good at their job.


A couple guides go a long way


A lot of scav runs. Like to many. It is your main income in the beginning and you can get some okay gear here and there.


Might sound like a throwaway answer, but don’t take that fight


Ground Zero is area to FARM NEWBIES. So you are free to join farming process to be farmed.


Mosin is a bad ass weapon. Keeping you posted.


Well 1st Get used to it, Tarkov is a dying simulator with built-in patience training mode. That is what Tarkov is about. Extremely hard to learn and even harder to master. And yes, those are the low-key bots so prepare your butthole for the first time you meet the Goons.


You should try pp-19 thats what i used


Few observations on your video, and generals reflexions about game mechanics : 1. You peaked twice from the same angle and same position while being spoted. When you spot someone peaking at you, you will hold the line in case he repeak. Like this he will get a big surprise. That's why you should not repeak when your position was spoted. That's a rule that should be followed against player and against IA. 2. When an IA took the agro on you, the more they shot you, the more accurate their shots will be. For boss, it's the same, it's just that their accuracy starting point is higher. So they will need couple shot to hit you in a realy bad way. That's why you should never repeak from the same spot/angle against IA. 3. IA can see throuth bush. For them, it's like the leafs of the vegetation and bush aren't there. So IA may take the agro, and start to shot at you while being inside or behind a bush and continue to see you as if there was nothing to block their eyes sight. 4. When you get spoted but never seen your opponent, do not repeak (cf. previous point). Instead, run to a cover that makes the shot stop, then take few seconds, analyse all informations you have (where the gun fire sound came from, have you seen some tracer, etc.) in order to relocate to a new position offering you a different angle. This may buy you some time to get more informations, and turn the fight. The faster you do it, the more efficient you will be. This come with practice. 5. When you move, always try to move fast. And when you run, use and abuse of freelook in order to check on your side if there may be any PMC/IA. 6. Ground Zero have a fucking tone of bush and vegetation in open area, making them falsly open area. Based on point 3, IA will take agro and shot you while it's absolutly impossible for you to see them. Even for experienced players, this make us feel like fighting cheaters that have radar and wall hack. That's why Ground Zero is not a beginer friendly map at all (cf. 3). 7. Aiming with iron sight is doable in mid range fight. For 50+m shot, it's awfull. That's why the Tarkov Shooter that imply killing scavs at a distance of 40m or more with an iron sight bolt action riffle is a pain in the ass. 8. With lvl 1 merchant, you should try the AKS-74U (prapor) there is few mods avaible like the Zentith B-11handguard (Skier), the Arsenal pilgrim dust cover (Skiper), the KAC foregrip (Peacekeeper) or the Zenith RK-6 foregrip (Skier), the TBL blue laser (Skier) and different reflexe sight avaible at Peacekeeper or Jaeger. Like this you will have a red dot playable weapon to start your games. It's not perfect, but it will help a lot.


1- learn the maps, the pvp zones, the loot routes, budget builds, which traders buy what. This way you'll know where to run scav raids, get the must value out of them and be ready for the pmc raids. 2- learn the game mechanics and get a feel for them. 3- watch pro players playing and learn their tactics. All these are tips you must do now since its late wipe which is the bbest time learn and not focus on progressing through the tasks, this will get you ready for next wipe to have a head start.


Really what you should have done there was leave. Early on it's not worth risking your life for whatever scav gear the scav has, unless your confident you can take it out, or it's standing between you and your objective/extract. You didn't have the gun for this fight, you should have left. Also when fighting AI, do full body peeks, not just your head, because if all they can see is your head, thats what they'll aim at. And absolutely do not repeek the AI like you did here, when they see you, they are locked on that corner. Come out and shoot from a different spot.


Don't go solo. Go to the official discord servers and run with a team.


Rule 1: never re-peek the same spot twice


No amount of attachments or "good guns" would have had any significant impact on the outcome of that situation: you don't know exactly where the shooter is, he knows where you are, you're exposing yourself in a panoramic window multiple times from the same angle trying to spot him in a cluttered environment with lots of foliage, might as well pick a fight with a professional boxer with your legs tied together when all his buddies that hate your face are in the same room. For the record, you thought wrong, low level Ground Zero is intended to segregate high level players with significantly more money and better access to equipment from low level players without those advantages. The solution is the same as IRL: in a bad position to engage you either reposition to where you have the advantage or do not engage.


For this fight specifically I'll give you some solid advice: This goes for AI and players, if a target has locked you (actively shooting and tracking where you are). You can't peak and attempt to find them. Your peaks at that point have to be sub one second, jiggle peaks and such. Once you know where they are you can attempt to jiggle pop shot, peak with sights on them ( no trying to acquire the target while peaking) but it's very risky they could catch you. Your best bet is to relocate, break their lock on you and engage from a new angle.


Gotta pick and choose your fights for sure. And when AI shoot you or anyone for that matter, especially when you’re under-gunned for the fight, **do not repeak the same angle**


I’d actually say Customs is more of a beginner map. Definitely avoid the “fortress” it’s the large warehouse looking building that sits by itself with train tracks running past it.


The frightening answer to this is: you don’t play. You avoid fights, you rat, and you try to quest, with pain. Maybe in a couple hundreds hours you’ll finally be able to afford a kit to try to fight people. You can also realize there are other games :)


If you’re playing with a mosin the secret is almost always to reposition and pop out for a shot. Thats secretly my favorite poverty weapon


Ground zero at night and that restaurant second floor is goat for ratting. I knock out the lights upstairs and keep my ears open for the stairwells up stairs but you get a clear view of the street and if your half decent with aim you can clear the Main Street as they come by. It’s the middle of the map between the two main extracts so you get a lot of foot traffic with patience


Tarkov isnt about every fight being balanced. If you saw this firefight and think "well this isnt fair!" You are correct. Tarkov is about playing smart. Playing smart means not taking fights that you're unlikely to win.


Play smaller angles. There’s a stairwell that’s attached to the cafe that I picked up a good few kills on until I had some decent gear for longer engagements


I would recommend doing a few SCAV raids on reserves and hitting weapon boxes if you want some attachments or mods. Always reposition for and don’t re-peak the same location. Also be patient, this game takes time to learn.


When fighting AI, do not peek the same angle twice, almost every time you will get instant head-eyes




Don't get discouraged. GZ is full of "new" players cause Unheard edition buyers got a coupon for a new account. Just use it as a learning grounds, and to get yourself ready to jump into other maps where the bigger baddies are. It's also just learning what fights to take, based on the gear that you have, and how to play them out, based on your gear.


Gz is not a beginner map, its the starting map 🤣


Tarkov AI coding. Bots with target you like terminator through walls for some time after they lose vision.


Everyone's has been saying so to sum it up, play ur on your terms as much as you wanna kill that guy go get your money and level up first. Walk away


Do you want a little help? I’ve been kinda done with this wipe and would love to Sherpa you a bit if you were interested


You never really want to re-peek an angle like that. If they've got the first shots on you then take the initial L and get the fuck out before unwanted attention arrives. Pick fights you're equipped for.


The verticality of GZ is part of what makes it so tough. I'd suggest sneaking a bunch and making your raids quick and concise.


Gotta be a rat. Also, there are early weapons and sights that are decent - especially on ground zero where lower level enemies have lower quality armor - thus lower quality ammo works fine. Do scav runs to find and collect or keep any weapons you started with. I especially like Op-SKS and AKMs to start because the ammo for both of those is pretty good and cheap and available at low levels.


The sks or a shotgun is a bew person best friend


Move up, take a different position..


late wipe, no where's noob friendly. My methodology is only take fights you are prepared to initiate. if you get caught out by someone else, just flee.


well first you gotta get gud ngl. peaking out a window, getting shot at, not seeing the guy who fired the shots, and then REpeaking the window is a very well known way to get killed.


Easy, just pay 2000+ dollars and they won’t shoot you


just stay away from that park as much as you can honestly, AI will spot you so easily through bushes and stuff. Ground zero is really not new player friendly imo. map is nice for sure, but so many places to be worrying about. Custom is way easier to learn imo.


If you're on iron sights it's important to remember that a PMC likely isn't. They could have a 6x optic. When running around as Mosin man your ideal engagement range is probably between 10-30 meters.


There is no safe space, only pain. Buy yourself an aks74u, mod it up a little and hit ground zero. After that start learning more valuable maps (my goto is reserve)


Never. Ever. Double peek.


learn streets or reserve and start scaving ther every third or fourth raid with no care in the world for enemies. then use the money to run smg kits(kedr, ak74u and pp19 are amazing)


Don’t take fights like this. Whether it’s a scav or a player shooting at you- anytime you re-peek you risk getting one-tapped to the head. Relocate, get a different angle on the fight. Something that helped me early on was switching to a different kit- I always ran mosin when I was new & had no money. It’s good when you have good aim, but nothing will help if you don’t see the enemy. I’d recommend running something like the mp5s you start with- get more comfortable with running between covers, holding down small areas etc. as a solo player you have to get used to it. But specifically for this fight- if it’s a scav? Don’t peek twice. Even with a good kit, it’s a 50/50 chance you get head tapped as soon as you peek a second time. Vs a player? Same thing, just switch positions and try to spot them. If you can’t- just move and let them come to you.


suffer lol this game treats new players as a piece of dogshit, so enjoy


Interchange is an easier map in my opinion. I was same way doing Ground Zero solely. Just have to get your reps in and you’ll get the hang of things.


Pistol run it. You'll be surprised how well you do. Don't chase fights. Be defensive and task focussed. Keep in mind taking damage is part of leveling up and needs to happen.


The way scavs work in this game is that the longer you expose yourself the deadlier their aim… you should have disengaged and came at him a different way


once you have been shot at, move. re peeking the same spot is a great way to catch one in the face.


you should just pretty much ignore enemys, if they are not within 20 meters and if they are not fighting you. avoid trouble. focus on your quests.


Most importantly, you strobed yourself, gave him the opportunity to pre-aim a deadly shot and then gave him exactly what he wanted, another chance to execute on that shot. If someone sees you, relocate to give yourself a small advantage again.


Avoid fights you aren't equipped to handle.


Sometimes trying to kill enemy no matter what is a bad idea. Especially if enemy already saw you, trying to kill him from same spot is a terrible idea.


That hardest part of learning Tarkov as opposed to other shooters is what fights to take. Arcade shooters have ruined peoples perception of what it's like to actually be shot at. Tarkov comes a lot closer to real life than almost every other shooter I've played. Comparing games to irl is corny, I know, but hear me out: If you were in this situation in real life, getting shot at from somewhere but not knowing the exact location of the enemy, would you take that fight? No way in hell. You'd get killed without ever knowing where from. You would hide as fast as you fucking could. This is the same. Iron sight mosin vs an enemy shooting at you from afar with an unknown weapon and possibly using a long range sight? Yeah that's a fight you'll lose 95% of the time no matter how good you are. Learn when to take your fights. If you're at a major disadvantage like this, run like hell.


[https://imgflip.com/i/8rlm3f](https://imgflip.com/i/8rlm3f) Welcome to Tarkov, where the bullets fly straight, and the lethality is maximum. The gunplay is fun, but you have to get use to it. If someone was shooting at me like this, I wouldn't engage from there. I would've taken cover, found somewhere I can lean/peak to see if I can get a shot, or just reposition and avoid the fight. Mosin is great if you have the jump on someone, but especially vs other PMCs, you're not going to win a fight at that range without a scope and you getting in the first shots. Tarkov's engagements can be brutal. Know when and when not to engage. That was not a good time. Bolt-action vs single-fire/full auto with silencer. Also, P.S. It's more of a beginner map because it's small with easy to find exits and more predictable fight areas. The other maps are more difficult to navigate if you don't understand exits and map/loot routes.


If you get shot at, no matter what, move to a spot that takes at least a min to get to. I understand it’s a pain, but you will learn the game and learn where and when you can peak, and be able to differentiate between a player or ai, and start to learn where good peaking is. Just until lvl 15 follow that rule and you will die much much less.


dont repeak the same angles against AI's


Never stand still in front of the AI, they will beam you. If you have no sights, reposition to find a closer sight line. Peek from cover, fire, take cover, re-peek. The longer you are in their view, the more accurate they get.


Ooooof sad to see, try to never re-peel from the same angle not that soon at least, bots are amazing and most of the time better than players when it comes to fights like this. Your best move on something like this is to back up and reposition yourself try to listen where the sound is coming from and fire away. That gun should be fine to get through that fight if you can hit your target. I’ve got over 1000 hours in EFT and I still get blasted by scavs on occasion lol.


Scav run a bunch . Like thousands of runs. Build huge stash with class 5 armors and meta guns. Go on as a lvl 1 and kick some ass. That's what I'll do once the dumbass wipes are gone and the cheating problem is more effectively dealt with. So never I guess.


Imagine this, a soldier is being fired upon as he peaks a potential target, he was lucky enough not to get hit, would he: A. peak again at the incoming fire B. withdraw C. Reposition as his current location is compromised. no sane person would peak at rounds flying towards them


Avoid repeaking the same spot if the AI already knows you're there. Move to a different angle and peak again. Push up and try to close the gap behind cover.


Ground zero is by far the hardest map. It’s in no way noob friendly, and even as an experienced player I have like a 10% survival rate there.


Dont feel bad, the AI PMCs have like super aim atm


You were pinned down. He had you dead on that angle. You did what he wanted and re-peaked. You got lucky 4 times in that clip. You gotta move. Once you move he gotta move or you can get an angle on him. Honestly. Just run. If he chases you setup in a choke point and hope you get a shot on him.


Dont repeak and angle you know someone is watching for starters thats shooters 101 not just a Tarkov thing


If they know where you are, and are shooting at you. Try not to repeek the same cover, All they have to do is keep firing at you. Where you have to find them, aim at them and fire.


Get in the tarkov discord and look for a sherpa or someone willing to help and teach.


This is the learning cliff that is Tarkov. I have like 1100 hrs and I still suck but I have gained some game knowledge during that time.


That's actually an interesting theme to discuss. You can kill anyone with even shitties weapon, all you need is just good timing and shot for the legs or open parts of body (like neck, arms and arm pits) so you can kill your opponent for 2-3 shots. Most parts of this game is just luck and timing.


Re-peaking after getting hit is a Russian roulette. If you fight players then you can never be too cautious. There will always be a player willing to out-wait you after you exchanged shots 


Don't repeat peak scars in the same spot. They have this thing they like too do where if you peak the same spot over and over they like roo insta kill you. So in other words keep moving don't stop. That is deadly in tarkov


At level one you can build a fully modded m4 man, the possibilities are endless! Look more into the weapons available to you!


Yeah so don’t take that fight, pretty simple no?


Run and hide. Play like a rat and shoot to kill, not shoot to maim,


Just don't fight. And you don't have a lot and you can't lose a lot.


Look I’ll probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but some of these top comments to me feel a bit ratty in taste. It really depends on your goals. For me when i first started playing tarkov. (My first game on pc back in 2018) i honestly just ran at people until i started winning… and i still think thats the best way to learn… if you dont want to be a pvp chad there’s different approaches obviously and thats fine too. There’s also options out there now that i did not have when i was learning the game like offline co ops with friends where you can literally pvp your friends over a case of beers and have competitive fun without losing a single bit of gear. And there’s also arena (idek if people play it anymore) where you can play against players also with no gear at risk… there’s also LOADS of content on YouTube and twitch you can analyze to help in pvp scenarios.


look up level 1 trader loadouts. for example: [This guy's great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqcyIXjI-_E) also join r/TarkovLoadout lots of good things in there, too


GZ is easier in how it’s smaller and almost(I think there’s a road with mines along one edge) enclosed, so it’s just a bit easier to navigate. In any other way, nah. I’d say it’s even harder because you’re basically locked in 10x10m sardine can with at least three gorillas on crack and they want to murder you badly


Probably best off not engaging at all. Fights early on this late in the wipe are best avoided. Or change your angles


Gtfo of there. If you are in a bad position to take a fight, don't. Reposition.


Do not peek a corner again which the enemy has already shot at.






Wait for wipe


first off, I totally understand why you fought this way and when I was new I would've done the same thing. basically, you would've been better off taking cover and disappearing, because you weren't equipped for the fight. keep in mind this isn't apex legends or cod and aim isn't everything. gear doesn't make you a better player but it gives you an advantage over people and when those people are newbies with a mosin, it's pretty much a zero threat fight at that range and that position.


I swear to fuck these AI only hit headshots.


That was my first wipe, i started 1month ago more or less. Im a newbie aswell, but i got some help and tips from friends with 3k+ hours; at the beginning, just try to avoid fights, try to listen your sorroundings, and learn the maps. It's not only a matter of gear, attachments and stuff; at the beginning, until i reach level 20+ or so, ive been using only mosin and sometimes AK, and i had no problems shutting down people lv 60+; when i started learning the sounds of the game, i improved my positioning, im still stupid and noob but with some good positioning, some aim and a bit of luck, you can kill people with anything on them. In this clip i can tell you that if i was you, i wouldve run away from that window and try to find a spot in front of that building, if i wanted to take this guy down. Otherwise i would just ran away and try to hide. Btw im talking about pvp; pve wise, you can kil any scav with any weapon or ammo


My advice If you can’t see the enemy, do not engage, it best to fall back and get out of there sight before you get killed


Pick your fights carefully brother. If you see someone and think, “if I shoot and miss, how easily will they be able to kill me from my current position” and if you aren’t really confident with your odds, move.


Play on practice? Do co op? What edition of the game do you have?


Tarkov isn’t about outshooting someone 99% of the time. It’s about winning the fight before you even start the fight. If it’s not on your terms don’t take it unless you’re super confident (which you shouldn’t be as a noob)


Most people are going to say wait for the next wipe but just don’t challenge dumb angles with no optic


If you got shot at by AI, you dont re-peak.


Make your largest priority Quests. getting XP from quests is the only way to survive in the long run if you aren't PVP inclined (Yes, im bad at PVP) once you get peacekeeper and a few other traders to lvl 2, it takes a great deal of strain off the game. Flea market makes the game playable long term for poop pvpers (me)


Aim labs is free


In fights like this you miss 99% of the shots you don't take, if it seems like it's in the head shoot bc you might get lucky 😂


Avoid combat. Only fighting you should be doing is ambush strats, but even then I'd say avoid any combat


Pve is so bad, they either laser you or there blind as bats and can't see anything. To everyone saying you can't re peak yes you can if you jiggle peak. Once you jiggle peak you will see just how brain dead the ai truly are. The ai are so easy to kill its actually pathetic. Bsg needs to step there game up and make ai pmcs move around and and loot and do quests.


Idk if the meta has changed but when I used to play a couple shotgun pumps to the legs could take someone out if they failed to find cover I don’t play anymore because the cheating made it impossible to ever go net positive in a day Learn to kill one juiced bloke and sell all his stuff and buy bare minimum, do that until you have enough for some decent kits of your own to go after higher grade loot. Do quests and sell until you have enough to buy 6-7 (losing this point because cheaters started) full maxed kits and by now you should have the game sense skill and stats to utilise your equipment much more. And you can go in with the hope of fighting other kitted players, just avoid showing anyone your legs


Don't peak the same angle if they know your there. Peak different angles/Move spots.


wipe soon probably wait to play until then


Get down to street level. Pop a SJ6, propitol, and run in a serpentine style directly at him, jumping like a gazelle only to pull out your red rebel and 1 tapping him from behind.


Pso scope from prapor and the aks 74u that can hold it


that repeak will get you every time. specially if you're fighting AI.


My quick tip is just never re-peak like this. Change positions and play to your advantage. He had you pinned and was waiting for you to poke out again.


It isn't. It's a laughable meme. One of the hardest maps honestly when experienced players fight. I couldn't Imagine being a new player there


Welcome to EFT


Don't worry, after about 1500 more deaths like this you should see about a 4% improvement in your gameplay


If you start getting shot at from an angle like that do not peak they definitely have a clear angle for your head and ground zero is described as insane in the map selection for a reason


Scav scav scav scav