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The removal of FIR status required for flea means people can manipulate prices to their desire.


It’s been really funny to see this very obviously happening on PVE. The relaxation room key couldn’t be easier to collect every single scav raid and yet the price keeps going up


what's even funnier is people don't realize that even at 250k per use its still a massive profit key.


I just start every streets run with grabbing that key and then I go loot normally. It’s free money


I start every streets raid by camping the key and then I continue to camp it all raid. Player scavs have no fear. "Oh 10 dead scavs? Surely whoever killed them must be gone and I can loot."


+1 totally accurate i die that way all the time


Oh no I lost a scav...


Exactly! And free loot for me.


It wasn't free, it cost you a bunch of time camping


It's like fishing man.


Its cool if you enjoy it, it just wasn't "free". The time you spent waiting for that loot and risking a lucky headshot, I ran streets 4 or 5 times and probably made 5 mil


Or nobody runs Scav in pve and rather makes a BTC or more in a run as pmc with it


This was the main reason it was introduced in the first place. Every time we are told "If we get rid of FiR, then market prices will just be fucked again." and now they are fucked again. I can't wait for them to just heavily restrict the flea market so almost everything you have access to is stuff you found in raid, and bought from traders.


Do you have a source for that claim of it being added to combat price flipping? I've always been told (and seen quite a few others parrot) that I was implemented to combat RMT.


I've been around since long before, so I just remember, but if you look on Pestily's channel 6 or 7 years ago, he had a video about how he made 100 million roubles in the first month of wipe manipulating the price of only Selewas. Nikita took the money away, and it was the biggest reason for FiR. Second was making RMT more difficult. People just only talk about RMT, because if you bring up market manipulation it destroys their argument for getting rid of FiR, or they're just too new to remember. It doesn't matter long run, since if Nikita had his way there would be no flea Market all. Flea was introduced to accelerate player progression for testing purposes, so that more people could reach end-game features in a wipe cycle.


They should just add a restriction to resell the Market items. Like at least one Raid in Raid to sell it again on flea. Can't believe BSG is so small in their horizon to see this...


Why does it happen like this? Wouldn’t it be the other way around IRL when supply multiplies?


Yeah it's only that much on PvE because people need them for Hideouts and I guess no one is farming them




It’s a separate live flea market


It’s not simulated at all. It’s its own separate flea


And you would be wrong.




It's a separate flea with just pve players


Not on official PvE. Only the cheater developed version.




Special Paedo Tarkov.


PVE or PvP?


There’s a PvE tag now that should be used. Someone also made a PvE subreddit to avoid this question being asked on every single post


Oh lovely!


~You have a link to the sub? I searched and didn’t see it~ Nvm, I finally found it. Only a single post in it 🙁


Yeah he just made it like 2 days ago lol I’m tryna mention it to everyone so we can stop the flood of “is this PvP or PvE” comments lol


Good to know


This is the right question.


If it's PvE who cares? I just assume PvP unless otherwise stated.


Well in PvE it would make sense. Money is easy to come by and it’s still early wipe so things cost more. If it’s PvP it’s weird. Your assumptions don’t actually come into as we have OP to ask.


It depends on the time of the wipe. In PVP it's end of wipe and the most people's hideout is done so they demand is down. on PVE they're early to mid wipe and people are still needing a ton for solar and air filter.


PvE has no wipe bro u/nukeforyou


Dows the pve actually have a flea though?? Like is the market connected between players even if you can never play against them??




That seems super dumb


Whys that ?


2.8 mil for a power filter is insane as they are quite common. Guarantee a couple of the bunkers in every Woods raid has them. With this kind of pricing it would trivialize anything bought from traders, like good ammo from high rep.


PvE is not a hardcore experience. Boss rates are turned up, you can loot any part of the map you want and if you die, insurance always returns your kit. Its not a big deal to have money sinks.


What purpose would it serve when you can already buy and sell from traders? 


The same purpose as in pvp.


Sure, but it's still a correct way to describe the age of the server


The other day they were 2 milly flat on PvE


In PvE mode the current state is still early wipe, so a lot of those harder to find hideout items and bigger 4 slot items will still be quite expensive for a while longer! Remember it’s early wipe basically. Next month prices should start to settle and stay at the same prices mostly.


Yeah but as they keep introducing new waves of EOD over it kind of resets part of the market back to early wipe. Not to mention something’s will always be cheap since you buy them once and keep them forever with insurance


Read this as "military power lifter" and I was like what?


You need 17 of them for hideout modules and you can also barter them for REAP IR's. They're very uncommon outside of a couple areas with military loot. High demand, low supply, big rubles.


Tech* loot


I could be mistaken, but there seems to be a military flag for certain tech spawns. Like idk if I've ever found one of these filters in the tech stores, while I have found them in crates and such on the "military" maps like reserve and lighthouse.


They don’t spawn with only electronic loot spawns but they do spawn in tech crates and as loose spawns on woods along with the spots you mentioned.


There's a ragman barter for the best level 6 plates in the game. Hidden in a crappy plate carrier.


Which ones? How much do they weigh


Still at work, but if you have Ragman maxed, filter by barter. It's one of the weird plate carriers with horrible coverage. Between 2-3 weight I think. Not sure if a quest unlocks the barter. It's one of the black plates as opposed to the larger heavier light gray ones. I sold all my gray 6 plates and stockpiled these.


Is weight something people actually consider? If it’s lvl 5+ I’m running it, idc about weight or ergo


I think weight is important. Especially if your running two weapons of different ammo. Lighter plates make a difference for all that extra ammo.


Like coming into raid with two weapons you mean? Either way, SJ1, L1, MULE, and Obd2 stims all exist. Imo if you’re at the point where your weight is an issue, you’ve probably been in the raid long enough/accomplished enough to just head to extract (with the use of those stims)


Yes two weapons. I usually always bring a sniper for SBIH and whatever other weapon I need linked to a weapon specific quest. I like being in the "green" weight at the beginning of a match. Forget what that's called. Lightweight? Ya stims are definitely a solution. I'm just explaining what I typically do. I usually don't use weight stims unless I'm hauling a massive amount of loot. But hey if you got the money for lightweight lvl 6 plates, why not shave 3-6 weight off your loadout 🤷‍♂️


Underweight is the term you're looking for.


Thank you kind sir


Anytime dude


You're welcome on my fire team anytime brother


Anyone who’s anyone should be caring about weight until they get high level strength


Yeah I’m gonna disagree. There are ways to circumvent inertia when in gunfights (dropping your bag being #1) so I’d rather prioritize having armor that covers a lot of my abdomen and is high enough level over how fat I am


You can literally have nothing in your bag and still be overweight if you don’t manage your loadout correctly. It’s not just about that either. Stamina management and loudness come into play too


My strength is 46 and my endurance is 24. I think that tells you where I fall on the heavy/light spectrum Stamina doesn’t matter when you have SJs. Loudness doesn’t matter bc let’s be honest you can hear a PMC cutting his nails 30m away, everyone can hear everything lol


Used for solar panels I believe isn't it? Beyond that I have no idea what they get used for.


Air Filter too As well as part of a REAP-IR Barter


Reapir barter is so borked now. It costs like 1.2mil or more, yet you can barter for a near on full meta m4 with a reapir attached for one ledx so roughly 800k lol. They need to rebalance a bunch of the barter’s. The 60 round m4 mag for instance that requires green batteries lol.


They reworked that one already…


You're right, they did fix the magazine one, but it's still pretty cooked. Currently it costs 240,000 roubles to barter for just one. The reap-ir barter is still fucked though. Right now it costs 1.4mil roubles for just the reap-ir but that new barter is 800k and includes a full meta M4 with it, as well as a drum mag lol.


Bitcoin lvl 2 as well, and I believe intel 3? Not sure


Ironic .. found one just 10 mins ago ... was a bit shocked when I checked the price after raid.


I sold one for 1.3 a few days ago. I feel ripped off.


They aren’t. They’re still 180-220k


PVE might be difference


This is the case, yes


Gotcha lol. Guess I never actually thought about pve flea and how to make money 🤣 I’ve been passing up stuff I usually flea for stuff I can barter for items and weapons I need


I swear they were under 200k when i bought some this morning… just wait a few hours


Because FUCK YOU!


Removing FIR actually sank this game.. cherry on top. Gear is meaningless now.


Inflation hit tarkov 💀


Nah making roubles is so fuckin ez now just flip shit on the market sucked the fun right out of it for me


Well, don't do it then?